over 2 years
ago -
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All PC servers will come down for the following update on Wednesday, June 29, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 2 hours.
Independence Day Event!
Double Experience for ALL
Double Experience for ALL from July 1 - July 4.
Holiday Event Items
Starting July 1, you'll find the FREEDOM THRUSTERS, a max-rank Icarus Jump Jet available to equip in your Light Assault's loadout screen. This seasonal item will remain active all through July.
New to the Depot!
(Available July 1 - July 31)
Stars and Stripes Contrail Bundle! - 999 DBC
Patriotic new contrails available for the following vehicles!
- Galaxy
- Liberator
- Valkyrie
- Dervish
- Mosquito
- Reaver
- Scythe
- Title: Liberator
- Liberator Talon c*ckpit
- Liberator Talon Plating
- Screaming Eagle Drop Pod
- We've decided to hold the release of the second summer directive until Surf and Storm releases, part 1 has been extended through July 5.
- Temporarily disabled the Motion Blur graphics setting.
- Updated the Red October outfit decal to move away from hammer and sickle iconography.