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3 months ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

The Polytaurs are decently capable of most simple tasks.

Sailing a ship is no simple task, so they need some help.

3 months ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by SnooSprouts7283

What about the Demons?

Aren’t they just polytopian souls who have been returned from the dead?

Yes, but like, you try using dead, shadowy hands to operate a sail. :P

3 months ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by SnooSprouts7283

Do they just phase through the wheel when trying to touch it?

If so how do they deal damage to opponents? And if it’s damage to their spirit, why doesn’t it just instakill everything?

I consider the Demons to still be physical beings. Magical? Yes. Ethereal? Yes. But still physical enough to be able to slash at people and do physical damage.

Granted, they're probably a little on the stiffer side, so slashing is all they can do. :P

3 months ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by SnooSprouts7283

So why can’t they pilot ships if they are physical? Also can’t they just possess new vessels?

I don't think the Demons have the dexterity to be able to do so. Big hands, stiff movement, and overall, lumbering undead. I don't think they're zombies, mind you, but I also think it's far easier to just have dedicated sailors pilot the ships.

Also, they can't possess a boat. That doesn't make any sense. How unrealistic! :P

3 months ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by nekoiscool_

Does this mean that Every Polytaurs needs to bring some elves in battle?

Yes. I imagine the Polytaurs need handlers, just like the Cymanti bugs. You don't see them because they're not relevant, but that doesn't mean they're not there.

3 months ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by SnooSprouts7283

But they could possess other people! Also, if that’s the case why can giants use boats? They have big hands and being gigantic means they are also very stiff!

Who says it's the Giants who pilot the Juggernauts? They probably have a crew of sailors who get them where they need to go, and the Giant attacks nearby areas as they move.

3 months ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Glitche_RPv2

Why is there a normal head then?

Because Polytopians pilot the boat, not the Polytaurs

3 months ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Nubian_Cavalry

Ah, so a single unit represents an entire army unit, not just one person.

No need to respond

But I'm going to respond anyway!

3 months ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by 777Ayar

Are the Elyrion ears real or just a decoration? Asking the real questions here bahaha

Are you implying that decorations aren't real? :P

3 months ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Far_Advertising1005

Wait giants are actual giants? I always preferred the idea that it’s just a full scale army

Yeah, they're actual giants.

3 months ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Far_Advertising1005

Good to know. Will have to restructure my in game world building 😭

The units, themselves, are armies, so don't fret. :P

3 months ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Far_Advertising1005


We consider the game to feature a lot of abstraction.

What you see is only shorthand for what's actually happening.