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Keeping players engaged in Planetside is probably one of the most important things RPG can do right now. The growth in population we're seeing in PS2 now is something we havent seen in a while, and I think most of us expect it to drop.

RPG should take BIG steps in doing anything for player retention. Others have suggested a new continent for example. Keeping regularity in major content drops is important now. Should there be a new development map, chapters, expansions?

I suggest that we try to get something going for twitch, or even mixer. Content drops (as seen in For honor or Elder scrolls online) is an effective way to get people watching. If its streamers bringing new players or keeping current ones engaged in their down-time, or if its devstreams, dropping some kind of loot to viewers helps a lot. I like how ESO have handled their Reveals, devstreams and drops. If the devs looks into this im sure we can get something nice out if it.

Most of us vets just wants to see this game grow, and now is a great time to make it happen. Planetside 2 is old but still gold.

Whats your idea for player retention? What can be done to boost population, and keep people playing?

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almost 5 years ago - /u/jgolenbo - Direct link

Originally posted by Ansicone

u/Jgolenbo I think you mentioned at some point that we can expect something in this space Soon™️?

Probably not in the near future, given some of the challenges immediately on our plate - both in PS2 and just generally, keeping ongoing live ops and future development on schedule as we adjust to WFH reqs. But Twitch Drops are absolutely an area we have ideas for going into our next major update.

That said, player retention is always a top priority, and we have substantial plans for that well beyond what we plan for Twitch - starting with improving performance and in-game stability, and moving rapidly to new content that...while we’re not ready to unveil it yet...we think the community will be majorly receptive to.

Keep the ideas coming, tho!