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Pure white is MEHHH. Should be easy to implement. just a dash of faction color somewhere we can see in first person.

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over 3 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Hey, this is something we want to be able to do, but tech doesn't quite support yet. Infantry weapons, very specifically, don't inherit empire tint, and it needs to be debugged as to why. I'm hoping it won't be too difficult to resolve once we've got time to look at it, but it's pretty low on the priority list.

Once it's fixed, we'll also need to go back fix any weapons currently using empire tint, which includes weapons like the Endeavor series (the orange is using our "empire tint" channel.) Fortunately there are very few of those as of yet. Then we'll need to ensure there's no other knock-ons from the changes, and we're off to the races.

over 3 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Originally posted by PyroKnight

the orange is using our "empire tint" channel

Is that true for the 2nd Anniversary guns from 2015 too? I was always wondering why they were orange and it'd be funny if this was the reason.

Actually, those use the decal channel (UV3) to map the orange racing stripes to those weapons. The green flames on the Ravenous weapons do the same thing, as well as the skull decal on the Gallows LMG.