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I made this tier list based on the level of evil each tribe has. It’s my opinion, so feel free to debate whether Tribe A should be in the "Good" category or if Tribe B should be in the "War Criminals" category.

Xin xi: Neutral, they have their own culture and are usually reserved, but the emperor also has a secret police that kills anyone who opposes him, USSR style.

Imperius: Evil, they literally use music to hypnotize their citizens into obedience, extremely authoritarian.

Bardur: Kinda evil, they’re based on Vikings and are seen raiding and pillaging villages, although all the raids we’ve seen ended up being failures. They also triggered one of the greatest wars in Square history after splitting from the Hoodrick, but we don’t know what caused the split or who started the fight. However, as far as I know, Polytopians don’t seem to have religious wars or gender, removing two things the Vikings liked to do—desecrate churches and assault English women.

Oumaji: Kinda evil, they do the classic raiding, have a decadent view of their history so strong that there’s a section of their society that wants to bring back the "civilized" times, and they’ve been searching for something in the desert for so long that most of them have forgotten what they were looking for. At least they treat their horses well.

Kickoo: Good, they live peacefully on their archipelago, with their pastime being making friends and greeting them, swimming every day. They saved the Leoon from the Zebasi. The most damage they inflict is on themselves, as the Ragoo have become so large and strong that being robbed or having their village looted by them has become common. In other words, the Kickoo are nothing more than Brazilians without the avalanche of Swearword.

Hoodrick: Good, they are welcoming to other tribes, with two of the four foundations of their society being kindness and culture. They are inspired by Robin Hood, so I think they are somewhat egalitarian when it comes to wealth (Hoodrick communist confirmed?!). They may have caused the war with the Bardur, moving them up the list, and they are good bakers.

Luxidor: Neutral, they are greedy and don’t want to share anything with anyone. Their culture is based on the pursuit of wealth, so consumed by this thought that they determine the quality of something by how expensive it is. They have a mercenary company so fierce, so backstabbing, so treacherous and greedy that their equipment is made from the gold of their victims and the gold of their contractors who are betrayed and killed, however, they are so efficient that they are still hired because they literally obliterate the enemy and turn the invaded land into a wasteland. However, they live in a representative democracy, have festivals where they distribute money even to the poorest Luxidor (although this has a cost that not even the emperor knows what it is), and perhaps they live in a meritocracy where even the poorest, with effort and skill, can climb up in life and rise from the lower classes.

Vengir: Evil, the event of their banishment to the wastelands was so traumatic that they created an entire culture and religion based on revenge. They have a manifest destiny mentality because, to them, the Square is their birthright. They are so militaristic that they do nothing but raid and prepare for war, with a literal death cult in their society that literally tears off their skin to revere vengeance. In short, they have an entire culture and society based on spite.

Zebasi: Kinda evil, bordering on neutral. They are happy and value the arts and sciences, but what condemns them and gives them negative karma is their hats. Yes, those leopard hats. Don’t they resemble the Kickoo’s mounts? Because they are the mounts. At one time in the past, the Leoon were native to Zeboya, but the Zebasi hunted them to near extinction, forcing them to sew and create their hats with fabric instead of leather. Shame on you, Zebasi.

Ai Mo: Evil, they are isolationist and do nothing but meditate in the mountains. However, they also have a strong sense of supremacy over other peoples. They are peaceful while others are barbaric, so the Ai Mo basically want other tribes to not live in the Square. In other words, they have the same thoughts as the Vengir about supremacy and manifest destiny. The only difference is that the Ai Mo have this idea in a peaceful way, while the Vengir have it through revenge and war. Not to mention that it’s suggested that if other tribes converted to their culture and religion they would be happy, meaning they’re basically Spanish conquerors 2.0.

Quetzali: Good, they seem to be the only tribe that truly values diplomacy and agreements with other tribes. Although they are inspired by the Aztecs, they don’t do human sacrifices, or in this case, Polytopian sacrifices.

Yadakk: Neutral, they have a proud culture and value the efforts of their ancestors. They have an interest in diplomacy through trade agreements with other tribes. Among all the tribes, I believe Yadakk is by far the most realistic. They even have a mafia with underground bases and a powerful crime syndicate. Totally realistic.

Aquarion: Neutral, they were living their lives peacefully until they were suddenly disturbed. I don’t know what this disturbance was, but it made them come to the surface to participate in the unification of the Square. I believe they are multiracial because they clearly aren’t normal Polytopians anymore, and they convert normal villages, so I believe they at least tolerate those with legs. They live underwater, so I believe that if there hadn’t been the "disturbance," they would have stayed underwater in the Icopo Reefs until the end of time. I think they need another flash in the lore after the rework.

Elyrion: Kinda evil, bordering on neutral. They are environmentalists and so on... But they basically make random animals bipedal and force them to work. Screw that, if I were a Polytar born this way, I’d be so pissed to now be forced to pay taxes and bills! They also have that whole thing about plunging the Square into darkness with the Midnight skin.

Polaris: War criminal, although one could argue that the Polaris in themselves aren’t evil and they just think they are helping and returning the favor to those who saved them from a slow and agonizing death. But no way. The Gaami are literally aliens who came from space and are using the Polaris as pawns to gain control of the Square and then terraform it until it becomes nothing but a cold sheet of ice, which will 100% kill the Polaris in the end. So, although the Polaris themselves don’t know this information, the Gaami, who are a version of the Chimera from The Resistance but less macabre, are 1000% evil.

Cymanti: War criminal, they aren’t the tribe that appears the most in fan material as antagonists for nothing. They are a hive mind of Polytopians who got lost in the swamp and are now slaves to the Ciru, becoming a horde of maniacs that breed war insects and one of the greatest existential threats to the Square. Besides the fact that they use chemical warfare against their adversaries and use their corpses to fertilize their crops to breed and sustain more hordes of homicidal insects, they also use propaganda with music to lure normal people into the swamp, where they are never seen again.

5 months ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by KissinKateBarl0w

Ngl I thought this was just a very well thought out headcannon haha time for a wiki rabbit hole night

I was surprised with how closely this post follows the lore, honestly.

5 months ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Pure-Sorcerer

OK i'm gonna sound a bit insane but just listen for a moment:

We know Elyrion is militaristic and proud of their military acomplishments, wich implies they at least fought and won 1 war

we know most of aquarions cities are lost (the ocean ruins are the remains of their cities acording to the aquarion rework), wich means something (like a war) happened to them and they went into hiding

and there was an aquarion rework related post that said something about them resurfacing to the surface world in order to bring peace back to the square

THEORY: Aquarion are the defenders of the square, and the wars and injustice throughout the square is because of Elyrion and their actions, and sensing an all time high in terms of violence and war, they have once again resurfaced in order to attempt to bring peace back to the square once more

Putting it into perspective: the Polytopians are the jews, Elyrion are the egyptians, and the Aquarion are Moses (and the ancients are like, the previous pharoah? maybe, wich would imply that the elyrion are their only real descendants)

i might have looked a bit to much into this

I don't know why you've gotten downvoted. I can tell you that's pretty much the canon story of the Aquarion, just replace the Elyrion with the Ancients.