about 6 years
ago -
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PC servers will be taken offline on Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at 6:30 AM PT (1400 UTC) for maintenance. Downtime is expected to last up to 3 hours.
Server Performance
We've identified and corrected some very specific areas that were causing server performance issues.
We will be running a double experience FOR ALL event later in the month, along with the return of most Auraximas items (and fixes for the ones that were broken.)
Server Transfers - Connery and Soltech character transfers end Feb. 1st
Server Transfers are active once again, and the deadline to move your characters to and from Connery or Soltech has been extended through the rest of January.
Additional Fixes
- MGR-L1 Promise no longer uses the incorrect gold and auraxium tier kill requirements for directive completion.
- The command list in-game should be updated with recently added commands.
- Amerish Forest v2 Camo should show correct colors again.
- Dark Aspect Forest Camo should show correct colors again.
- Urban Forest Camo should once again appear on character and vehicle models.
- Adjusted Dark Digital Camo tiling on infantry models.
- Galaxy Auraxium Trim should work again.
- Platoon Squad Waypoints should tint correctly again.