almost 3 years ago - Mithril - Direct link
Just wanted to let you all know that this is still on our radar. We are continuing to investigate the problem so if you are encountering unbearable latency issues with connery, please fill out the information above in a CS ticket. This will help us greatly! Thanks!
almost 3 years ago - Mithril - Direct link
Network issues: For players who make use of the Deutsche Telekom ISP (primarily Cobalt/Miller players,) we've made some routing changes recently that should have resolved the major connection issues through that ISP. For Connery players experiencing high latency, we're still trying to track down where the impact is. To that end, please submit tickets to CS using the following information when latency issues take place: We need your character name, server, time of incident, ISP, and PC specs, if you can provide them. There have been relatively few players doing this at this point, despite it being helpful to resolve these issues.