over 6 years
ago -
PlanetSide 2
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Transcript (by Youtube)
7s | nice nice time ago yeah welcome everyone |
11s | to the seeds of terror stream a nanite |
15s | of the dead five is coming soon |
17s | and we'll be talking a little bit about |
18s | that yes I am |
21s | the planetside 2 producer Nick Silva |
24s | with me today are our designers rel yeah |
30s | and he needs a resist calling me by |
34s | dramati |
35s | both joining us thank you guys for being |
37s | here |
38s | and what are we gonna talk about today |
40s | we'll be talking about some of your guys |
43s | big concerns that you've been letting us |
45s | know about and we totally are trying to |
47s | fix right now it's the the various |
48s | server and network performance issues |
50s | that I've been happening also the |
53s | stability issues the blue screens that |
54s | people have been seeing on the ps4 we're |
56s | gonna let you know a little bit more |
57s | about what we've been doing about those |
59s | things and when the fixes should be |
61s | coming we're going to talk a little bit |
63s | about the details behind Sol Tech and |
66s | how soon you guys will be seeing that |
68s | we'll be talking a little bit about the |
70s | performance investigations on the data |
72s | side Drew's gonna let us know a little |
73s | bit about how that works and we'll be |
76s | revealing some of the details of the |
77s | Halloween event my favorite holiday of |
80s | the year |
81s | we'll also be talking a little bit about |
84s | the spawn changes that will be coming |
85s | soon and as well as some new weapon |
88s | mechanics that Garrett's been working on |
90s | can you guys hear me breathe cuz it cuz |
93s | I'm really self-conscious right now but |
95s | no yeah it's hard finally we'll be going |
107s | over some of the details of the osher |
108s | streams that'll be happening yes yes and |
112s | yeah so with that let me talk a little |
115s | bit about the the server server |
117s | performance issues and the ps4 blue |
119s | screens that you guys have been seeing |
120s | we've been heavily investigating they |
125s | love hearing us that's good good so |
128s | we've been investigating very heavily |
130s | and with departments outside of our own |
132s | that handle a lot more of the platform |
135s | level stuff on what's going on with |
138s | the performance of our servers and we've |
140s | been able to discover a number of things |
142s | and I won't go into the nitty gritty |
145s | details of it but there's these |
147s | vestigial systems that we've removed |
149s | from the game completely that those have |
150s | required a lot of testing to make and as |
152s | we've removed these systems they |
154s | affected other they broke things on |
156s | their way out but they really were doing |
159s | nothing yeah a vehicle gameplay was |
161s | horrible so yes culprit of it no naked |
168s | Joe panel there's stuff like and there |
175s | was an RPG style encounter system that |
178s | was running all the time is trying to |
180s | check to see if players we're about to |
181s | start a random encounter yeah that when |
184s | that system came out it broke a bunch of |
185s | things so and so there's other examples |
187s | of stuff like that |
188s | that were pulled out of the game and so |
192s | we're seeing a lot better performance at |
194s | least in our internal test so all right |
196s | oh for sure whenever they come to life |
197s | and we have been pushing and just |
199s | incrementally some changes live and drew |
201s | will be talking about that stuff later |
202s | but even the network issues are |
206s | certainly exacerbating any issues that |
209s | you see like a lot of the bug reports |
210s | that we're getting about people either |
212s | clipping through walls or or like not |
215s | being able activate their cloak and |
216s | things like that there it's it's all |
218s | part of the same same problem really you |
220s | can just lump it in the same bucket so |
222s | yeah once that's solved hopefully we'll |
225s | have some better performance overall yes |
228s | as that's kind of what we've been |
229s | working on for the past forever and |
230s | we're planning now that we have a good |
232s | system for tracking this stuff down we |
233s | plan on playing a bit a bit of a game of |
235s | whack-a-mole so basically we'll fix |
237s | these highest the things that are |
238s | clearly standing up is the worst |
240s | problems on the server and hopefully |
242s | that just gives us performance |
244s | improvements and then we'll run the same |
245s | exact performance sort of scans and and |
248s | get more data to see who the next |
250s | biggest offender is and then we'll focus |
251s | in on that so we're planning on having |
254s | sort of a standing sort of order to |
259s | always be making performance |
261s | improvements not only to the client but |
263s | also the server specifically and then on |
266s | the ps4 side of things we we have been |
268s | sweating the amount of stability |
271s | problems we've been have |
272s | on that platform for a while now and |
274s | we've known pretty much from the |
276s | beginning that our problems come from |
279s | member memory leaks but we've tracked it |
281s | down to the UI systems and that |
284s | particular system has been it's not very |
286s | conducive to debugging and it's been a |
288s | giant pain in the ass for us basically |
290s | so we're finally starting to get into |
294s | which elements are actually causing the |
296s | memory leaks and we feel like we're |
297s | finally pinching this down to what's |
300s | causing our stability problems on the |
301s | platform and it's so to me terrible that |
304s | they're that they're coming from UI but |
307s | that seems to be where they're mostly |
309s | coming from so hopefully in the next |
312s | update that you guys will be seeing in a |
313s | week or so we'll be finally squashing |
316s | some of the stability issues they've |
317s | been having we've been having on the |
318s | platform so thank you for everyone who |
321s | stuck it out with us and for people that |
323s | are waiting to come back like please |
325s | come back soon because we're gonna be |
327s | fixing those problems and yeah that's |
331s | pretty much it from that side of things |
334s | the server performance and the stability |
336s | issues on ps4 the next thing was I |
339s | wanted to talk a little bit about soul |
340s | tech so we stood that server up a couple |
344s | weeks back and we've been running tests |
346s | on it pretty much non-stop all of the |
349s | various end points are all set up on our |
350s | end and we're now coordinated with the |
354s | various groups here at the company with |
355s | a customer service and our internal |
357s | operations group so everything should be |
359s | set up for us to unlock the server to |
362s | the public and for for those who don't |
364s | know soul tech is tokyo-based server so |
368s | players who are you know over on that |
371s | side of the world will have hopefully a |
373s | better connection actually we've done |
375s | tests and it's certainly a better |
376s | connection oh yeah yeah and you will |
379s | have the opportunity to to move a |
381s | character there or create a new |
382s | character there you know what have you |
383s | well you'll have an opportunity to move |
385s | a character there once we go into the |
387s | next step of actually did you not get |
390s | blue it's fine so the first step would |
393s | be and we're probably going to be doing |
395s | this early next week is to just unlock |
397s | the server for the public and you'll be |
398s | able to immediately start creating |
399s | characters on the server and seeing what |
402s | kind of performance you can get just by |
403s | connecting to the server |
405s | and what kind of gameplay experience you |
407s | get by by playing on that server so at |
410s | that point you'll just be able to create |
411s | characters on it will be completely |
413s | fresh server the next step for that |
416s | process would be we're gonna put out our |
418s | server update which will include some |
420s | technology that we've admittedly pretty |
422s | oh we've hacked it in to allow for |
424s | transfers of servers from connery to |
427s | Saul Tech and from Salt Tech back to |
429s | Connery and when we roll out that change |
433s | it won't be available to the public via |
435s | the client right away we're gonna run |
437s | some more tests to make sure that |
439s | everything is working exactly as we had |
443s | run our various internal tests on we've |
447s | even done some stuff on live that's a |
448s | little bit of what this system is going |
451s | to be doing but really that'll be the |
452s | sort of official test on live will be |
455s | then and if everything checks out there |
457s | will roll out a small client update |
459s | after that that will basically enable |
461s | the clients to be able to select a |
463s | character that's a Connery character or |
464s | a sole tech character you'll get an |
466s | additional option near the play button |
468s | that says change server you click on it |
470s | it'll confirm one last time that you are |
473s | you sure you want to move your character |
475s | and it happens pretty quickly the main |
479s | thing I just wanted to get across as |
480s | well and we'll be announcing this all |
482s | and all the various media channels that |
484s | that we can is when you go to transfer |
487s | your character please have played on the |
490s | server for a little bit with with a |
491s | fresh character and even run some tests |
494s | yourself because what only reason I |
497s | bring it up is I'm very nervous about |
499s | stuff going wrong with people's |
501s | characters that they potentially spent |
502s | hundreds or potentially thousands of |
504s | hours in writer we've done a lot of |
505s | testing we will continue to do testing |
507s | as Nick said and although all of our |
509s | tests came out pretty positive yeah like |
511s | yeah we haven't really run into an issue |
513s | but we won't really know until the |
515s | rubber meets the road so exactly so yeah |
518s | I'm just I'm nervous about that and to |
520s | be a hundred percent sure that the |
521s | system as its emblem is going to allow |
523s | for you to pretty rapidly switch back |
524s | and forth between the servers do that at |
527s | your own peril especially don't be doing |
530s | that with characters that you that you |
532s | feel like are valuable to you but yes |
535s | you'll be able to move back and forth |
536s | between the servers and if you're the |
537s | kind of person who wants to play |
539s | in the peak time of Asia and play during |
541s | the peak time of the West Coast then I |
544s | guess that will be an option that's |
546s | available to you but only briefly |
548s | we're only planning on allowing server |
550s | transfers between the two servers for 30 |
553s | days there's gonna be a window of 30 |
554s | days and another warning for me to give |
557s | is just don't end up on the wrong side |
558s | of the fence when we close that window |
560s | that fence takes you to another side or |
562s | another country and you we might be able |
568s | to get your character moved back to the |
569s | server that you want it on but I can't |
571s | guarantee that we will do that and I |
573s | can't guarantee that well we will do it |
575s | in a reasonable amount of time what you |
577s | feel is reasonable so you might end up |
578s | waiting for a long time if we ever even |
581s | get to that point of doing a character |
583s | who has been warned so yes this is this |
585s | is the first warning there's gonna be |
587s | lots more warnings that come with with |
589s | the system and but yeah that's how it's |
592s | all gonna work and hopefully we're gonna |
594s | have lots more players playing from Asia |
596s | on a much better gaming experience very |
599s | soon and that's pretty much it for the |
601s | sole tech this was there was no |
604s | questions about soul Tector and all that |
605s | all right but let me kick it over to |
609s | Drew to let us know a little bit more |
612s | about how you made performance updates |
614s | on the client how you think the game |
616s | amazing oh my god only data and a little |
620s | bit of code a little bit of code pixie |
622s | dust yeah some magic some nanites so a |
626s | lot of what we've been doing recently is |
628s | going through and using some new |
630s | debugging tools that we've been given to |
632s | kind of go through both live and local |
634s | to find some of the problems that are |
636s | going on there's been a few times where |
640s | we've tracked down some things based on |
643s | the community's feedback to find out a |
645s | lot of the core problems that are going |
648s | on in terms of the server costs and to |
651s | reduce a lot of the server costs that |
653s | we're going on can you give any specific |
655s | examples of things that were able to be |
657s | changed in data yeah so a lot of the |
660s | construction stuff specifically there |
663s | were some abilities and whatnot that |
665s | were casting on every frame where they |
668s | didn't need to be cast on every frame |
671s | a little bit much not only a cast every |
673s | frame because a lot of things do that |
675s | but if they're being cast in the removed |
677s | frame and just repeatedly what it could |
679s | have just been your cast one time or |
681s | cast it even like if it hasn't been |
684s | updated it could stay that way but yeah |
686s | it kept it got into a really weird loop |
688s | yeah where it was being cast every time |
690s | and then there was also stuff where we |
693s | had bundled up certain abilities and so |
695s | it was basically almost trying to throw |
697s | a bunch of darts at a dartboard and see |
699s | how many stuck and then having to go in |
701s | and pick up each single one so there |
703s | were a lot of packets being sent that |
705s | just weren't necessary and just weren't |
708s | actually doing anything so cleaning up a |
711s | lot of those and cleaning up a lot of |
713s | what was going on with that there were |
715s | certain abilities that were casting on |
717s | you know hundred to two hundred meter |
719s | ranges when they only needed to be cast |
721s | on a five or three meter range and going |
724s | to every NPC in the area rather than |
726s | just certain NPCs so no and even like |
729s | some of the abilities that have we call |
732s | column zone effects but the effects of |
734s | each ability like they were false doubt |
736s | as and we weren't using them but they |
737s | were still being cast because it weren't |
738s | gated off the chain yeah but so yeah all |
742s | sorts of different stuff definitely so |
744s | um |
745s | I wanted to give a shout out to some of |
747s | the players who've really helped a lot |
749s | in terms of what's actually being given |
751s | I really want to shout out Delta Delta's |
755s | been really really helpful |
756s | he spent three four hours with me and a |
758s | vehicle while I was just constantly |
760s | doing debugging specifically to pull |
763s | this out |
764s | miss Utley was the person who actually |
766s | gave us the first the first year lead |
769s | that we had in terms of digging into |
771s | what's actually going on in the server |
773s | performance and really digging into the |
774s | construction side of things so just |
776s | thank you to both of you so much and |
779s | then I know he's a meme er but objects |
782s | has spent quite a while as well with me |
784s | helping out with the hitching problems |
786s | and stuff looking up some of these |
788s | problems I know I know |
791s | cray all know crazy but no in in reality |
796s | of the community has been so helpful in |
798s | terms of we're reaching out and we're |
799s | asking for help |
800s | repoing some of these things because we |
802s | can't find all of these things on our |
804s | own |
805s | environments with you know the few of us |
807s | that are actually actively looking for |
809s | somebody well and what we see is |
810s | certainly different than than what |
812s | everybody else sees actually the so that |
814s | the vehicle on kill hitching I it's very |
818s | difficult for us to get a repro for that |
820s | and some more information is kind of |
822s | kind of delight so yeah yeah just keep |
825s | doing what you're doing and continue to |
826s | send feedback to Drew is a great |
829s | resource for the community to kind of |
831s | reach out to and and he's been doing a |
833s | great job about following up these these |
836s | investigations and kind of just |
838s | hammering on that performance side of |
839s | things so so yeah hopefully hopefully we |
842s | see some good improvements but again as |
846s | Nick was saying before with with Wacom |
847s | all we want to keep doing that and not |
850s | only on the engineering side but on the |
852s | data side of finding ways to optimize |
854s | everything that we're doing because |
855s | there's there's a lot that's been done |
857s | in the past as well and a lot of things |
859s | we've done know we've learned we've |
861s | learned so much from and yeah if you |
865s | guys have any trouble getting ahold of |
867s | Drew directly or anybody else on the |
869s | team to slash let me remind you the |
870s | slash bug command still works it went |
871s | down there for a day you got a backup |
874s | and it does work it does work I check it |
877s | every day we have a QA guy checks it |
880s | every day so we get some interesting |
884s | we do read it unfortunately if we forget |
887s | it it's pretty clear whenever you're |
890s | looking at something that's not going to |
891s | be helpful right yeah we're getting some |
895s | really good stuff from there so thanks |
896s | to the people who were submitting |
898s | reports via the slash bug command as |
900s | well absolutely cool shall we do a |
903s | raffle are we doing raffles today yeah |
910s | yes so to make yourself eligible for a |
915s | raffle just have type something in chat |
917s | say something nice about drew maybe Bank |
920s | raffle yeah bein raffle works too and |
923s | yeah we'll be announcing a winner there |
924s | in a second but until well we're waiting |
926s | for that yes so we show some cool how |
929s | you spent so much time our faces |
934s | right I ready |
940s | Oh nobody thought Oh actually it wasn't |
948s | me |
948s | so stir on that up there there we go I |
952s | will sit in silence or someone can |
954s | narrate the nanite of the Living Dead |
957s | five seeds of Terror ecto blaster is |
961s | spelled wrong okay dang it this is a |
966s | rough cut all right but it has yeah |
971s | thank you to mr. pretty firm you know |
979s | let's go on game and then shoot some |
981s | things mmm I feel so good okay I'll see |
988s | ya |
988s | so nanites of the Living Dead as I spent |
991s | something that go for it the winner of |
994s | the raffle is painful Moo's |
995s | double-oh-seven congratulations man yeah |
999s | Roxy I'll be reaching out to you sweet |
1002s | yeah so I nanite of the Living Dead is |
1006s | our fifth year running uh fourth year oh |
1009s | yeah this is the fifth year of Nano the |
1012s | Living Dead yeah and but our third year |
1015s | of the directive so yeah we did a new |
1018s | directive for you this year |
1019s | that's not Irish events here a couple of |
1022s | different things last year was very |
1024s | focused on I think basically a wraith |
1027s | click flashes an eye thing everyone so I |
1030s | we we've learned a little bit from from |
1033s | that and have kind of made things a |
1035s | little bit more team-oriented so you |
1036s | have your savor kills save your kills |
1038s | here experience earned with or in a |
1042s | vehicle with another player so friendly |
1044s | fun times it resupplies using Halloween |
1047s | masks and revives using Halloween masks |
1049s | kills with Halloween event weapons and |
1051s | killing khalaqtu lanterns will increment |
1054s | your your progress through this |
1056s | directive and this year we're giving out |
1058s | seeds every step of the way and actually |
1060s | seeds are going to be a lot easier to |
1062s | get this year because events will give |
1063s | them out meltdown alert will give them |
1065s | out and then |
1067s | yeah that's pretty much it and then |
1069s | pumpkins will be appearing all |
1071s | throughout our axis as they usually do |
1073s | so the first directive reward is uh well |
1077s | a second tier is an active blaster which |
1079s | is something that we'll show you in just |
1080s | a moment and the Halloween five banner |
1084s | which is from the expert and directives |
1086s | and then we got the special lightning |
1089s | weapon which we haven't had in the game |
1091s | before so it's a cosmetic version of the |
1093s | AP lightning and actually Giroux who's |
1096s | gonna show off the ecto blaster real |
1097s | quick let's do that |
1100s | Oh green screen come on green screen so |
1106s | it's green so it doesn't shoot black |
1115s | bolts cheat screen but I actually yeah |
1118s | it does actually we should we should fix |
1120s | that yeah yep there we go you can fire |
1126s | it full I've gone on no no I don't know |
1128s | you don't know you so it does fire full |
1132s | auto it is a heat mechanic |
1133s | there's no scope at all so it's just a |
1137s | just add base and it just fires pretty |
1140s | rapidly and it's got a new cool sound |
1143s | effect as well that's yeah go for it |
1149s | yeah dig it dig it well so it's got a |
1154s | little bit of a looks like it's got |
1156s | Splash Damage on it |
1156s | yeah a little bit Splash Damage yeah |
1159s | it's a thank you like literal splash |
1162s | thing like yeah so as you can see it |
1164s | does green there we go |
1166s | yeah cool see those cool little |
1168s | particles and stuff yeah and this is on |
1170s | it so it's heat basted this weapon is |
1171s | only going to last during the event so |
1173s | second tier you you unlock it but we've |
1175s | made the directive pretty easy too sorry |
1178s | for that sound |
1178s | there's no hitbox or no headshot |
1181s | multiplier this time so yeah there is |
1184s | one it's just small oh there it is yeah |
1187s | but the what was I saying |
1191s | Oh were we even doing why are we here we |
1196s | have this is let's see here that Avenger |
1199s | reward will go away but it'll it'll come |
1202s | back every every Halloween so you'll be |
1204s | able to have this fun little pistol |
1206s | based weapon here so everybody would |
1208s | look what it looks like in third person |
1209s | because I really like the way it looks |
1216s | okay and it is a somebody mentioned on |
1219s | the right of throat today is that a |
1220s | reskin trap it is it's totally a reskin |
1222s | trap you know what just er weapons the |
1224s | trap in the amp they look like water |
1226s | pistols anyway you're kind of laughing |
1228s | them doesn't really fit with the |
1229s | aesthetic so they're great fodder for |
1231s | this stuff yes I said let's move on to |
1235s | our next interesting Halloween reward |
1239s | here we have the profile banner okay |
1242s | maybe not that interesting but yeah it's |
1245s | kind of a little artsy and lightning fun |
1250s | shenanigans I love this oh yeah I got |
1256s | that got some orange going on orange |
1258s | metallic and you're out your twizzler |
1260s | looking licorice yeah look here and it's |
1264s | yeah and so there's one for each faction |
1266s | and then your your twist is going to get |
1268s | a faction colored and the sides are |
1270s | going to get a faction colored a little |
1271s | bit of a kind of a more more modern look |
1274s | outside of the the twist on the barrel |
1276s | there and |
1278s | and it works just like a normal landing |
1281s | Kennywood you know he's got gone no he |
1286s | doesn't know I don't know he's just |
1288s | taunting me now so that's our Halloween |
1302s | directive for this year and you also get |
1306s | Halloween ribbons they show up |
1308s | automatically just a vehicle or rather |
1311s | kills with Halloween weapons will give |
1313s | you Halloween ribbons and this includes |
1316s | this Canton right there oh yeah oh yeah |
1328s | right now forgot all about that |
1330s | okay so I well everybody also gets a |
1333s | Halloween mask by default this is 10% |
1335s | experience gained while you wear it |
1336s | during the event and after the event |
1339s | goes away so does the the Halloween |
1342s | helmet but all of your Halloween gear I |
1346s | think it all stays outside of that so |
1348s | I'll be yeah and so we do have this new |
1352s | actually these um all of these horns |
1356s | weren't sold before I think there was I |
1360s | I think they weren't for every vehicle |
1361s | but but now so if you anyway more horns |
1365s | and then you have your everything else |
1368s | you've previously seen the horns |
1371s | actually cost seeds this year as well so |
1373s | instead of just able to cash that gives |
1374s | you the opportunity to purchase that |
1376s | lots of seed based purchases you can you |
1379s | can invest in and then we also have some |
1382s | new tire trails for you to explore |
1384s | actually if you turn around at the night |
1390s | time do it let's do that yeah there we |
1394s | go |
1395s | just did it for you hold on sorry |
1399s | numbers there we go numbers are high |
1401s | there you go not too bad yeah so you're |
1405s | a little sort of spirit friends to |
1406s | follow you around |
1407s | yeah fury if you don't have friends |
1409s | you're playing solo bring some Street |
1412s | friends right |
1413s | ya know so they the further away from |
1415s | you they are the quicker they rubber |
1417s | band to to accompany Oh |
1421s | so the and these are for the the ant |
1425s | sunderer harasser flash holster bang and |
1429s | also if you purchase them with with |
1430s | daybreak ash they go to your entire your |
1441s | entire account and also the actually the |
1445s | flash about the flame rider tires from |
1446s | last year if you purchased them with |
1447s | stay great day for cash they will now |
1449s | transfer to your entire account as well |
1451s | so that being said we have one more fun |
1455s | thing to show it looks cooler at night |
1458s | too right yeah yeah sweet embrace oh |
1472s | okay little uh well you know it sounds |
1476s | underwhelming but stack up so drop Hans |
1481s | have actually been replaced with large |
1483s | unreasonably large pumpkins it is |
1488s | hilarious |
1489s | so yeah but that's not something that |
1492s | players are going to be able to get |
1493s | access to is that thing were you brought |
1494s | down Oh strike no probably not |
1497s | that was just a really cool |
1498s | demonstration orbital pumpkins right |
1502s | yeah basically you have the drop pods |
1505s | are gonna come in and look like that |
1506s | which is right really cool flail or a |
1509s | pumpkin flail pumpkin flail too bad |
1512s | pretty cool yeah |
1515s | and instead of the other drop pod |
1517s | opening up instead of six pumpkins |
1519s | explode and your character comes flying |
1521s | out from inside ya ready to do battle |
1524s | yeah and that'll be available and so all |
1527s | of this Halloween stuff we'll be |
1529s | activating sometime next week when we do |
1532s | our date and it'll be running to the end |
1535s | of the month so it'll be all shut off on |
1538s | Halloween or the next day after all |
1540s | right 31st is the last day yeah make |
1543s | sure you complete your directive to get |
1545s | access to that cool |
1549s | lightning cosmetic and and you'll be |
1554s | able to keep using it after after the |
1556s | events over a lot of the stuff turns off |
1558s | but that one you get yeah uh this is |
1561s | actually a part of the exceptional two |
1562s | directive and as well so it's one of the |
1565s | few things you can use that doesn't cost |
1567s | money in the exceptional two directive |
1570s | yeah yeah yeah most of those things are |
1573s | our limited time purchases yeah yeah |
1578s | yes no what's that or roughly yeah let's |
1584s | do another raffle yeah that's a long |
1586s | segment it was pretty long it was fun |
1589s | and while we're doing this raffle let's |
1592s | let's bring Garrett on thank you thank |
1595s | you I wish everyone could have saw that |
1604s | that uh that brofist |
1611s | I would like to point out that you guys |
1616s | it pains me off on the side to see you |
1618s | using what is it eight keystrokes to |
1621s | revive you can do it in three I made it |
1624s | for you for a reason right but there's |
1625s | something to be said about elegance |
1630s | there's a hotkey how do you pronounce |
1638s | this Kirstie Kirstie is the winner |
1643s | yeah that's cursed a congratulations |
1646s | congratulations Kirstie |
1648s | cool drop in proximity mines so Garrett |
1652s | yes you've been working on some new |
1655s | weapon mechanics yeah so we had a little |
1659s | bit of bandwidth a couple weeks ago and |
1661s | I got to play around with some fun |
1663s | things so I don't know if you guys |
1665s | remember but the piercing projectiles |
1667s | when those were initially released on |
1669s | tests they bounced back at you so kind |
1674s | of my fault |
1675s | not really but that was a fun little |
1677s | that was a fun little thing that was |
1681s | anyway but so one of the biggest things |
1683s | was you know bouncing projectiles and I |
1687s | thought of it first before you did don't |
1690s | worry so anyway I've been playing around |
1694s | with reflecting projectiles and it's |
1698s | going pretty well there's a few kind of |
1700s | hitches that were running it well not |
1701s | hitches but no it really crashes the |
1704s | game okay I was trying to dance right |
1706s | now honesty truth communication crashes |
1710s | the game but not in small quantities so |
1713s | that's nice yeah in fact we have |
1716s | something fun to show off yeah so why |
1717s | don't you switch over to your screen |
1719s | yeah we can show it off there something |
1721s | something very short to show off here we |
1722s | go |
1722s | played a few times yeah so we're showing |
1725s | the trajectory of the projectile right |
1728s | now and these are two mechanics actually |
1730s | yeah the first of which is a fan fan for |
1733s | Jack Dallas which is one that Garrett |
1735s | had put together and then each |
1738s | projectile is also reflecting deflecting |
1741s | reflecting bouncing whatever you want I |
1744s | mean specifically in the code of calling |
1745s | it reflecting yeah yeah that's something |
1748s | we have access to tend to funding |
1751s | something we'll have access to sue well |
1754s | actually the fan projectiles are good |
1756s | and in and yeah and actually I've been |
1758s | working with the the vs weapon is going |
1760s | to have some of some of that going on |
1761s | but not quite there yet we also did like |
1766s | a reverse spin up mechanic oh yeah so |
1769s | likes pull down so how like the chain |
1771s | gun has a spool up mechanic where you |
1773s | start firing at a lower fire rate pulls |
1775s | up we have the converse of that now |
1778s | being able to start at a higher fire |
1779s | rate and come down to a more stable |
1781s | fire eight and then also more tuning so |
1785s | you know to make give it a different |
1786s | feel and yeah so what what is it we're |
1789s | trying to advocate vers fire right right |
1792s | that's our actually this is the well |
1793s | soon to be the TR carbine is no |
1796s | attachments no nothing but the mechanic |
1798s | works so as soon as you you pull the |
1800s | trigger it fires quickly as a matter of |
1802s | fact it's one six seven damage weapon to |
1804s | fires faster than any other one six |
1807s | seven damage weapon in the game which |
1808s | means that it has a highest dps in the |
1810s | game provided you continue to tap the |
1812s | trigger so it rewards you for bursting |
1814s | and then it at the rate of fire slows |
1817s | down the longer you hold the trigger so |
1820s | yeah the audio is not set up everything |
1824s | again is work in progress but that's how |
1825s | it works a little bit it's difficult to |
1827s | notice on stream but but that's what's |
1830s | going on as far as very quickly to start |
1831s | and then slows down and you can kind of |
1835s | hear it slows down over time you also |
1838s | added a something that allows for us to |
1840s | control how much each bullet in a |
1843s | magazine can like attached abilities and |
1845s | oh yeah yeah that's a that's a new one |
1848s | too I almost forgot about that so we |
1850s | have you know we were tracking it's |
1853s | things like shot count and other other |
1856s | things so we're counting you know we or |
1857s | we can't count how many times a bullet |
1859s | has or how many mattr yeah shots have |
1861s | been fired from a magazine and |
1863s | specifically firing off abilities or |
1866s | other you know anything we want to |
1868s | trigger really four shot count |
1870s | reload resources so right yeah I don't |
1876s | have an example of that and actually I |
1878s | yeah not yet |
1880s | but for the NC weapon the intent was to |
1882s | have it fire the the weapon be kind of a |
1885s | faster rate of fire overall and in |
1887s | moderate damage very similar to a vs or |
1889s | the vs carbines but the first few shots |
1891s | would do the next year ups worth of |
1894s | damage so it'd be kind of a some this |
1895s | fun interplay with just like needing to |
1899s | reload and like turn to savior but |
1901s | you're topped off magazine so that you |
1903s | get the the quicker killing yeah anyway |
1905s | so there's some some fun play involved |
1907s | here do you have the the vs weapon as |
1909s | I'm still working on it just didn't make |
1911s | it into the light or the the main build |
1913s | before the stream |
1915s | but that one will be using fanning |
1917s | projectiles so spreads horizontally and |
1920s | actually if you aim down sights it gets |
1921s | tighter and more vertical and then |
1924s | actually it just goes vertical and there |
1926s | would be some fun attachment options for |
1928s | that as well yeah well there's there's |
1931s | one more there's one it's not built |
1933s | right now but we have a video of it so |
1936s | if we switch back to your screen and you |
1937s | pull it up I mean I'm gonna be prep it |
1939s | he's got a prep so this one is well let |
1945s | it speak for itself |
1946s | oh yes yes yeah I don't do for it what |
1955s | he's gonna do with it but it looks cool |
1956s | yeah so what's going on is you know |
1958s | after a at the end of life of like this |
1961s | single projectile it's supposed to |
1963s | explode or splinter into multiple |
1967s | projectiles too you know but actually |
1972s | since this is using the as hijacking the |
1974s | fire mode from another weapon yeah that |
1977s | could be like I doesn't even need to |
1978s | split it could be anything like a fatter |
1981s | projectile it could be a harder hitting |
1983s | projectile they could it be anything |
1984s | yeah yeah so there's there's some few |
1987s | hurdles that I'm still working through |
1989s | when it comes to you know the server |
1991s | side of things but I mean as a proof of |
1994s | concept I think that's probably one of |
1996s | my favorite ones |
1997s | well actually I take it back reflecting |
1998s | it is definitely my favorite amount of |
2002s | sort of joy that was happening in our |
2003s | that the devil whenever because you |
2006s | combine the fan oh I tried to come right |
2008s | everything yeah with like a reflection |
2010s | and just watch all this like crap |
2012s | bouncing or yeah all posted a gif of |
2015s | that or something but I did I did record |
2017s | somewhere taking it to the extreme where |
2019s | you know shooting 15 to 20 fanta jek |
2023s | tiles that are all bouncing it's |
2025s | fantastic it is a good laugh what's also |
2029s | which crashes the game very cool yeah so |
2035s | we're looking outside of our team to try |
2038s | or you know with the more senior |
2039s | developers and a company to try and fix |
2040s | you know that crashing issue itself |
2042s | knows it seems pretty technical yeah |
2045s | it's very deep in the |
2047s | that we're violating something yeah so |
2050s | yeah hopefully you know we can get some |
2052s | help with that get it working properly |
2055s | soon cool no idea no timeline on what |
2058s | we're gonna actually use it but it was |
2060s | something I actually only threw together |
2061s | and what I don't know I only worked on |
2064s | it for like two hours three hours you |
2066s | know how'd it working so it'd take me |
2067s | long yeah cool no it's fine fun stuff |
2070s | yes |
2071s | fun stuff makes the game better yes |
2073s | unless it makes it worse like crash |
2075s | balancing project oh there's that I was |
2077s | thinking I don't sing shotgun |
2079s | projectiles indoors and just like |
2080s | piercing through people at the same time |
2085s | no that's good good at see max's land |
2090s | here we go 2019 hit it so what else we |
2093s | got we got a little bit about what our |
2097s | plans are for oh sure no sure streams |
2099s | don't we need spawn stuff first oh oh |
2101s | yes yeah yeah so I passed a stream |
2108s | actually this was probably a couple |
2110s | months back now we release a document |
2113s | for outlining some of the spawn changes |
2115s | that we wanted to do and the community |
2117s | was very much on board which was great |
2121s | to see and it was it was like just it |
2124s | was a design talk so straight up this is |
2126s | what we want to do and these are all the |
2128s | pieces that we need to hit and actually |
2130s | the the feedback though there was no dev |
2132s | response in the thread I was reading |
2133s | through it all and there are some very |
2135s | specific call-outs I mean there's some |
2139s | general confusion but some some good |
2140s | comments as well that we need to |
2143s | incorporate into the system moving |
2144s | forward so that being said we did start |
2146s | work on spawn changes this is a |
2149s | something that we're currently |
2150s | developing so the intent is to get it |
2154s | get it in the game all I mean it as soon |
2156s | as possible basically systems not done |
2158s | yet |
2158s | but Paul actually laid a lot of the |
2161s | foundation for it yeah bite yeah yeah so |
2165s | and Garrett's taking up the helm right |
2167s | now and we are working through some of |
2169s | the issues yeah so a lot of the |
2172s | foundation being like the priorities and |
2175s | how we're restructuring you know these |
2178s | priorities and what's visible what's not |
2180s | and requirements for you know what we |
2183s | display when we do it but you know I've |
2187s | been ironing out a lot of the hiccups |
2189s | just getting the base system in right |
2191s | now but hoping to move forward with you |
2194s | know dictating like the spawn type of |
2196s | you know more control over how you spawn |
2198s | in being you know on a person in a |
2200s | vehicle yeah should you just spawn in a |
2203s | drop pod yeah you know from this |
2204s | location or on this type NPC and it |
2207s | gives us the wave swan-like that's |
2208s | something that we want to do may not |
2210s | make it for the first implementation of |
2213s | it but I think that opens up the doors |
2215s | for for just easy |
2218s | yeah like platoon wave small it's still |
2220s | writing that sort of thing |
2221s | or if we want to throw everybody into a |
2223s | vehicle when they when they spawn in |
2226s | maybe maybe you can toss players like |
2230s | new players into a vehicle that has an |
2233s | open gunner seat and that sort of thing |
2235s | but yeah so it was still working through |
2237s | it and it's I mean oh the filters still |
2242s | on for this right |
2243s | I open no this string has to die off the |
2245s | top yet yes I do |
2249s | which one do you want though just to |
2252s | turn on the priorities or turn off the |
2253s | filter I mean yeah we don't really need |
2255s | to show it off the screen everyone yeah |
2256s | it's just I mean what would happen right |
2258s | now is just all the territories light up |
2261s | is work we're working working through it |
2265s | yeah one of the things that I'd like |
2268s | this was just done yesterday yeah it's |
2273s | um |
2274s | so normally like if you can even |
2276s | remember it's so faint online that's |
2278s | difficult to see is that there's usually |
2279s | just like a small little bouncing |
2281s | bouncing Chevron here that shows your |
2283s | intuition yeah yeah but it's difficult |
2289s | to even if you want so this makes it |
2291s | more so you can you can tell where |
2295s | you're more likely to or where you going |
2297s | this one yeah yeah yes absolutely you I |
2304s | work is good yeah that's about it but |
2309s | just wanted to let you know that we're |
2310s | working on the spawn changes right now |
2311s | and if there is any |
2313s | well I feel that the spawn changes are |
2315s | one of the core core my son you're in a |
2318s | future but one of the things we need to |
2320s | work on to to kind of fix some of the |
2322s | problems of the game and yeah and stuff |
2326s | cool things are happening things are |
2329s | happening yes yes so now do we want to |
2334s | talk a little bit about oh sure and what |
2335s | were plans for oh sure stream so sure |
2337s | it's a last update we had revealed the |
2340s | new continent of oh sure and we had said |
2344s | that we goal would be to be more |
2346s | transparent about development of that |
2348s | continent and it's really going to come |
2350s | down to doing a lot of work in our I |
2354s | mean it's more of a background task |
2356s | right now I because there are certainly |
2358s | other more important tests to put |
2361s | everybody else on but something that I |
2362s | would like to share with the community |
2364s | is just a live stream of actually doing |
2366s | work and terrain editor and then we can |
2368s | talk about I kind of just walk through |
2370s | the thought process of you know where |
2372s | you put bases and and how the terrain |
2374s | needs to be laid out in that sort of |
2375s | thing as we move to the new continent |
2377s | and also take suggestions on like what |
2380s | point of interest would you like to see |
2381s | you know is it is it a whole that's an |
2384s | axiom mine or is it maybe some spire out |
2386s | in the ocean or something like that like |
2389s | we can we can just have fun and that |
2392s | will be hopefully starting next week but |
2394s | won't make any promises yeah pretty |
2396s | pretty high chance yes okay all right |
2399s | but that's doesn't on my own time it'll |
2401s | be on my personal stream as well and |
2402s | it'll be relaxed just just doing work |
2405s | because that's that's what it is |
2406s | terrain like world art in general is |
2411s | just it's a lot of time being invested |
2414s | into into something as massive as I mean |
2417s | it's it's as big as any continent that |
2419s | we have currently though a lot of it |
2421s | will be covered by water which is kind |
2423s | of a saving grace but yeah so we can do |
2426s | good things and have a good discussion |
2427s | rather than all of that underground area |
2429s | is probably going to make up a lot of |
2431s | the work that you would have saved from |
2432s | the water you know I'm gonna keep that |
2434s | as a stretch goal if I really like the |
2435s | idea of doing underground tunnels and |
2437s | such and you know I have to say when you |
2438s | you know revealed that I hadn't seen |
2440s | that before just kind of looking over |
2442s | your shoulder and I was blown away by |
2444s | that so I'm expecting it yeah |
2446s | I want underground oh great great but it |
2449s | needs to be balanced and and not like |
2452s | subterranean down on an analysis yeah no |
2455s | ass tonight please yes no SNA oh no |
2457s | there's a lot of current design problems |
2460s | on the earth design problems on the |
2461s | current continents that we hope to to |
2463s | take lessons from and and move that in a |
2465s | better direction moving forward so just |
2470s | about my shits yeah let me well if there |
2474s | are any questions please get them in the |
2475s | chat right now I'll make a quick comment |
2477s | on the Lord did you guys see the new |
2479s | lore right uh-huh |
2482s | Briggs doing this thing got a little |
2486s | warm to it I'd I noticed there was a |
2488s | little bit of yeah oh the reaction has |
2491s | been positive - yeah I did notice some |
2494s | people making comments about how some of |
2497s | the stuff that Briggs is saying in his |
2500s | internal dialogue from that that Lord |
2502s | bet is canon |
2504s | I mean it's candid to him and it might |
2507s | turn out to be true but I just wanted to |
2510s | throw out there the comment that like |
2511s | this is being seen from the perspective |
2513s | of bricks right he's being shown a bunch |
2515s | of visions which he needs to then |
2517s | interpret as a human who is having his |
2521s | the relics like altering his physio yeah |
2523s | he's clearly turned into something more |
2526s | than human right because he's got these |
2527s | new telekinetic powers but and but just |
2531s | because he's like that part of it is |
2533s | true does it mean that all his |
2535s | interpretation of all the stuff he's |
2536s | being shown right is true and then the |
2539s | kindly yeah but but it might not be as |
2542s | well |
2543s | he's he's definitely like his mind has |
2546s | been twisted that's sort of implied by |
2548s | yeah like how just like he wanted to get |
2551s | his hands on these artifacts so bad so |
2555s | but yeah look we're looking forward to |
2557s | revealing more of the story to you guys |
2558s | and we're gonna probably take it in a |
2559s | different direction that the vs sort of |
2562s | arc is in a nice spot right there and |
2565s | then we're probably gonna be |
2566s | investigating a little bit more of what |
2568s | goes on and the other factions to make |
2569s | so you guys know more about those yeah |
2572s | let's see is there going to be another |
2574s | round of ASP |
2575s | at some point at some point there's uh |
2578s | there's no current timeline for for |
2581s | getting a SP like a new round in we just |
2585s | have other things that we want to do |
2586s | prior to that I have a rough one but |
2588s | yeah it's next year hmm it's early next |
2591s | year I think that's that's a safe enough |
2593s | blanket ballpark ballpark to put it in |
2596s | okay |
2598s | any plans with pink cast for the new |
2600s | server no like that's why we have a new |
2603s | server yes like so you get to go there |
2605s | yeah because your ping is better |
2607s | it sucks to play with a bad ping like |
2609s | the people who it sucks for the most are |
2611s | the ones with the high ping we know that |
2614s | playing with people playing against |
2615s | people with high pings is also not fun |
2617s | so that's the main logic behind the |
2621s | updates on new player experience / |
2624s | leadership honestly not not a whole lot |
2627s | going on right now if I'm yeah yep |
2629s | that's maybe being honest yeah yeah the |
2633s | nuclear stuff the the tutorials is |
2634s | something that we wanted to to do not |
2637s | sure that it's going to make it in this |
2638s | year that we have been moving closer and |
2640s | like moving that direction as we expand |
2643s | our Lua pipeline or which is our |
2644s | scripting pipeline and we've like |
2648s | recently learned some things about and |
2649s | PCs and stuff like that and there's |
2652s | there is a bunch of really interesting |
2654s | tech coming up you don't really want to |
2656s | reveal yet but but it seems more and |
2659s | more like a possibility it's just that |
2661s | there's there's also man-hours that come |
2663s | yeah I come with that as well if it |
2666s | wasn't for a lot of the like chasing |
2668s | down performance stuff that we've done |
2670s | in the last several you know yeah a year |
2673s | you know we've been pushed back a lot |
2675s | yeah maybe but I you know it that |
2678s | definitely hurt us yeah |
2680s | any changes coming to the state of the |
2682s | dolt no next question |
2685s | moving on outfit progression it's just |
2691s | not gonna make it this year something |
2692s | that we we totally want to do that yeah |
2693s | it's it's something that we don't want |
2695s | to do we want to do it right right so |
2698s | yeah it's it's a pretty massive |
2702s | undertaking |
2703s | and it's something that we want to |
2705s | invest at that large amount of time and |
2707s | equivalent amount of time a bit Oh |
2708s | congratulations |
2709s | Irish draw that's drunk thanks Shane |
2712s | it's always a drive any new weapons |
2716s | coming so yeah the Doku carbines are on |
2717s | the way actually you know what in the |
2719s | next update we'll have the flash weapons |
2721s | that were over the summer those are |
2725s | actually going to be on sale or rather |
2727s | participa Lynn the marketplace and and |
2730s | the Doku carbines are coming not in this |
2732s | update but likely in the update |
2733s | following unless we do like a mid month |
2736s | interim thing they might not make it for |
2738s | that I but yeah and then there's the |
2741s | vehicle weapons have been starting to |
2743s | get more fleshed out on the public test |
2745s | server so that includes some some new |
2748s | top guns for that the harasser are the |
2749s | main battle tanks and there might be |
2751s | some other fun stuff as well any |
2754s | potential changes to alert timers I was |
2756s | specifically probably to Rohtak on it |
2758s | yeah yeah |
2760s | so the still still walking through the |
2765s | there's a few things that we can do and |
2768s | one of which that I'm kind of partial to |
2770s | is is during certain times a day like |
2773s | maybe remove one of the events from |
2776s | taking place because right now it's it's |
2777s | it's cut and dry it's always three |
2779s | events and then 41% territory is |
2781s | required and then there's an hour and a |
2782s | half meltdown and that is a significant |
2784s | amount of time it doesn't need to be |
2787s | that way though especially during the |
2789s | off hours and honestly if it rotates |
2791s | more quickly during the off hours that |
2792s | then affects the the the prime hours as |
2795s | well but the change is gonna happen for |
2797s | both so again still being discussed but |
2799s | we hear you and it is it's certainly a |
2802s | pain point for us yeah it's a legitimate |
2803s | problem yep it's just we need to make |
2805s | sure that the solution we come up with |
2807s | for it is actually a solution and not |
2809s | just trying to put a bandaid on it yeah |
2811s | I wouldn't know not that one yeah okay |
2817s | suck it person who made of changes to |
2824s | Max's not not yet probably 2019 let's go |
2828s | there in 2019 okay there needs to be |
2831s | some some animation work done for for |
2834s | some of the things that I'd like to see |
2835s | happen to Max's so so it's really cool |
2837s | stuff no moving the Max's into a |
2839s | completely different role but different |
2842s | but more like the intended role to start |
2843s | with instead of what they serve as right |
2845s | now which is kind of just slaughtering |
2847s | everything Daniel Roxy oh wait any new |
2858s | future oh that's a good question |
2860s | so Destruction Derby had been toying |
2863s | with it I went through a few different |
2865s | iterations of how it would work out and |
2868s | none of them felt felt really good and |
2872s | so that's that's probably not something |
2874s | you're gonna see but we still want to |
2875s | have a ground alert that emphasizes you |
2878s | know ground vehicles either |
2879s | transportation vehicles or tanks or |
2881s | whatever we can do all sorts of fun |
2882s | stuff but but it's probably gonna come |
2884s | in that incarnation but I was working on |
2889s | like I captured the core style alert |
2892s | that would like spawn a core and then |
2894s | you'd go take it and try to travel and |
2896s | you know bring it back to your kin or |
2898s | some depository but and that's still |
2902s | it's the way off just to keep running |
2904s | into new challenges and while also |
2907s | having to juggle like things that we |
2908s | need to actually get done yeah for the K |
2911s | moving forward yeah because November's |
2913s | gonna be big month like October this was |
2915s | this was kind of a push to and we've |
2917s | been can I say that we've been crunching |
2920s | yeah we've been crunching right yes and |
2925s | yeah and November is gonna be our big |
2928s | big thing as well and then again the |
2930s | holidays kind of they slow things down |
2933s | but November's gonna be a big you know |
2935s | oh no no no my trust yet but it's coming |
2938s | yes |
2939s | we wanted the mic drop yeah today really |
2942s | badly |
2943s | yeah hopefully we're on the cusp of a |
2945s | mic drop |
2946s | it'll be that'll be fantastic all right |
2953s | no yeah rel sucks okay I said about it |
2961s | yeah let's let's let's call it right |
2964s | there thank you guys for showing up to |
2966s | another planetside 2 stream we hope you |
2968s | guys are excited for the Halloween |
2970s | events and all the other stuff that we |
2971s | talked about today we'll see you guys on |
2973s | the battlefield later later |
2983s | you |