over 5 years
ago -
The Pokémon GO team
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Dress your best! If you haven’t heard, Pokémon Shirts is an online service that allows you to mix and match prints based on the first 151 Pokémon to create your own unique and stylish custom shirt. In collaboration with Original Stitch and in celebration of the release of Pokémon Shirts in the United States, Pokémon Shirts avatar items will be available in the Style Shop!
Date + Time
- Select Pokémon Shirts avatar items will be available in the Style Shop starting on October 4, 2019, at 9 a.m. PDT (GMT −7)
- There will be four shirt patterns in all—a Vileplume pattern, a Lickitung pattern, a Magikarp pattern, and a Snorlax pattern.
Physical Pokémon Shirts merchandise is currently only on sale in Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and the United States. Check out this link for more info on Pokémon Shirts. Happy exploring!
—The Pokémon GO team