Hey everyone.
So, there has been an uptick on posts relating to hackers and hacking, and the actual way to report hackers to the developers to do something (rather than posting to reddit, getting 2 upvotes and nothing ever being done) has been posted, we are going to direct everyone there.
If you want to report a hacker, go to the following site:
and the process on how to fill out your ticket:
If you post a thread about hacking on this subreddit, it will be automatically removed by automod and this information will be posted for you. Report hackers to the developers, don't just shout it into the wind here on this subreddit.
EDIT: If you do get your post automatically removed and you feel that it should be an exception, modmail us. We may agree and let it through. The automod rule is there to catch the people that don't know how to report hackers and to better inform them on how to remove them from their play experience.
External link →