4 months
ago -
The Battle of Polytopia Official
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | tradtions have been moved from the role |
4s | of Speedy Shoreline harassment to mobile |
6s | mop-up crew as they lost the fortify and |
9s | Escape abilities in exchange for persist |
11s | much like the Knight it replaces their |
14s | attack stats have been slightly adjusted |
15s | from three to 2.5 but they're still |
18s | ranged and more than able to clear a |
20s | beach head with minimal |
22s | help if you'd like to learn more about |
24s | the Aquarian rework click the link on |
26s | the |
28s | screen tradtions have been moved from |
30s | the role of Speedy Shoreline harassment |
33s | to mobile mop-up crew as they lost the |
35s | fortify and Escape abilities in exchange |
37s | for persist much like the Knight it |
40s | replaces their attack stats have been |
42s | slightly adjusted from 3 to 2.5 but |
45s | they're still ranged and more than able |
46s | to clear a beach head with minimal |
49s | help if you'd like to learn more about |
51s | the Aquarian rework click the link on |
53s | the screen |