about 7 years ago - PlanetSide 2 - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
7s sure we do want the door opener shop hey
11s guys how's it going so you're cool with
13s that you're cool with me
14s we're alive yeah we're life oh hey guys
20s how you doing
21s okay and so welcome to the first stream
23s of 2018 for planetside 2 started off
26s right Oh with the unstable stream oh not
30s only unstable but late as well well
32s that's slightly we had to get things
35s just right with you guys today or with
39s us today is myself Nick Silva producer
41s of planetside 2 we got Paul Joe Joe here
43s is programmer on planetside 2 and rel
45s game designer on planetside 2 we might
49s have a visit from some other team
51s members too just before we get kicked
54s off weather remind everybody that this
56s weekend is going to be the members
57s double xp weekend so subscribe to the
59s game and get access to that double xp
62s this weekend and that will run starting
64s Friday midnight or yeah all day Friday
67s and right all through Sunday
69s yeah three days of double xp also during
73s the stream we're gonna be giving away
74s some station cash they're not station
77s cash they break cash they break cash and
79s so it will work like last time is if you
82s were active in the chat enters you
85s automatically into the raffle and you
86s can type whatever you want you can say
88s something nice about rel or about Paul
90s and and that gets you automatically
93s entered maybe gives you a little bonus
94s towards winning certainly boosts our
96s noses
97s [Laughter]
100s so today we're gonna be talking a little
102s bit about the changes that have been
104s that went out to pts recently some of
107s the changes that will be coming to pts
108s hopefully later today that includes Kol
112s tier VR we'll talk a little bit about
113s why we're making those changes to cold
115s here an explanation of why we're calling
118s this the unstable stream and our
121s upcoming patch is gonna be the unstable
123s game update it's there's a system called
125s unstable warp gates that we're gonna
126s talk about a little bit today we're
128s gonna introduce a new team member are
131s gonna go over the details of the nanite
132s appreciation sale and we're gonna talk a
134s little bit about what we're planning on
136s doing 2018 so did you want to talk a
139s little bit about what
141s going on a PT s right now ro yeah
143s actually uh so you got pts up in years I
146s do have pts I would go so why don't we
149s can you you're are you do you know where
152s the construction bases are as a the new
155s the new location yeah
157s yes I can't quite get to them really
159s fast okay well oh because my admin
162s commands are not working tonight okay
166s let's switch over to the next screen
169s anyway just so you don't have my face in
171s your face so on recently on the pts we
175s have added a number of different paces
178s to every content well every play will
182s continent save Haasan and they are meant
185s to be not only captured capturable by
187s vehicles but also allow you to build
189s construction around these these open
191s field capture points and that allows us
194s to integrate some more vehicle playing
197s like you know and construction play the
200s core they give players who really enjoy
202s those sorts of combat and play styles a
205s chance to contribute to the capture
208s point and chance to like try out
211s different strategies do we hold off on
213s capturing until we built up something
215s you know more defendable do we'd try to
217s surround it do we try to make a backward
220s you know forward base and a reserve base
223s and stuff actually around uh so we've
225s seen this concept around economic
227s ilm a lot and they're rather those
231s vehicle capture ball points and there's
233s a lot of room to roam and and fight
235s amongst one another and it's actually
236s played out really well so we're
237s extrapolating that concept a little bit
239s to the other continents and Hostin will
241s probably get them at some point but
242s Haasan's a little bit cluttered right
244s now so outside of that we made some
247s adjustments to like liberator has
248s default afterburners on on pts right now
251s and there was some resistance changes to
254s tank cannons for the harasser and a
257s handful of different changes galaxy got
259s a new defensive slot and a bunch of
262s other stuff just jump on pts you can go
264s check that out
265s Doku LMG so a big one those are new and
269s fun and the audio is going to be broken
271s in our next update because the audio
272s team is still working on it
274s they've come up with some pretty cool
275s stuff so far so we'll be injecting that
277s as soon as possible what else Coulter VR
281s yeah you want me to talk about called
284s terrible VR a little bit sure so you
287s know we've been hearing it from a lot of
288s players that they're not exactly super
290s stoked on hanging out inside of VR
292s training while they're waiting to cue up
294s four continents and well we definitely
297s hear you guys and but we still think
299s it's really important to maintain the
301s population balance on the continents to
303s keep the fight fair or as fair as
305s possible so in an effort to give you
308s guys something to do while you're
309s waiting to get onto one of these
310s continents and participate in the
311s meltdown alerts is what we've opened up
313s called here to everyone so you don't
315s just have to be battle ranked 15 or
317s below now everyone can get on there and
320s we've implemented VR rules in cult here
323s and we've also turned off from friendly
325s fire and cult here right so it's it's a
327s it's a different game experience go in
329s there so you can take any of the weapons
331s that you don't really find in VR which
332s is pretty much all of them and then just
334s go run around and shoot you're on your
336s enemy factory those are available for
338s you to try out in VR but now you have a
340s more combat oriented situation and try
342s them out so like VR you can sort you can
345s equip whatever weapon you want try out a
347s bunch of different implant strategies
349s and that sort of thing and see if
352s there's some guns you want that sort of
354s thing
354s yeah yeah shooting at moving targets is
357s always better than shooting at the
358s stationary ones so that was a culture of
361s VR what else do we got I guess it was
364s pretty much it for pts unstable warp
366s gates yeah that's the big thing we're
368s talking about today yeah yeah so we have
370s a new way arrey sorry you go ahead well
374s okay all right so can you switch over to
379s my screen here thank you very much okay
382s so on a large continent well normally on
384s live you'll have one main continent
387s usually and then if the populations go
389s past a certain threshold it opens up
391s another comment unfortunately on that
392s second continent you sometimes have your
396s audio is up super loud right yeah okay
398s sorry sorry
401s know it sometimes creates a state where
403s there's a lot of ghosts capping going on
406s there's small groups of people just
409s really dominating the entire thing but
410s not actually really fighting anyone or
413s now having good engagement yeah it's too
415s much map for the the population count on
417s those continents and also it's usually
419s like an overflow population so it's is
423s usually really imbalanced as well so
425s what we are doing is we are on these off
428s continents we have created a system
430s which we call unstable work gates and it
433s limits the the amount of playable space
437s and also disables your ability to
441s trigger a meltdown alert mm-hm
443s which is another thing people are
444s getting just like free ISO and free
445s items and whatever else that during
447s these alerts for you couldn't really
448s contest yeah no one's fighting back yeah
451s yeah it's not fun it's wacky oh yeah
454s exactly
456s win a continent unlocks and we'll go
458s into this unstable warp gate phase which
462s as you may see is a much different than
466s just like BAM this guy from server this
470s is fine so as you can see while it's
472s still up the center region is disabled
476s and only the outer lattice is available
479s so it's a straight line towards each
482s warp gate from each warp gate so it
484s really lets you focus on like a war on
487s two fronts as opposed to a war on the
489s entire lattice right now and that's
492s we've designed the system in such a way
494s that we can set any sort of pattern any
497s sort of configuration we want and that
500s allows us to like so if it wasn't just
502s going to be the out outside lattice and
504s also we've made some accommodations for
506s a continent like as a mare what
507s everything's just kind of jacked up but
510s we can make everybody fight to the
511s middle we can make it so there's you
513s know multiple different paths and that
514s sort of thing and it allows us the
516s opportunity to give servers like Saint
518s Briggs who have a lower population count
520s in general the ability to to to fight I
524s mean even if it's not in an unstable
525s state right just to focus focus the
529s combat and you know like let each
533s population size work well right we're
536s exploring options in the future for how
538s we might utilize this new technology but
541s we've set it up in a way that is as
542s flexible as possible and it gives as
545s much power to the designers as they as
547s we can right now actually on one use
551s that I think the the competitive crowd
552s will really appreciate is that we could
554s for like lane smash tournaments and that
556s sort of thing we could you know set up
558s certain lanes that are just like that's
561s all you get to fight over now so it
562s completely fits the fits the bill for
566s what you're trying to do with the
567s competitive events without having to go
569s around to all the different territories
570s and flip these ones and then do an
572s arbitrary rule set that says no don't
573s don't touch these they're not in play
574s yeah we can make it super obvious and
577s hopefully that'll be so the way the the
579s system functions right now and this
580s should be going to Pete yes if it's not
582s there right now it'll be there by the
585s end of the day the way it functions
587s right now is when in a continent unlocks
589s it goes into this unstable phase where
591s the center is disabled and after about
597s two hours it stabilizes the warp gates
600s and that that opens up the entire region
604s a disabled zone it's captured by the nun
608s faction which was fun to implement but
611s more specifically you can't spawn there
613s you can't use any of the terminals it's
618s for all intents and purposes dead area
621s is it worth talking about what a nun
622s factionists because because that's not
624s that's not a thing okay
626s there was an anti systems faction but it
628s didn't play nice right yeah so we one of
631s the things that was required for this
633s was to us to have the region and the
637s facility that's in that region not
639s captured at all captured by no one a lot
642s of the stuff in the game was set up with
645s three factions in mind and only three
647s factions ever so some of the code that
650s was done for it was to expand that out
653s and make it play nice there's still some
656s stuff we're working on so you might
657s notice some bugs as always please let us
660s know about those through the proper
662s channels
662s so that we can be aware of all the
665s things that are
666s are available to fix so we can focus on
670s the most important ones it's still
672s working progress so did you wanna pop it
674s back over to uh mm-hmm yeah so it looks
676s like rel screen is all set for it now
677s yeah so this is the the lattice on
680s Amrish here and again just doing the the
682s one-lane thing but that's not like
684s that's not what we have to do it's just
685s what we're doing right now for this
686s unstable icon and in particular and also
690s yeah it just gives us a lot of
691s flexibility actually these two should
693s not be that's that's our fault or fixed
695s time yeah and also you can see the I'll
699s quickly just run through some of the new
701s bases here I'm backtracking sorry okay
703s so so listen nature annex SNA was became
710s a construction base so the construction
713s base I'm not gonna show all of them are
715s a singular point is that a capture field
717s or inside a an open field and which you
721s can build construction on top of to um
723s set the daytime I don't like night there
731s you go
731s so it's a big capture point in the
733s middle of this area that lets you use
736s some of these hills as cover build some
739s some cover yourself maybe a resupply
742s station just behind the corner or
743s something like that yeah for sure we we
747s try to choose locations that allowed you
749s to either made it easier to progress
752s down the lattice how to open area
754s obviously and it was kind of balanced on
757s the balanced on the lattice so that the
760s locations of the bases when you get a
762s default state of roughly 33 percent
765s content control for each fraction yeah
767s so that's that and what are we moving on
771s to next those fun staples but do you
774s want to why don't why don't you show the
775s the stabilization like I said after
778s after about two hours it'll stabilize
781s and then there's another there's another
783s sort of condition that'll that'll
785s stabilize the work gates as well it's
787s not just on the timer right right right
788s now that's what it's functional is
790s functional on PGs but before we launch
793s we're going to set it up to be based on
795s population so once it reaches as you see
798s now at the entire
800s lattice opens up and you were able to
802s fight in all the places there was this
805s really cool state that the system was in
807s or I guess it still is yeah whatever you
810s guys are developing it in the debug
812s version which has like a crazy low for
814s yeah yeah it's it's much slower it's not
816s optimized but it lets us like get in
818s there and and look at what's going on as
820s it's going on so the I'm super happy to
824s see it like pop really quickly because
826s of my screen it's like it looks cool
829s this is really cool we're gonna look
831s into having a more cinematic
834s stabilization as it were where it just
836s takes a little bit longer and looks real
839s cool yeah it's the little things but as
843s I was saying the plans are to how when
847s it stabilizes based on population and
851s have like a small countdown if we get
854s that in in time to let everyone know but
858s it'll it'll not be based on time it'll
860s be based on population right cool
863s do we want to go any further with that
864s like pretty mouth on stuff now we can
867s talk about that a little bit later in
868s this game I thinking that it might be
870s worth holding off on it yeah cool well
873s exciting things in yes let's go ahead as
876s plans in the word plans Google let's go
880s ahead and do the first raffle so Roxy if
885s you will I guess give them a chance if
888s you haven't if you haven't typed
889s something in chat
890s you should do it now because that makes
892s you eligible for the raffle any typing
894s anything for let us let us know what
896s you're excited about let us know who's
898s best dressed you know just type
902s something in chat stay positive and you
905s will be entered into the drawing as it
908s were yeah
909s shall we introduce one of our newer team
912s members mm-hmm we can do that now if you
914s want all right won't you come on over it
918s you're leaving us yeah okay we just need
921s to talk about that never mind I'll find
923s someone like you right bye for now guys
928s that did I blow your eardrums out no
931s okay that's good
934s so everybody hello this is Garrett brush
940s how's it gone it's the program room
942s planetside 2 we've been hiding him since
944s October yes yes so yeah your brush on
949s you are a new programmer started in
952s October I'm stealing your thunder a
954s little bit okay I who has actually well
958s yeah why don't you just tell us a little
959s bit about yourself well I got hired on
963s at the end of October pretty much
965s started right on Halloween got to see
967s everybody dress up for that one fun yeah
970s yeah all Paul went all out
972s oh he did yeah what ghostwriter yeah
975s sure any photos of that don't know we
977s didn't think about the Twitter okay
980s here's the deal
982s anyway yeah new programmer I only
986s graduated from UCSD
988s in June so fresh off the fresh off the
991s line I guess yeah but you haven't had
993s any programming jobs prior - no no just
997s yeah fresh out the gate snatched him up
999s yeah yeah it's I mean it was that there
1002s was there was like a hundred applicants
1004s are almost 100 applicants for your
1006s position and so Garret rose to the top
1008s yeah so far he's been proving it so San
1012s Diego native yeah oh yeah yeah I've been
1014s I've lived in San Diego my entire life
1016s so what do you enjoy doing here in San
1020s Diego yeah I mostly to spend time in my
1022s room in your room okay no okay I can't
1026s say that I do like to spend time in my
1028s room okay but most the time if I can get
1030s out I like to go rock climbing that's
1031s that's my sport so keeps me active keeps
1034s me uh keeps me happy but it's a good
1037s challenge and what do you play in game
1039s Oh what I play in game boy I am an NC
1043s bolt driver
1048s no I've been I've been really investing
1051s myself in the infiltrator class I really
1053s I really like the cloaking it's pretty
1055s fun but tonight first I think are where
1060s I find a lot of home it's it's more I'm
1062s not very good at it so don't don't
1065s praise me or anything like that I'm
1066s terrible
1067s I really like the that's one shot one
1070s reward you know one for one shot one
1073s head shot one kill sort of thing it's
1075s like it's a rush yeah yeah yeah
1078s and I think sniping is probably more
1079s difficult in our game then then probably
1083s some of the other first-person shooters
1084s yeah the bullet drop and everything we
1088s actually making an effort plus you have
1090s the serpentine the cloaking versus
1094s cloaking mechanic when you have a
1095s sniping war going on between - oh yeah
1097s I'm waiting for the other guy to pop out
1098s yeah but you want to be cloaked and then
1101s you have to time your crime the cloak
1102s and make sure you have cover to get
1104s behind so you can try recharge your
1105s cloak yeah I just it feels like a
1107s completely other level of the games
1109s going on on the outs on the edges of
1112s these battles yeah that's fair so we got
1115s a winner for our first bang raffle yeah
1118s you can you pronounce that a chillon a
1120s Shalom yeah we'll just say it that way
1122s sure cool yeah congratulations Congrats
1125s what'd he get he got 10 or daybreak cash
1132s I believe Roxy get Roxy okay well
1138s congratulations
1139s want something yeah anything
1143s what are some of the systems you've
1145s worked on uh so far mainly been working
1147s with the mold vehicle in the squad
1149s spawning aspect that new feature with
1151s like the squad logistics that was a lot
1154s of fun to work with
1154s but recently been working on exposing
1157s new weapon mechanics and things kind of
1159s under the hood as well as working with
1162s raw and the new fireteam features yeah
1164s yeah I mean we haven't discussed it too
1166s much but we're definitely making some
1167s some significant changes to how squads
1170s work and fire teams and eventually
1174s outfits later on down the pipe but
1176s Garrett has been doing a lot of stuff
1179s that honestly goes unappreciated you
1181s wouldn't even notice it
1182s things like there was a bug where if you
1186s for squad spawning right yeah you you
1189s had to be the squad the owner of the
1191s vehicle instead of just any person
1193s inside the vehicle Andy had to be the
1195s driver as well in order to spawn into
1197s that vehicle and that's it's not like
1199s how we wanted it to be
1200s so making doing some changes there you
1204s know just it's a small stuff that you
1206s you never hear like after the fact I'm
1208s gonna see it and like a little bug fit
1209s the fixed line and that's it even though
1211s it's it took us days right to some of
1214s that stuff yeah it's um it's yeah
1217s there's a lot of stuff a lot of that
1220s flies into the radar but you know at
1221s being a brand-new programmer in the
1223s industry taking on the smaller tasks I
1226s think is it's a good learning experience
1227s I get to touch my fingers and all sorts
1229s of little things yeah actually the the
1231s the code base in general is behemoth
1235s it's yeah it's ridiculous yes so so the
1237s fact that Garrett's able to jump in and
1239s like figure it all that same thing with
1241s the with Zack Zack Antoine you know just
1245s able to dive in there and anybody that
1246s we've we've recruited to the team hasn't
1248s been just like light on it on it
1251s yeah and you'll you'll probably see
1252s another team member next dream sometime
1257s soon okay so that's Garrett how about we
1261s do another raffle another raffle yes I'm
1264s ready raise your behind okay so much
1270s money Nick so yeah whenever you get a
1274s chance Roxy go ahead and run another
1276s raffle and then do you let's go ahead
1278s and look sounds like there's some
1280s questions about it and let's talk a
1281s little bit about our our 2018 roadmap
1283s we're making some improvements to the
1285s meltdown system yeah do we want it okay
1291s I can't see chat right now it's probably
1293s just being spammed okay so we're not
1295s gonna have like are people gonna listen
1297s I think I understand
1299s yeah those like this awkward silence I
1301s don't do that around yeah so anyway for
1304s 2018 what are we working on we are
1306s working on nuclear experience yes
1308s first and foremost we really want to get
1311s at least a new tutorial and that
1313s completely replaces chata spam got it
1317s thank you yeah so we are gonna do a new
1322s Blair tutorial at least that's the goal
1323s I'm gonna spend five years and we've
1325s only gotten one that was done by one
1328s designer at the time
1329s and it's a little bit it's a little bit
1331s aged oh yeah it's a little I mean it was
1334s better it was better than what was there
1335s before which was nothing oh yes yeah
1340s let's say yes but oh now oh oh okay then
1348s yes okay oh well yeah good bye Garrett I
1351s guess I'm leaving goodbye Garrett
1352s goodbye it's the unstable stream
1354s everyone feel free to get your punches
1356s and jabs in now hey guys how you doing
1363s in a dank pineapple won the second
1367s raffle yep
1367s just gonna put that only 420 of those
1369s pineapple best fruit at least fresh okay
1373s well I don't eat fruit I don't want to
1374s make any enemies but I'm just I'm just
1376s just a fact
1378s yeah well be making improvements to the
1380s meltdown set but one of the things that
1382s I think will be getting better about the
1383s meltdown system is the look of Bastion
1386s fleet carrier
1387s oh is this supposed to be something more
1389s like you like trying to segue into him
1393s so we get a partial screen so Bastion
1400s fleet carrier is has actually so one of
1402s the community members we contracted him
1404s out a Steve oh and you've seen some of
1406s his work in players to do on armors and
1408s helmets and that sort of thing I we
1410s contracted him out to fix what was
1413s basically a husk of a broken nothing
1415s model it's currently in-game but we so
1418s when the meltdown hits right although
1419s everything though the cond is going
1421s crazy
1421s we like blur the screen so much and keep
1424s the bastions way above the flight
1426s ceiling and we make everything like it's
1428s just yeah lusion so you can't see how
1430s bad it is now it's a it's like a thing
1434s it's an actual fashion flea carrier we
1437s only have the the screen shot because
1438s the NPC is not set up currently but
1442s we'll show you some some in-game footage
1444s at this point thanks because we were
1445s flying around it yesterday in game and
1448s it's it's yeah it's something that we
1450s don't feel ashamed to allow players to
1452s get up close to now yeah or yes yeah
1455s yeah and and you know potentially you
1458s may be doing that at some point that's
1460s some period and some
1462s future yes timeline okay
1466s and speaking of timelines we were just
1467s talking about the roadmap for 2018 right
1470s yeah so nuclear experience was the first
1472s yes well alright I shouldn't say that
1474s the first cuz we're doing some other
1476s things one of the things that we're
1477s looking to improve is the new player
1479s experience there's a lot of things going
1480s on and planetside and there's a lot of
1482s things you need to know about I think
1484s maybe there's too many things so part of
1486s what we're doing is trying to streamline
1488s the tutorial system and make it so it's
1491s you get as much information as possible
1493s and we ignore our stuff you don't need
1495s and then possibly have alternate
1499s tutorials later for some of the more
1501s advanced stuff so the ideal would be
1503s like one one tutorial that's that covers
1505s the the basics of what you need to know
1507s also hopefully integrate some lore into
1509s it and then do like modules for for the
1512s specific elements exactly yeah so a lot
1514s of the the work that I've been doing has
1516s been expanding the scripting system that
1518s planetside uses Lua the scripting
1521s language to our implementation of Lua I
1525s should say to give as much power as
1528s possible to the designers so that they
1530s can create these new tutorials in
1533s addition to the stuff that we're using
1534s it for now things like making it so that
1537s we can schedule scripts in the future
1539s too so like for example the the to our
1542s timeline that we have right now for the
1545s temporary version at least unstable warp
1548s Gades that's run by just putting it into
1551s a scheduler and having the script run
1553s later but this would be useful for
1554s things that would be available in the
1557s tutorial later just today I put in some
1560s functionality to change the faction of a
1564s particular NPC that we spawned like the
1567s bastion fleet carrier I should say it's
1569s it's around anyways I'm gonna have them
1573s be styled to each faction yeah but yeah
1578s so a lot of a lot of the expansion is is
1580s the idea is to do it for what we need
1583s now but also make it available in the
1585s future for more things we could use for
1587s sure and as we we continue to kind of
1589s move through this process of setting up
1591s tutorials or even you know just working
1593s on any of the features that we're
1594s working on like faster fleet carrier
1595s like we
1596s kind of assumed that we would have the
1597s ability to change the faction ID of an
1601s NPC not so it's like adding adding
1605s things like that it's kind of it lets us
1609s find all the holes yeah yes
1614s so so we talked about tutorials talked
1617s about I'll see some of the meltdown
1620s changes that are coming well okay so
1622s meltdown alerts I just want to cover
1624s this real quick is on live they some
1628s from personal experience about
1630s two-thirds of them are not not as like
1634s tense and s climactic as they probably
1636s should be and a lot of that has to do
1638s with all I mean just ones on off
1640s continents is not helpful at all I
1642s having but also the the double teaming
1645s is some people really really enjoy it uh
1650s because it's like a it's a holdout and
1652s everything else but I think in the
1654s scheme of things there's there's changes
1656s that need to be made and there's more
1658s interesting things we could be doing
1659s right yeah but it was a good learning
1661s experience regardless I'm glad we did it
1662s and like we mentioned prior you know in
1665s the streams past we were completely able
1667s to to pivot to a different alert type
1669s and that's something that we're gonna be
1670s doing in the future namely I think we're
1673s going to be going back to the three e
1674s faction like sort of winner-takes-all
1677s alert and do you want to sorry would you
1679s mind switching back you just to give
1681s them something else to look at yeah so I
1687s will be chained in doing some meltdown
1689s changes for the actual alert itself so
1691s winner-takes-all will get the reward and
1693s then the continent well locked or lock
1695s we will do well talk about that probably
1697s later once we're a little bit more than
1699s we can talk about at least things we
1701s want to do I've obviously took a you
1703s really want to talk about it is so cool
1705s fine so so again the developer
1709s disclaimer you know there's a lot of
1711s things we want to do some things have to
1713s get done first and it might not all work
1715s out how we want to such as the state of
1718s game development one of the things we
1720s were talking about doing was having
1722s these sort of
1724s events run between stabilization and
1728s meltdown have sort of a period between
1732s that like that's like warp gates
1734s charging or pre meltdown or something
1736s like that where we would run various
1738s events that would sort of change the
1741s game a little bit yeah in a small way
1743s but really like kind of shake things up
1746s a little bit for the winner of which
1749s will get a benefit for their faction
1752s yeah that'll help them lock the calm we
1754s should probably back up a little bit
1755s more because I didn't explain this
1756s during when I was rambling about
1758s meltdown but I hives are going away as
1761s part of triggering the meltdown alerts
1762s so it'll be just a territory based but
1764s the reason that hives existed in the
1765s first place was to not only add some
1767s value to the construction system but
1771s also throttle the turnover time turnover
1775s the pace you know if the continent gets
1778s locked really quickly there's not likely
1780s to have been much interesting conflict
1782s going on right so being able to slow
1784s things down a little bit or at least
1786s ensure that there's a certain conditions
1789s are met before we can certain conditions
1794s are met before we give the ability to
1796s lock the content yeah so I because we're
1799s removing hives we need a new way to
1801s throttle how quickly a continent rotates
1804s because yeah like Paul was saying it's
1808s probably not a whole lot of fun fights
1809s that have been happening there and also
1811s we want you to have like the sandbox
1812s time you know into it to spend on that
1814s continent and start to become attached
1816s to it and these these new I mean we
1819s don't really have a name for it yet pre
1821s meltdown events like urging I don't know
1823s it's it's still it's still being
1824s workshopped as it were I am partial of
1826s the turn turning points yeah when the
1829s warp gates are charging so the in the
1831s state after the continent becomes
1833s stabilized yeah while the work gives are
1836s charging the you'll have these turning
1839s of points which are small events that
1842s are the alerts Paul was talking about so
1845s it could be something like your faction
1848s wants you to get air superiority over
1851s the continent and because of that they
1852s are making it so yes effort is free you
1855s know free for the next 30 minutes or
1856s whatever enhancing
1857s go at it and just you know try to get as
1858s many that way like during that
1860s particular event air combat is focused
1862s so great players who excel in that will
1864s get a chance to shine
1866s players who maybe haven't tried it out
1869s will get a chance to like quickly send
1872s their ships up into the air and be able
1875s to like not really have much penalty to
1877s do that right because trees are those
1879s lines trees are very dangerous or they
1882s jump out no idea those controls
1887s joysticks are really tough no okay I am
1893s terrible at flying so this would give
1895s players like me a chance to learn how to
1897s fly and actually just for that
1899s particular example that something that's
1901s been asked for for a long time is is
1902s like reducing the cost of ESF and that
1905s sort of thing but having a system like
1907s this just throwing out like fun little
1909s events allows us to to change the
1912s gameplay for you know a small period of
1914s time and I can also it also helps us
1918s like progress through a content you have
1920s like the s1 this alert like they get
1921s this sort of bonus like maybe maybe you
1924s discounted at layers kind of like
1925s something themed towards that right yeah
1930s all sorts of alerts could be random you
1931s know different each time shake up the
1933s experience but again we also want you to
1934s have the sandbox play so they're not
1935s going to be like in-your-face non-stop
1937s it'll just be it'll be a fun thing that
1939s happens every once in a while you want
1941s to move on some of the other stuff for
1943s focusing on Odin
1945s 20:18 sure I okay so immediately coming
1950s out back to this and probably be squads
1951s like we've already dipped our toes into
1953s a little bit the squad system I can
1956s certainly use refinement it can use
1960s tools it's sort of a you know just it
1964s needs a little bit of both and the some
1967s of the things that we're working on no
1972s that's not even for Nick sighs no no
1975s secret so so what was I even saying
1979s we're talking abouts like squad changes
1981s and outfit changes is one of the biggest
1983s things at least for for a lot of our
1986s players and for us is playing with your
1989s friends playing with a group
1990s and really enjoying that which makes
1994s planetside unique you know this massive
1997s scale and all this crazy like
1999s coordination and everything right but we
2001s don't make it super easy to join a squad
2003s you know don't let you know what's going
2005s on while you're in a squad there's like
2006s just like waypoints and smoke all over
2009s the place it's it's pretty tricky to
2011s figure out what's going on
2012s even without voice chat you know grant
2015s you if you have voice chat then there's
2017s just all sorts of loud people yelling at
2020s you yeah yeah yeah so there's some bad
2022s experiences enabling players to be able
2024s to join these squads and work with the
2027s the outfits and and do all sorts of like
2030s coordinate better as part of the inherit
2033s game yeah so some of that comes with
2035s with cleaning up and some of just how
2039s the squads are displayed so either
2041s reducing the amount of markers actually
2042s I should probably not that's what there
2044s was contention contention about
2045s somebody's change the last time I but we
2048s want to at like as a start like
2050s implement a mentor squad system so that
2053s new players once they join the game they
2056s are kind of ushered toward these new
2058s squads or mentor driven squads so if
2061s those squads in particular will be
2063s easier to understand there will be just
2065s less mechanics in general and also
2067s hopefully the the leadership of those
2069s squads will be incentivized to or
2072s they'll just be sort of the players that
2074s you want to have like teaching new
2076s players and there's a few ways that
2079s we'll do that outside of that and see
2082s the squads being able to so beyond the
2085s mentor squads squads being able to
2087s choose where like mission areas start or
2091s like make requests for like an airstrike
2093s or sort of like create little macro or
2096s minor missions yeah having squads be
2098s able to interact with the higher ranks
2101s and the higher like the platoon leaders
2102s and stuff yeah yeah well I mean even
2104s just like across the map like if I'm at
2107s this base or whatever and I just I want
2110s air support here because this is what we
2111s need like a squad by the air we need air
2113s defense right yeah so being able to
2115s create those sorts of call-outs is
2118s something that we want to to get the
2119s game as well and I know that was those
2121s problem I remember years ago
2124s my way back this was something that was
2126s spoken about I think I was supposed to
2128s be integrating to the mission system but
2129s we are essentially just just going to
2131s leave this in the hands of players sort
2133s of how there's current like defensive
2137s markers in the game and like an attack
2138s this point markers but we want to add
2140s some more some depth to to that some
2143s incentives to follow yeah sure yeah yeah
2147s we'll probably reveal more once we're a
2149s little bit closer to that it's still a
2150s ways out but yeah like I said the goal
2153s is to get players enabled them to engage
2156s in that sort of social play engage in
2158s that sort of coordination and really
2161s make the things that make planetside
2165s unique have them shine is it my
2168s character sitting there what do you mean
2170s was like what are we doing so that's it
2182s that's pretty much all we can talk about
2184s for our 2018 plans we have more than
2187s we're talking about but they are secrets
2189s oh okay what about the outfit stuff oh
2191s yeah we can talk about the yeah and
2194s that's probably the most nebulous at
2196s this point to be completely honest we've
2198s like I was talking with Nick today and
2201s kind of just riffing with him about like
2203s what are some of the things that we you
2205s know should be focusing on with outfits
2207s because there is like three different at
2209s least three different design documents
2210s and just different ways to handle this
2211s sort of thing but ultimately we want
2213s outfits to have progression we want
2215s outfits to be able to are in and also
2219s with progression we need to make sure
2220s that these small outfits aren't just
2222s being cut out of the picture so there's
2224s a kind of a balancing act that we done
2226s there so giving giving additional things
2228s for you to do like as you log in you say
2231s alright well what's my what's my outfit
2233s been up to how can I help contribute to
2235s their through the outfit you know of
2237s having it be this maybe social hub this
2240s like there's a lot of the reason I play
2242s multiplayer games does it play with my
2243s friends yeah there's tons of single
2245s players at games I can play but the
2247s reason I play these games is to work
2249s with my friends so we're trying to
2250s enable players as much as we can we want
2253s to incentivize communal goals yes
2256s I and that's not something that just
2258s doesn't exist right now
2259s outfits in our game currently are just a
2261s there like a big friends list is what it
2264s comes down to and we want it to be
2265s something more because there's a lot of
2266s potential death that we can explore
2268s there so yeah progression for sure
2272s management of well we also well I mean
2276s we can we can yeah
2278s so possibly expanding the number of
2280s outfit ranks that you have to give
2282s players right yeah plenty of life's
2285s waiting and that sort of thing yeah this
2288s pretty much I think we've pretty much
2291s covered it with a photo play stuff
2292s that's fair okay okay cool
2296s and then there's then there is secret
2298s stuff yeah we can that's what Paul wrote
2301s down was secret plan he really literally
2303s wrote secret plan on newspaper yeah
2305s sorry but no it's true there's there's
2307s something some stuff coming late in the
2310s 2018 and this is too early to talk about
2313s feel free to speculate all you want yeah
2315s no I feel like a like we've been super
2317s vague with this like trying to get to
2320s details yeah it's kind of we can't
2321s really yeah it's so it's fun I think
2325s it's fine for at least for this stream
2327s to be as vague as possible okay I know I
2331s want to tell you about them but we want
2333s to make sure it's it's done correctly
2334s and that you know we're not getting
2337s anyone's hopes up but you and that's the
2339s thing like we'd rather you be like
2341s pleasantly surprised with changes that
2343s they come rather than making too many
2344s promises that we just can't yeah I mean
2346s it's it's January we got all sorts of
2348s time to break from yeah yeah actually I
2353s dynamic region system was like a year
2355s ago like I promised interestingly a lot
2358s of the work that was done for the
2361s warpgate stabilization stuff we can
2363s reuse a lot of that stuff like disabled
2365s regions and that sort of thing and
2367s making sure they're playing nicely in
2368s that and having a UI handle them
2370s properly dynamic regions kind of
2372s somebody honking well into them yeah
2374s yeah it's there's someone outside the
2376s base here shoot them okay
2378s I mean them take them out yeah so that's
2383s that's kind of what our plans are for
2384s 2018 okay at least another high level
2388s let's see what else we got going on what
2391s do you think Nick should we have another
2392s giveaway yeah let's do it one more
2393s giveaway did you find the guy you need
2395s to shoot no is that him he's Almighty
2399s oh that's probable guy you need to shoot
2402s hey we don't we don't condone friendly
2404s fire on this stream oh there we go oh
2407s okay problem solved
2410s did you want to shoot did we get a
2411s chance to show off the LMG yet
2413s alright well that's one that Nick is
2415s using right now actually and these so
2418s this is pts right yes I'm on pts yeah
2421s the next iteration of these are gonna go
2424s out actually the NC LMG is probably
2425s getting a name changed not sure what
2427s it's gonna be yet you feel free to
2428s suggest names in the comments it's a
2431s yeah or something yes it won't be
2436s ballast no balances it's like it's
2439s nautical themed but the LA one anchor
2443s which is where you know it's kind of
2445s riffing off with that is like Liberty
2447s Arsenal makes that weapon and so it
2450s doesn't really make sense for a ballast
2451s to be one that comes from a completely
2452s different company exactly yeah there's
2455s there's a lot of planetside lore focused
2457s around companies and what types of guns
2459s they make there will be more planets
2460s like lore yes
2462s actually I think he'll be very pleased
2464s to hear that there will be more planning
2466s yeah so you were talking about some of
2467s the stuff Garrett had worked on things
2470s alluding to what we're talking about he
2472s was working on some of that stuff I mean
2474s the relic system what do you wanna do a
2487s giveaway Nick if we know we did what we
2489s did why destruction X won the raffle so
2491s congratulations destruction X like
2493s destruction axes and deaths like the
2496s resin d3 structured X like d3
2500s destruction
2501s I'm gonna check discord later des okay
2506s all right it could be somebody else then
2510s I go ahead stamp that's good so let's
2516s take some questions
2517s yeah we'd be happy to answer some
2519s questions
2521s as their positive stay on topic stab
2524s them you know if you have any questions
2525s about our fight our newly debuted
2529s programmer or oh boy oh wow Oh
2538s get rekt I had an aggressive feeling
2541s about that guy this one's cool these
2542s cool guys cool yeah but yeah questions
2546s weapons after LMGs thank you whoever
2549s asked that battle rifles next or
2552s marksman rifles or whatever yeah yes I
2557s mean that's not a real thing in the game
2558s at the moment okay Technic yeah do we
2562s talk about the spawn system revamps no
2565s like it's a little too it's just too
2568s technical right now and they go on
2570s forever so yeah so I think we've pretty
2577s much covered a lot of what we want to do
2579s I mean these are big goals
2581s these are big broad categories we're
2583s gonna see how much we can accomplish in
2585s each of these things can we get a cam
2586s for next shirt hey I've entered the task
2588s for the artists to work on demo so that
2593s there will be a camo for my shirt yeah
2597s something like that
2599s Iraq Sein paradise okay fine
2602s reasonable question ridiculous shirt yes
2606s I mean I think it's very important I
2608s don't think it's ridiculous but any
2613s chance of new vehicles I wouldn't put it
2618s out of the question yeah I mean you
2620s never know there's a lot involved with
2622s creating a new vehicle not only
2623s technically but from a balanced
2625s perspective and it kind of depends I
2627s think at this point like the art and the
2631s role of the vehicles are the major
2633s hangups
2634s but again it's not a question there's
2637s definitely a lot that goes into it but
2638s but if it's worth doing like if it's
2640s something that seems like it's fun and
2641s exciting then we totally jump on that
2643s but yeah it no plans at the moment and
2646s then there's a question here about ps4
2648s updates but so our intention on ps4
2651s updates is now that we've got the the
2653s implant system
2654s implemented on ps4 is to keep it as
2657s close and step with the PC version of
2660s the game so when we do major game
2661s updates for PC we're hoping to do the
2664s major game updates for the ps4 at the
2667s same time or like very close
2669s unfortunately the systems aren't as in
2671s sync as we'd like so we're trying to get
2674s them closer we're trying to you know
2676s obviously we care very much about our
2678s ps4 players we want them to experience
2682s as much of Planet site as we can give
2684s them okay so do you want to harp on the
2686s the construction system drum a little
2689s bit just with it with ps4 yeah the
2692s question always comes up like you know
2693s when is the ps4 getting construction
2695s when is PS working so we've continuing
2698s to run tests and we're trying to our
2699s best to make improvements to allow for
2701s the construction system to come to ps4
2702s but like almost every test that we've
2704s run just shows that the ps4 can't handle
2706s the amount of NPCs that are required for
2708s you just average not like a small base
2710s that usually causes the ps4 to really
2713s just sort of chug so we're going to
2716s continue trying to come up with other
2718s ways but really what's going to end up
2720s happening is if we do bring construction
2722s to ps4 it's going to be in a
2723s fundamentally it's fundamentally
2724s different way than it is on PC yeah what
2727s and so well it'll and we'll end up with
2729s the same problem from the development
2730s side chain changes to specific things
2733s you can construct or maybe limiting it a
2735s bit more maybe trying to see if we can
2737s get some optimizations some things like
2740s turrets are a huge performance yeah so
2744s we're not willing to take it off the
2745s table
2746s we're it's still on the table we know
2748s you guys love construction and watch it
2750s on planetside planetside 4 planets for
2754s all day I'm going like oh yeah well I've
2757s been working on PlayStation 2 okay
2763s action specific implants we so we came
2766s up with the concepts of them you know
2768s those were kind of explored and right
2771s now there's no plans to implement them
2772s they're kind of just on the back burner
2773s I'm not saying that they're not going to
2775s appear but they also don't get us all a
2776s lot at the same time so yeah but getting
2780s stuff that is specific to each faction
2783s without being very unbalanced or being
2786s too difficult
2788s or whatever like yeah I mean it's tricky
2791s I mean we're if we're not taking it off
2792s the table there's stuff we want to do at
2794s some point but for now they're we're
2796s focusing on some other things yeah would
2798s rather not push out implants and Jos for
2800s the sake of pushing out implants yeah we
2802s want them to have some sort of yeah
2804s positive effect other than just diluting
2806s the implant pool that's not what we want
2808s to do right so as Nick rubs his hands
2811s together so any plans to combat surging
2815s that's that is such a loaded question
2817s yes I a lot of the you have to
2824s understand Houser gang happens in order
2826s to understand some of the complexity
2830s yeah well I understand thanks thanks
2832s Roxy I understand that there is also no
2835s silver bullet to dealing with this
2836s problem we are planning on making some
2838s spawn adjustments and that will
2840s hopefully help reroute people yeah same
2843s with the tunes kind of focusing I like
2847s hauling in different missions and
2848s pushing people to different areas that's
2851s it's just a bunch of this more more like
2854s death by a thousand cuts you know that's
2856s how you kind of killed working there's
2857s no like silver bullet because players
2859s are erratic and like if we made it so
2861s that if there was like way too many
2863s people are unbalanced fights or
2865s something like that and players didn't
2866s get XP people would still do it yeah
2869s it's really hard to focus players and
2872s incentivize them there's you yeah things
2875s like things that the game benefit I
2877s think the very last note on it is like
2878s there are ways we can combat it but
2880s they're very heavy-handed ways that we
2881s can combat it and we want planetside to
2884s one of the great things about planetside
2886s is just how open it is and allows
2888s players to really do what they want and
2890s so with that we would take away one of
2894s the greatest things about planetside 2
2895s if we were to be heavy-handed about how
2897s we compounded the Zerg a problem so yeah
2901s additional events for holidays
2902s Valentine's is not getting one I'm gonna
2904s spoil your fun right now but the the
2907s Valentine's Day crossbows will come back
2908s and you'll get titles from from using
2910s them per usual as well as the the hearts
2912s camo the extremely obnoxiously bright
2915s hearts camo that'll be coming back as
2917s well yes maybe like I st. Patrick's Day
2922s today we're all players our vision gets
2924s blurred and no that wouldn't be I think
2926s we have a team yes that's a good point
2931s yeah it could be I mean you could
2933s probably get away with it but additional
2938s events for the holidays that's just
2941s other other other holidays that are not
2944s Valentine that we have planned for right
2946s now but the yoozh but that was a lot of
2949s fun last year was to make improvements
2951s to the existing holiday events so we
2954s don't have anything slotted into our
2955s schedule right now but it is it is a
2958s long year ahead of us so we will see how
2960s things shake down exactly all right cool
2964s well thanks everybody for coming to the
2966s stream today and we're gonna be doing
2969s more of these streams throughout the
2970s year and yeah see you next time ending -
2982s and we'll see you again next time
2984s Paul Joe Joe signing off I like that one
2987s better okay
2988s [Laughter]
2998s you