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Hello fellow roamers of the Square.

As all of us multiplayers probably know, Cymanti dominate any small and medium sized map that is not water-heavy and I think I speak for many of us when I say... it feels opressive and very pay to win.

I enjoy playing, I enjoy trying to win, and often I find myself having to choose between actually wanting to win and picking Cymanti or just yolo'ing with some other tribe.

This is why I think our bug overloards need a nerf.

Here are some ideas (note that I am NOT suggesting all of these at once should be implemented but I do believe that one or more of these changes might balance things out a bit)

Remove explosion after moving.

No more "comand move -> exploding" in the same turn. It is practically a Elyrion dragon attack + armor removal in one move (yes yes, 10 stars or 8 stars per explosion but lets not kid ourselves, more often than not units only live a round or two anyhow in major skirmishes).

Shaman boost lasts one turn only.

Fairly self explanatory. Perhaps ad a small heal instead (50% of normal mind bender heal?) but make it so that the boost drops off next turn if not used.

No more attack move for the centipede.

While I love the aesthetic, which gives me big "Ohm" from Studio Ghibli's Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind vibes... these guys are too strong.
Double giant movement speed when single celled? Attack moving? Splitting in to separate units if not killed properly? Which brings me to my next suggestion...

Centipedes don't split in to separate units anymore.

While I like the mechanic that if the head is killed the next piece becomes the "leader", I think killing one link in the middle should not create two, full strength centipedes.
Maybe have the new one start off with 10 health instead of just suddenly buffing it up to 20? Or just having all links after it collapse in an explosion? Idk but it's kinda crazy right now.

Posion is healed IN ADDITION to normal healing.

What I mean is that when you choose to heal a unit they heal their poision as well as the usual amount (or perhaps reduced by 50%?). Having to waste an action just to get the debuff off feels overpowered.

Final suggestion and thank you for taking the time to read all of this rambling:

Poison reduces armor... UNLESS the unit is in a city.

Poisioned units in cities keep their armor bonus (lore wise I've always seen cities giving the armor to the unit through walls while mountain, ocean and forest armor is more the units own skill in finding shelter and using it to their advantage... but I digress)
As it is now, Cymanti are almost impossible to defend against due to this mechanic. Even in the rare cases where one chooses extra fortifications over 5 stars it becomes a blunder when facing Cymanti as they will just shred all armor and then every city is a soft target instead.

If you have made it this far, thank you for taking the time and I'd love to hear your thoughts...
also I would love to enjoy Aquarion more so perhaps they could receive a buff ( Crab... wtf?) but that is a topic for a different post.

Last thread I found is from 8 months ago:

TL;DR Nerf Cymanti, buff Aquarion Ai-Mo best tribe :)

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over 2 years ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by wannyboy

The current competitive meta revolves all around rushing free spirit and chopping in order to jumpstart your economy. Since luxidoor have quite a lot of woods and they can get free spirit fairly quickly they can get going sooner than most. There is even discussion to raise hoodrick up to that same tier due to all their available trees.

If you are interested in Polychamps, you can look up the server in discord. Polychamps revolves around 2v2 and 3v3 competitive games between teams which, in my opinion are probably the best way to really learn the finesses of the game. After all you discuss every move you make and always have a second opinion.

For general 1v1 competitive you can always just go to the main polytopia discord server and do some ranked matches. Polymasters and the facebook league are another two highly competitive 1v1 leagues.

Imo winrate 90% in random matches is a good time to step into the more competitive leagues.

We're not entirely happy with the new chop meta, as it's not doing quite what we were hoping for. Expect a nerf (that isn't bringing it back to 1*)

over 2 years ago - /u/Zoythrus - Direct link

Originally posted by wannyboy

Yeah, it currently too heavy in favor of tribes who can make use of it. Which isn't to say that it isn't fun for a while but I expect it to get old pretty soon.
I really liked a suggestion I saw on polychamps about it giving 2 stars but removing 1 spt from the city (or deducting 1 population from it) for 1 turn. That way it still only gives a net 1 star but you can still use it for exponential growth.

That was actually an idea I presented to them (which ultimately came from some musings by Midjiwan).

He wants chopping to be powerful, but come at some pretty big long-term costs