about 2 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

As a quick note, we'll be bringing vehicle quick-pull back early this year, and will be taking a pass on the bugs associated with it before doing so. Some have suggested that the feature only appear at certain bases, and we'll give that feedback some consideration before re-releasing it back into the wild.

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about 2 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

As a quick note, we'll be bringing vehicle quick-pull back early this year, and will be taking a pass on the bugs associated with it before doing so. Some have suggested that the feature only appear at certain bases, and we'll give that feedback some consideration before re-releasing it back into the wild.

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about 2 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Originally posted by shozaku

At the risk of being "that guy", I do want to give my appreciation and thanks for communication. Any is better than none, even if its just to acknowledge that a problem exists.

I would love to know if the Devs know that the NSO Hummingbird is functionally unusable as it can't hit any targets whatsoever?

Just knowing the Devs are aware is big.

I can give hummingbird another look.

about 2 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Originally posted by HybridPS2

What was the goal you wanted to achieve by removing it? Is there something different that could be done instead?

Regarding the design goals: https://www.planetside2.com/news/planting-a-flag-this-anniversary

Unrelated to the priority system above, we've also disabled the remote-deployment of vehicles at the moment, with the goals of slowing down the pace of deployment around the map, bringing us back to earlier times where terminals had more value as sub-objectives, and vehicles could more easily find gunners willing to hop in. This change is non-destructive, however, and we can return it with relative ease if the design goals aren't being met.

After watching the spawn system play out for a bit, I think we're in a decent spot overall. Preventing quick pulls from actively contested regions (at the very least) might still be healthy though, to reduce the ease of pulling vehicles from the base you're defending just to delete an attacker's Sunderer.

about 2 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

Originally posted by Wobberjockey

I agree, but as I said. The game uses a few different definitions.

I want to be on the same page.

Flipped point is likely what we'll go with since that's (unfortunately) what registers a base as no longer secure, but timer ticking is the ideal.