I just posted an update on both the results of today's playtests, as well as the overall status of the Escalation launch - https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/escalation-update-status-2-25.253448/
Here are the details:
Hey everyone,
First, I’d like to thank you all for participating in today’s playtest – especially given the short notice. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate your willingness to login at a moments notice and help us.
During the first playtest session, we encountered a server crash that resulted from a newly introduced code change. Fortunately, it was very easy to identify and we were able to get a fix implemented and published to PTS within 1.5 hours.
The second session confirmed the server crash was fixed. However, we were still seeing some issues related to the Bastion de-syncing. The good news is that we’ve got a handle on potential causes and our programmers are actively working on fixes. Even though we had server stability, the Bastion issues are enough of a concern that we want to conduct at least a few additional scheduled public tests, with higher server populations, before we have confidence to green-light the update. This means providing you all with more than a few hours notice.
As a result of today’s playtests, we’re not going to launch Escalation on Wednesday the 26th.
Instead, we are going to schedule another PTS playtest tomorrow (Wednesday the 26th) at 4pm (Pacific). We may run an impromptu playtest earlier in the day if we can manage to prepare a new build with the necessary fixes, but that is TBD.
Our primary focus during the playtests will continue to be client/server stability, as well as confirming the Bastion de-sync bugs has been addressed. If any new critical issues surface, we will obviously address those as well.
At this point, the Escalation publish to Live is a day to day decision. Once we are able to conduct multiple playtests at scale, and confirming the issues above have been resolved, we will make the call to launch.
In the meantime, please join us for the playtest tomorrow and keep the feedback coming.