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All PC servers will be offline for the following update, Feb. 09, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CET), downtime is expected to last up to two hours.
Valentine's Day Events from Feb. 09 - Feb. 14
The eternal grind of the war machine may keep the vendors of Sanctuary single, but it won't stop them from treating themselves this Valentine's Day season.
Complete all 6 Matchmaker missions to gain access to Operation: Matchmaker, a scheme by FL-34 to earn some extra cash by running a matchmaking contest. And he's willing to cut you in if you, ya know, do pretty much all of the legwork.
- Matchmaker Missions: Up to two Matchmaker missions will appear in your list each day, providing progress in the Valentine's Day directive tree... as well as making someone feel loved and appreciated.
- Valentine's Day Directive: This special event has its own directive, rewarding the "Lovestruck" title on completion.
- Holiday Items: A lovely list of war implements and camouflage are making a return for this event, as well as some new items listed below!
- Seraphim HLX
- Heartless Outfit Decal
- Dark Chocolate Camo
- Mosquito Pink Afterburner FX
- Scythe Pink Afterburner FX
- Reaver Pink Afterburner FX
- Dervish Pink Afterburner FX
- Liberator Pink Afterburner FX
- Valkyrie Cupid Contrails
- Liberator Cupid Contrails
- Galaxy Cupid Contrails
- Mosquito Cupid Contrails
- Scythe Cupid Contrails
- Reaver Cupid Contrails
- Dervish Cupid Contrails
- You can no longer Flail within no-construction areas on Oshur.
- Increased Cortium respawn rate on Oshur by 50%.
- Oshur now has a Conquest Alert that triggers when the continent population is greater than 800.
- Connection territory to an enemy Flotilla will now award 34 Empire Strength on Oshur.
- Lockon weaponry can no longer target vehicles in water deeper than 20 meters.
- Vehicle gunners can no longer fire while underwater.
- Fixed an issue where seat swapping in a vehicle could prevent you from firing above water.
- Reavers no longer spin uncontrollably while underwater.
- Galaxy now feels more weighty while submerged, slightly slower overall, and doesn't roll as quickly.
- Valkyrie has received a large speed increase while submerged.
- ANT has received additional speed while floating.
- Using the Flash's Turbo no longer slows you down while floating.
- Added bollards to the bottom floor of all Oshur tower bases to prevent vehicles from being silly.
- Fixed an LoD issue on one of the large Oshur rocks that would cause it to disappear too quickly.
- Sunderer Gate Shields no longer disappear before ~700 meters.
- Trident Relays and Interlink Outposts now generate outfit resources.
- Updated the Trident Relay mission board objects to use better visuals.
- War table NPC can now be found at the Southwest Flotilla.
- Added underwater detonation FX for Flash/Concussion grenades.
- Heavy Crossbow no longer uses an explosive underwater impact effect unless it's using Fracture Bolts.
- Elysium Drill mission is now possible to complete on Oshur, and the NE-11 PML can now be used underwater.
- Guerilla Warfare mission no longer counts damage against inanimate objects.
- Guerilla Warfare mission now requires 3000 damage to enemies, instead of needing to inflict damage 30 times.
- Sunderer of Service and Galaxy of Service missions no longer require you to unlock attachments before making further mission progress.
- Daily missions that required you to acquire a vehicle before making further mission progress have had that step removed.
- Fixed an issue where waypoints leading you to different zones could appear as small green circular areas on the minimap, and not display a directive waypoint above the warpgate NPCs.
- There should no longer be a minimum of two continents unlocked at any time.
- Fixed various construction and deployable-related placement exploits.
- Routing Spires now show their possible placement area on the map and minimap.
- Remote clients can now see when other vehicles use their afterburners.
- Added a UI option to toggle the third person vehicle dot reticle.
- Fixed an empty chat line that could be created when a Mentor would speak in the chatbox.
- The Structure Shield Module construction item's activated effect now prevents damage from Cortium Bombs, Mauler Cannons, and other forms of damage that bypass armor.
- The WLT-Weaver has an updated description, and no longer plays machinegun audio when firing the weapon.
- UBP-1 Starfish now triggers sidearm-related implants and objectives.
- Fixed some pinched textures on the Tigerstrike Decimator.