almost 5 years
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PTS Servers are scheduled to come back online around 5:00pm PT with the updates below.
Test Server installation can be found here:
Outfit Wars - Alpha Cycle 2 Ruleset
We have made major revisions to how Outfit Wars functions both from a ruleset perspective, and a technological standpoint. Please test these changes through the weekend so we can deliver a better overall experience for Alpha Cycle 2.
Alpha Cycle 2 enlistment starts on May 1st. We'll reveal the entirety of the schedule soon.
Phasing Revisited
Outfit Wars now uses three separate Qualification Phases that take place over three days and have Rest Periods in between them. The new flow is as follows:
- Enlistment ? Qualifier 1 ? Rest 1 ? Qualifier 2 ? Rest 2 ? Qualifier 3 ? Preparation Phase ? Combat Phase ? Off Season
- Participating in a base capture will award attackers (of all participating outfits) score upon capture.
- Capturing a base can earn up to 250 Outfit Wars score (this is the equivalent of 25,000 combined score, anything above this is discarded.)
- Participating in a base defense will award defenders (of all participating outfits) score upon a successful base defense.
- Defending a base can earn up to 100 Outfit Wars score (this is equivalent of 10,000 combined score, anything above this is discarded.).
- Additionally, spawning a Bastion for your Outfit immediately grants you 1000 Outfit Wars score during a Qualify phase.
- In a later update we would also like to reward Outfits who take part in the destruction of enemy Bastion Fleet Carriers.
- Outfit members who aren't flagged with the "Outfit War Eligible" privilege will no longer be allowed to access Desolation.
- When the Desolation alert ends, the victorious players currently in the zone receive the "Outfit Warrior" title.
- Increased the Desolation alert point maximum from 500 to 750.
- Fixed an issue with the Outfit War HUD notification showing prematurely.
- Fixed an issue where Outfit Wars HUD notification wouldn't appear when the war ended.
- You will no longer receive a prompt to join the Outfit War after the match has ended.
- Enlistment - 4:00am/10:00am/4:00pm/10:00pm
- Qualify 1 - 4:30am/10:30am/4:30pm/10:30pm
- Qualify 2 - 4:50am/10:50am/4:50pm/10:50pm
- Qualify 3 - 5:10am/11:10am/5:10pm/11:10pm
- Gold Match - 5:30am/11:30am/5:30pm/11:30pm
- Silver Match - 5:40am/11:40am/5:40pm/11:40pm
- Bronze Match - 5:50am/11:50am/5:50pm/11:50pm
- The TAB battle scoreboard now only tallies score that contributes to a base capture, and ignores exempt experience types.
- The minimum score required to award resources when a base is captured reduced from 3000 to 1000.
- Spitfire and Auxiliary Spitfire Turrets can no longer be stacked on one another, and the minimum placement distance has been increased slightly.
- Hardlight Canopies should be less likely to be culled during times of high server load.
- Fixed an issue where Bastions could be damaged without attacking the hardpoints.
- Caltrop model no longer appears while Seraph Shield is active.
- Flail and Glaive IPC are affected by AI Modules once again.
- Scrolling on the Outfit Management page no longer applies to both the focus and the pane behind it.