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All PS4 servers will be offline for the following update, Mar. 23, at 8:00am PT (4:00pm CET), downtime is expected to last up to three hours.
Welcome to the Isles of Oshur
A new, massive-scale continent makes its way to PlanetSide 2 for the first time since 2014. The tropical isles of Oshur are reminiscent of a time before the Auraxian war, where research and exploration were the most valued pursuits, and the factions weren't fully divided.
Something for Everyone
Oshur was designed with an emphasis on logistics and diversity of gameplay. The towering Trident Relays necessitate air support and quick responses, the lattice has deliberate and strategic cutoffs for squad and platoon leaders to pursue, the beachheads and mid-field bases carve a space for meaningful vehicle battles; and the hand-crafted bases create unique and learnable gameplay spaces for hardened infantry veterans. With this new island battleground, there is something to enjoy no matter your style of gameplay.
Exodus Flotilla
The expedition to Oshur took place aboard the new Exodus-class Fleet Carriers. Unlike traditional maps, there are no Warpgates on Oshur, and this flotilla of heavily armed fleet carriers will become your new base of operations. Enemy vehicles that stray too close will be shot out of the sky by the shipboard Particle Projection Cannon.
Water Mechanics
As a part of a massive undertaking, we've completely changed how water works in PlanetSide 2. Every vehicle, infantry, and projectile interaction has been re-engineered to accommodate these new mechanics.
- Wheeled Vehicles putter along the surface.
- Hover vehicles float above the water.
- Air vehicles cruise beneath the waves like submarines.
- Infantry and treaded vehicles prowl the ocean floor.
- Projectiles that enter the water are hit with heavy drag.
- UBR-100 Frogman - Unlocked by completing the first tier of the Conquest Oshur directive.
- UBR-150 Sea Lion - Unlocked with Certs or DBC.
- UBR-300 Swordfish - Unlocked by completing Chapter 02 of the Distant Shores campaign.
- UBP-1 Starfish - Unlocked by completing the Distant Shores campaign.
- Friendly fire damage is now reduced by 50% at all times against non-squad/non-platoon members.
- Grief from friendly fire now decays 50% faster at all times.
- Blast damage outer radius from 2m to 1.5m.
- C-Barrier armor increase from 20% to 30%.
- Transport Cloak has been removed, and the certs refunded.
- Max damage from 200 to 167
- Min damage from 154 to 143
- Magazine size from 100 to 60.
- MBT/Flash/Harasser ammo capacity from 500 to 600.
- Sunderer/ANT ammo capacity from 750 to 600.
- Ammo restock per tick standardized at 120, this is a buff for all platforms.
- Magazine size skill line now increases magazine by 5 per rank, instead of 13.
- Ammo capacity cert line now provides one magazine worth of ammo per rank, instead of the previous 150.
- Nanite cost from 500 to 450.
- When deployed, the Lodestar now generates a protective shield of up to 2500 health.
- Cortium cost from 400 to 300.
- Nanite cost from 350 to 250.
- Projectile now despawns after 15 meters.
- Fixed a number of out of memory issues that could cause the game to crash.
- All vehicles now have a small dot reticle while in third person.
- Sunderers, Deliverers, and Lodestars can no longer be deployed in the Warpgate regions.
- Prototype vehicles now count toward Heavy Assault's Air Deterrence Directive.
- "Treasured" MSW-R now has charge handle on the correct side of the weapon.
- Fixed an issue with Sunderer Ambulance cosmetics showing low LoD models at short distance.
- Ammo Siphon ability for TR MAX now works with the M3 Pounder HEG.
- You can no longer earn Mining Drill mission credit from enemies or while dead.
- Fixed a skinning issue with the TR Light Assault Composite Helmet.