Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to the
2s official polytopia YouTube channel today
4s we have an intense archipelago Kiku
6s Showdown where an exceptional player
8s demonstrates how Ryder roads can somehow
10s still be a viable strategy on a
12s water-based map and how it is somehow
14s possible to win a match without
15s upgrading any rafts until the last two
18s turns let's get right into it I'm Cloud
20s glider and I'm Ginger 7798 to the match
24s here for you today is the June polium
25s semi-finals where vorce a long-ter
27s polium champion faces off against Carmel
30s a strong and upcoming new polytopia
33s player so looking at the map here we
36s have vorce spawning in as green Kiku as
39s well as Camaro spawning in as pink Kiku
42s so uh Ginger just looking at spawn can
44s you tell me what your thoughts are on
45s this game yeah so just right right at
50s the start it definitely appears that
51s caramel has much easier Naval and water
54s access will'll be able to um you know
58s build up rafts and build up Naval units
60s in the water and be able to make City
62s Port connections much earlier than vce
65s while V has much more land in the spawn
68s so it'll take much longer for him to be
71s able to build up Naval units to BU and
73s is unable to connect his cities with
76s ports though however it does look like
79s force does have better density and a
81s city Advantage so definitely interesting
83s to spawn all
84s around yeah I agree with that it looks
86s like it's going to be a 1 2 3 4 5 5 2 1
91s 2 3 4 5 six City split in favor of vorce
95s ruins look relatively even vorce does
97s have access to this one ruin early but
101s the other four Ruins are like way in the
104s North and South corner of the map not
108s being able to connect cities to your
111s capital is definitely going to be very
112s painful for vorce in the early game as
115s when you start off with fishing you
118s really want those poor connections to
119s upgrade your cap to work towards getting
121s a giant since ports cost Seven Stars if
125s you don't have the necessary fish to
126s upgrade it and you have to do it with a
128s port rather than a capital connection
130s though that's very painful early game so
133s I do predict that camera will be able to
136s get into the water earlier on and let's
140s see if that's what happens and how it
141s plays
142s out let's see what the player how the
145s players
148s [Music]
149s open so pretty typical opening with a
152s workshop on both players
156s sides Warrior Turn
158s oneu
160s openings and both for the for the third
164s Warrior opening which I found it to be
166s interesting you
167s know yeah so he opens with three
169s Warriors and I believe it's because he
172s sees this land mass over here he's
175s sending one Warrior to follow this
177s resource indicator which finds him this
179s ruin one Warrior finds a city and now he
182s wants a third Warrior to go explore this
184s land mass where he sees these two fish
186s possibly as
189s indicators on the other hand camel also
192s decides to go with the three Warrior
194s opening one Warrior finds a city one is
196s heading towards this fruit as an
197s indicator and I believe the third one
199s will head towards this fish that is
201s acting as an indicator as
203s well there's an interest interesting
206s play here that I would also like to
208s highlight where vorce immediately goes
210s for an Explorer on turn three if we
213s pause the video and actually look at
215s score Camal is still under 1K which
219s means that even if they were to meet now
221s vce would only get three stars instead
223s of five most of the time when players
227s playing as host capture their first city
229s they tend to get an Workshop instead of
231s an Explorer so that later on when they
233s do meet their opponent they can get five
235s stars however vce does go for the
238s earlier meet for three STS and we can
241s see here that it's because he wanted to
243s train another Warrior to go for this
245s city back here and send this Warrior
247s into the water and maybe contest other
251s cities I think that was very well played
253s by Forest because it because it overall
255s worked out just the way he wanted it
256s [Music]
264s to here we see that camell is going for
267s a very strong Eco start taking workshops
274s car also captured third City before Wars
276s and took a third
283s workshop and there's the climbing ruin
285s that war gets and now normally you
288s wouldn't think a climbing ruin is very
291s good on a Ary map cuz you can see
293s there's just within our vision there's
295s only three mountains but here you see
297s that there's this mountain right here
300s next to New Lima one of camel cities
304s which allows for for a very interesting
307s play by vorce that we can see in a few
310s turns and here's the first explorer from
314s camel which unfortunately goes backwards
316s it does reveal that ruin for him it also
319s doesn't reveal Lighthouse either which
321s is quite unfortunate for
327s Kimel yeah now vce here capturing two
330s two more cities putting him ahead at
331s five cities to Camel's four here's an
335s interesting climbing play that I was
336s talking about so because this mountain
339s is kind of in the middle of the map it
342s covers like 1 2 3 4 five water tiles if
346s there's any Naval units Within These
348s five or I guess six tiles 1 2 3 4 5 six
351s tiles if there's any Naval units this
353s Warrior can just go ahead and hit it and
355s it's just a plain Warrior so hitting and
358s being able to damage or or trade into
360s any Naval units is very advantageous for
362s vorce in this
366s location is also quite key in regards to
370s zone of control so v g himself massive
373s control the center of the map with that
374s Warrior on the
376s [Music]
378s mountain here we can see that camell is
381s utilizing his ability to connect cities
383s to his capital and just getting all his
385s cities to level two level three level
389s three
391s and yep there's that Warrior being able
393s to hit the raft and he's continually
396s piling on units to I like
399s to on economy real quick because even
402s though forces on City kimal still has
405s has an improved economy over um for us
409s due to workshops which I find to be
411s quite
414s interesting yeah so it is 15 stars on
418s five cities to 16 stars on four cities
423s camell is about to capture his fifth
425s City but that's all the C City he's
428s going to be able to get this game and
431s vorce on the other hand just just found
434s his sixth City and he's also going to be
435s able to capture that so it looks like in
437s the long term vorce is indeed going to
440s have that one city
442s [Music]
444s Advantage though Carmel does have
448s currently a naval advantage like like we
451s predicted and also as of now has a an
456s Eco Advantage due to his higher gr
458s cities and and more
462s workshops yeah if we turn off shared fog
466s we can see that even though he did not
468s take many explorers and the one Explorer
470s he did take ended up going backwards
472s because he's going Scouts and Scouts
475s have two tiles of vision he's able to
477s get a good amount of Vision on his
479s opponents still there's a good amount
481s that he does not know yet but I would
484s say that for not going explores this is
487s a decent amount of vision and he can
490s continuously press forward for more
491s Vision which he later on does to reveal
493s a good portion of the map so um it does
497s not look like VOR is in a very strong
499s position here Cal just is absolutely
503s dominating him in the naval units
505s Department he also just has a more
507s improved ego while does not have very
511s have very many very many established
513s ports nor does he have very many
515s established Naval units though I will
517s say the one major silver lining for VOR
520s is that he has a city advantage over
523s over Camal so I'm definitely interested
526s to see how he uses that
529s Advantage yeah definitely so due to
532s vce's poor water access in capital and
534s just being unable to connect cities to
537s his capital and taking the the Explorers
540s over the workshops it's looking like
542s he's having a weaker Eco and just not as
544s much of a pre presence on the water
548s camell on the other hand has a booming
550s economy and he has many units on the
552s water including two rafts Force here
556s does not even have sailing yet if we
558s turn to look at his
560s perspective however he does have riding
563s roads so the turn that hamell gets
567s Scouts and starts upgrading and trying
569s to establish his Naval
572s dominance is the turn right
574s before vorest decides to go riding roads
578s which is really important for him as it
580s allows him to actually start connecting
582s cities to his capital and start getting
584s those vital upgrades that he really
588s needs yes in road is when boris's
590s economy really starts popping off and
592s he's also able to get the Grand Bazaar
594s which allows him to get an early Giant
600s and here is when the first Rider comes
602s out so what warse notices is that he
606s will not be able to out compete camell
611s on the water as things are camel here
613s already has four Scouts two more in the
616s back that he can upgrade if he just
618s moves it into his borders he has
620s Warriors ready to go into ports and
623s overall he just has a more dominant
625s Naval presence so in order to be able to
629s combat that that he has two options the
632s first option would be to combat it with
635s quantity to pump out just as many naval
638s units as his opponents have and slowly
640s either trade better into his opponent or
644s have stronger units like rammers to kill
647s the scouts or he can beat it with
650s quality by pumping out Giants and units
653s that require more Scouts more of these
657s smaller and weaker units to kill which
659s we we will see in a few turns is what he
661s opts for but in the meantime you can see
664s he actually trained a riter here which
668s he will utilize to un Siege and hold his
671s opponent off while he saves up for a
674s giant to slowly turn this game
678s around Juggernaut are definitely one of
680s the main wi conditions for war here and
683s he uses any he I believe B uses them
686s very very nicely to at least help turn
689s this game
694s around yeah here we can see he's getting
696s the upgrades killing some RS with his
698s Warriors again positioning that Warrior
700s on that
703s [Music]
712s mountain getting those
715s resources e and I like to touch on the E
718s on the Eco difference between vorce and
721s um
724s karal that CU I believe vorce is 24 to
727s 25 Stars per turn while Camal has 19 a
731s very large ego Advantage for vorce which
734s will definitely be one of the major
735s factors throughout the game yeah and we
738s can see that now is when vs gets his two
741s Giants and camel here actually decides
745s to go for bombers last turn he saved up
749s um many stars was it 37 Stars which he
752s utilizes 19 in navigation and 15 to
755s upgrade this raft right here into a
759s bomber which he uses to kill this raft
762s and splash onto these other two units
764s which for me was an interesting play as
767s I don't normally go bombers just for
770s bombers I would go bombers if there were
772s starfish and things to kind of bolster
775s my eco for like some quick stars back
779s well what are your thoughts would you
780s have gone bombers here or what kind of
782s tech do you think would have been the
783s best play here so because so bombers are
787s very good at you know definitely deal
789s with very large clumps and sectors of
791s units but unfortunately for Camel in the
795s scenario force does not have a
798s particularly large amount of unit in
800s certain areas so bombers aren't really
802s giving HL that all that much value while
805s on the other hand Defenders will
806s definitely them significantly bulker
808s units they'll be able to throw at force
811s and force have a very hard time dealing
813s with so in my personal opinion I do not
816s think navigation was in play I would
817s have G for something like like strategy
820s to pump out defenders in great defender
824s refs I see that's interesting so you
826s think that Defender rafts would bring up
828s like the quality of Cam's units and
832s maybe allow him to land some more useful
834s sieges and things like
836s that yes I do think that because like
839s you're saying in this case I think
841s quality over quantity might be very
845s beneficial in that and it does not
848s appear that it's the route ell is going
851s towards which I do not agree with if you
854s look right here right now force is
856s actually trying to pump out juggernauts
858s which is very interesting he also uses
860s two monuments to get a juggernaut in
861s that northern city and I think that'll
864s have that that will play a very big role
866s throughout the
867s game here we can see that right after
870s giving navigation camel actually goes
873s right
873s into aquaculture and starts getting a
876s rammer for the first Siege of the game
879s right
880s here now he kills the other Warrior
883s hoping that his Siege will
886s hold however because vse has gotten rer
890s in roads he has a lot of Mobility for
892s his land units and he can un Siege
896s safely he's also moving his juggernauts
899s into the water to try to make a play and
902s attack camell on this city and this city
906s as
910s well
913s yes and here comes camel's first giant
916s he does it with Gat of power and another
919s Port now we can see
923s this this bomber is just not having a
926s very big effect on the game just simply
928s hitting one Warrior
930s and the juggernauts are advancing
932s there's a lot of Scouts
939s here the riter putting in work hitting
942s the scouton retreating getting some good
945s value for
947s Force now I will mention that the
949s juggernauts are are actually giving
952s quite good value for Force here because
954s you know Carmel has very large clumps of
957s units in that northern region of the map
960s which is which The Jug will just Feast
964s [Music]
967s on yeah moving this jugut here will
969s Splash five units at once leading to a
973s lot of Splash damage we can see the
975s Riders are just putting in a lot of work
978s oh and the bomber is moved into a
980s vulnerable position and there's the
982s bomber
984s kill he's also using um the bomber's
988s diff ability
990s to to his Advantage by continuing to
993s knock Riders into that Juggernaut the
994s Juggernaut can't do anything to
999s retaliate and here we can see that he
1001s keeps clearing out the unit in the city
1004s but choosing not to Siege because he
1006s doesn't want to waste the five stars he
1008s spent upgrading the unit earlier on if
1011s he had taken Defenders or a unit more
1014s capable of sieging he would have been
1016s able to Siege the city and given his
1018s opponent a more difficult time to un
1020s Siege as well have just had Naval units
1023s with more HP to be able to survive
1028s against Juggernaut and to deal more
1029s damage
1030s overall and I would like to
1033s mention because um for just getting so
1036s much value of his juggernauts he sort of
1038s just slowly but surely sort of giving
1041s him a unit advantage that Camal isn't
1044s really have any particular particular
1046s plan to gain that unit Advantage back so
1048s I think that force is definitely sort of
1051s developing a much more established and
1054s developed naval
1057s military yeah I think from turn 10's
1060s perspective where Force had I believe it
1063s was three rafts on the water did not
1066s have Scouts did not have rameters to
1068s camell
1069s having what was it three or four Scouts
1072s on the water and more rafts on the way
1075s to now this position
1077s where vorce has a juggernaut in the
1080s water another Giant and some rafts and
1082s Riders to defend his cities and camell
1086s having rammers and Scouts but
1090s overall less threatening units in
1093s general so I would say that from this
1096s position vorce is definitely ahead and
1100s in more of a comfortable position than
1102s he was a few turns
1103s ago I also would like to touch on the
1106s fact that vce still has the Eco
1108s advantage
1109s and when in camon perspective when you
1112s have the Eco disadvantage you need to
1114s have the military advantage to really
1116s stand a chance and is MIL Advantage is
1119s slipping
1120s away yep it is 28 stars to 23 stars and
1124s the main or 28 to 21 if we just look at
1128s turn 15 and the main reason why vorce
1131s has this Eco Advantage is because of
1132s this city back here although it's
1134s situated way in the corner and cut off
1136s from the rest of the map like you can't
1138s really move unit it's from this city to
1141s the other cities you have to put it into
1143s the water and then move it back onto
1144s land and if you want to move it to the
1145s water you have to move into a port again
1147s so it's a really slow City to pump units
1151s out from but even then it's still
1153s providing him the valuable Eco to be
1155s able to get those early Giants to get
1158s those Riders get to build those roads
1161s and to just support his infrastructure
1164s in order to attack and just catch up
1167s with camels threatening position in the
1169s early
1171s [Music]
1178s game here's the second giant from
1182s camell and we can see that after that
1185s first bomber he was not able to get any
1188s more bombers so we can see here that
1191s getting navigation was indeed a mistake
1193s he did not pick up any starfish and he
1195s did not train any further bombers
1199s and V still and he's still allowing V to
1202s get so much value from his Juggernauts
1205s and I would argue at this point that
1208s forse does now have the military
1212s Advantage which you can make a case is
1215s arguably game over for Camal because
1217s when you have the Eco disadvantage you
1219s need the military advantage to send a
1221s chance yeah I definitely agree with that
1224s the juggernauts are just getting way too
1226s much Splash value the writers are
1228s getting a lot of value too with bouncing
1230s they're hitting units that can't hit
1232s back the Juggernaut does not have
1234s retaliate and the rafts don't do damage
1237s either so the Riders and the roads
1241s although it was a huge disadvantage
1242s having to get them in the first place to
1244s upgrade his Capital vorce was able to
1247s make the units work for him and trade
1250s really positively into his opponent
1252s Naval units are really expensive in that
1255s they cost two stars to make and put into
1257s rafts and another five stars to upgrade
1260s into scouts or rammers or 15 stars to
1263s upgrade into bombers that first bomber
1266s kill with three writers for vorce was
1270s really big in that it was a what Nine
1272s Star for 15 star trade and his Riders
1275s didn't even die and here we can also
1278s just see that borce is using his Riders
1281s to hit some Giants and kill some units I
1285s believe he hits this Juggernaut a few
1287s times as well with some Riders they
1288s don't they don't take retaliation damage
1290s and they just keep attacking his
1292s opponents and giving him
1295s value Wars is getting better value per
1299s each attack while also gaining more
1302s stars per turn so that so so he just has
1305s more stars on hand which is just quite
1309s unfortunate for
1312s Camal and here he gets the eye of God
1315s Monument I believe yep all four ligh
1317s houses have green mark on them
1320s and now he just has way more units on on
1323s the field and yeah three Giants as
1332s well finally starting to invest in
1334s juggernauts but at this point I think
1336s it's too late yep even at this point
1339s actually um wor just got sailing if we
1343s look at it I believe this was the very
1346s turn that vorce gets sailing
1351s yeah so he has sailing now but at the
1353s beginning of this turn I believe is when
1356s he bought
1358s it yep he gets sailing this
1362s turn build some bridges move some units
1366s around just continuously
1368s damaging his opponent's
1371s units oh here we finally see another
1374s Jugger another
1377s bomber and a sieg from camell the second
1380s Siege this entire
1385s game unfortunately it does not hold and
1389s vorce just keeps getting value with
1391s these Juggernaut splashes we can see the
1393s Riders putting in work again even doing
1395s some cleanup here on the
1401s scouts and from here we can see that
1404s there's two giants about to Siege this
1406s city another juggernaut here that will
1410s be able to do major damage again
1412s splashing all five of these
1415s units and from there is when camell
1419s decides to hit the resign
1421s button he has lost his Naval Advantage
1425s most of his units now are just ws and up
1429s unupgraded and he's not going to be able
1431s to Siege the city so yeah there's resign
1433s and that's the game I just think I think
1436s one of the major um win conditions for
1439s Voris is that he just used is that he
1443s got so much value from his Juggernauts
1446s and Camal just couldn't find any counter
1449s for them he tried to know get rammers
1451s involved but it just wasn't working
1452s because he kept you know placing them in
1455s very large sectors and bunches which
1458s hores juggernauts beasted
1461s on yeah I agree with that I think the
1464s main mistake of this game for camell was
1466s going for bombers for navigation because
1470s he went for navigation he spent 19 Stars
1472s buying the tech 15 Stars buying or
1476s upgrading a raft to a bomber that's a
1478s total of 34 Stars which he could have
1481s invested in a different Tech like maybe
1483s getting Defenders maybe getting rammers
1485s and being able to Siege more cities for
1487s example the only city he sieges this
1490s match is this city for two turns not
1495s even consecutive turns two different
1497s turns he does not Siege any other City
1500s whereas I think if he got just a
1502s Defender and maybe blocked this tile and
1504s then sieged with a Defender he would
1506s have had a lot higher of a chance to be
1508s able to
1509s hold bombers themselves aren't bad but
1513s they're more for holding a line or for
1516s pressuring when your opponent is turtled
1519s up in land in this case he got the
1522s bomber just to train One Singular bomber
1524s that I believe only splashes once and
1526s kills a Defender and then just dies
1528s wasn't really able to hold his position
1531s or Advance his position with the bomber
1533s whereas we can see through vor's intense
1536s Road Network that he really maximizes
1538s the value he gets out of the writers and
1540s the roads and changes it from being a
1543s disadvantage from being a barrier he has
1545s to get through in order to connect his
1547s City to work towards a giant to into
1550s something that helps him on Siege into
1552s something that trades positively into
1554s him and works for him so because vorce
1558s was Jeff's getting so much value from
1561s his writers and Juggernauts and at a
1563s higher stars turn he had more spare
1567s stars to spend than morale which is just
1572s which is quite fortunate for and very
1575s unfortunate for Camal thank you for
1577s watching join our Discord and other
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1588s care see you in the next one