almost 5 years
ago -
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jgolenbo just posted about a client/server update that we plan to publish tomorrow morning:
Here are the details if you don't want to click the link:
We are preparing a new PC hotfix for tomorrow (Friday, March 13) which includes a priority fix for Meltdown Alerts (reverting certs/ISO-4 rewards) along with additional fixes and changes.
This will require a server bounce (brief downtime) starting at 6:00 AM PDT / 1:00 PM GMT. Servers should be down no longer than 1 hour.
Patch Notes:
- VS Flash can equip cosmetics once again.
- Outfit resource accrual now updates correctly an owned facility is lost.
- Meltdown alerts once again grant 250 certs and 300 ISO-4 for a victory, and will grant 150 certs and 150 ISO-4 for a loss.
- UPDATE: VS will receive no A7 for a loss or runner-up in a Meltdown alert. We're currently looking into this issue. (Fight hard, VS!)
- Mini-map no longer resets its default zoom level when a menu screen is opened.
- Updated LB00 AP (Lightning Primary Weapon) optic attachment prices to be in line with that of other Lightning optics.