over 7 years ago - PlanetSide 2 - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
85s [Music]
98s [Music]
112s [Music]
127s you
141s and hello are we live and we're live
143s we're live howdy
145s are you guys doing hello planetside 2
148s alright so welcome to our critical mass
152s livestream today we're going to be going
155s over the results of the play tests that
157s we ran recently and how the results of
160s those sort of guided some of our
162s decisions on how we're going to be
163s implementing the the meltdown alert
168s system that that's going live right now
170s and and how we might make some changes
172s to it in the future it's literally going
174s live right now right now right now like
176s you can't play the game so hopefully
178s you're just watching this true yep and
181s we're also going to be going over some
184s of the other details of the update today
185s as well as teasing you guys and some of
188s the upcoming stuff for the Halloween
190s event and just maybe a little bit extra
193s if you stick to the very end we got a
195s little sort of gift to share with
197s everybody and we're also going to be
199s doing raffles throughout the entire
203s livestream and for this one you will
206s have to enter a keyword to enter the
208s raffle but just a warning before you
210s guys start spamming chat with stuff if
213s you enter the keyword more than three
214s times it disqualifies you from the
217s raffle mm-hmm so just just put it in
220s once you should be good to go yes
222s the system is very good so you'll be in
224s it what's that nothing nothing so we're
228s gonna start it off though we'll do a
230s raffle immediately
231s yeah the first keyword is going to be
233s let's see can people guess it bague
236s raffle inter-bank raffle but you'll do
239s that more than three times ever heard
240s that the term bang yeah mark is I know
245s an interrobang is like the one that's
247s like a question mark tonight no but this
249s is an exclamation point mission point
251s and an exclamation point is what I call
253s Bank sorry and then the what critical
255s mass' don't give away so it's not
258s critical so it's not condemned as it is
260s raffle yes it's bang raffle
264s exclamation point raffle just don't
266s enter that more than three times maybe
267s you guys should be good to go so let's
270s go ahead and get kicked off here let's
274s see so we didn't talk about the results
277s on the first play test yeah let's go
278s ahead and kick it over to rel and he's
280s gonna talk a little bit about the
281s results of all right gentlemen okay so
284s over the past couple of weeks actually
287s two weeks ago we ran a play test the
288s first play test for the critical mass
290s update and that had thank you always so
293s helpful the so we ran a test on the the
298s meltdown style alert system which is
300s something new that's coming the game
302s literally coming literally right now
304s literally right now and for those who
308s missed how that whole shebang works
311s definitely check out the the old
312s livestream or just read the patch notes
313s and you'll you'll get the gist of it but
315s over the the last play test we basically
319s set it up so the first bite oh sorry
321s we've ace basically set it up for the
322s worst possible situation we could so TR
326s was way over extended they had the least
328s population and we we did that
330s deliberately to see just the player
334s reaction and how would it make sense to
336s just quickly go over it real doesn't
339s take too long yeah so um the alert
341s styles well once we trigger the alert so
345s the way the way that we're gonna lock
346s continents now instead of just having VP
350s that all of a sudden now the game now
352s your continents done go to the next one
354s whatever that's very sudden and doesn't
356s really give a good finale to the battle
360s that you've been fighting for for this
362s continent as it goes when the when you
365s reach a certain threshold of territory
369s right and hives as well we're finding
373s enough gordium it will launch the
376s meltdown event for your faction and
378s specifically for your faction so once
381s you launch the event it is your turn to
383s defend territory up to a certain
386s percentage and the territory control
389s required right now is 41 percent to
390s trigger the alert and then you are
393s allowed to oil rather you have to have
395s more than so
396s 36% territory to actually win so 41% and
402s full core diem refinement that'll
405s trigger it for your faction and then you
408s have what is the time now Oh duration
412s now yep yep so uh the duration so during
414s the the last two live play tests we had
417s an hour long duration and it had been
420s mentioned either in my videos and live
423s posts and that sort of thing that the
425s the duration of the alert is something
427s that we could use as the tuning of and
429s actually you'll see on live that the
431s duration is different now it's 30
433s minutes supposed to an hour long alert
435s but yeah so the the first after after 30
438s minutes it'll it'll check to see what
441s the territory controls like and if you
443s have at least thirty five thirty six
445s percent the facts what was it thirty six
448s yes 36 36 the faction that started the
450s alert if they have 36 they win the the
453s continent there's some fantastic fanfare
455s they the continent is locked they get
458s the bonus just like you normally would
459s with conquering and some of the lovely
463s prizes that are built up so the system
465s now and again if you want it like I
466s don't wanna spend too much time on
467s explaining the nitty gritty but you can
472s go look that up the last two play tests
474s though so the first was it was worse
476s situation possible alright see how the
478s players react and just and it
480s understandably made people not so happy
483s but that was our testing and even though
485s stressing the system or the worst
488s situation so we realize that the tests
490s over is for testing so it is your time
491s you have some some ulterior motives when
493s we do these sorts of things the second
495s play test which happened last Friday or
496s to you before you go to the second place
499s right so during yeah one of the things
504s that was done for that someone on reddit
508s posted hey for this this play test you
510s should have Paul color his Mohawk the
513s the color of the victors so what ended
516s up happening
517s well the Terran lost horribly NC came to
522s second place and the vs kind of
524s dominated absolutely everything so as
526s promised that bad
530s that doesn't know the green screen a few
533s guys are seeing some blue popping out
535s there that's actually the green coming
536s through the is a purple mohawk it's a
540s purple mohawk must be nice to take that
544s hat off the longest time it was like a
549s different person so after the the first
554s blade test in which you have your reward
557s enjoy it enjoy how long you gonna keep
559s the purple for um usually it's six
561s around for about a month before I have
563s to read I it I'll touch it up after a
565s couple weeks but yeah you know I like
567s the color we'll see what happens I I'm
570s still true to NC but you know the the vs
573s they have some very compelling arguments
575s yeah they have some very compelling so
580s the second play test that we did this is
583s past Friday we ran actually it was a
585s couple of tests a one-foot lasted for an
587s hour and it was done with the the most
589s most populated faction and the they had
593s the most territory as well so TR ran
595s that and about at the 30 minute market
597s like they were holding pretty strong
598s mm-hmm out of the 30 minute mark it was
601s like flipping a switch and they just got
603s dumped stirred so right that's kind of
606s part of the other two factions sort of
608s rally their troop they disengage from
610s they're doing that seems to be the the
612s critical point at least for that one
614s right so what the disengaging happens
616s because of the the natural flow of
618s players or just what they're naturally
620s doing and it's like you have this it's
623s hard to explain on test server we have
626s more dedicated players more active
628s players who are attuned with what we're
630s trying to accomplish on the test server
632s so how this plays out on live might be a
635s little different and we're kind of
636s looking forward to seeing how that
638s operates because when I outfits on test
642s server could have just been biding their
643s time just like pushing back making a
645s buffer and just like screwing around
647s basically for until that 30 minute mark
649s and then they just decide to actually
651s take action against the other faction so
653s that's something that we want to
655s understand if that's a just an
657s intentional player behavior especially
659s when you throw that the 50% ish on or
662s one squatted on the outfitted players
664s into the mix or if it's if it's just
667s naturally that they're they're fighting
670s and the rhythm does get broken and then
672s it just kind of piles on the the second
675s faction so we did talk about that
678s actually and just a kind of elaborate
680s the second play test that we did at the
682s same later that night
684s it was it went for 30 minutes and the NC
689s who were defending actually won that
691s play test so kind of and that the goals
694s were stated up front the the time limit
696s wasn't there is still showed an hour but
700s it was constantly reiterating that
701s overall are going for 30 minutes so I
703s yeah the results results were very
705s different so very interested to see how
708s that that plays out on life you know and
711s as as we are planning we're gonna be
713s paying close attention to what happens
715s on live as this is again literally being
719s patched right now right to see how some
721s of the flights are shaking down and
723s tweaking with a couple different things
725s we have a couple different ideas banked
728s as to how to adjust the system should it
730s need adjustment yeah and word
734s adjustments for sure yeah we this is a
737s system that we plan to iterate on and
739s whether or not it just becomes more like
744s a victory lap for players opposed to
746s sorry I didn't probably surprise here it
749s like these system right now should be
752s better than what we have online mmm I
755s feel like mmm
756s Bar None is just it works better the VP
758s was confusing and like it's a much more
760s cleaner it's a cleaner more elegant
762s system it celebrates like all the cool
765s things that you lovers your planet size
767s so the I be focused now then is to just
771s make sure that the to be one situation
773s feels not horrible to to play against
776s and actually we want to kind of empower
778s players for I'm reading sorry everything
782s uh check questions and yeah so I'm sorry
789s that's fine know so whether if it if it
793s gets to be the case where
796s locking or you know starting this alert
797s gives you a lot of security and it's
799s pretty regular that the one who locks it
801s will or what the one that starts it will
804s lock the continent at that point it
805s becomes a race to see who can get there
807s fastest if it's more of a contentious
810s fight then it becomes more about like
813s using that that duration wisely right so
816s there's a lot of a lot of things we're
817s gonna be looking to see what how things
819s shake out and you know various ideas
821s okay we're gonna keep track of how often
823s the continents log and like where their
828s sections are like at that time right the
830s territory percentages are and the
832s population percentages we're gonna just
833s be kind of granular and our take on that
835s and see what can be adjusted and then of
839s course we're responding all feedback we
841s want you to give feedback please just go
842s throw it on the forums throw it on write
844s it throw it on Twitter and that sort of
845s thing the what else came out during the
850s update um just a little just changes a
853s few adjustments some of our vehicles I
856s think we're calling it our combined-arms
858s initiative I know we didn't talk about
861s it a whole lot so yeah this is an
865s something that was started before you
867s know we've been working on it for a
868s while we've been the design team has
871s been hard at work sort of finding values
873s that make sense before the patch notes
876s at least on test head we're very
880s detailed very granular yeah too much so
882s problematically so right so as we
885s actually know I'm gonna come back to I I
887s would do want to answer a question that
888s got asked earlier so Before we jump in
890s at the combined-arms some discussion
892s which I you're all super excited about
894s somebody asked if 30 minutes is enough
897s to get organized for the duration of an
899s alert so the I think at the outfit level
903s it's really gonna depend on how how
906s aware or how present these outfits are
909s in relation to how the territory sets up
911s before the alert and then they'll be
914s able to jump right on it so it won't
915s just be like alert triggers oh oh hey an
919s alert is happening let's chances are the
922s outfits gonna be involved already yeah
924s before the fact and we we want you
925s fighting throughout the entire view
927s and that's kind of kind of the point
928s some of this and it does play into some
931s long-term goals that we have so plus if
934s the duration if that does end up being
936s like a very quick duration as far as
939s like players are concerned that gets
940s them really excited when they notice it
942s if they log in there's an alert go and
944s they go oh I gotta jump in I gotta get
946s there for sure yes that's um we we want
948s players to be and I think there's a
950s balance to be had so absolutely if it's
952s if thirty minutes is too low and again
955s we'll keep an eye on it then we'll just
956s we'll push it out but not you know maybe
958s not towards the hour mark maybe that
959s doesn't make sense
960s so before you talk a little bit more
962s about combined our story let's do it on
964s the raffle so for the next raffle the
966s keyword will be bang or exclamation
970s point Mohawk so just type that into chat
974s don't spam it or else you'll get
976s disqualified the dash is tack yeah yeah
982s when you're going through the whatever
986s yeah it's like you'll say this tack
989s whatever but bang like I said I know
995s there was a couple of friends of mine
997s were an interrobang which was a very
1000s prominent tf2 clan or guild or whatever
1004s and that that is a symbol that's a
1007s combination of it a question mark and an
1009s exclamation mark that's what in Ontario
1011s bang is but I've never heard bang okay
1018s we can just make fun of you a little bit
1020s that's fine we'll get to the question
1023s near the end let's let's get through the
1025s combined norms all right let's so the
1028s combined arms initiative basically a the
1032s update that's going live right now is
1034s completely that's gonna distract me is
1038s gonna completely change how the vehicle
1042s play it works in our game and hopefully
1045s it won't be too disruptive we did
1047s overall we increase the the time to kill
1050s a vehicle to vehicle combat and as some
1053s of the more dedicated vehicle players
1054s don't feel don't feel super comfortable
1057s with that but I think that
1060s overall we just want you to give the
1061s system a try and kind of see what shakes
1064s out and if you know if that just if it
1066s doesn't feel good you know for the
1070s majority of players then then we can
1072s make adjustments we're completely
1073s willing to make adjustments to all of
1074s this and we we have and we've been
1076s iterating on feedback but we don't want
1078s it to stop I we don't want to throw the
1081s baby out with the bathwater yeah yeah
1083s exactly you know yeah there's there's
1085s changes that we want to do that are a
1088s bit more dramatic and so we are just in
1091s general and we want the community to be
1094s willing to try them out give them a
1096s chance really put it through its paces
1097s and give us good feedback based off of
1100s that I know it's it's easy and fun to
1104s react to change with negatively but it's
1108s we fear change
1109s well yeah people don't like change but
1111s change is for the better when it is good
1114s change yeah I know but you know what I
1119s mean oh yeah absolutely
1120s so yeah we don't want it we want to be
1122s able to take risks this is I mean
1124s actually the the I want to say excuse
1128s but it's like the the rationale or the
1130s argument it's just like oh the games too
1132s old why are you doing these changes now
1133s and honestly if at the end of the day if
1136s we feel that it makes the game better
1137s for the most players and like and even
1141s if the like the super dedicated players
1143s if we're not going to if we're not going
1146s to completely yeah alienate them you
1150s know disrespect those players I I think
1151s that that it's good like most of those
1154s those hardcore players will take the
1156s time to attack all right and obviously
1158s you don't want to have like this
1160s complete like you don't want to uproot
1162s things non-stop but at the same time
1164s change changes is important and
1166s especially I would say on an older game
1168s actually it gives you a fresh
1170s perspective to the gameplay it sort of
1172s changes the interactions between vehicle
1175s the vehicle vehicle the air which are I
1177s guess technically vehicles still but
1179s infantry as well it changes the way the
1182s meta shakes down and that that's very
1184s exciting for a lot of players I think so
1186s too so yeah we'll definitely see how it
1188s shakes out and again feedback thorough
1191s feedback concise feedback is
1193s full constructively right it's great but
1197s just by playing the game you guys are
1198s providing us feedback we are tracking of
1201s just everything you could possibly think
1203s of last year's yeah so it's basically
1208s what what vehicles everyone's using what
1210s weapons are killing which vehicles which
1212s vehicles are being killed the most like
1213s the it's there's a lot of data for us to
1215s pour over them and big brother is
1217s watching yeah so just play the game as
1219s in its paces give us feedback on how you
1227s feel about it yeah let's let's do to the
1230s raffle okay this one the keyword is
1232s gonna be bang combined-arms
1236s mm-hm so just type in bang combined-arms
1238s don't spam it and you should be good to
1240s go so one of the things that we like
1243s since we're on the topic of
1244s combined-arms
1245s i there are a number of vehicle related
1248s bugs that we we want to address and
1250s actually one that's kind of fun and
1251s interesting is that yeah can we go to a
1253s next screen i is it's reported a lot as
1259s a terrain issue actually when we get bug
1263s reports but this is something that we're
1266s able to repro it's not 100% repro which
1268s is what makes it infuriating yeah it's
1270s tricky to test but so to explain what's
1273s going on on the screen we have the
1275s physics the the actual model collision
1279s objects in game being displayed in this
1281s pink wireframe right what has happened
1284s is due to a mysterious circumstances a
1287s second turret the second physics turret
1290s is attached and flopping around wildly
1293s yeah
1294s you saw just a moment ago how the bug
1297s appears to players occasionally you will
1299s run over said turret and it'll either
1302s jostle your your tank a bit or in the
1305s worst cases and the most disruptive
1307s cases it will flip direct direct huh
1311s yeah you've done this twice now well
1313s you're in the working yeah yeah so so if
1315s you're not in the warp gate you flipping
1318s it over like this will cause it to
1319s explode
1320s last time sorry sorry I'm excited about
1321s yeah yeah yeah last time we were repro
1324s in this we what literally you talked
1326s about
1327s flipping the vehicle and then Nick
1328s miraculously flipped it so that's what
1331s normally happens when when you do that
1334s outside of the work case if you end up
1335s losing a bunch of nanites and right
1336s exactly that's that's no good we don't
1338s want that to happen to the players so we
1340s are hard at work trying to reproduce it
1343s fix it find out why it's happening to
1345s stop it from happening in the first
1347s place but this is this is just a bit of
1349s a taste of you know the day-to-day of
1352s planetside 2 development right
1354s finding weird things and seeing how we
1357s can stop them from happens is one of the
1361s more interesting it's it took us we were
1364s set up beforehand it took us like maybe
1366s like 15 minutes to get it like
1369s reproduced in the first place like damn
1376s it we should have recorded a video of it
1378s yeah so I can talk a little bit about
1380s how physics exists within our game and
1383s sure you know so how important it is to
1385s plan its side so is speaking of that
1388s when people talk about physics in our
1391s game they're usually referring to that
1393s the particle effects and everything else
1394s so they're like you know bring physics
1396s back but it's important to know just
1398s that the physics is what physics is a
1402s software suite essentially that
1405s physically simulates things so you know
1408s a lot of times it'll people or companies
1411s will use it for the like you like you
1413s said the particle system that it has but
1415s for planetside 2 you use it for the
1419s physics itself you know the the physics
1423s of your character moving around gravity
1425s you know the way the jump Jets interact
1427s with your character and the tanks you
1430s know the I can't remember if all of the
1434s bullets are some of the bullets are
1435s based on is actually dynamic actually so
1438s rocket launchers yeah in throwing
1440s grenades those are all physics objects
1442s whereas the other projectiles are just
1445s normal ballistic yeah it's a different
1447s system within the code so everything
1450s that's
1452s moving around in the game is physics for
1455s the most part so it's it's really
1459s important to planetside because you
1461s wouldn't have tanks without it right at
1462s the very you won't have vehicles yeah
1464s and the way that they are so that's
1466s that's a nice little I'll get one of the
1470s questions out of the way right oh yeah
1474s so there's a question wondering about
1476s how our progress of PlayStation 4
1479s implants is go yeah you can throw back
1481s on my screen it's a quick screen shot
1483s yeah so work in progress
1485s work yeah that just so the ps4 people
1489s know there they are
1490s it's we've got implants working on the
1492s load-out screen I'm currently working on
1494s the actual purchase flow for the plants
1497s but you guys will be seeing the next
1499s update mm-hm
1500s we absolutely need to get this in there
1503s because we want to bring meltdown the
1504s the new critical mass update to ps4 as
1506s soon as possible and that involves
1508s getting these ISO rewards out to you
1510s guys also involves doing more you I work
1514s on the ps4 side of like the meltdown
1518s headers and that sort of thing so we can
1520s for those of you who have not played
1523s both PlayStation and the PC version of
1527s planetside 2 the the UI is look
1529s completely different you know you have a
1530s different set of controls so it makes
1533s sense that you would interact with the
1534s game in a different way so working with
1538s both systems is tricky sometimes oh yeah
1540s having to implement something in doubles
1543s especially the purchase flow style so
1545s okay let's do one more raffle and we'll
1549s do this one will make it bang critical
1554s mass we didn't use that one yet right
1556s nope we just said we just boiled it and
1558s we just spoiled it at the start you
1560s mentioned it earlier so yeah it was it
1562s was a secret
1566s totally so what's coming up next
1570s so actually could we show off some of
1574s the new implants oh yeah let me pop up
1576s the screen here so we won't show off all
1579s the implants today that we're gonna be
1580s coming in the next wave but there's some
1582s that we're especially excited about
1585s so we're going to be introducing
1587s factions specific implants in the next
1590s wave of in place yeah I already have one
1592s of them highlighted here so they're
1595s gonna they're showing all of them are
1596s showing up here for my vs character but
1598s this is the one that's going to be
1599s specific to vs so all of them have a
1602s sort of a flavor to them they're their
1604s squad based ones so for this one it's
1608s basically every time you get a kill you
1611s have a chance to activate it and if it
1613s does activate you get this this little
1615s burst of time where you and all of your
1618s squad mates that are within 15 meters
1619s get a sort of reduction in your co2 fire
1622s more accurate yeah so it it'll drive a
1626s certain style of gameplay for 4 vs
1629s players that are interested in the same
1630s plant where you can sort of the mid
1632s range it a little bit more and just be
1633s much more deadly from from mid to long
1636s range yeah actually the the cone of fire
1637s reduction is it it's the minimum cone of
1641s fire which means the the cone of fire
1643s that you have before you start firing
1645s so while aiming down sights is not like
1646s super helpful but from the hip it'll be
1649s more helpful actually and weapons that
1651s are generally inaccurate while aiming
1653s down sights that'll help them more as
1654s well as well words but as Nick pointed
1658s out this affects your entire squad so
1660s percent chance effects are not super fun
1664s as an individual but the intention of
1666s doing some of these squad based things
1668s is that you have a number of you have
1671s multiple players using it and then if
1673s you kid out your whole squad with it
1674s it's going to be a more regular
1676s occurrence right it's gonna be the TR
1681s based one it's probably the one I'm the
1682s most excited it's pretty cool
1684s so basically same deal you you get a
1686s chance to activate this every time you
1688s get a kill and then at the highest level
1689s there's actually it's every time you get
1691s an experience tick there's a 2% chance
1692s and that that's with the what's what I
1699s really like about this one is it really
1701s embraces the the TR like dakka dakka
1703s mentality and but all the led all the
1707s bullets all the time when it activates
1709s you basically you're your ammo cost go
1713s to nothing so everyone can just open up
1716s and just you don't have to worry about
1717s reloading or
1719s your ammo being eaten up as long as you
1721s guys are rapping racking up kills
1722s basically it's you can just keep keep
1725s throwing bullets just throw that lead
1727s down the range it's all kind of
1728s interesting and point hold situations
1730s well yeah less reliance on engineers or
1734s a breaching rather and actually there's
1736s a lot of synergy with some of the TR
1737s weapons so just like the t7 a chain gun
1739s you have a few guys walking into a room
1741s like that and just holding down the
1743s trigger for long periods of time it
1744s could be super fun so we'll see we'll
1746s see how it shakes out some of the
1747s durations might end up getting increased
1749s the the percent chances of affecting we
1758s did have a question about whether these
1760s implants would stack I assume they mean
1762s like the effects of it or if it just
1764s makes it happen more time the effect
1766s triggers it it basically takes the old
1769s effect away and then puts a new one on
1771s with a refresh duration so it doesn't
1773s stack in that yeah you wouldn't get more
1775s and more and more accuracy but every
1786s time someone in your squatter near you
1789s activates it it sort of resets that
1790s timer so you could keep it going but
1792s it's not gonna stack like the effects of
1794s it like they're saying yeah the last one
1796s is for the NC and this one is also
1798s pretty cool the same deal percent chance
1803s of activation but for this one you get a
1805s sort of a increased resistance to damage
1808s coming from one direction so frontal
1810s armor yeah so basically it really
1812s encourages players to rush in push yeah
1816s so it would be great first sort of a
1818s squad full of people with shotguns would
1820s be really neat sort of thing to see them
1822s all sort of pushing forward with them
1824s damage resistance so to really break
1827s that at that fortified area like get in
1831s there and cause havoc so that's sort of
1835s the ones we're most excited about right
1836s now there are a couple of new ones
1839s coming in as well oh yeah that I I just
1841s want to touch on real quick the assassin
1843s implant is actually the reason that this
1846s exists honestly is to return the marker
1849s implant to the game so actually at this
1851s ranks up but
1852s the you have a percent chance on kill to
1857s clear a spot a spot in the Dorito above
1860s your head after you kill somebody and if
1862s you get a head shot it's not a percent
1863s chance so it's you removed the RNG at
1865s max rank though it allows any time you
1867s deal damage it'll mark a target and
1869s that's where the old marker implant
1871s comes into play so that I think a lot of
1874s people will be excited about returning
1876s because it is it was a good implant but
1879s we just didn't have a great place to put
1881s it
1881s we had another question pop up this is
1884s in regard to the fortify one for whether
1888s or not Max's would gain that additional
1890s frontal armor Max's do not benefit from
1892s this at all actually neither do vehicles
1894s no is that for all all three of these
1902s implants that we talked about okay Max's
1904s are not affected nope okay cool yeah so
1908s talking a little bit about bringing back
1911s some of the gameplay that was in before
1913s with the implants to now assassin will
1916s cover some of them so assassin is one of
1918s them actually not the the other ones are
1921s just they're super new and so no more
1925s returns to old because I think actually
1927s we get that I think we have all of the
1930s old implants in the game now in some
1933s form or another marker or I think was
1934s the last one so so good on that Simon
1938s cool new faction specific implants yeah
1943s we could be recovering there's a handful
1946s other ones but we won't spoil that just
1947s yet yeah so this is part of our our
1950s drive to use the implants to like bring
1953s more interesting or bring some new and
1955s interesting gameplay and options to the
1958s players what sort of things do you think
1961s would be cool we're what sort of things
1965s are vs things or TR things or NC things
1970s what what do you think would be really
1972s cool about that I encourage you to post
1975s that on the forums or on reddit and we
1978s will be paying attention to that and
1981s seeing what cool ideas you guys come up
1983s with anytime we can inject a faction
1985s specific flavor
1986s as good especially if it's relatively
1988s inexpensive to do like a new faction
1990s weapons which they're coming they're on
1994s the way are generally more expensive in
1997s that they take more time for us some
2000s time more development there's already a
2001s lot of they have less direct impact
2004s sometimes but implants is it's kind of
2007s is one of those really inexpensive
2008s things that we can kind of kick out so
2009s if you do have ideas things that you
2010s want to see in the game yeah yeah being
2013s a part feeling like I'm a part of the
2015s NCIS is like important it's like I I
2018s want to feel like I'm like really like
2020s winning it for my faction and that's
2022s part of what the meltdown stuff does you
2025s know there's these changes they make it
2027s feel like you're really pushing it
2028s towards especially because they're
2029s wonderfully color-coded that helps a lot
2033s so do we want to kick it over to talking
2035s about the Halloween stuff yes okay right
2038s before we do that though we'll do one
2040s more giveaway and the code for this one
2046s is gonna be bang meltdown
2048s so go ahead and type that in chat don't
2050s spam it you don't get disqualified and
2053s things seem song bang sheesh you got me
2057s from BlazBlue I
2060s it's very notable I couldn't sing it for
2063s you there cuz I'm terrible I'm gonna go
2065s look it up we've been working hard to
2067s add some new stuff to the game for the
2068s Halloween event this year and we're
2071s excited there's some there's some new
2072s directives and some new items and
2075s Michael will teleport to my character
2081s yes I cube username is wrong okay
2083s alright ladies and gentlemen so uh we're
2087s gonna talk about but we did completely
2091s change the Halloween directive and for
2095s those who don't know every year we do
2096s some Halloween related fun times and
2101s pumpkins will spawn Yogi's scary
2105s pumpkins all over where you can wear
2108s pumpkins on your head up here actually
2109s that's uh the Chabad crown here is it's
2112s free for everybody you get it by default
2114s and we sell you know some some fun
2117s spooky items and that sort of thing but
2119s here we got it a little bit more we've
2122s refreshed the Halloween directive now is
2124s Halloween directive 2 so we moving
2135s through the the new directive there's a
2137s whole bunch of different things it's
2138s cool ways that you can complete it and
2140s instead of relying so much on pumpkins
2143s as we have in the past
2145s it's more of an optional feat here
2148s so first directive is vengeful spirit
2150s basically you just you're required to
2153s kill people with melee attacks either
2155s with vampire or Nightmare equipped and
2157s vampire is a very easy implant to get
2158s but let's see what else
2162s resupply ribbons with Halloween masks
2163s equipped that's gonna be an easy one too
2166s because you get a Halloween mask by
2167s default so you can kinda jump on that
2169s candy yeah is a necromancer you revive
2172s people with a Halloween mask equipped
2175s and headless horseman it has kills from
2177s a flash while wearing wearing a
2180s Halloween mask that'll be a holy terror
2183s with wraiths cloaked flashes and
2186s collector is it's gonna be using any
2189s Halloween weapon to get kills on targets
2192s so that's the the slasher the raxiom
2194s slasher the candy cannon and and a new
2198s kind of little toy that everybody's
2200s gonna get to play with so pumpkin
2202s grenades we can equip pumpkin grenades
2206s and toss them at Nick where's Nick so
2225s actually don't you I do
2227s you're a jerk ok be actually the
2233s projectiles are coming from the right
2234s hand right now which is the old style
2236s that we used to throw grenades with so
2239s you'll say it's a little bit yeah we can
2243s resend the projectile it just yeah got
2247s any bricks whit so yeah pumpkin grenades
2251s are gonna be consumable items that you
2253s can either use pumpkin seeds for and
2256s purchase them that way or you can use a
2259s daybreak asset as well so you get
2261s pumpkin seeds by finding some of these
2263s pumpkins that are hidden around they
2265s actually look like this on screen so
2268s super spooky you can find those dotted
2272s all over the map if you find them I blow
2275s them up use those those gun tools to get
2279s some like what how many seeds do you get
2281s per you get about you get roughly eight
2283s from the smaller pumpkins and then
2285s there's large Galacta lanterns and they
2289s they actually I think they give you a
2291s golden hood ornament as well I can't
2296s remember but uh yeah hunt those out
2298s there they're small but kind of the
2301s point of some of the changes to the
2302s update is to give you something fresh I
2304s mean it's been this is gonna be our what
2306s 4th yes it'll be a living yes I'm very
2310s excited about it because all great be
2312s horror movies reach their fourth and
2314s fifth and sixth iterations and this is
2316s number four for so it's only gonna keep
2321s getting better the Rena Knight yeah so
2332s you can purchase the Grenada seeds you
2334s can get bonus experience from the seeds
2336s and again if you have any of the
2339s Halloween stuff which I don't have a
2342s quick right now but right but the
2345s Halloween weapons are already give you
2346s these ribbons as well so yeah and I
2349s think it's um it's what ten kills per
2352s per ribbon that is way out there to be
2356s able to look at in the directives tab
2359s like you were looking at before to see
2360s what your progress is what things are
2362s available so there's a couple tears to
2364s that yeah yeah so the directive again
2368s it's completely new so there's a five
2370s ways to complete these things it only
2371s takes you three on the first rank to get
2373s it second tier you're gonna get an
2375s office implant pack nice and easy as
2376s again really easy to complete the other
2378s starter so there's some basically free
2380s implants for you if you just participate
2381s and then the
2383s third-tier the experts here here is
2384s actually requires four but you get the
2387s horseman title me horse Munro yeah horse
2391s Munro and then the the last year we
2394s actually have something kind of fun
2395s an implant an exceptional implant a fun
2398s one the fun implant that you can unlock
2401s free there's no RNG you just finish the
2403s directive and then you get the implant
2404s so I phylactery phylactery yeah see I'm
2410s the one that was a complicated word to
2412s say what is that what is the factory so
2415s a phylactery is something from classic
2420s Dungeons & Dragons for those of you who
2422s don't know we're all huge nerds classic
2425s Dungeons & Dragons one of the the big
2427s bad monsters is a lich it's an undead
2431s wizard and they are immortal if you kill
2434s them they show back up in like 1.d4 days
2437s like so one to four days but if you
2440s manage to find the phylactery that they
2442s have that each Lich has where they have
2444s stored their soul they've hidden it away
2446s and destroy it then they are gone for
2448s good
2449s so in the spirit of that we have an
2451s implant that will resurrect you when you
2455s are dead under certain circumstances so
2457s the the phylactery implant yeah again
2460s like Paul said here I'm gonna I'm gonna
2462s cheat it real quick it allow you to do
2473s or you do this server 2/0 so the
2485s flattery and planta at some point yeah
2487s we can we can go to the next screen here
2489s so you'll if you see me here now the way
2493s that flattery works please don't come
2494s yet the way that phylactery works is
2499s that if you gain a number of experience
2502s tix so not the amount of experience a
2505s number of ticks it allows you to to self
2508s revive once the phylactery is charged so
2510s right now it's 50 and that's an easy
2515s tuning knob that we can
2517s back and forth through the intention is
2518s actually so with ticks we can make it
2521s sort of like support classes or
2522s generally gonna be able to find this
2523s implant more useful than people who are
2525s just killing people so we wanted to add
2527s something that wasn't just killing I
2528s mm-hmm and triggers on that so I yeah
2531s we're gonna spook II he's activated yeah
2537s I'm activated so you can tell visually
2539s when someone has this yes hold on just a
2560s moment yeah he wants to so bad it's just
2563s like this karma so the revived implant
2568s do we get to keep it a living dead yes
2571s we do and after the fact we are gonna be
2578s after the implant is when Halloween the
2582s event is over we're gonna return it to
2584s the drop table so anybody can can
2587s continue to oranjee for it but right now
2589s this represents the opportunity for you
2592s to just get it yep no rng go through the
2595s the directives plea play our play the
2597s fun Halloween stuff and you're
2599s guaranteed to get it yep for show right
2602s after that all right all right oh yeah
2607s spooky so you know because he's got this
2611s effect going autumn that he can revive
2613s so just wait so he comes back with half
2625s health yeah so it's a lot easier to kill
2627s one of these people woods they're down
2628s and but yeah that's that's that's sort
2632s of how that implant works we're probably
2633s gonna make some more adjustments to it
2636s hasn't completed testing yet well from
2638s the player with the implant essentially
2641s a look you get a revive request from
2645s yourself and you click yes no just like
2647s you would if someone else was reviving
2649s you before
2649s it's it's pretty straightforward and
2652s while the implant is active actually
2654s there's a like a little we're gonna work
2656s on the messaging a little bit better but
2657s there is some ambient audio in the
2659s background to kind of it's not that
2661s spooky yet but it's going to be wanna
2663s tease yeah we want it to be we like
2666s spooky and also there's a particle
2669s effect that appears near your hand that
2670s kind of just shows you what's it so but
2673s you know it's active yeah now outside of
2676s free stuff that you can get for free
2678s they can play a game we're gonna do some
2682s stuff that's a little bit more difficult
2683s yet so if you I'm gonna revive okay well
2692s then so wow we have created some
2697s interesting effects yeah yeah let's see
2701s so on next screen you can see that
2703s you're already on next screen you're
2705s good yep you can see the the flaming
2707s tires here and these are our flame
2710s writer effects they take up the the
2711s light slot in your vehicle customization
2713s and this is gonna be available for the
2716s harasser and the flash icon not so good
2724s but yeah so it takes bullets on
2726s traditionally light slot doesn't get all
2728s that much play but I think with this
2732s it's kind of people dig on it yeah and I
2745s mean this is it's a new thing for us
2747s having particle effects you know on the
2750s wheels and this is only gonna be
2752s available during that the Halloween
2753s season you can use it all year round you
2756s just have to be able to unlock it it's
2759s actually going to be unlockable by
2761s pumpkin seeds if you so desire though
2763s that is it that does takes a little bit
2765s of grinding or you can buy it outright
2768s with a different cash so yeah there
2773s it's very uh Nicholas Cage e-you
2778s vengeance will be had yeah it's it's the
2784s spirit of the season yeah and in the
2787s future we can do some other fun stuff
2789s like contrails for yes for flying
2792s vehicles in general and then maybe some
2794s tron style light beams I know Nick was
2798s kind of interested in that yes yeah we
2800s could do we could do some fun faction
2802s stuff like that you're some fun cool
2803s stuff okay shall we move on to the end
2812s the end the end of days days you don't
2821s have to be fast on this one people so
2822s what it pops up like you don't need to
2824s like freak out about it
2825s but basic okay so let's yeah so we're oh
2831s wait how did that happen okay okay oh
2835s that's good actually
2837s yeah perfect perfect timing perf we're
2840s doing I got the slightest slideshow
2842s thing is just not working out there we
2844s go because you're a coder listen I'm a
2855s power user yeah yeah there were giving
2859s me trouble about using the Windows key
2861s earlier so the game comes back on which
2865s should be soon we have a code for
2868s everyone to redeem so this is a
2871s promotional code that everyone can enter
2874s once for your account and it will give
2876s you access to a platinum in a sex Tonto
2879s which you can see here on the screenshot
2881s as well as a platinum salvaged compound
2885s helmet yeah and just those two things
2890s but they're both some pretty sweet
2891s particle effects come out of the eyes
2892s yeah which I can't the sparks shoot out
2899s but it does look pretty cool yeah it is
2901s and so yeah we're gonna be feel free to
2904s spread this to your friends and
2906s we're hoping that you like some free
2910s stuff yeah I like free stuff like free
2913s stuff I like I like playing video games
2916s I like it when video games like give me
2918s stuff I'm thinking about Louis CK's good
2923s [Laughter]
2927s looking after lunch so should be jealous
2931s well we'll finish up there and yeah
2936s thank you everyone for coming to
2938s livestream today we hope you like what
2940s we're working on and we're looking
2942s forward to getting feedback from you
2944s guys at all these changes yeah
2947s everybody have a great day and we'll see
2949s you oh wait wait let's answer some
2950s questions yeah let's go ahead and should
2958s we kick it off from the top there yeah
2961s I'll let you sure yeah so one of the
2964s questions earlier in the stream is
2967s anything to prevent players from jumping
2969s to the winning faction right before it
2970s ends so a couple of things the first is
2972s that I so rewards the rewards that you
2974s get but for the alerts and scale based
2978s on your the time spent participating so
2980s 100% participation would be the 30
2982s minutes that you're gonna see the alert
2983s run and if you switch factions obviously
2986s it's not 100 anymore so that's gonna
2988s scale down also there is a minimum
2990s amount of time required to have spent in
2993s the alert I in order to get items so any
2997s of the item drops that you would get if
2999s the content locks you have to have spent
3001s at least half of the time and actually
3003s some of the items that are kind of
3004s hidden in there require more time to
3006s have been spent and to actually get some
3008s of that some of that sweet sweet loot
3010s basket I'll take the next one
3012s that's a ps4 what implants come to ps4
3015s it will be all of the implants that
3017s we've released on PC so far so yeah you
3021s don't you don't need the wait for all of
3022s these various implants they're not going
3024s to be releasing them in waves and it'll
3027s be very interested to see how how that
3029s feels differently the ps4 that it does
3032s on the PC to double back real quick
3036s about the preventing people from jumping
3038s on oh yes
3039s yeah we have more strict population
3044s balance control now
3045s yeah that whole system was completely
3047s redone so now players who jump on to the
3051s overpopulated faction within I think
3054s it's set to six percent right now so
3055s between the highest and the lowest not
3057s during the runner up thing Hyson Louis
3060s 6% if that disparity is to more than
3064s that you're gonna sit in the VR training
3065s and then have to queue up a bit the
3067s content and so if you're if the faction
3071s if the top faction is too large right
3074s essentially anyone who's trying to get
3076s into that zone they are either put into
3080s the VR training if if there's no other
3083s place for them to go or and then they
3087s they would have to go into the faction
3088s queue to wait their turn wait for the
3092s other factions to catch up and again the
3095s purpose of this is to have a more
3097s balanced fight to sort of keep things a
3101s little bit more competitive between the
3103s groups yeah
3104s and we're at the point where I think
3106s most players nowadays at least of the
3109s higher ends the ones that would know to
3111s switch factions they will they know
3114s better to do that also they have alt
3117s characters so they're going to these
3118s these other factions isn't gonna be so
3120s difficult but we're gonna watch that 6%
3122s might be too stringent but we're going
3124s to we're going to check yeah so any
3132s plans for new Iraq Smith's directors why
3135s not why not yeah yeah sounds great I
3139s want to continue supporting new and
3141s fresh experiences and all of the events
3143s that we do and Iraq's Miss is one of the
3145s best ones and we yeah we don't have any
3148s plans right now obviously from well the
3161s Empire that triggers the alert are they
3163s the only one that's going to get rewards
3165s so rewards come in two different
3167s varieties the first of which is just ISO
3170s currency and ISO is the currency in
3172s which you upgrade and
3173s with and you can also roll implants get
3178s implants right yeah
3179s and that happens regardless of what
3183s faction you're a part of each faction
3185s gets that and that's again based on
3187s whether you know how much participation
3190s you had on the alert if you're there the
3191s whole time you get full points and also
3194s the the rank at which you place during
3197s the alert so if you had the most
3199s territory even if you weren't the the
3200s one that's gonna lock the continent if
3202s you had the most territory you're gonna
3202s get the highest or you're gonna get a
3204s high reward
3205s opposed to if you just had the least
3207s amount of territory but the items are
3210s only you have to trigger the alert and
3213s you have to win the alert that's where
3215s the pressure is so that gives us the
3217s opportunity to give out cool fun free
3219s stuff if your faction locks the
3221s continent and the only way you can do
3223s that is by triggering the alert and then
3225s defending your territory if you lock the
3228s continent that's when you get the
3229s cosmetic items yep everyone gets ice oh
3234s but I so - yeah right I so as well as
3238s the cosmetic if you so I see does the
3243s revive implant work with Max no you
3246s cannot equip it onto max but we should
3248s have more max specific implants in the
3251s future that'll be more more fun cool oh
3255s it's a good question when will the Night
3259s of the Living Dead events start in it do
3262s we want to tell them yeah let's let's
3266s hold off okay but yeah if anything if
3270s anything goes wrong and we can't patch
3272s in time you're just gonna blame me so
3276s yeah so we'll chill in that for a little
3278s bit but I will definitely announce it
3279s when we get closer to the day they're
3282s the Welcome Back promo I killed so that
3285s that uh that welcome back promo code
3287s that is a camp wide so every character
3289s you create after entering this code will
3292s always be granted those two items yeah
3295s free shiny stuff yep yeah tell your
3298s friends yeah all right okay that's so
3301s that it's pretty much everything okay
3303s well thank you everybody for coming to
3305s the live stream today I can officially
3306s in the last year
3307s and thank you for your questions and
3309s thank you for your feedback and the
3311s people who showed up to the pts test
3313s that that was incredibly helpful
3315s incredibly helpful yes we got like it
3318s was so helpful having like so many
3319s people involved and it's always so much
3322s fun the helmets that we're gonna do the
3325s helmet grant probably later this week so
3327s we've kept track of everyone who's been
3329s in there and we're gonna get you your
3331s lovely analyst helmet right and we do
3334s want to get a a new reward in the future
3337s because again just like a this should be
3340s a recurring theme right now but we're
3342s throwing away a lot of the old stuff or
3344s I shouldn't say throwing it away but
3345s kind of putting it on hold shelving it
3347s yeah giving you more opportunities to
3350s our new stuff so that's most people who
3353s are interested in the helmet yeah
3354s probably have the healthy probably have
3356s it but put out again someday
3359s yeah cool all right thank you everybody
3362s and see you out on the battlefield
3375s you