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about 2 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Indeed. The main goals will be to make Construction fun to fight at and reduce the barrier to entry, but we'll speak more about that later this month.

about 2 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Originally posted by McMasterJiraiya

Can we expect a roadmap for 2023 like we got for 2022? Really liked it.

Hard to say. I think players were generally excited for it, but honestly, I was pretty disappointed when we started losing steam mid year and couldn't follow through. We might end up making a compromise this year, to avoid additional pressure on the team, and disappointment from the community.

about 2 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Originally posted by TheRandomnatrix

The main goals will be to make Construction fun to fight at

Yes, thank you. This is the right mentality to have if construction is to see any actual progress.

Those autoturrets, skyshield(EMP/burning effect), one way shields, and pain spire need to go. Also please don't cave in like last time and roll it back just because a handful of people make a big stink about it.

Also please don't cave in like last time and roll it back just because a handful of people make a big stink about it.

There was actually a lot of value in that interaction. It helped solidify who the audience of people actually building was, and releasing the proposed odds and ends without a full battery of changes would have only caused more pain for the players who are actively engaged in building.

At the same time, I doubt the needle would have moved much on the players who actually choose to participate in fights around construction bases, as there are more problems there than a few unfun mechanics.

about 2 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Originally posted by YetAnotherRCG

/u/lorrmaster made a series of posts on replacing modules with buildings as playspaces that you should check out if you didn't see them.


It might help.

I've seen these. They're all great ideas.

about 2 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Originally posted by IceMobster

You can't make it fun to fight. The goal for the defender is to make it hard to approach, weaken or destroy his base. If you make it easier for attacker to do any of that, then why would defender even bother to build the base in the first place?

Thinking back, it's hard to remember the times that I've had a fun fight at a base that was easy to steamroll -- designer-made or otherwise. Defensible bases tend to create a better back and forth and longer fights (Quartz Ridge and Indar Comm. Array are good examples,) if you can have spawns set up close enough to tension points.

To that end, construction in its current state uses a lot of "unfun" mechanics (like Pain Spire, Auto-Turrets, one-way shields,) to make them difficult to take, and the distinction is important. You can have fun at a challenging base if you have access to counterplay moment to moment. It's hard to say the same about a base where a fiery monolith is draining your health from the other side of a wall.