over 4 years ago - /u/a_sites - Direct link

Hey everyone,

Its been a bit of a roller coaster on Live over the past several days and I wanted to briefly address a few of the top issues we’re actively working on right now.

Client Performance Patch

As most of you probably know, last Friday we published a round of fairly significant client optimizations to PTS and hosted a couple playtests on Saturday. These playtests were important not only to gauge the overall level of performance improvement players might experience, but more importantly, to ensure that we didn’t unintentionally break anything else, given the scope and complexity of the changes made. While we did have a decent turnout, it was far from the scale of combat most players experience on Live servers.

Overall, the feedback was very positive – almost eerily too positive, since with the exception of a camo bug, there were literally no complaints about any new issues encountered and all of the anecdotal reports indicated that players who participated saw noticeable to significant FPS increases. Typically with changes like this, there are at least some reports of “I saw no improvements” or “you f*cking potato’d my PC”. In other words, we felt like it was ready to publish to Live.

Once the hotfix hit Live on Tuesday, we identified a new client crash related to pulling vehicles and published a hotfix for later that evening. But overall, based on our time playing on Live and watching several streams, the overall feedback was very positive. As of yesterday, we have been seeing a steady increase reports about performance being worse for some players and have been actively troubleshooting over the past 24 hours. At this point, we have not narrowed down a specific cause for any FPS losses.

So… If you have noticed a measurable drop in performance since the hotfix went out on Tuesday afternoon, please respond to this thread and include any of the details from your DXdiag check. Also, please make sure that if you’re running an Nvidia graphics card, you are running the latest drivers (452.06) that fix the hitching issue that was related to the older drivers.

IFF Issues

We’ve been seeing reports of IFF not functioning reliably (missing doritos, etc) and so far we cannot reproduce the issue internally. Our QA team and a portion of the dev team has spent time yesterday and today attempting to reproduce it and no dice.

If you are having this problem and are able to provide some context around what is happening in-game when it occurs (small/large fight, few/lots of vehicles, etc), or ideally, can provide the steps necessary to repro it, please reply to this thread. Usually we can occasionally repro these types of infrequent bugs, but we’ve literally been unable to get it to happen even once.

Emerald Connectivity Issues

The last thing I wanted to discuss was the ongoing connection issues with Emerald that have been happening - usually during the NA East primetime window every evening. This has been occurring over the past week and without going into extensive details, I can say that it’s not being caused by any specific server code bugs or hardware issues. We are continuing to work with the Daybreak Ops team, as well as the data center where the Emerald servers are housed and other external partners to prevent this from continuing. To put it bluntly, it f*cking sucks and we are working around the clock to correct it.

Again, thank you all for being patient with us during this time. We hope to have these issues ironed out ASAP. In the meantime, if you are encountering the FPS or IFF issues I mentioned above, please reply with any details that might help us better troubleshoot the causes.



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