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about 10 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by Arashmickey

Any chances of making VS projectiles even more like lasers?

I know you can't reduce the travel time of the actual projectile, but can you make a visual effect of a laser with instant or 0 travel time, and add a pulse of light moving through each beam that represents the velocity and actual damaging part of projectile? If not for standard rifle fire, then maybe as a visual gimmick for future weapons?

Example: Independence Day laser - the light beam does nothing, the pulse does all the damage.

Alternatively, can you make the tracers linger for a little longer, but not as long as lancer rounds, or slightly randomize when they fade? Maybe on higher gfx settings only?

Example: Terminator 2 burst fire, versus Terminator 1 beam lasers

"No" to all of the above is a perfectly satisfying answer for me. I like the Terminator 1 aesthetic, and aside from travel time in wide-angle camera shots the VS lasers look excellent. Thanks for your time :)

I like the ideas. Hopefully we can see some of this with the planned code support for new weapon/projectile behaviors. Tracers lingering longer is harder for performance reasons. I am looking into what kind of flexibility (if any) to put some of this FX stuff behind the settings menu. Again, just have to get together with code and see what I can do.

about 10 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by _BurntToast_

Man, if we had an option to return tracers to their launch state (teardrop plus persistent trails), I would be a very happy chappy.

Yeah, unfortunately the persistent trails are very expensive performance wise.

about 10 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by kenken2k2

dear sherman, is darker nights on the schedule of your working board too ?

That is a Bill thing, he handles the sky files now

about 10 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by youngavlol

If it would be at all possible to have a graphics option that completely reverts the changes that impacted tracers and other particle effects from O:MFG, many of us who have good rigs (most of the players from what I can tell, just not the ones complaining about performance) would really appreciate it.

Also, PhysX used to be a thing, any word on whether that might ever be reintroduced or not?

I am all for giving you guys back the pre-O:MGF effects assuming it is behind an options menu. I don't know what kind of code work that would entail though, and my guess is that neither PhysX or this would be trivial. I can ask about it though, you're definitely not the only one asking.

about 10 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by Lampjaw

That sounds really cool. Paging /u/_Sherman!

That does sounds pretty cool. Redoing all of our tracers would be a ton of work, and the trails are the expensive part that I can't go to town on (without new code options to make them optional). It could be a road map feature though...

about 10 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by Lampjaw

Oh I don't doubt it. I'm surprised projectile objects don't have some basic properties like duration, speed, effect, color, size, trail, etc so they could be adjusted on the fly. I'm guessing the new code options makes it a lot easier to work with?

Our effects are not dynamic in game. There are things that I could quickly alter, but dramatically new looks are not quick. I also don't have "low" setting particles and then "high" setting particles, they are all the same asset. If I can find out exactly what I have to work with there, or get code support for defining what can and can't be played based on settings, then there would be more flexibility.

about 10 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by youngavlol

Awesome. I miss the beauty that the game had before the optimization passes and now that I have a machine that can handle it, I would love to have the option to have it all back. The tracers are a huge step and I see a lot of promise coming from you guys lately. I hope it's a trend that keeps up, as it makes me feel better about the insane amount of money I've dumped into this game since launch.

A side note on the new tracers, will they be more visible in the first person? That is currently (aside from aesthetics) the biggest issues with the tracers on live. Even with my graphics cranked all the way, it's pretty hard to see my tracers, while in the third person they appear fairly vivid.

I feel that they are more visible in first person, particularly at distance and at night.

about 10 years ago - /u/_Sherman - Direct link

Originally posted by youngavlol

Is that the current live tracers or the new ones on PTS?

PTS has the new tracers. Live remains unchanged.