over 3 years
ago -
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All PC servers will come down for the following update on Wednesday, September 22, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 2 hours.
Continent and Metagame Changes
- Koltyr will now be added to the continent unlock rotation during times of low population.
- Depending on how low the current global population is, large continents still in the Unstable state may also be spun down to help funnel players into Koltyr.
- This suit slot now passively reloads holstered rocket launchers/rocklet rifles every 8 seconds.
- This timer begins when the weapon is holstered, and resets if it is unholstered during that time.
- Fixed a bug preventing Munitions Pouch from working with NSO Rocklet Rifles.
- Back to the Frontlines mission now shows mission waypoints on the World Map screen when asking players to venture planetside.
- Fixed an edge case in the tutorial where NPCs could kill your mission objectives, breaking the tutorial flow.
- Fixed an issue where you could get yourself stuck in the starting room if you really try...
- The MAX unit in the tutorial should no longer occasionally be killed by your allied NPCs.
- You can no longer jump into the Tutorial mission mock vehicles.
- VS characters who run out of ammo no longer summon a TR Engineer to provide you with it.
- Implemented failsafes for the HUD being disabled when leaving the tutorial.
- Firing range NPCs now despawn when the player is asked to redeploy.
- Firing on allies in the tutorial will now give the player a mock weapons lock warning similar to the Live-game.
- Tutorial mission can no longer be accepted if you exit the tutorial early.
- Firing range NPCs no longer have erratic movements.
- MAXes can now capture Outpost Echo capture point to fix an objective break. Not that you should try, stop doing that.
- Placing waypoints no longer collide with the ceiling shields.
- Bastion now fires down on targets during the end sequence.
- Sealed an open window at Outpost Echo.
- Various tutorial flow polish.
- Flare guns are no longer super bright.
- Fixed an incorrect tooltip about NSO characters.
- VA39 Spectre and 99SV can now be purchased via certs, and the DBC costs have been brought in line with other weapons.
- Updated Medic and Engineer info coversheets with ability hotkeys.
- Character Select screen now uses prestige stars, instead of X's to indicate ASP ranks.
- "Conquest" alerts sometimes not providing completion rewards.
- There is a graphical issue causing certain NPCs/players to render on top of environment props.
- Containment Site is missing collision in certain Reliquary walls.
- Back to the Frontlines mission will break if an alert ends while the mission is active.
- Join Combat holo-table doesn't work correctly outside of the Back to the Frontlines mission.
- Teleporting to the Embassy can sometimes lead to players falling out of Sanctuary.
- Character Select screen can break at non-16:9 resolutions.
- Colorblind settings cannot be used with Medium or lower graphics quality.