11 months
ago -
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Game servers will go down for our scheduled pc update tomorrow @ 6am pt / 3pm ct. for a 3hr downtime window.
Hello Auraxians! We're kicking off this month's update with some Valentine's Day festivities along with some bug fixes and changes. Check it out below!
Construction Terminal & Key bind changes
- Added a nanite cost (half the static terminal cost) to vehicles spawned from construction terminals. This should throttle the length at which vehicles can be pulled from construction bases at speed by individual players. The Cortium cost remains the same, increasing the overall cost of spawning vehicles from construction terminals.
- There have been changes to the key binds for vehicle utility abilities in preparation for the sunderer rework. This should not affect the current function ("F" still triggers single abilities), but additional slots have been added and can be triggered using the number keys 3-5 by default.
- Helmet
- Camo
- Decal
- 1-month Boost
- Double XP For All Weekend from Friday, February 16th to Sunday, February 18th.
- The return of previous years Valentine's Day Bundles
- Synthium should now properly be collected by outfits that own relevant facilities
- The Rocket Rifle now plays the magazine empty sound (click) when fired without any ammunition
- The NS11 (all versions) and Cycler TRV will no longer double the audio effect when fired in semi-auto mode from the 1st person view
- Added shell audio to the the NS Baron G5, NS 45 Pilot , Deimos VA29, and Phobos VX86 to match corresponding VFX
- Low Ammo audio indicator for the following NSO weapons has been fixed: CB-100, SG-100, CB-200, CB-X75, PMG-100, PMG-200, PMG-3XB, SG-A25, AR-100, AR-101, AR-N203, BAR-A50, SR-100, SR-150, SR-L75, XMG-100, XMG-155, XMG-200
- 1st person reload animation sounds for many NC and TR heavy weapons have fixed or adjusted
- Added instructional text to inactive repositories instructing players to bring flags to them to enable capture
- NS Baron G5AE loadout screen icon resolution fixed
- 3rd Person generator repair tool VFX have been fixed