Transcript (by Youtube)

30s w
53s uh hello good people of polyopia Welcome
55s to the stream uh today we have another
58s aquarium beta stream for for you and uh
62s we'll be discovering uh all new stuff
64s about the uh upcoming upcoming uh rework
68s uh my name is Adam uh you might know me
71s from the PO champs as ASG AO uh today I
75s have fer with me on
79s board hi hi fer hi gate and hello chat
84s how is it going it's going pretty good
86s here to uh try out the Aquarian beta I
89s haven't played it yet but I'm looking
91s forward to it MH okay welcome to the
94s Stream So before we start playing uh
98s we'll have a bit of uh you know
100s introduction because people uh don't
103s know you um and then uh we'll uh go
107s briefly through the uh blog post that uh
110s mijan has released uh a couple of weeks
113s ago when the beta was released sounds
115s good so yeah so tell us about about
118s yourself how did you discover Utopia how
121s long have you been playing uh maybe
123s what's your favorite tribe and why do
126s you like the the game um well I picked
129s up the
130s game seven years ago eight years ago
133s when when did The Game come out I feel
135s like I think
136s 2016 okay I probably picked it up
140s around around then it must have been in
142s the first year because there were a lot
144s of tribes that were missing I
146s think veteran veteran yeah veteran
149s veteran there were no special tribes yet
152s like it was all humans humans only and
157s um
159s yeah I think I I played it for a while I
162s played obviously like the Perfection
163s mode that's all there really was I think
166s in the beginning if I'm remembering
168s correctly um yeah I played that for I'm
171s I'm much younger I don't have that that
173s that much experience I think I joined in
175s like 2021 so well listen listen here
179s kids back in the day
181s back in the day there were only human
183s tribes yeah nobody else and I think
185s there were only like I think I came in
188s when there were maybe like six or seven
190s of the human tribes um I don't remember
193s which ones hadn't been added yet but uh
196s yeah it wasn't it wasn't quite filled
198s out and uh there was no there was no
200s diplomacy Tech like that whole Tech
203s Branch didn't
206s exist and um yeah I played I played the
209s Perfection mode cuz that's what there
211s was and you know I had I had a good time
213s with that I you know pushed my high
215s score up but I don't remember if there
217s was like a an online leaderboard yet for
219s it or
220s anything and um yeah and then I put the
224s game down for like a few years and then
227s I got a notification that like
228s multiplayer was added so then I came
230s back uh I played multiplayer I don't
233s think there was online multiplayer
235s initially I believe I only really got to
238s dunk on like my little brother um kind
240s of just steamrolled him over and over
242s and like you know I played with some
244s other people that I knew I introduced
246s them to the game and uh and I enjoyed
248s that and yeah when online matchmaking
252s came in I started to play that again um
256s and then after a while I like put the
259s game down and then there was another
261s update where they added in-game like
263s visible in-game ELO and then I was like
266s okay all right now I'm going to come
267s back and now I'm going to grind ELO now
269s I'm going to show competitive side of
272s your
273s personality
275s okay uh favorite tribe tell
278s us um I mean I I like Ayan a lot I I
283s would say I'm currently in ayrian main I
285s always used to just play what if if you
286s would asked me this like you know uh
289s like a year or two ago my favorite tribe
290s would have been like bardur or something
292s it was just I was just I was just going
293s to play whatever was pretty meta I
296s didn't have things like poly Champions
298s that assigns Point values to try so I
300s didn't get to play a lot of the tribes
302s that I considered to be kind of
303s potato um but um yeah now that I've
308s actually played them and you know um
310s yeah I like I like Alyan I'm an Alyan
312s Main and I like zasi I would say those
315s are the two main tribes that I play if
317s I'm just
319s lading and in general why why do you
321s think the um the game is uh is good why
326s why does it appeal to
328s you why is the game
331s good um well it's got so it's it's
335s complex in a way that puts you into
339s situations where you have a lot of like
341s decisions to make um there's there's
344s some games where you have kind of like
346s objectively good plays you know and
349s objectively correct things to do
351s polytopia is more nuanced than that
353s because you know you instead have like
355s strategic avenues that you pursue and
357s you get to see many turns later if your
360s you know strategic inkling ended up
362s paying
363s off um so I really I like the complexity
366s about it and um yeah I think that that
370s contrary to what a lot of people say I
372s think the game is actually like pretty
373s well balanced like you know can you want
375s but like it's not like I don't think
377s semanti is overpowered or anything I
378s don't even Main semanti and I mean you
380s know yeah I I agree there are ways to to
382s counter them so we don't uh we don't
386s approve all those uh whining a bits that
393s uh yeah um
396s okay but just just to finish this
399s introduction um section um so you you
403s are you're a streamer yourself um but
405s yes it's not the so polytopia is not
409s your only passion as it comes to to
411s streaming so tell us polyopia isn't my
415s my primary game so I I I stream on
417s Twitch you can find me at uh
420s fer obvious plug um I was at one point a
423s YouTuber and you can still find my
424s YouTube where I no longer post anything
426s but like you know you can see that I
428s used to um I was a I'm a pro player in
431s Pokemon go um if you haven't played like
434s the competitive side of that it might
435s sound like it doesn't make sense because
437s most of you would just be familiar with
439s like the Overworld part of the game and
441s not the battling part but um in the
443s battling part of that I was uh playing
446s at like a competitive level for a really
448s long time and uh that's like my primary
450s game that I still stream on Twitch three
452s days a week but occasionally I'll stream
455s polytopia um I'll stream like a few live
457s games uh I'm absolutely cracked
460s obviously uh I have like 1900 I have
462s like 1900 in-game ELO so um you're not
466s going to get to see my main account
467s because my main account doesn't have the
468s beta uh my main account is on mobile
470s obviously I'm a mobile
472s gamer um but um yeah I'm going to bring
476s all of my skills to the official poly
478s Champions Steam account and uh I'll I'll
481s just start lading on
485s that yep okay thank you um yeah so now
489s now we'll uh go through all the all the
492s changes that were implemented to to
495s aquarium uh so I'll add my
499s screen let's have a look
505s um yeah so there you go the Aquarian
507s rework beta uh has been has emerged from
510s the from the
511s depths and first um first major change
517s is that except sharks uh yell bellies
522s and puffer fish uh which will come in
525s later on um all the humans were changed
529s into
531s mermaids what do you think about
535s that um I mean I think mermaids
542s I feel like we could I I feel like we
544s could have named them something
546s else um and given I I feel like we could
549s have given them those the same functions
551s but maybe not called the mermaids I
554s don't know okay shouldn't they just be
555s mer people I mean it's it's okay it's
559s fine yeah but at least now it's it's uh
562s it's more consistent with their
565s environment right because then back then
568s before the beta it's like they were
571s people living in this like uh flooded
575s lands which were actually not flooded so
579s I I do like that they are that instead
581s of like people like the way semanti
584s isn't like just people living among bugs
587s or with bugs it's people that have kind
588s of fused with bugs I like that the new
591s Aquarian units are have have fused with
594s the fish they have they have become the
597s fish yeah um I would have preferred them
599s just to be called Aquarian ites or
601s something uh but like this is
605s fine uh yeah uh so change uh change
610s number two uh is that
614s um now when you look at this uh this
619s terrain uh Aquarian terrain so the the
622s graphics haven't changed but
624s the
627s um the functionality is ity has changed
630s so now this all this terrain is flooded
633s so actually uh all Aquarian units can
637s move there as if it was uh regular uh
642s water um and they can also flood
647s the like a solid terrain of other
651s tribes what do you think about that I
653s think that sounds dope um it's nice that
656s like the terrain actually functions
658s differently it's kind of going to be
659s like
660s it's gonna add I mean I'm always in
662s favor of anything that's going to add
663s complexity to the game provided that
665s it's balanced so I think adding these
668s additional mechanics it just pushes the
670s skill ceiling a little bit further and
672s I'm always in favor of anything that
674s makes the game harder mhm yeah and here
677s uh one small detail so all those uh kind
680s of human um units uh some the mer
685s mermaids they can move over land but
688s only one tile per per turn um but on
692s once the terrain is flooded then they so
695s like for example amphibians they they
697s can move two two two tiles uh and the
701s mentioned y bellies sharks and puffer
703s fish they can't move on like a solid
706s terrain so uh there will be a lot of uh
710s you know uh finding new ways to um yeah
715s to to like move them around the the map
718s right because because you can also play
720s play Aquarian on on drylands uh and even
723s though it's it's it's actually not
725s drylands because in in aquariums uh in
730s aquarium's uh situation it's uh it's
733s it's Wetlands so yeah they can they can
736s still move
738s around um yeah and now the like really
742s really new units so we have sharks we
746s have yeah so there's there's the shark
750s and uh and their uh statistics
755s um so um we'll be playing um um like
760s more updated version of of uh beta I
764s think now so the ah Health moved from 15
768s down to 10 I see yeah and um yeah and
772s also the defense I think it it has been
775s reduced to to two so um it says it says
779s still on this
781s infographic but yeah but I think in the
784s game they they are they are they are
786s weaker once we we start playing I think
789s they they were uh it was it was reduced
792s a bit but I'm not
795s sure
799s um yeah and then we have y bellies um so
805s these are those
807s monsters um clearly clearly jellyfish
811s yeah
814s um yeah and
818s uh actually could you um could you open
822s the the game and we'll definitely we'll
825s switch to so we can uh we can show the
829s what do you want me to open a Perfection
831s mode or a yeah maybe like a Perfection
833s mode yeah
843s so we can see
846s the uh detect
853s tree
855s mhm
858s okay so let's see the the tech tree
861s right
863s now uh yeah so the sharks are in the in
867s this left uh Mar life uh yes uh left the
871s branch yes yeah so now they are yeah
874s like 15 Health three attack two defense
878s uh three movement and one oh and they
880s have creep yeah so and surprise oh my
883s gosh yeah so they can attack and then uh
886s they don't get
888s retaliation
890s and after sharks you can you can get y
894s Bell so they are uh kind of equivalent
898s of uh uh of ice
901s fortresses um or bombers
906s right yeah looks like yeah creep they
909s have float and stiff but stiff is
913s irrelevant because they have zero attack
915s right yeah but the they uh tentacles
918s they they uh give damage so once you uh
922s like once you're in range and you took
924s the damage you might as well slap them
926s yes
928s gotcha yeah and now let's go to this
932s um
933s forestry uh
935s Branch so here we have forestry as it is
939s and let's look at the last
941s one
943s um mathematics yeah so we have we have
947s puffer fish so that's the because there
950s there used to be Aqua pults but I guess
954s not everyone liked them or midan did not
957s like them so they were changed too
960s I'm not going to lie I I didn't like the
962s aquapol and the reason I didn't like it
965s is because it looks like it wouldn't
967s work I like the name aquapulse it's like
971s aqus had a great name but like if you
973s had like a catapult attached to like two
976s logs in the water when it tries to fire
979s the logs would just get like dunked yeah
981s yeah and it wouldn't it wouldn't so like
983s yes from the physics really bothered me
985s about it so I'm glad I'm glad they
988s replac I'm not such a nerd so like
993s I uh yeah so puffer fish they they uh
997s can either attack I think or they can um
1001s like fire a projectile and then this
1004s place that is hit uh it gets it gets
1008s flooded so yeah well I I hope we'll see
1012s that during during the game all
1016s right uh yeah and uh like like we can
1020s see they they they are quite vulnerable
1022s to any taxs uh like the the regular or
1026s even more yeah because they have zero
1028s defense so that's the same they've
1030s that's the same stats as a catapult
1033s except these have two movement which
1034s seems nice yeah yeah otherwise very
1037s similar
1039s yeah so that's that's that and um so now
1044s I'll switch to my
1047s screen and um
1050s the other thing that has changed uh so
1055s um I think that that's very reasonable
1058s that uh aquarium doesn't have uh ports
1062s anymore uh so they just float because
1064s they are fish people so they don't they
1067s they don't need ports and instead of
1069s that they have uh waterways and atal
1073s what do you think about this this change
1075s seems
1077s reasonable MH so atal are are an
1081s equivalent of uh posts right with from
1085s uh Polaris so they uh they connect yeah
1090s connect other cities other cities and it
1093s sounded more like a melium to me but
1096s without healing so yeah uh and they give
1099s one population and it's also one uh one
1102s atal per per City so you can't just put
1105s them like uh like the um like the
1108s Polaris uh Outpost yeah
1113s mhm and as you can see on the on the
1117s picture aquafarms are back what do you
1119s think about that because a lot of people
1122s were complaining about aquafarms when
1124s they were introduced uh during the the
1127s path of the ocean update I mean I liked
1130s um the aquafarm I always liked the aqua
1132s Farm I liked that even when it was in
1135s like a spot where you'd want to play
1136s support I like that it forced you to
1138s have to to make a value judgment on
1140s whether you wanted the port or you
1142s wanted the aquafarm I think a lot of
1144s people were bothered by having to make
1146s that decision but I feel like again
1148s anytime you have something where you
1150s have you know options that force you to
1153s make a value judgment that
1162s just I think uh there's something wrong
1165s with your with your mic because huh oh
1168s no no that now it's fine because
1171s like can you say something yeah that's
1174s fine like I think I lost you for for
1176s like a second oh okay yeah I'm
1178s back uh yeah so so Aqua Farms are are
1182s back and uh they are uh they are
1185s specific only for for um for aquarium
1189s other tribes don't have them so I I
1191s think that's that's reasonable yeah I me
1194s Aquarian has has has those kind of uh um
1199s yeah like Eco economy sorry
1203s economy um you know upgrades M yeah you
1207s were saying oh I was going to say I mean
1209s I feel like if I'm a zasi and I want to
1211s grow like seaweed I should be allowed to
1214s grow seaweed I think that's I think
1215s that's pretty messed up that they
1219s okay yeah uh anyway but it's so
1222s aquafarms are are only Aquarian uh
1225s specific so uh so no Aqua FS for uh for
1230s for other
1232s tribes um and about the flooding so
1236s there is there is also like a counter
1238s mechanics so Aquarian can flood terrain
1242s but other tribes if they want to counter
1245s uh aquarium they can rise raise the
1247s terrain so it's it kind of you know it's
1250s it can be like a tactics or strategy to
1254s to actually yeah um it's a lot like the
1257s uh
1259s yeah yeah that's that's uh what happens
1262s if I have an ice tile and I and someone
1265s floods it I don't know it's like uh
1268s actually actually with uh uh I was
1271s hoping maybe uh maybe uh the players
1275s that that will join us to to play
1277s against you that they will play Polaris
1279s because I this is the the the tribe that
1282s actually I did not see uh playing
1286s against against Aquarian so I'm very
1287s curious about some of the stuff uh you
1290s know that uh that will happen be between
1293s I'm looking forward to see the tribe
1295s interactions yeah okay um so um the plan
1302s for now is to to play some games uh so
1305s fer will be our
1308s champion and uh and the first game will
1311s be against uh W boy so he he's our
1315s friend from from poly
1316s Champs and uh um yeah so maybe you could
1320s set up a game and all righty we can
1324s start start
1326s playing I'll give uh W boy a a ping
1330s that's oh W boy is in chat right now oh
1334s okay what's up
1336s Wy you want to do this uh 196 a uh
1341s Aquarian mirror or
1343s something uh yeah we can start we can
1346s start with a with an Aquarian mirror so
1349s a small map all right let's do a nice uh
1354s kti map actually no Lakes because that's
1356s more balanced yeah and and and first one
1359s let's do uh 24 hours so we have more
1361s time to to explain and if some questions
1366s uh arise then then we'll sounds have
1369s more more time to all right Wy I sent
1372s you sent you a game request
1386s okay we're ready so good luck thank you
1390s all
1392s right well I spawned in the west so I
1395s guess we'll just uh take our mer
1398s person and make another mer person what
1401s would be the I I guess yeah we have no
1404s starting t0 Tech no we start with no
1407s Tech all right no there t Warrior it
1414s is so what do you think about your
1417s spawn well I don't know what an average
1420s spawn is yet but I mean I like that I
1423s have at least two fruit um and I guess I
1426s have a village to start with I guess I
1430s have other possible Village tiles here
1432s so for now I'm just going to rush Center
1435s and um yeah I don't have to buy a tech
1438s yet cuz I can't afford to use it
1442s mhm this background music is nice for
1445s this yeah it's Aquarian the like
1449s remixed uh
1452s music yeah so there uh I will pass some
1454s questions uh to you and answer some
1459s others uh
1462s so DJ Imon is asking uh when will the
1466s update come in so in the first days of
1470s of August so stay
1472s tuned um it's
1476s like yeah two three more weeks
1481s and and it will be available but it's
1485s beta is available on on Steam uh there's
1488s a link
1489s to um to the to steam and uh also the
1494s the game is now uh like 70% off so if
1498s you want to try it right now it's it's a
1500s good time to to actually buy it everyone
1503s telling me Spawn win for
1508s WNY okay justini says hi to you
1512s fer oh hello
1515s justini welcome
1522s back all right I think I just have to I
1525s have to go Warrior first here so this is
1528s a Lakes game
1531s so I could have another Village behind
1533s me
1535s here
1538s mm so we're going to send the first
1540s Warrior that way I don't have any fruit
1543s or anything to macro with at this base
1547s so I'm just going to make another mer
1549s person
1557s capture oh oh great yeah so Wy gets the
1559s middle base and he also has parallel
1561s resources
1567s dude yeah so
1569s Joe
1571s uh liman is asking is the flooding
1575s easier now so um before this beta uh
1580s aquarium did not have the ability to
1582s actually
1583s flood um it was just their terrain so uh
1587s flooding is actually
1589s a new
1590s thing
1595s um yeah I mean we're not going to have
1598s any opportunity to flood cuz this entire
1600s map is since this is an Aquarian mirror
1602s it's it's flooded to begin with yeah yes
1605s so flooding next next next
1608s game look at this he has perfect density
1610s too my
1616s gosh um yeah and
1619s um deser is asking do the sirens work
1623s any differently to mind benders so no
1627s they are just regular mind benders just
1630s Benders by a different name yeah they
1632s are called Sirens but they um abilities
1637s are are the same as the regular uh mind
1644s venders yeah
1646s so Banu is saying that II seaweed is
1649s good for your health yo zasi seaweed
1652s should
1653s be
1658s yeah
1662s um where are you seeing chat I only see
1665s the YouTube's chat um oh wait you are
1668s seeing that okay okay yeah SC I see it
1671s in in the studio
1680s they're different in practice because
1682s they can float oh you're talking about
1684s the uh the sirens versus
1686s mindbenders yeah but like yeah that's
1689s that's the difference
1692s but damn how do I MA but they are mer
1695s mermaids
1698s so so how is it going
1701s forer it's going pretty nice uh I'm not
1704s super sure how I can macro this base
1710s um I don't have any Aqua
1713s Farms well all right let's grab the
1722s lighthouse yeah so mining might be the
1725s the way to go but
1728s it's I think we're going to want farming
1731s but um it's too expensive to grab now so
1734s for
1736s now I'm just going to macro with org mhm
1741s we
1744s Workshop yeah in meanwhile if you have
1746s any questions uh about the uh the update
1750s and uh the game that is being played
1754s right now it's go go ahead uh we'll
1757s we'll answer the best way we
1761s can or other polyopia questions
1770s like you heard F has has been you know
1773s with pitopia since it started
1776s so yeah hey he's he's almost like
1783s mijan Chad if you can uh macro plan for
1786s me uh tell me what the tell me what to
1788s do in this position yes any any good
1791s suggestions
1793s for for f St yeah good suggestions would
1797s be ideal um I'll I'll take bad
1799s suggestions too uh I'm not feeling very
1801s picky right
1803s now um what do I do here all right well
1806s we can pull this
1812s back oh shoot I thought this was a uh I
1815s thought that was a rider initially okay
1817s MH
1830s yeah so one definitely has fishing
1832s because he can move on on those deep
1836s water tiles we can't always move on deep
1838s water I'm literally a
1841s fish no sorry it's like unless you have
1844s fishing then you can but without it
1852s nope yeah so there's there is some gold
1857s in those mountains
1865s okay uh I think that makes me okay for
1868s now how's he doing on score he's ahead
1871s of me but not by that
1875s much can you explain why why score is is
1879s important oh um well I mean there's
1882s there's complex ways of score counting
1885s but um me personally I'm too lazy for
1887s that but what I will do is just try to
1889s get a general feel for if I'm ahead or
1892s not and if I am going to be able to
1894s Pivot into like an attacking position or
1897s if I'm kind of stuck with what I've got
1900s MH yeah but uh can you explain how how
1903s does score counting really work um why
1907s why are you uh mentioning
1911s this well so you can like every action
1914s in polytopia uh adds a specific amount
1918s of score like every fog you uh every fog
1921s tile you reveal adds Five Points so if
1925s you you can see like kind of exactly
1928s what someone's doing in the early game
1931s uh capturing a city adds like 280 points
1933s to your score so you can sometimes see
1937s you know exactly how many bases they're
1939s at dude there's like no way to
1945s macro yeah so score counting is is a re
1948s good strategy especially if
1951s you uh if you want
1954s to you know like be really good at
1958s polytopia to to see what's uh what's
1961s your opponent doing even though you
1962s don't have Vision on them yeah if you're
1966s going to if you're going to play at a
1967s very high level it's going to be
1969s basically
1970s mandatory let's
1973s go dude there's like I have like no I
1976s have like no fruit I have no fish
1979s all right let's do that yeah so arthus
1981s the Le King says Rush crab with atos
1984s maybe but you lose the city anyway so
1987s you can't really do do that either so
1991s and we're gonna we're going to find
1992s we're going to find a way all right chat
1994s yeah or resign BL spawn that's the
1999s that's the strategy
2010s yeah but I think when when you survive
2011s this first wave you this feels like a
2014s good time to ask and uh I guess poke
2018s actually and ask if mijwan has any plans
2021s to add a symmetrical map
2027s spawn uh yeah maybe it's it's a good
2030s time but I we we I I don't I know
2033s nothing about this
2036s so I can't comment really
2040s maybe there are such plans
2045s but I can't say
2053s anything yeah so arthus is happy you did
2056s not lose the city oh yeah yeah uh no I'm
2061s glad when he didn't um push the issue I
2064s guess mhm let's go this way
2083s yo he's gotten a toll yeah I see a water
2086s way
2092s is the true try thinks that the game is
2095s turning around
2096s anyway no that that's not what's
2100s happening that's not about to happen
2102s just yet get two star ruins that's
2105s actually a very good tip I'm going to
2106s try my best to do that mhm are you good
2110s at guessing what's what's in the ruins
2112s or you bad rolling the dice and hoping
2115s that I guess correctly um not
2118s specifically uhhuh uh I don't know if
2120s may maybe there are some people who
2121s might be better than average at that but
2123s uh me no I have I have no special talent
2126s at guessing Okay
2128s yeah because I I know that there are
2130s some like you know Wizards ruin Wizards
2132s and
2133s they predict very
2137s accurately okay there's a r another ruin
2143s there yeah I mean I'm just glad to be
2148s able
2151s um
2155s pops yeah so we got a population ruin
2158s mhm yeah I can't afford anything useful
2161s yet we'll get another of
2165s those I think I have to move this
2168s forward or I'm not going to be able to
2170s push
2186s out okay well this is zoning here so
2190s it's not like they can move this in
2192s right so let's actually let's just go
2195s north okay all right so I've saved four
2198s stars that's enough for me to get
2200s forestry so I can upgrade this base
2203s maybe work towards a crab or something
2208s mhm jier is telling me that the ruin has
2211s meditation and three
2213s population
2215s yeah okay well you guessed one of those
2217s correctly although in in the game's
2220s defense uh you know we had we had
2222s grabbed that beforehand all right so
2223s that one is in this tile but I don't
2225s think I can reveal it so I probably
2227s can't kill it m unless I have some
2230s things to bounce yo what the hell they
2231s already have a crab dude
2235s yeah yeah and there's uh so we did not
2239s uh touch on that but crabs have uh have
2244s changed so now they have um
2248s they have two
2251s movement uh if you click on the yeah mhm
2254s so they have two movement they still
2256s have Escape ability and um they got a
2261s bit uh you know updated so they look and
2265s the new thing that has um has been
2268s introduced so once they step on a on a
2272s solid land they uh they
2275s flooded okay archery
2278s what do you think about this development
2282s I'll take it uh it's not going to help
2284s me macro my base but it it does beef up
2288s the uh the units that I have on like the
2291s edges yeah the mermaid Warriors
2296s yes oh my
2298s gosh I can't even get into friendly
2301s territory yet all right yeah we're going
2303s to pull that back
2306s um what gives me deep water fishing
2310s fishing
2312s o that serves like no serves no other
2316s purpose for me yeah you have one fish
2318s yes that sucks yeah all right all right
2322s let's go with uh oh
2335s boy yeah there's not much cause for me
2338s to move that
2340s forward oh boy building archers
2347s it's not a fan of archers I mean I like
2351s archers as much as the next person but
2354s uh you know my my defense against the
2356s crab is currently one Archer
2359s um so you know it's kind of a sad
2361s defense here
2364s mhm does fer know that new Trident have
2368s persist instead of
2370s Escape um I heard someone mention that
2374s in the patch notes I don't I haven't
2375s experienced that so I don't know exactly
2377s what that looks like and uh I'm I'm not
2380s going to lie to you we're kind of low
2382s Tech on this particular game right now
2384s so there's a decent chance I I don't see
2387s tridion
2390s here how does persist work you just run
2393s into a group of things and
2395s spray uh yeah I saw it so it's h you can
2398s you can spray on them like until you
2401s like all the all the units are in range
2404s are like
2406s hit so you can't you know continue
2411s going forward like with the night but
2414s you can yeah spray the Trident
2417s everywhere do I want an a to right now
2420s or
2424s forestry I think I want forestry here
2435s where is my Sawmill going to go okay all
2439s right we're going to border growth here
2442s even though there's a crab like about to
2443s be like up my butt um I'm just going to
2446s go
2447s for the slower approach
2451s anyway hello game okay all right we're
2454s going to move this up
2458s right because I don't want to feed him a
2460s free
2471s unit all right and I don't think I care
2474s if that base gets
2484s sieged I think that will remain where it
2487s is
2498s I'd like a an Explorer but I'm too damn
2502s poor
2504s mhm yeah I think
2507s going Eco is is a better idea because I
2511s think it's my I think it's my only
2513s option here mhm okay the crab is just
2515s dude the crabs are just stomping around
2519s yeah two crabs that doesn't look good no
2522s we're fine we're fine I'm not I'm not
2524s even worried yet
2527s okay if they if they end up taking my my
2530s little potato base then I guess that's
2532s just what
2532s happens yeah but your capital is also
2535s kind of in in range no my capital is
2537s fine my Capital I can I can make my own
2539s crabs in my capital okay so it'll it'll
2542s be okay it'll be fine
2545s uh I'm more worried about the
2548s uh the prospect of them having an actual
2550s economy and me not having an actual e
2552s economy like I'm going to pick and
2554s choose the things I'm concerned about
2556s right now and the current concern is
2557s definitely the the not having any money
2574s mhm dude he got archery himself he has
2577s like defense now on his on his freaking
2580s crabs
2582s mm beefy crabs weren't beefy enough
2585s already yeah because crabs are are a bit
2588s different than the regular um Giants
2592s right because regular uh Giants have
2596s five attack and four defense and the
2598s crab has the the other way
2602s around so they are like really tanky
2620s okay we made a thing but we are still
2622s very very
2626s poor drop a park of Fortune there
2642s and I would
2646s normally all right let me pull that back
2650s first that's in
2653s range uh let's see one two
2657s three four five six seven
2660s eight is that enough hits to take this
2663s thing
2664s out
2665s H we can ask the poly
2669s calculator ah yes you could do
2679s that I'll just since I am doing this
2682s quickly we'll just not do that and I'll
2684s leave it up to
2686s chance
2688s okay because with the with the regular
2691s uh Giants it's it's 10 Warriors right
2695s without any yeah 10 Warriors without any
2698s help so we've done two Warriors worth of
2700s damage to this crab and one Warrior
2702s worth of damage to this crab
2715s M okay I see his
2718s archers yeah well we we knew he had
2721s archers before m
2753s well uh let's see one two three four
2756s five six seven
2759s hits um o is this even
2767s enough if it is enough it's going to be
2770s very
2771s narrow so let's move the six in range
2776s and monitor
2778s that right we just moved up to doing
2781s four
2782s M and the six is going to do three here
2791s oh my gosh this thing's retaliation is
2793s so heavy yeah I think it won't be
2797s enough like narrowly
2803s yeah no it's enough it's just that I
2806s lose everything in the process yeah
2811s mhm do I survive this yet oh look at
2814s that yo huge
2815s survive okay absolutely massive not
2818s everyone will die in this in the process
2821s yes only almost everyone
2824s okay we are going to
2828s remake an amphibian there and an Archer
2833s here wait a
2835s minute these crabs oh my gosh they have
2839s like sneak or
2841s something oh they've got
2844s creep okay all right surely that will
2846s save me
2848s M okay uh what does he have in range
2851s here one two units he doesn't have a
2854s third so if I just make a regular
2856s mermaid it's not like he can kill me
2863s right what do we want to do
2866s here how much is this
2868s worth he's making two stars there I
2871s don't even want to Siege it for that
2874s price budget ass bases mhm
2878s okay Arthur Lee says Hey Hey
2882s fster Hey
2887s Arthur yo do you think do you do you
2889s guys think that WNY uh like sniped my
2893s position because he can see where I
2896s was like do you think he saw that I was
2898s going for this space and he was like oh
2899s I'll send both Warriors towards the same
2901s base and I'll just kill fer like that
2904s he'll never see it coming no I think
2907s well uh want is
2909s this you think he just had you think he
2912s just had a spawn one yeah yeah okay so
2916s we have
2918s trids
2928s yeah yeah that's not looking good for
2931s you yeah it's it's not ideal for sure
2934s for sure um all right let's let me
2940s see the problem is that if a trid
2942s dention walks into my group of units
2944s it'll kill my entire group of units
2946s right yeah so you asked how how persist
2949s works with tradtions so you you saw oh
2952s boy
2969s uh can we kill this or
2975s what yeah I'm thinking we
2988s don't yeah I don't I don't I don't see a
2991s way out of this one uh we make a mermaid
2994s there and a mermaid Archer here
3001s boy let's pull that
3010s back
3013s yeah ah yes well the the the fork has
3017s always been a strong unit I see some
3019s things never change uhhuh but what's
3022s what's your opinion is it is is this
3024s persist better or the the Escape that
3026s the used to have I feel like I preferred
3029s them with Escape because they functioned
3031s a little more differently mhm with
3033s persist it they seem like they feel more
3037s like just a regular Knight like a knight
3040s will also go into a group of things and
3042s kill all of the stuff mhm but uh and I
3044s kind of appreciated that the fork the
3047s trid denion uh functioned differently
3051s mhm the fact that it's now basically the
3054s same dude
3057s why this crab does not want to
3076s die yeah this is uh yeah this is this is
3079s a real problem here yeah so that true
3083s true tree says uh crabs used to sag suck
3087s uh badly uh but feels like they uh got
3090s kind of over buffed now I thought crabs
3093s were okay before but uh yeah oh hey Wy
3097s boy welcome
3103s back thank you for thank you for spawn
3105s winning in our first game feels
3114s great okay well we don't need to watch
3116s myself die right we'll just we'll just
3118s find no it's like feel feel free to
3120s resign when when like a true
3122s professional
3127s mhm so what I would suggest now maybe a
3130s rematch with with one but uh now he'll
3133s uh he'll get a like a regular
3136s tribe okay so we could see this this
3138s kind of mechanics
3141s how uh how Aquarian uh performs against
3153s and after this game if you want to play
3155s with with
3157s fcker um you can yeah we will share some
3162s some um invite links
3165s and you'll be able to to play we still
3169s have uh have plenty of of time just Spam
3172s friend requests chat just Spam friend
3174s requests this is this is my this is my
3176s friend code yeah or you can you can uh
3179s you can friend
3181s the uh the account so whatever works for
3191s you okay what do we have for Wy all
3195s right 620 uh it looks like he picked uh
3200s what race is that quali yeah I'm bad at
3202s this I think I think that's I think I'm
3205s also too lazy to to to do score counts
3207s so we are in one
3210s team all right we'll just watch his his
3212s so I I the only score counting I'm doing
3215s is like you know uh looking uh at the at
3219s Discord and you know seeing that yeah
3221s now he got a CD or you know so like some
3224s bigger big bigger changes but like you
3226s know five points or you know even 20
3229s it's like okay that's he just went from
3231s 6:30 to 655 so he got like Corner
3235s Vision yeah yeah so chat says it's it's
3239s katali some somebody's suggesting kri
3243s we're going to rush
3250s ruin oh it's quits
3254s okay okay um I guess I don't see any
3257s reason not to take organization and a
3259s workshop here even though I'm going to
3261s get a ruin next turn especially because
3264s qus can't uh steal an early ruin from
3267s me
3277s mhm yeah so it's definitely
3280s kazali can see the
3283s terrain oh yes we see the we see the qu
3286s sorry I didn't I didn't think to
3287s verbalize that oh okay he he picks up
3290s his uh his second base here uhhuh we're
3293s going to open with a nice Explorer ruin
3296s okay meet them yeah nice we got we got
3300s five stars out of that exchange
3303s mhm how the hell did he get up to over a
3306s thousand already all right we'll take it
3308s all right I've got Nine Stars before I
3310s capture so I guess it looks like I'm
3313s going to go
3314s Farms
3316s mhm cuz I don't see any better way of
3320s macroing
3324s here when you say microing what's what
3327s does this mean macroing means uh
3330s boosting my economy let me see I've got
3333s eight Stars between the next two turns
3336s there's all right that's going to be two
3338s Warriors and a workshop then
3341s mhm we'll try engines be more skilled
3344s now uh you mean will they be more
3347s skill-based than
3350s previously
3353s um I'm not sure I feel like the way the
3357s trentin was
3360s before it commonly was so strong look at
3364s this he went for an Explorer in this
3366s city okay mhm yeah definitely I don't
3370s see a
3373s workshop okay this is probably his main
3376s right yeah his Capital has
3382s we're okay so it's cheaper to make a
3385s workshop with two fruit but that makes
3388s level three more expensive so we're
3391s actually just going to farm and we're
3392s going to skip a unit cuz I don't really
3394s have anywhere to send an extra Warrior
3395s there this Warrior is going to Arc back
3397s around mhm and we're going to go for a
3399s farm up front and a workshop because I'm
3402s not nosy I don't need to see what he's
3404s doing
3408s okay yeah and he doesn't have Riders yet
3412s so there's no threat for you that that
3414s he can he might snipe you yeah
3420s yeah and
3424s um
3425s AIS was uh was mentioning
3430s that where's this
3432s comment
3441s um yeah so the new tridion are
3444s definitely less prone to being spam
3447s do you
3450s agree oh um I guess yeah they would
3454s definitely be weaker now
3456s because well it's not that they're
3458s weaker but you you can't get the same
3460s kind of long-term value out of them like
3462s they're no longer a good like defensive
3466s unit mhm either I would say like they
3470s they see more like something you have to
3471s use offensively mhm what do I want to do
3474s here macro wise uh um do I just want to
3478s save like what do I need to make a
3479s warrior
3481s for
3483s nothing right there's no additional yeah
3487s none of these tiles is a village so I
3489s don't need yeah I don't I don't need any
3491s additional unit you know what I'm I'm
3492s just going to save
3504s mhm okay so he went h
3507s thing yeah I'm upset that when I
3509s captured this it didn't automatically
3511s flood this
3513s field no no it's it doesn't work uh same
3516s as as with Polaris so when you capture
3519s um your opponent's um cies uh I mean the
3524s regular tribes or or even other special
3527s tribes they they don't flood uh
3531s automatically so it's not like like
3533s Polaris because Polaris doesn't doesn't
3535s actually have their
3537s uh their terrain right they have to
3539s claim it from from other uh other
3543s tribes
3548s yeah yeah I think we're going to work
3550s towards waterways getting a toll and use
3552s that to get my next upgrades
3559s mhm yeah so justini says construction
3562s lets you get two
3564s crabs h
3568s ah yes that's true I see
3573s them cuz now with with construction you
3576s can uh you can uh burn Forest right so
3580s there's there there are like some
3582s good uh good um windmill spots yeah what
3586s is this fertiliz ability wait what this
3589s does not the way I'm used to it working
3592s yeah so this is the this is also a new
3594s thing so we can uh you can plant uh a
3599s farm aquarium has that
3602s yeah we'll take construction and try to
3604s figure out so so they they actually
3606s don't uh don't uh burn Forest they you
3609s can uh fertilize the I can just oh okay
3614s all right so these forests are not okay
3617s you I I can just create forests I I can
3620s just create Farms they just top out of
3622s the ground
3624s mhm exactly
3628s yeah and one small detail I see on the
3631s on the screen so Wy took this uh city of
3636s K or what whatever and it's uh land
3641s build up so uh if you want to see how
3644s this
3646s uh unflooding the the land looks like
3649s the there there you go
3665s aquarium can't burn because there's a
3667s water tile uh yes yes that's that's fair
3671s point yeah
3692s okay well fertilize seems like an
3694s expensive way to do
3697s this let's see if we can just keep
3700s expanding uh am I safe to make a
3706s thing all right if I make an amphibian
3709s here and move this to here then they
3713s can't block me right so let's put this
3716s here
3721s here we'll make a
3724s mermaid and we'll get another
3727s amp mhm and I guess now I'll I'll just
3730s send this back for the uh for the
3731s lighthouse
3738s y all right Wy launching has attack he's
3740s going to Siege me but it's not the end
3742s of the world
3761s okay so they got getting ports he wants
3764s to fight me on the water
3767s fishing yeah but those rafts are like
3770s very vulnerable because you
3773s have uh you have your units yeah but
3776s can't
3778s reach mhm can I afford to become in
3781s range
3790s no all right we'll take this farm for
3793s the Free level three
3804s upgrade h
3811s no I don't want to use
3834s that okay all right
3838s how are you
3839s feeling I feel like this is going all
3842s right right I have my my opponent
3844s doesn't have like three times my economy
3847s so this feels like more of a fair
3848s matchup
3850s mhm I might be missing some unit
3853s familiarity but um I kind of like that
3856s WNY is deciding to go for Naval units
3859s because I should be able to pick up good
3861s efficiency and maybe bully him out of
3862s this Lake
3864s mhm at least that's that's that's the
3866s idea right that's that's the hope you
3869s have you know three cities around so and
3871s he has only one because this middle City
3874s doesn't have water access so it will be
3877s really hard for for them to to fight for
3880s this for this
3881s Lake yeah he's going to fight for like
3884s Naval control here but I don't think he
3886s can get
3888s it and me being able to capture this
3891s city is huge for me it puts me on much
3893s more even footing
3896s all right let's see let's go with
3906s um I guess I'm going to put this here
3909s right we'll slap
3912s this just going to keep making mermaids
3915s out of here
3929s and since he doesn't have any like units
3932s that can like attack me if I move here
3934s we're just going to move here mhm yeah
3936s only Defenders because the Riders are
3939s out of range all right I've got 10 Stars
3942s so uh I feel
3944s like I feel like I should do something
3946s that will let me macro these bases
3949s better or move better but I feel like I
3952s can't afford any new tech cuz then all
3955s right so we're just going to capture
3956s Workshop
3959s mhm so justini is suggesting uh border
3963s growth in your in your cap uh not in
3966s capital in the Second City to get even
3969s more
3971s crabs when I can when I can afford one
3973s crab I'm definitely going to consider
3975s getting two crabs but it definitely
3978s feels a little early for that right
3983s now I still want to find a way to
3985s Workshop this base
3987s somehow
3990s okay um can he do anything annoying here
3992s I don't think so not
4011s yet okay maybe let's change music to
4015s something
4018s different something less chill than the
4021s aquarium than the aquarium
4023s theme yeah I have a you know a long
4028s playlist
4031s so yeah since you like zasi I will play
4044s zasi well that's not ideal
4051s but and I don't have any like roads that
4055s I can use
4056s either
4062s yeah but I can kill his uh his Scouts so
4079s all right we'll box that one in dude I
4080s can't even upgrade the space all
4086s right do I have destroy
4089s no no destroys is with with TR
4095s tradenance man do I need this badly
4098s enough I need to I need to Workshop this
4100s space especially so I can build a unit
4102s in
4103s it yeah so fertiliz uh is
4108s um is has the same price as as uh as
4111s actually burn burn Forest because it's
4114s burning it's also five stars and then
4116s five stars for for a farm so it's it's
4120s equal yeah it's still it still feels
4123s quite expensive
4132s mhm and I'm finding the lack of Roads is
4134s difficult to work with too
4139s it feels like Aquarian still has very
4141s soupy
4143s resources
4148s mhm like I have felt quite impoverished
4151s in both of these games but it might just
4152s be that I'm not used to using their
4155s units yet mhm
4177s what's in the ruin okay free spirit free
4180s spirit okay so closer to
4189s tensions yeah I'm not sure if if uh
4192s sieging this uh this city
4196s um that he has taken from you was was
4198s right play for him yeah I mean stealing
4202s a city is always nice yeah well he he
4205s had to you know invest in those Scouts
4207s and now he's actually you know kind of
4210s stuck
4211s there uh because you even blocked uh
4215s some of the resources
4219s so I'm not sure
4230s so artha says fter I think you are
4233s taking a wrong approach for
4235s Aquarian so words of encouragement just
4238s just go riding road every
4240s game yeah know so he says attles plus
4244s tier one resources should get you um
4247s workshops in most most cities uh and
4250s then rushing their units uh is the play
4254s I I feel like
4279s now you'll be able to Siege I think with
4281s four units yeah I can mhm
4286s what do we want to end with
4295s um now I think you have to block this
4303s um uh Scout I don't think I have to
4308s worry about Scout uh I don't think it's
4311s enough mhm right cuz I sieged with the
4314s regular Warrior Scout will drop it to
4316s four and then this is not enough to kill
4327s mhm um I'm just going to not Retreat
4330s that actually I'm just going to leave it
4331s where it is okay
4341s M think I got screwed this game taking
4343s construction cuz we thought it could
4345s burn
4348s yeah no we're we're we're going to be
4355s fine that crab is
4360s coming or are you thinking border growth
4363s I think I need to border growth actually
4366s okay cuz since I can't since I can't
4367s burn these to create extra things uh I'm
4370s going to have to fertilize everything
4372s instead yeah but you have two fruits so
4375s it it won't be as expensive
4387s yeah so finally something positive from
4390s Martha so I uh oh I think you are
4395s winning I mean I think he's about to get
4397s a I think he's about to get a fifth base
4399s up here
4401s mhm but um surely getting the the way
4404s overpowered and and kind of weird crabs
4407s will help
4412s mhm do you think he already has has
4416s Giants I don't think so his score
4419s doesn't look like
4421s itm although he's probably going to get
4423s like a killer Monument soon at this rate
4425s okay
4429s mhm if he wanted to get roads he'd be
4431s able to like permanently outrange me so
4435s I I guess it's a good thing that he
4436s didn't do
4438s that meanwhile I don't have the ability
4441s to
4442s Road
4444s rammer oh that's weird to see okay
4448s that's right yeah since these are
4449s flooded tiles the rammer can just walk
4451s and onto my land
4457s yep yeah but if if you had not blocked
4460s like not move this amphibian in the in
4463s the middle you would able
4468s yeah yeah look at that he chopped a
4469s forest for me now I'll be able to
4471s fertilize that area thank you
4476s WNY all right I'm one star short of
4479s getting a crab
4482s there so that's unfortunate but I guess
4485s worse things could
4491s happen What do I do here my
4494s gosh do I get a tech do I just take
4496s fruit I guess I'll just take the fruits
4498s for
4501s now oh wait a minute oh wait no this is
4504s the wrong
4510s City yep your capital is in the if I
4514s take all right I can up if I take this
4518s and get population growth then I'm still
4521s too poor mm all right if I take hunting
4524s for
4526s then I take that I'm too poor again dude
4528s I'm too
4531s poor consistently
4541s impoverished how much does this thing do
4547s okay well I guess we'll take this and
4550s we'll plan to fertilize any random tile
4553s I mean he can't block them all right no
4555s there there's no way this we've just got
4557s too many
4568s mhm okay so a little more macro here
4572s we'll let those two heal
4585s and if this gets sieged and I'll have 12
4587s income all right it's still
4601s enough do I want to just go for it and
4603s slap this I guess I
4607s will right if I don't if I don't work
4609s that thing down it's never going to die
4635s you I think this this Defender is
4637s chasing my one HP
4639s merman yes and like my merman can't heal
4642s on that tile so I got have actually move
4646s if I move north he can't trap me right
4648s unless he moves unless he gets climbing
4651s yeah okay so my merman will probably
4653s Escape yes I think he'll
4657s survive yeah but those rammers are like
4661s uh that's a problem for you
4675s I feel like this isn't anything that not
4677s being in poverty won't be able to fix so
4680s surely once I pop a crab and can macro a
4682s little I think I think we'll just we'll
4684s just be fine
4694s right so we'll just we'll just start
4696s with a nice fat
4697s crab
4699s um dude I can't move through
4702s these uh and there's like no roads the
4704s no thing makes everything so awkward for
4707s me mhm all right I can't afford to
4710s upgrade this
4716s yet we'll just keep running
4720s away and since rammers can just Walt on
4723s to solid land um we'll do that I guess I
4727s will smack one of these
4752s I'm just going to end like that we'll
4753s let those we'll let those
4756s heal yeah so he got the light yeah we'll
4759s we we will be fine chat we're
4763s okay maybe he was wasn't even chasing my
4766s one HP Warrior I think he wanted the
4770s yeah my my merman Timmy is going to
4778s escape okay so he
4781s started he's filling in my ground
4784s building yeah building up the the ground
4788s okay and there is a giant
4803s what is this five attack four defense
4807s and I've
4808s got it's four four attack five defense
4813s ah okay so I think I would keep the crab
4817s as it
4822s is H 11 and 11
4840s okay yeah true tree says oh crab versus
4843s giant epic battle incoming oh yeah
4866s are you a player that is good in uh in
4869s this kill uh farming I mean do you get
4872s do you get a lot of veterans or am I a
4874s skilled farmer no
4877s like kills farmer because like uh a lot
4882s of so I I've seen guys who are like
4884s really skilled with uh you know tracking
4887s how many kills your your units have and
4889s uh I mean I usually keep an our keep an
4893s okay eye on them mhm I don't think we
4895s have time for anything else or you just
4898s you know like throw them into into
4900s battle and you don't you don't care that
4902s much about I I try to care about them
4904s more um
4922s but uh I mean it can it can be hard to
4924s keep an eye on everyone when there's a
4926s lot of things going on
4936s mhm do you actually play play bullets if
4938s you ever
4939s played yeah um I've played live games a
4943s couple of times mhm um I've played them
4945s on my stream uh I've played a couple of
4948s the
4949s polys mhm um which have been
4954s nice but uh I mean usually I'm slower
4957s and more methodical
4962s mhm yeah that giant does a lot of
4966s damage okay but we still will onshot
4969s anything that walks up to attack me
4971s right y so surely we're fine mhm we're
4975s just goingon to we're just going to move
4976s more crab we'll just get we'll just get
4978s yeah replace the
4979s crab no the crab is the crab is fine we
4982s it's it's got a few more it's it's got
4984s another at least two turns into it I
4986s think
4988s mhm okay I see when he has has road so
4991s he can roll more
4993s stuff towards your your second City
5011s these have Dash
5013s right yeah so that might be the next
5018s attack for
5022s me okay we're going to pull Timmy back
5025s onto land so he can heal or well back
5028s into water I
5033s guess how much damage do we do to this
5036s all right never mind that's definitely
5037s not
5043s happening all right I have this that I
5046s could fill in I
5049s guess but if I fill
5055s this and get hunting I can make another
5058s crab here and push this crab so this
5062s crab will push North right so let's move
5064s this way
5072s first do I want to attack this now Jesus
5075s that thing does so much damage to
5081s me we'll just we'll just run up on the
5084s other bases
5091s mhm yeah nice move to to block those
5094s those ramar they're in the in the
5098s north okay so he got another city in
5101s the north Northeast I mean it's okay we
5105s we knew he was going to do that right
5107s it's
5115s fine all right and I guess all of these
5118s other units can just heal this one moved
5120s yeah those ones those one will just heal
5127s oh
5132s archers yep it's going to get real
5134s awkward for my crabs sooner or
5140s later yeah he can Siege you now I think
5144s he wants to Siege with the with the
5146s defender yeah yeah mhm
5162s okay one kill to mhm to killer
5168s mhm one kill away from
5179s killer okay so he
5183s got he got sailing
5187s mhm so now doesn't have to go around
5190s this this uh deep water
5215s uh let's
5217s see windmill plus Monument well we've
5220s got this windmill here already so we
5222s have one windmill on that tile
5229s mhm what does fishing get me just fish
5232s and water movement yep
5259s let's
5260s see so if all right this can't kill
5264s anything
5276s if I get
5279s forestry uh then I can chop what well he
5283s even has a thing here on this Forest
5284s tile so I've got one two three Forest
5287s tiles that I could potentially be
5289s chopping
5290s mhm so forestry 12 generate three income
5295s by chopping these that leaves me with
5297s six oh my gosh that's not not enough
5300s that's not enough anyway
5308s all
5320s right let's focus on another part of the
5323s map
5324s then CU I don't think I'm going to be
5326s able to save this oh shoot I should have
5329s gotten
5331s spearing cuz then I could oh wait I
5333s couldn't even AFF couldn't have afforded
5335s that actually I can all right so I
5337s didn't want to do this to
5340s Timmy but I think we're going to have to
5342s disband
5350s Timmy hello
5362s game yes cour scorched
5367s Earth yeah so justini was was
5370s suggesting forestry chop and um and this
5375s band a few units oh no I wouldn't not
5378s going be enough yeah still not enough no
5381s we were we I would have had to disband
5383s everything and at that point I might as
5384s well just die
5387s mhm okay so we have a crab focused up
5390s there we're going to send this one this
5393s way um I I will tap this just
5414s because oh boy this game is getting
5422s weird oh my gosh
5425s poor um all right how am I going to stop
5428s this city from getting
5431s sieged uh do we just ban two Warriors to
5434s build one Warrior that doesn't even
5436s help no because he'll hit you with the
5439s with the rammer and no you know what
5441s it's fine I've got enough stuff to un
5442s Siege I
5445s think uh
5449s okay if not we'll just we'll just Burn
5452s the City down so it'll it'll be fine
5455s yeah you have two
5464s more how do you can actually uh get a
5467s crab
5469s there here yeah oh yeah I think I can
5472s just fertilize Windmill and make a
5480s thing yeah Monument fruit windmill m
5502s o
5518s he
5550s okay how do I Siege this base what do I
5553s need it looks like I'll need two base
5555s units in addition to the crab right
5561s so yeah good defense
5565s but with sing
5569s it's much more difficult yeah they're
5571s not not quite as I'm not sure if crab
5574s are as strong as
5579s uh how do I not get my main sieged right
5581s now oh my gosh
5597s dude oh I forgot about this auto flood
5600s okay that changes nothing but um changes
5603s nothing but
5606s yeah you just displayed how it
5610s works okay so they went ports and
5624s yeah I'm not sure if it's it was if it
5627s was worth it yeah he he uh he manually
5631s disband or not disbanded disembark
5634s disembarked
5637s yeah because with those flooded flooded
5640s tiles you have uh like different options
5643s so you can you can just you know float
5646s around or you can uh
5648s disembark uh actually
5653s um you can place ports on the flooded
5656s tiles so they don't have to be shallow
5659s water so
5662s yeah oh so he could have placed ports
5664s any of these places mhm yes exactly
5694s yeah that's a lot of archers there yeah
5697s it's a lot of stuff
5699s everywhere
5701s um I want to be able to make a uh a
5704s trident here who's from this
5707s base Tade that's you all right well I
5711s guess let's not do that if we kill
5714s ourselves into this I think this becomes
5716s killable right
5726s but I think he'll one shot you know with
5728s with the
5730s rammer oh my gosh the the things the
5734s forest are getting in the way too
5746s much now it's safe I don't want to move
5749s this but I can't not move it because
5751s units will get in range and kill my
5756s um what's his face guy all right and I
5759s guess I have to block this tile also
5761s yeah this is going so well oh my gosh
5763s this is
5767s fantastic you know never mind that my
5769s main will get sieged but
5774s uh I need something to clear out this
5777s abundance of units yeah but once this
5781s this trade
5783s engine goes in there it will be my
5787s hem okay
5789s H yeah damn he was in range still it's
5793s okay I mean as long as I can get it into
5795s a position where I can vet it and start
5798s doing actual damage again I think maybe
5800s it'll be okay maybe I don't know I might
5803s be coping right now but uh I mean we'll
5804s find out
5820s it's fine we knew that was going to
5821s happen right so the chat is is sad about
5824s Timmy gone I'm sad about Timmy also but
5828s he fell so that we could burn a city to
5831s the ground all right and and if if Timmy
5835s hates the humans the way Aquarian may or
5838s may not I'm not actually sure of the
5839s lore there then uh then it's then it's
5842s fine then it's fine
5845s can I still one sh kill this okay so I
5847s can kill that
5849s right so if I move this into position
5852s where I can kill this and kill something
5855s else that I can get a hit off of
5878s okay so yeah if I'm attack this and then
5882s move
5885s forward all
5901s right oh [ __ ] I don't have climb my gosh
5904s I have to buy every random little tech
5906s for
5911s this
5912s y have V yeah
5915s mhm nice move
5920s yeah okay I can't make I can't make
5924s another right now how much does this do
5926s 10 okay so if I chip with this oh I
5930s don't want this I don't that that was
5932s the Timmy chasing um yeah yeah I don't
5935s want the Timmy Chaser to get a yeah the
5938s evil
5952s guy
5955s um really I can't even kill that oh my
5958s gosh crabs crabs crabs crabs please
5961s crabs please
5982s you think it's GG because he can kill
5983s with a scout Archer I mean never never
5985s mind the East base getting sieged here
5987s by a
5989s rammer oh or or just by that
5993s my gosh the Timmy chasing Defender
5997s dude
6000s yeah oh yeah it's it's a lot of sieges
6003s going
6004s on worst things could happen but this is
6007s quite bad
6016s yeah I think we can kill that right yeah
6020s I'm pretty sure a nine vet will will
6024s take out
6025s that they're chipping my crabs down and
6028s that's like my
6029s wall
6043s mhm the damn one HP Defender R uh Scout
6074s huh okay well we're not able to uneg
6076s that oh my gosh we're broke mhm
6080s y zero we don't we don't need this we
6083s don't need this we don't need this crab
6084s anymore it's fine it's fine it's
6093s fine oh my gosh I forgot I don't have a
6096s uh that thing I I can't even move my
6097s Aquarian units in the deep water that
6099s has been killing me all
6107s game yeah I I don't see you know you're
6110s coming back from this one
6115s that's that's a very astute observation
6117s I'll I'll I'll give you that
6121s one all right well all right it's he got
6123s the last Lighthouse it's over yeah I
6125s think I think we have we have I think
6127s we're out of
6130s advantages yeah your fork is
6135s dead yeah I don't know how I'll eat my
6137s spaghetti without
6140s it yeah so Chad uh now it's time to to
6144s um yeah to to okay give the floor to you
6148s so if you want to play with with fer
6151s that is you know trashing uh our po
6154s Champs
6156s Belo uh yeah it's you can you can uh so
6160s maybe let's let's uh let's create a game
6162s and put the put the invite Link in the
6166s in the chat how do I do that um new game
6171s um I do feel like playing a live game
6174s let's do a live one just in case someone
6176s decides to try to move slowly we'll just
6178s we'll just disallow yeah continue uh
6182s yeah pi and now
6187s um add and there's an invite link yeah
6190s invite link enable
6193s mhm okay I'm going to just drop that in
6195s the regular chat mhm
6206s yeah so it would be great if somebody
6208s someone has has Polaris and would like
6210s to play against against to to hop into
6213s this game you have to be playing on on
6215s the beta also or else it'll Force us
6217s into the old version by the way so only
6219s only people that that have
6224s beta please are like don't a is still
6228s like a two-point try at best I mean this
6230s is this is my first time trying it
6232s there's probably some things that I'm
6233s not doing that well but I feel like I
6237s get I get better every game that I've
6240s played of it so like i' I've thought
6242s about these things but without having
6243s tried it I I feel like Aquarian still
6248s definitely has kind of souy resources
6252s mhm um so options for macroing are I
6257s guess a little unfamiliar right now if I
6259s had time to sit down in macro plan then
6261s it could work hello yep we have someone
6265s well okay this will work someone sent me
6268s a game it wasn't with the invite link
6269s but we'll take it
6273s okay can you check if they have to uh
6277s yeah they are they are version yeah I
6278s looked at that first that was the first
6280s thing I looked at so pit Troy could
6283s start the game that would be cool let's
6285s go let's go
6294s what do we got 525 looks like a t0o
6297s tribe that went Warrior first I'm going
6298s to guess that's like singi but we'll
6300s find out
6304s mhm now there is an unfortunate Mountain
6307s on your way to the
6313s light yeah so it's arthus hey is do you
6317s know I was actually going to ask this is
6319s there any plans from mijan to add hot
6322s keys
6323s CU I find that playing live games on the
6326s computer is more challenging than
6328s playing them on the
6329s phone principally just because I can't
6332s like hit enter to end turn or uh
6336s mhm um I guess they would be you know
6341s useful
6343s but like with your question
6347s earlier I can't
6349s really uh say whether this is planned or
6353s or
6361s not o four turtles that's
6365s unusual I mean I was just happy that I
6368s have parallel fruit in two uh cities
6373s mhm two and three is the hotkey for
6376s score and Tech tree oh I mean my fingers
6379s are sitting on ASW or sorry on ASD and
6382s they're doing nothing uh it just feels
6385s it feels natural and correct for them to
6387s be there
6390s uhhuh but uh
6393s yeah wonder if four ends
6398s turn two three are Escape one is
6402s settings
6404s okay cuz I do use settings but I can't
6408s uh like when I'm doing a cast I'll you
6410s I'll hop into settings to do something
6412s mhm
6415s what are we doing
6416s here Nine Stars um I think I'm just
6420s going to make two more uh
6428s mermaids well four probably does because
6431s I just pushed it and it does in fact
6434s exit MH this one yeah all right so yeah
6437s one two three four are the buttons down
6441s here maybe if I'm in a thing I and
6445s options are up I could click 1 2 3 4 You
6447s know what let me try that
6453s mhm and it's not my turn oh okay okay
6459s sorry I was like okay yeah I'm going I'm
6462s going to try to click a base and tap one
6464s to build a warrior or something I don't
6466s know we'll see
6467s MH yeah that's that's interesting M yeah
6471s I'm also not a not a
6474s I was hoping for like w to like make a
6476s warrior or something but
6487s Kik yo Arthur you took a you took a
6490s freaking four-point tribe versus me bro
6492s bro you swear there were hock keys from
6494s before steam came out you could press
6498s enter that is what I would like uh I
6503s mean
6503s I think if if I remember correctly last
6505s time I pressed the enter key it left the
6507s game it's yeah it still does that
6510s pressing enter is like the same is just
6514s uh
6515s exits Escape actually brings you to the
6517s menu so that feels a little
6521s backwards all right well we see somebody
6525s we're going to pop onto this Village
6527s even though it might be a bad idea I
6529s don't know where all their units are
6530s though so
6537s we're going to
6547s go I guess we're going to go with some
6550s nice Rider roads um but we'll just start
6552s with
6553s riding
6557s mhm build two
6561s amphibians check the um the
6564s keys ah okay next turn right right all
6568s right well mhm four do I press four
6572s again enter
6582s okay okay so he knock you off all right
6585s let's let's kind of fix what was
6587s expected here mhm
6593s didn't hear if I said Arthur or arthus
6596s oh my gosh there's two of you yeah one
6598s is Arthur and the other is arthus oh
6601s yeah I think I think we're playing
6602s arthus arthus yes yeah cuz he said I
6605s invited you so damn k for climbing what
6608s the hell is
6610s that might be Scouts
6616s yeah one de early in the game okay well
6620s it's turn seven in there kako so that's
6622s m that
6624s checks yeah but with climbing it's like
6628s I
6633s know yeah let's
6638s go all right how am I going to afford to
6642s survive going to have to get waterways
6646s but can't quite afford to build an a to
6649s yet so let's go with this we'll move
6653s this this here we'll slap and
6658s um hang on if I go for a tolls right
6661s that's 10 I have eight I can place one
6664s my gosh that's not enough to do
6667s anything all right well I'm not going to
6668s be able to upgrade with the tolls next
6670s turn so I guess I'll just make another
6672s amphibian
6683s feels like maybe Aquarian has to go for
6687s like fewer units in the beginning this
6690s is I don't know this an interesting move
6692s from
6694s them I should be able to get a decent
6696s bounce out of that
6697s though like I think there's probably a
6700s village here CU I see the uh the
6702s shoreline on this tile and also the fish
6705s so they belong to
6709s some
6711s mhm so we can hope for that at least
6723s mhm I can Workshop in
6726s C2 uh with a tolls I mean I could I
6730s could do it with I can only build one a
6733s and an a tol won't connect to oh wait
6734s will an a tol connect to a city or only
6736s another a TOS oh my gosh no no with
6739s cities so it's like you you place one
6740s and it connects all was I was thinking I
6744s was thinking I wasn't thinking of them
6745s like my celium but yeah that's right
6746s that's how they're used yeah okay all
6749s right I botched that you know what maybe
6752s that's maybe that's why I've been this
6754s hasn't been uh that functional
6756s lately let's build this here cuz it
6760s doesn't matter
6763s right dude I should have built it in the
6766s freaking I should have built it in the
6768s capital cuz it would have L3 um
6771s yeah all right all right it's fine it's
6778s fine yeah we are
6780s fine
6787s yeah okay well that's not ideal but um
6790s all
6791s right I guess I'll just chill with that
6794s oh my gosh I can't afford to make any
6796s unit right now
6817s oh my gosh Macar with Aquarian is so
6819s awkward right
6821s now all
6823s right yeah I I can see your
6826s struggling a
6829s bit it's okay we're we're ahead on time
6832s so sure surely there will be plenty of
6833s moments to think coming up also not
6836s being able to go on deep water is uh
6839s like pretty awkward for uh for a
6867s all right will a toll here just to level
6870s actually no we don't have to when we
6872s capture this we'll a toll here and
6873s that'll upgrade M that'll Workshop yeah
6877s cuz that'll connect to here so we'll L3
6880s here and then we can grab a
6881s fruit and then I guess uh we'll build in
6884s a toll on this base also actually so I
6887s don't have to no I need to build one
6889s here anyway okay actually no I can do
6891s this if I get fishing can do it with
6893s fruit so and I think we're probably are
6895s stuck doing that
6896s also all right so uh no Tech
6901s first right because then I won't be able
6903s to
6904s afford to do
6913s anything resources
6916s workshop and all right we said we're not
6918s going to make an AT toll there because
6920s we're going to use fish instead and
6923s we'll do that next turn it'll be a
6924s little more
6940s efficient dude my base Discovery is like
6943s non-existent oh there it is
6953s maybe I should send that one back for a
6954s lighthouse let me see if I fish I've got
6957s one plus a lighthouse
6960s to like just there is that's well we'll
6963s worry about a crab later we're clearly
6966s not at that point
6972s yet yeah but this the city setup is is
6975s quite quite good for you because all all
6977s of them can support you know one another
6980s and so they are you know you're not like
6983s kind of stretched like my my land mass
6985s is not as terrible as it's been in the
6987s past I feel like losing this city uh
6990s initially probably hurt me but otherwise
6992s we're okay
6996s mhm but yeah if I grab fish I can
6999s assault that South
7004s Base
7010s um I could have built in a toll in Len
7014s instead and upgraded with fruit for the
7016s new city oh yeah that's true
7023s mhm okay let's take this
7026s fishing we'll get a fish we'll get a
7029s fruit
7048s yeah I think
7051s he's he won't be able to un Siege here
7057s oh okay um all
7062s right so one swordsman is not enough but
7065s if he has scouts I would block if I if I
7068s were you I would block I will block if I
7071s can I think the most effective block
7073s would be
7077s here not sure it'll do it but um we'll
7081s try all right what else definitely worth
7084s worth
7087s it because it's a good good good base
7091s to um to attack
7096s him from the south
7116s actually it's funny because I did not
7117s expect Kiku and I put up a music
7125s so dude how am I going to kill this vet
7127s sword oh my
7129s gosh you only have to kill the warrior
7134s oh I mean next turn yeah I know if he uh
7139s whitle if he doesn't unsee but I feel
7141s like he could probably find a
7146s way even if he just softens
7159s now okay well good start I
7163s guess how are we doing this let's
7169s see yeah so
7171s Arthur uh says very winnable if he
7174s doesn't un
7175s Siege yeah but next turn he's going to
7178s tap with Warrior Siege with oh wait what
7182s if uh no I can't I was going to say what
7185s if I tap this Warrior and then like
7187s shift over it's not enough I think but
7190s no I'm pretty sure the six amp will die
7196s mhm um I guess we will just ouch my ear
7200s we'll just uh build a wall I
7204s guess it'll be F option
7210s mhm
7213s yep think you'll be safe easy easier
7216s Solutions okay all right that'll do mhm
7238s where it how far into gate of Peace am
7241s I uh a while oh wait all right I can get
7246s this and get a uh you know I can
7247s probably get a crap this turn I think I
7249s don't know I can't I can't do math right
7251s now
7252s but um I I'm gonna go with I think
7261s so wait nope I can't I'm too
7265s poor actually no I'm not I lied I lied
7269s okay yeah with on man yeah you
7276s can okay we are
7278s learning that's what's going on here um
7282s what else am I going to
7300s do I don't think I want to move that at
7308s all you're short on time um we're fine
7327s so we're going to I guess push our crab
7329s forward and we'll use that to assault
7331s this frontal
7332s base my opponent doesn't seem to have
7336s that much Tech right thankfully they got
7338s a vet sword which is now held back by us
7341s having a
7344s gosh he's keep
7346s moving maybe we can see some sharks uh
7349s maybe we actually have we have Tech to
7351s buy something for once that would be
7354s lovely because we haven't seen the the
7358s Sharks yet and we haven't seen yelli
7360s bellies and we haven't seen puffer
7365s fish I mean yeah it's it's tough to make
7368s it into late game on some of these
7369s smaller Maps um
7376s what is the best solution for this like
7381s sharks will be able to get into some of
7384s these areas right but they can't travel
7386s on land so I'd have to do an awful lot
7387s of flooding can you can you dash flood
7390s no
7391s right
7396s no so yeah sharks are going to have
7398s somewhat limited range
7403s um I could try anyway and use them to
7406s maybe SEC if there's a base up here then
7408s maybe I can use sharks to help secure
7410s that CU they can harass this Coastline
7413s mhm but I feel like they're not going to
7415s do anything that amphibians won't do
7420s better at least up in these tiny ass
7425s Lakes which way do I want to go um let's
7428s reveal this way
7438s okay yeah another light housee
7444s nice I still don't have the main I still
7446s don't have the lighthouse that I was
7448s like uh geared towards all right let's
7452s see what do I want to do here let's get
7455s rid of this Warrior right so that this
7457s area can feel a little less threatened
7460s yep
7473s he's making Defenders so I guess that's
7475s a good sign right yeah it's
7478s like okay that's less of a good sign
7482s where did he get this SC dude I don't
7485s know where this thing came from okay
7487s okay
7490s yeah all right it's okay I guess he has
7493s just just one one water tile next to his
7496s Capital must be it which is funny you
7499s know so if he wants he's going to want
7502s to kill this right so he's going to move
7504s here so we will just go for a oh
7509s shoot whoops whoops make
7512s stuff we're doing too much of that
7514s thinking yeah talking
7530s oh okay that wasn't what I was expecting
7532s but we'll take it what I mean I actually
7535s agree with that decision for
7537s him um leaving a juggernaut in the water
7540s like yeah he could kill something but
7541s then things tap it and don't get hit
7544s with any
7545s retaliation um yeah sure but it's like
7547s the lack of yeah playing playing playing
7550s defensively so
7553s oh I mean I'm perfectly willing for
7554s someone else to do the defending for
7556s once okay yeah seems fine yeah yeah I
7560s think we can go ahead and kill this
7562s swordsman uh and I should have time to
7564s heal because his Naval force is like one
7567s vessel right
7568s now yeah he doesn't he he has just one
7571s tire of water excess so yeah that's
7573s really bad for
7577s him so actually if I if I were if I was
7581s him I would have um B A grow with the in
7585s his Capital to get you know two tiles of
7589s mhm so actually three tiles of
7595s ports because you are not you know
7597s threatening him so you could you know
7602s just wait for the for the Giants a bit
7609s more yeah swords
7620s nice uh I think we have to go with
7629s that yeah we'll not reveal which way
7632s we're going to go with that one yet make
7635s more stuff and uh let's pull these back
7638s to here
7645s oh whoops I was going to make an a to
7647s there but I cannot all right let me grab
7649s hunting so I can finish macroing things
7652s actually uh yeah you know what cuz I
7655s don't have enough like population with
7657s some of these otherwise
7661s mhm oh find me
7668s Turtles um we'll go with one more of
7670s those and
7673s yeah you can grab lighthouse in the in
7676s the
7678s back well I can't do that quite yet but
7681s I will after no I mean behind your your
7684s Capital oh yeah that's true I could I
7687s could grab that and I could take the
7688s South one also once this once I get rid
7690s of this Warrior
7695s y yeah I'm just hoping I can use my crab
7698s to push up on this base that I that was
7700s like initially the base was stolen from
7702s me long ago it was mine and now then it
7705s wasn't and I want it back yes my
7717s precious I mean I maybe could even run
7719s up on it with base units right like I've
7722s got enough stuff to kind of just not
7724s like surround it and kill it but since
7727s my opponent doesn't appear to have
7728s riders or anything if I just land
7730s something on it and then
7732s put like like retreat a unit over here I
7735s might be able to just kind of uh take
7738s that base just by by force with like
7741s tiny units and then my crab can just
7743s keep marching towards like
7745s Lilo
7748s mhm okay this Warrior has turned around
7750s so they have they have relinquished this
7752s this water to me mhm yeah because they
7756s they got the the lighthouse so and they
7759s they are not able to to take the city
7761s back so
7762s keeping this Warrior there is like
7764s doesn't make any sense we got a border
7766s growth yeah so this border growth is
7768s actually um I would I would uh argue
7773s that this is this was the right
7776s decision so obviously you know he has
7780s more he has more Forest now
7785s but
7787s um but I also I think he messed up the
7791s like greina nice Sawmill um spot with
7801s the with a
7812s monument all
7814s right so you're going for for
7819s Siege yeah I feel like that's the play
7823s here
7826s mhm let's
7828s sacrifice H we'll sacrifice this one
7832s mm yeah so spicy onion says toer knut
7835s and swordsman could have gotten uh him
7838s his City back yeah so that's why
7841s swordsman is
7848s gone mhm Yeah by softening those to
7855s it's all right let's get a higher Tech
7860s um and we will make a shark here because
7863s that's what's going to chip down the
7865s Giant and I guess never mind
7874s mhm yeah so two Warriors that are like 9
7878s HP or lower can't kill a 10 HP Warrior
7882s one of them if one of them's a 10 the
7883s other one could be as low as a five just
7886s by chipping those two down since I
7888s noticed my opponent doesn't have Riders
7889s he's not going to be able to Road
7890s something up to this city to get to
7895s it at least that's the Hope
7903s right yeah I think so too he's this city
7906s is gone for him
7912s surprised I haven't seen any like raft
7914s or anything come out of this tile
7920s yet um so spicy onion is asking about
7924s prediction uh for uh the future Aquarian
7927s skin do you actually like skins do you
7929s have them do you buy them I usually do
7933s not
7935s um not out of principle or anything I've
7938s just never seen one that made me want it
7941s really badly what about thean midnight
7945s the Yan skin looks really good but I
7947s feel like I feel bad it's like when you
7950s capture a city with the new yyan skin
7952s all of the animals in it basically um
7955s insta die and become Graves and then you
7958s bring them back as demons it just I
7959s don't know okay so it doesn't it doesn't
7962s feel right for you okay yeah it feels
7965s like the it feels like the brutality is
7967s is a bit steep that's that's that's
7969s really that's really what it comes down
7971s to
7972s okay all right what am I building uh
7975s should I get any Tech before I
7977s capture uh I don't know if this is the
7980s most sensible thing but since we're
7982s already on one starfish
7985s TR can't afford one yet but oh can I
7988s type one nope that doesn't work anyway
7991s all right trying to see if there was
7993s going to be a button to make a mermaid
7995s but it appears that the answer is still
7997s not
8007s oh my gosh killer Monument now okay
8010s we'll take it he's got enough to Siege
8012s this base if he really wanted to but um
8015s he wouldn't be able to steal it from me
8017s so we we don't mind mhm all right those
8021s two 9 HPS can heal anywhere good
8026s enough just in time yeah when we when we
8029s run out of time in a live game it just
8032s ends our turn in whatever that we were
8034s in the middle of doing instead of like
8036s just being a loss so y as long as we get
8040s as long as we get close enough then uh
8043s it's it's almost like having gotten
8044s there
8050s mhm yeah crabs being like kind of almost
8053s forced into being defensive is kind of
8056s strange but I guess we're getting used
8058s to the idea
8061s yeah so one boy your Nemesis say sharks
8064s will be a great uh will be great for
8066s denying him water control and for siing
8070s uh Naval
8075s cities so the ASD asdw Keys only move
8080s the map around so so far in terms of hot
8082s Keys we've got moving mhm um and
8086s spamming the uh the one two three four
8089s buttons mhm
8092s all right let's make
8094s a yell belly and I don't know why this
8098s giant didn't attack the shark but all
8101s right hang on with 10 with 19 that's
8104s into like the oh I don't die from this
8106s anymore
8109s range I feel like a nine will probably
8111s survive this hit right yes okay
8126s yeah we are going to start forcibly
8131s terraforming I guess I can just make
8133s sharks anywhere since all these flooded
8135s tiles basically count as water
8140s yep set up a nice defensive thing if I
8142s make the yelli willly does it insta oh
8144s my God yeah it it damages the
8148s surrounding units that just seems mean
8151s and that even if you push uh yell belly
8155s it will uh make
8158s damage so if you if you uh make a crab
8161s and then you your y belly gets pushed it
8165s it
8166s also uh
8170s damages okay we're we're making we're
8173s going like full Tech units now mhm
8187s can I move this onto I probably have to
8189s flood those tiles
8192s right
8194s mhm yeah so only crabs and all those
8198s mermaid units can uh can move on uh on
8203s the solid
8204s line cuz yelli bellies it's like they
8208s are floating so the yelli belly it
8210s doesn't say anything about it but can I
8212s go on I can't go onto a mountain with
8214s like yellis or sharks right no no that's
8217s that's also a thing you that's like a
8219s natural part of the float
8221s ability
8224s yeah so you can't move them on the on
8227s the mountains
8233s yeah ooh I see some
8236s CBL interesting
8239s mhm well we have creep but we can't
8243s reach those yet all right so let's go
8249s with I mean we're just going to brew
8252s Force stuff right
8257s mhm all right yeah we'll make we'll make
8260s sharks at all the rear bases oh shoot
8262s that wasn't what I was trying to do all
8263s right
8268s whatever H commit commit we'll just
8270s we'll just commit commit it's
8274s fine
8276s um my gosh there's like nowhere there's
8279s there's no normal buildings to
8288s make what do you have back here let's
8290s see it yeah so there's this one tile
8294s where p a port
8310s let's get some of these Warriors killed
8313s off well actually all right not this one
8316s this one let's
8317s flood okay
8343s all right I
8348s think let's just keep let's we'll we'll
8351s use those for mostly auto flood and
8354s we'll rely on all this this other wealth
8356s of units that exists oh you know what I
8358s never did I never made an a to here oh
8361s that didn't change anything whoops never
8363s mind yes so the the chat
8366s requ has has a request to to go puffer
8370s fish okay cter the the the
8374s catapults we are just two TS away so I
8377s think we can I think we can oblige them
8386s yep I was I was going to go Mass seafood
8390s and just go with
8391s shark crab and jellies but um okay
8396s sure shark crab jelly and
8401s turtle but uh yeah you can eat you can
8403s eat puffer fish so you know what let's
8405s let's do that
8450s let's get this killed off
8492s get in here for a little more Vision
8495s mhm and also threaten this
8499s catapult yes okay we've made we've made
8502s a path for my sharks now
8505s yeah and yell bellies
8530s so what do you think about the Y Bing
8532s mechanics do you like
8534s it I mean I'm kind of using it like a
8537s blunt force object right now just
8539s ramming them forward I'm not not sure if
8541s that's how they should be used yet
8545s mhm why would he not use the catapults
8548s for that job oh my gosh he wants to pull
8550s them back okay
8567s M okay
8572s well all right so I can't push my yelli
8574s forward right because it only travels on
8576s floods so I guess we're going to move
8579s this one here yeah we're going to kill
8581s this we're going to snipe this
8585s catapult okay all right yes the seafood
8587s is
8595s cooking all right that did less damage
8597s than I thought oh right okay I still get
8599s am getting zoned all right mhm yeah zone
8601s of control is still a
8606s thing this is like a one shark all right
8609s so the issue with
8629s that two three I think all right I
8632s cannot
8634s kill the uh is this enough
8638s yes I'm not going to be able to kill the
8640s Catapult but I am going to be able to
8642s run up on it mm yeah we
8647s can we'll just we'll just go for some
8650s real awkward
8651s surrounds
8657s mhm didn't leave myself any space nope
8660s never mind we're
8665s fine
8667s mhm so boy gamer says I like the rework
8671s I really uh it really captures the
8673s essence of the sea folk and I like the Y
8676s fish
8678s idea yeah the yellis are a nice idea
8680s it's always good to have something just
8682s that changes the mechanics of how things
8685s work um man how are we going to get
8688s these in
8689s here yeah because for since since the
8692s the special tribes were introduced I
8694s think Aquarian was like uh a bit of like
8699s you know poor cousin so you know aquar
8702s sorry Alyan and simanti and uh others
8706s they had like their kind of special you
8710s know
8711s like uh units and the mechanics and
8715s Aquarian was kind
8716s of I don't know abandoned in a process
8720s that that's that that was my um I mean I
8723s feel like the the forks the tridion
8727s always made them feel very
8729s unique um maybe not very unique but like
8732s certainly unique enough
8736s mhm yeah but that's that's the the the
8739s only the only um unit that
8744s differentiated them from no look at this
8746s my my jellyfish died and there's all
8748s these tentacles left over on the ground
8751s y they they leave the tentacles does
8754s that still hurt no I don't think so okay
8759s and I and they disappear I think after
8761s one turn ah okay okay no peace no peace
8765s no peace
8772s no uh yeah so spicy onion is asking why
8775s does the giant uh not retaliate because
8778s the the sharks have the ability which is
8783s called um sneak I think surprise yeah oh
8787s surprise yeah and they they that's why
8790s the the Giants are don't don't
8793s retaliate so it's it's uh pretty much uh
8798s it's like the semanti fichi yeah like
8800s fichi I wanted to say say that mhm
8828s all right we definitely need a better
8830s way to flood tiles so I guess that
8831s really is
8834s mainly did you get the the puffer fish
8837s yes I can't afford a puffer fish yet and
8840s I don't have a place to build
8842s it I actually kind of want to like
8844s disband some of these things oh my gosh
8847s let's put a shark over here actually
8849s maybe we can sneak past some
8855s things okay that doesn't have to move
8858s but if it's able to FL you can cut you
8860s can cut one uh one Forest there in the
8864s in the west and then you can get a
8866s buffer
8869s fish yeah
8871s let's
8875s go all right well the only tile in range
8878s that needs to be flooded is this so I
8880s guess we'll puff forward yep to this
8884s mountain
8887s mhm I think at this point the seafood is
8890s just too strong though like there's too
8891s much Seafood here
8895s mhm yeah your
8898s opponent's he's looking like me in the
8900s other game yeah yeah I wanted to say
8902s that that's mean that's what you were
8904s gonna say yeah that's
8909s me yes already people say they are they
8912s love buffer
8915s fish it's definitely a delicious snack
8918s if I ever saw one
8934s oh oh all right we'll make a space oh
8936s that that that was cool so like uh flood
8940s two two tiles
8943s mhm can I kill this now how do I kill
8945s this now let's see
8977s hello server okay there we go yeah but
8980s don't kill all the units so we can see
8981s the help puffer fish attacks
8991s I can't reach him with any of my other
8993s units
8996s okay Puffs
9000s Puffs Puffs force him to
9006s respond can this slip through here it
9008s should be able to right actually I don't
9010s know if I can slip through an enemy base
9012s but we'll find out
9026s okay if I attack a unit it'll it'll
9029s flood
9031s automatically yeah oh nice
9034s M okay we'll build a
9042s path why is this not oh my gosh it's
9044s still counts R
9048s yeah and there's also this Defender oh
9050s maybe it's just that
9054s mhm okay all right hang on can I travel
9057s oh I can I can just I can just go right
9059s through the
9063s space yeah there was the defender
9073s okay yeah so we saw how the puffer fish
9077s work very briefly but
9095s nevertheless yeah they surrendered we'll
9097s we'll we'll let this base live mhm
9112s y look at that chat we got a win can you
9113s believe
9115s it
9119s yeah all right let me yo arthus GG thank
9123s you for the
9124s battle MH good game good game
9128s arthus thank you for allowing us to show
9132s all the uh all the units from from
9136s Aquarian uh yeah and I think so like any
9140s any last thoughts because we'll be
9141s wrapping up this this live stream um I I
9145s have like very early flight tomorrow so
9148s I have to H yes we've got to let them
9151s we've got to let our host go but let's
9153s uh let's let's summarize what are your
9155s thoughts on uh on this
9159s rework well
9162s um my thoughts on the rework mhm I feel
9166s like it's well it's I mean I probably
9169s need more practice with it it's pretty
9170s awkward in the early game mhm
9178s um let me take a look at this this
9181s replay from this wyot game see what had
9185s gone so AR right I feel like uh maybe
9188s Aquarian could have more fruit I guess
9193s like I feel like there's there's in a
9195s couple of games there was like a lack of
9197s resource
9198s parallelity um
9201s and the resources not lining up made
9204s some early game macro really really
9207s difficult U maybe if I'm just using a
9209s tolls better uh it could be made to work
9212s more easily but um yeah it's probably
9217s you know I'm I'm not practiced enough to
9219s say I don't like to be one of those
9220s people who uh you know encounters a new
9223s patch and and complains right away like
9225s like when diplomacy came out and it was
9227s way overpowered I was like uh I probably
9230s to figure out a way to play around this
9231s right like I've never I've never just
9233s gone the route of oh no diplomacy is too
9235s strong it needs to be nerfed or whatever
9238s um so I don't know I might be unique in
9241s that Viewpoint of you need to take more
9243s time with it to really like get a feel
9245s for how it works so like yeah my initial
9248s reaction is that like I don't like being
9250s so poor every game but it might have
9252s just been it was it's a small sample
9254s size right I played three
9255s games um I don't know if I'm pretty sure
9259s the first one was a total spawn loss
9260s because I lost my first city uh that's
9262s just you know early encounters can be
9264s like that it can be very unforgiving on
9265s like 196 size Maps yeah
9269s um for the other games I'm not sure I
9272s probably just didn't it's probably you
9275s know playing fast and not being like
9277s super mindful it uh it was tough but um
9280s it seems like a fun patch it's got a lot
9282s of new units to learn um and I'm looking
9285s forward to getting more acquainted with
9286s it because it was a lot of fun to use
9288s things like sharks and um yeah the
9292s puffers I don't
9293s know yeah for for me it's it feels more
9297s much more consistent that you know this
9299s Aquarian that um that was introduced in
9303s the in the past so now they are they
9305s they actually have this feeling of of
9307s being in a special tribe instead of kind
9309s of being this you know uh like a poor
9313s cousin uh being the the you know the the
9316s worst tribe the worst tribe of of etopia
9320s I like that it gets to terraform maybe
9322s we need one other unit that's able to
9325s like auto flood but um I don't know I'm
9328s I'm not
9329s sure like it might have just been that I
9332s wasn't being that mindful about the way
9335s I was conducting my Siege but even when
9337s I was on the offensive and conducting a
9338s Siege I feel like it beca it be it could
9342s probably become kind of like trench
9343s warfare the way that you are with like
9345s denying ice from
9348s Polaris but so we'll see I don't know I
9351s hope they I hope that the uh the
9352s strategies that emerge from this patch
9354s will be interesting and uh as long as it
9357s supplies that and and you know makes the
9359s game feel continue to feel new and fresh
9362s then I'm all for it
9364s great uh okay so that was that was it uh
9370s thank you ferster for for being a you're
9373s very
9374s welcome thank you thank you for playing
9377s uh thank you all for for joining our
9380s live stream uh there will be more uh
9382s because like I said the it's we still
9385s have time until the the update is is
9388s released there'll be probably be a beta
9393s uh on mobile so uh you'll be able to to
9396s also play play on your on on your
9399s platform
9400s fer um yeah and so stay tuned for for
9404s some other uh tweaks and adjustments to
9408s this to this update
9410s and see you soon in the next live
9416s thanks are we
9423s off now we are off you said are we off
9427s on still on stream but

Transcript (by Youtube)

31s oh
79s uh hello polytopians welcome to the poly
82s uh to the polytopia official uh YouTube
86s channel um my name is Gul uh you might
90s know me from employ champs as uh as Gazo
94s my name is Adam welcome to the stream um
97s and
99s today uh my guest is uh wanie boy
103s welcome W
105s boy hell uh so I'm money boy um you
108s might also know me from um well either
111s from the poia main Discord where I've
113s been a moderator for for a while um
115s although I retired now I'm part of the
118s Kraken team um and I have been part of
121s the cish team back when that one existed
123s in poly Champs I've been a player in
126s poly ladder and I've done some um Giants
129s league as well so I've been around the
131s polyopia scene in different kinds of
134s tournaments you are an experienced
136s player am but at the moment I'm actually
138s mainly um enjoying myself playing the
140s polyopia
142s beta yeah uh so you you made a um a bit
146s of introduction but uh uh I usually ask
150s some additional questions so how how did
152s you discover polytopia uh how was uh how
156s that's that story goes how I discovered
160s polyopia
162s um well um I was um on a trip a trip uh
167s I organized for um for a friend whose
170s birthday it was so we did like this big
172s birthday trip for her and some point we
174s had to take the train from one um place
175s to the next place and while on the trip
178s A friend told me like hey I have this
180s game on my phone um do you want to play
182s with me oh sure why not and so we played
185s politopia uh on as play I completely
189s destroyed him at that point I realized
191s like hey this game might be fun so I
194s downloaded it and um started playing by
196s myself so which year was it uh which
200s year was it um how old how old are you
202s as a poopi how old I am believe I'm now
207s four years old as a popian is that
209s possible okay four four or five years
212s although in the first year I um I only
214s played single player it's only after um
217s I think I started playing
219s multiplayer a few months before simti
221s came out
223s okay so what's your favorite tribe
227s important question oh definitely are you
230s a main or do you play all of them I play
233s all of them butan is definitely my
236s favorite I've never really understood
238s the concept of being a main in Opia
240s because there's so many different fun
242s tries so many different things that feel
245s fun like for example um what's it called
247s again
248s quali I really like them just because
251s they like they're not a good tribe in
254s One V one situations but their economy
256s just feels so smooth like they have so
258s many resources you have your early
260s Shields so the opponent can't overwhelm
262s you is like it's like how should I say
265s it it just feels very solid to play it
268s to play with them you will always have
269s at least
270s some kind of
272s game but yeah I I play Everything I'd
276s say probably do you have all the tribes
279s oh yeah I have all of them okay I got
282s all of them quite I think within a few
286s months of starting multiplayer I wanted
287s to have all the tribes okay because yeah
290s like I mean why not it's a fun game and
294s I I was buying them gradually so and I
297s waited the longest for Luxor because
299s it's for some reason it's it's like it
302s costs you know twice or three times as
304s much as the the other ones so yeah that
308s is true but then like at some point you
309s sit there having all the tribes except
311s for lador and like okay should I be the
314s completionist should I buy buy the last
316s one and I mainly realized that well I've
319s spent so many hours playing this game
322s and if you put all the tries together is
324s like what 20 so yeah yeah like well this
328s game is it's a bargain yeah to just buy
331s them all and i' got so much more value
334s out of the game already I've bought all
336s all the Skins as well but even then I
339s mean for me it's the it's probably the
341s game I played most in my entire life
342s actually lopia uhuh no I I don't have
345s all the Skins I I dislike the the Kali
349s actually I think it's it's it's so bad
353s but anyway
357s please um okay um so maybe maybe last
361s last question before we start start
363s playing some games um what do you like
367s and what do you dislike about Opia
370s probably after so many years of of
372s playing you have some some things that
375s uh annoy you
377s maybe uh which ones do you want first
379s likes or
381s dislikes whatever you feel like so what
384s I really like about politopia is the
387s fact that um it is Prett
391s strategic but like if I see a giant
394s there and I have 10 10 Warriors I know I
398s will be able to kill the Giants there's
400s no RNG there's no oh no chance to miss
404s can you can have incomplete information
407s but the information that you do have is
408s correct and that's something I really
410s appreciate in the strategy game because
412s I've played a lot of other strategy
413s games as well and just feels so bad to
417s lose your tank because the opponent got
420s a critical hit MH or to um have your
423s Archer with 99% hit chance shoot Archer
426s and shoot the Assassin and nothing
429s happens it's like that's something I
431s appreciate about polyopia is that you do
432s actually have the consistency in
434s that um something I really dislike about
438s polyopia not doesn't have to be really
440s some you know Minor Detail okay minor
442s dislikes then no I I do dislike that
445s some texts don't give you too many don't
447s give you too many uh nice goodies
450s mhm um I know the team is aware of that
453s but it's like work in progress to
455s actually revent three so I guess it's
458s fine although the one dech I am really
461s still bothered about and they did just
463s rework at the naval Branch so I don't
465s think we will see anything new about
467s that is um
469s aquatis okay aquatis is such an
472s important Tech in this in this game um
474s because once you buy it every single
477s ship you have every single unit on the
478s water you have get defense boost so it's
481s not really a tactical Tech to buy if you
484s buy climbing you now now you have the
487s chance to like put unit on the mountain
489s and suddenly that unit is in in a
490s offensive position suddenly that unit
492s now does something tactical if you have
494s four archery you can now Place units in
497s a forest to get tactical advantages if
499s you buy aquatis the ships are already in
501s water so there's no more tactical
503s decisions making you're not putting a
505s POS unit specifically in a defensive
507s position no all units just get the
509s defense bonus
510s and I quite dislike that because it's it
513s has such a big impact on the game and on
516s what goes what for example a rammer
518s suddenly Doesn't Kill A Warrior's card
520s anymore once they get
522s equitis and it feels a bit bad to me
526s that's such an important thing is just
528s just hidden behind you buy the deack and
530s now you have it for economy yeah
533s yeah I'm actually not not using
536s aquatis very very often so it's you know
539s because it's it's it's expensive so uh
542s how many you know tier three Texs can
544s you get you know it's you have your
547s economy would have to you know like be
548s really booming and I'm not playing those
550s those uh you know huge Maps it's like
553s for me it's it's it's takes too long so
556s on a on you know like a small lakes or
558s drylands uh uh yeah it's uh the game is
562s faster so um usually you know there are
565s like some some paths that that you take
568s and aquatis is not usually not on the
572s list anyway thanks thanks for sharing
575s all all this uh all those uh stories and
578s and um your insights um and so now I'll
581s share how how the this stream will look
585s like because we have today we have the
588s uh we have uh three codes to to give
590s away uh
592s so um when I finish talking uh will do
596s the first draw uh after the first game
600s that one you will play with uh with
602s someone I will do a second draw and then
605s uh after the second game we'll do a
607s third draw and after this uh this third
611s code is is drawn we'll do the the
614s questions that you've sent us thank you
616s everyone for for sending for submitting
619s the the questions uh I was I was a
621s littleit worried that we will have none
624s but you did a great job and then
627s eventually I think we have 15
630s uh different questions to answer uh so
633s that's uh yeah that's how how it will
636s look like okay so let's do the first
641s draw I have a very professional looking
645s uh
646s wheel and yeah beautiful yeah so numbers
651s are there so let's spin it
663s yay number
665s six uh okay let's
669s me I'll hide my screen so nobody sees
674s the the winners so it was number
680s six um okay let me Mark
683s this I
687s no yeah uh uh so how you how we do in 26
693s uh won the uh the first prize uh I will
698s get in touch with you uh via email and
701s send send you the the
703s code okay so we are ready H we can start
706s playing uh one can you can you share
708s your your
710s screen uh sure let me quickly yeah
712s there's there's the present
715s button yes I have two monitors so I need
718s to share my my entire right screen no
722s wait no there's a window window option
725s so you don't have to mhm all right yeah
729s so there we are
732s mhm yeah so uh do you have do you have
735s uh any any specific opponent for the
737s first game did did anyone respond to you
740s on on Discord um I he fun mhm oh no he
747s he um he he reacted urised but he was
750s the only one who reacted on um on there
753s mhm but um I assume some
757s people hey hey
759s Angel well I think we can just ask the
762s chat because these people are here and I
764s know some people in the chats do already
767s yeah so so if you um if you if you want
771s to play uh that's not a problem but we
773s would like to play the the beta so uh so
777s everyone could see the the new new units
779s that are
780s uh they will be released uh soon uh with
785s the with the update uh yeah so that's
789s uh so send send one boy a friend request
793s and uh we can do it like this or or you
796s can actually create create a game and
798s also share it in the in
801s the in the
803s chat that is also another option first
806s person to join it mhm um
810s and let's do small games uh with uh yeah
814s with with with the
816s timer
818s yeah maybe okay yeah we can do we can do
821s we can
822s do ping it live okay so let's do live
826s because then then it's it's it's
829s faster I'll aquarium so
832s aquarium and then an invite
835s link and I'll share the
838s link okay
840s I'm already getting multiple friend
841s invites
843s mhm so I'll share the link in um the
846s YouTube and first person to click it get
848s to join MH
850s yeah all right and there we
862s go how do you like the the changes that
865s that are coming what's your what's your
868s opinion
871s um well I'm really glad that Aquarian is
874s seeing some love because it's been a bit
876s of a pro problematic tribe for a while
879s it's been very good in some regards very
882s very bad in other regards and with this
885s these changes I think they Mel about a
887s bit but also they get a little bit more
888s special feel to
890s them okay okay third friend request but
893s still nobody who is actually joining my
896s invite link so maybe at Justin because I
900s think it will be easier this way so if
902s you could add because I I saw that
906s they yeah all right they are in your on
909s your friends
911s list
918s Justin right um that means I'll be have
921s to be afraid of um getting rer down in
924s this
925s game okay good
927s luck game need needs um let's see here
931s um I think I would want to move over the
934s water here and because doing so I can
936s create a second place where justtin
937s Riders can't reach
939s me with small continents like this um
943s the chances are
945s decent that um we're on the same content
948s and actually I didn't check the score oh
953s well nice nice mhm so I already got my
957s Outpost here which will be can be really
960s depending on how the game goes other
962s than that I'm not thinking of exploring
964s the land a bit more because land is
965s where I will have more Villages but this
967s Village is the most important
969s one um I think I will be going for
973s organization looking at the fruits here
975s the fruits I have here um generally or
978s organization is actually the first thing
979s I buy um with Aquarian even though you
982s would think oh well they're the water
984s type let's go for fishing but
989s they have quite good fruit and with a
992s new aquarium you do spend quite a lot of
994s time on the land you don't immediately
997s go out into into the ocean yeah maybe
1000s tell tell a bit more about that because
1002s now it's there is a big change because
1005s the look of the uh Aquarian terrain has
1008s not changed but there is a significant
1011s change uh in terms of terrain
1014s right um so yeah the terrain that we
1017s have here um it's called flood rain ah
1020s too bad I actually hoped it would go
1022s back and reveal whatever was back there
1025s MH this does look like quite an
1027s interesting
1028s map um so yeah sorry the Aquarian
1031s terrain so we do have this here called a
1034s flooded terrain you can see it down here
1037s and flooded terrain means that this
1038s terrain is actually accessible to water
1041s units so for example a rammer or Scouts
1044s can move across this flooded
1047s terrain um can move across L of terrain
1050s to get to you to get to other people um
1053s mhm and it's difficult to uh to talk and
1057s to play the same time with this timer
1059s and so ships can Sail on that now not
1063s only ships can Sail on that your own
1064s water units can also go on that so for
1067s example a trid denan or an amphibian can
1071s move two tiles on the water they can
1073s move two tiles on flooded terrains but
1075s it can only move one tile on regular
1077s lands so for it to ventions for your
1080s amphibians you want to move around on a
1082s flooded terrain the same if we look into
1085s the tech Tre Aquarian now has things new
1088s few new units the shark and a jellyfish
1091s maybe we will see more about them a bit
1093s later but these um are water
1097s units um so they they can't they can't
1100s move on uh solid land yeah exactly you
1105s have to you have to so this is also a
1108s new thing you have to
1110s the um the land to in order to be able
1115s to uh attack with the with the shark or
1118s move your uh
1121s jelly yeah exactly so they they can't
1123s invade inlands um yes they will be able
1127s to they are able to later on in the
1131s game so how are you feeling so you're
1134s playing against umaji right I am playing
1136s against omaji but I'm actually wondering
1139s where where he is because I already
1140s explored so much I'm going for waterways
1143s by the way so I will need I can help you
1145s there in this in the South delay one
1148s more yeah there's a
1151s lots I already discovered a lot of Terin
1153s here I was afraid he would be near me
1157s actually he might um be somewhere here
1160s kill my fibian and bounce right to my
1161s Capital I hope he doesn't do
1164s that yeah and but it does look like
1166s we're on separate continents oh wow a
1169s ship
1172s already two
1176s ships then two ships is rough yeah so
1181s means I will have trouble here but um
1184s because I meet him I can now buy my
1186s waterways and I'll actually be able to
1188s um put down a pretty nice one here yeah
1193s this this is yeah this is also a new
1194s thing I will help you a bit uh we have
1198s uh so at were introduced and they work
1202s uh pretty much the same as the
1206s mycelium so they don't build typical
1210s roads but they
1212s um they enable um so like they give you
1217s the the the way to to connect your your
1221s cities um and in prev previous versions
1225s of the beta they would give you one
1228s population but this uh the population is
1231s is is now gone so so no no no Pops from
1235s from at yeah although still in
1238s situations like this one here where I
1240s had cities quite close to each other um
1243s I could actually get quite a lot of um
1245s quite a lot of stars from it because I
1247s only put down two adults I believe I got
1249s one two three four five six six
1253s population by doing that I was able to
1255s upgrade both of these
1257s cities no actually I was able to upgrade
1259s every single City thanks to my adults so
1262s this was a really good situation to use
1264s them
1265s in justini is coming closer and it's
1268s being really really
1269s annoying um but I do think that's
1274s ah right I don't yet have a deep water
1277s movement so I can't actually go up to
1279s him to hit him yeah that's that's
1283s problem that is okay that's where
1286s justini is MHM um so I do want deep
1290s water movement soon um I can get fishing
1293s now because I have three fish here mhm
1296s yeah that will give me some
1300s stars um I will
1304s move am I going to do this so I want my
1307s aians to be ready next turn I will buy
1311s marine life and I will get my
1313s water so for now I want them to be ready
1315s to
1316s attack I want the second one over here
1319s for
1320s sure um where should I put them
1324s actually maybe I
1326s should move this one up
1330s here because I'm quite close to getting
1333s a giant uh sorry giant crap in capital
1337s so if I can
1339s get liouse yeah this one here Lighthouse
1343s I'll be uh I'll be where I need to be
1346s okay and then let's make
1352s um no let's not let's leave that this
1354s for now
1364s mhm okay it's quite
1368s even okay so he moved
1372s back
1374s yeah oh boy um he already has porse here
1377s and porse here and P M he's now getting
1381s getting an Explorer so he will
1384s probably be uh be seeing what I'm
1388s doing yeah but once you get this crab it
1391s will be really hard for him to to fight
1395s back move oh oh that's nice that's so
1399s nice yeah so lucky so with this I can
1403s now get
1405s myself a
1407s crap mhm
1409s perfect move this one here move this one
1412s here another Village
1415s M um I think your position is quite
1420s strong yes I'm just uh need to make sure
1423s that he can't kill this amphibian
1425s here Tre oh you can move up to here so
1430s here I should be
1434s safe yes let's move here
1439s technically he could maybe do some roach
1441s shinanigans but even then I have the UN
1443s nearby to um to stop
1445s him I might even go for navigation
1449s here because I have a starfish here that
1451s I'm standing on top
1453s of and navigation will give me jellyfish
1456s I don't think jellyfish are the best
1457s units at the moment but jellyfish are
1460s quite good at dealing with
1461s riders um and I mean we're doing a
1464s showcase right so I do want to show
1466s people how gfish actually X oh boy I
1472s miscounted one two three yes I
1475s mispositioned over
1478s there oh
1482s well and now the question is will he get
1484s thir
1487s this oh boy that is a lot of
1492s units yeah but your crab is coming so my
1495s crab is coming yeah but I need to make
1498s sure that he doesn't
1500s um let's first grab
1505s this um because I will need to make sure
1508s that he doesn't actually take the city I
1511s do have the things needed to Giant pop
1512s in
1513s it
1515s aquaculture I
1517s am I need two more cities connected for
1520s my network but I can get both of them
1521s connected next turn so I do actually
1523s have the option to uh do double
1525s monuments next turn mhm um still still I
1529s think I want my crap next to it uh just
1532s to be a little bit safer so what do you
1535s say are going for navigation or not
1541s don't he does have a lot of um Scouts
1544s right let's maybe not do it yet I think
1546s I want some sharks and some yeah I think
1548s sharks will be better to fight off those
1552s Scouts as espe I think this is another
1556s thing um Aquarian now has flooded cities
1560s so this ruin actually turned to a city
1562s if you find a ruin out in the deep water
1564s that's far away from other things it can
1567s become a city and as you can see it's a
1569s city with a city wall um but it only
1571s gives me two stars per turn so it's not
1574s something you get really rich rich of
1577s but it is still a really strong uh thing
1579s to
1580s get and some more amphibians because
1583s amphibians are amazing units all right
1587s and that's where I'll end my
1598s okay it looks like he is going for the
1600s Stars yeah he's going
1608s navigation so now in a bit of a weird
1610s position because my sharks will one
1613s shot um his Scouts but he can then use
1617s two Scouts to kill my shark in
1620s retaliation yeah so it will be a lot of
1626s traits that one's coming closer of
1632s course that's especially once I have my
1634s grabing position I can start
1637s um using the city a bit
1640s safer um
1648s so let's first
1651s kill this one because that way my Shark
1654s won't be in range of his Riders yeah
1657s that's smart I'm thinking the crap maybe
1660s here because if I put the crap here the
1662s rider won't be able to C on me so let's
1665s do that def my crab is also pushing this
1668s direction it also makes it a bit more
1669s difficult for for him to position ships
1671s to start shooting at my crap with that
1674s position I can move
1676s my TR f is a bit
1680s closer
1683s um see it's a bit difficult to put it
1685s here because he might actually come in
1687s with his Riders so I think I'm going in
1689s this direction
1691s instead the moment I captur this my tech
1694s prices will go up so if I want to buy
1696s anything before that now is my
1699s chance actually I could get a second
1701s crap up here if I go for um yeah with
1706s the monument yeah oh the I think is
1708s there's only one other aquafarm around
1711s so it's not really the best investment M
1713s so maybe I shouldn't do that
1717s um hunting might be a bit of an option
1721s or I can just go for my
1722s starfish let's just go for the starfish
1726s mhm starfish there we go let's make a
1729s jellyfish because why not caping the
1732s city here uhhuh so we which uh which
1737s team are you uh you belly or just
1741s jelly well the thing is um in Dutch I
1745s would pronounce it with the Y as Jelly
1748s Belly as well uhuh no as jelly as jelly
1752s I believe so for me it doesn't really
1754s make a difference and now it's jelly so
1755s I used to be yell belly and now it's
1757s jelly well I I would pronounce both as
1760s jelly so for me it doesn't really matter
1762s which one it is I did like the previous
1764s one it's like it was a bit quirky but
1767s yeah it was not even belly it's just
1770s jelly oh mhm that's no the belly was
1775s important yeah yeah I then I don't
1777s really like it I thought it was belly or
1780s yell belly and that's like okay it can
1782s be either one but without the belly
1785s after
1786s it yeah it it was funny so I I liked
1791s it and I mean the unit is so goofy right
1794s so it kind of fits
1798s all right so maybe I should explain a
1801s bit what's going on here oh what's
1806s see um so the Y
1809s belly um has these tentacles around
1813s it and whenever Justin would step on
1816s those tentacles he would get hurt so
1820s just the presence of the tentacles hurts
1823s um hery opponents so they can give quite
1825s a nice defense terrain um they do also
1828s have and AO ability because of that
1829s because if I move here I spread my
1831s tentacles around me and now both of
1833s these units have beens yeah so this is
1836s the actually the
1838s only way uh Yi can attack any units on
1842s land so this is not the the typical
1844s situation because the this land there in
1847s the in the west is flooded but Yi can
1850s come like to the to the Shoreline and
1854s then you know with the tentacles it
1855s would also attack the the units that are
1857s on on
1859s right
1861s yeah and so
1866s I'm thinking what I want here because if
1870s you look at justini he's quite good
1872s player he could turn those into rfts
1874s sorry into um it's called into rammers
1878s and if I make a weak unit over here the
1880s rammer might actually attack me and go
1883s se My City so I don't want to put
1887s something that's too vulnerable there so
1889s I think I'll just go with a warrior
1891s Warriors are actually one of the best
1893s defensive units that Aquarian
1895s has
1897s um that does mean that's over here um
1901s let's go for another sh yeah so Cole is
1906s asking how to join the giveaway uh the
1908s giveaway um you have to be kind of
1911s vigilant because we are posting uh on on
1914s the channel you have to submit your
1916s question so it's not
1919s for just being on the stream uh if you
1921s have any any comments or questions and
1923s you submit them uh um through the
1927s through a form then then you can uh join
1929s a giveaway so next one will be uh when
1933s we uh when we organized another stream
1936s in a in a few weeks time so uh follow
1939s our our posts on the channel and also on
1941s Discord because there is a
1945s additional uh like a ping on on Discord
1948s if you want to to get the codes and for
1951s the record today it's it's it's aquarium
1954s codes because we are playing
1960s Aquarian so yeah he's taking down my
1964s Yi that's bit of a Pity but to be
1969s expected so yeah that's um that's the
1971s reason I think the Yi is still not very
1974s strong is that it's currently very easy
1977s to kill it
1979s mhm especially if you have a bit of an
1981s army the Yi is supposed to be a very
1982s defensive unit and it doesn't always act
1985s as if it's a defensive
1987s units because at the beginning it how
1992s how much defense did it have like three
1994s or four three defense three defense yeah
2000s mhm yes yeah it was a bit
2003s um oh boy mhm yeah so on
2009s uh on Hell or Angel um um commented that
2016s flooded terrain is is considered as
2018s rough terrain for non amphibian units
2021s yeah um
2022s mhm yeah secondly um it's rough the rain
2025s for all Naval units that are not
2027s amphibian um normal un like Riders they
2031s can just uh run across it to problems so
2034s it's basically um how I see it is
2037s flooded Terin is just normal L terrain
2040s but C units are also allowed to enter
2043s and C units are also allowed to walk
2045s around in it they're a bit worse than
2047s land units at doing it at doing it but
2050s they can come on come come on there
2053s mhm and you can build roads on on this
2057s uh flooded terrain so there is a way to
2061s uh to move your units
2063s faster uh so not not uh aquarium but
2066s other you know uh oppos closing uh
2068s tribes can can build uh build roads on
2072s on the flood
2075s land and uh to explain even
2079s more um actually you can um so in order
2085s to be able to move your sharks yellis
2088s and uh the the unit we haven't seen yet
2091s which is buffer fish you have to flood
2094s the the terrain uh but also your oppos
2098s oent as a like a counter measure they
2101s can uh they can build up terrain right
2104s so this could like uh be um be an
2109s offensive uh or
2112s defensive um strategy against aquarium
2117s um and you need one one turn to to flood
2121s or one turn to uh to build up except
2126s crabs because crabs have this
2128s what's the what's it called the the
2130s feature that crab has I outo floods yeah
2133s outo floods yeah outo flood yeah so only
2135s crabs when they step on a on a land they
2138s they would
2144s flop right meantime let me because I'm
2148s not seeing any
2156s comments oh wait is my feel H I forgot
2159s to B
2161s him that's too bad
2164s mhm I should pay more attention um see
2168s Justin here is slowly hitting my crab to
2171s just get it HP down a little bit because
2174s he also knows that if my crab gets here
2176s with full HP it will be very very
2179s difficult to keep him off um but because
2182s my crap is um because it's whittling in
2184s down I won't be able to use it for a
2187s siege that will stick
2188s so my crab is now mainly here as unit
2191s that's threatening him as unit that's
2193s forcing him to move around it to pull
2195s back as un that creates space for my
2197s other units because I really don't like
2199s his Riders getting close to my
2201s amphibians Riders have a quite good
2203s match up against that but my gra won't
2206s be doing much oh boy a giant I don't
2209s like that will it be a
2212s giant
2215s just okay maybe it's not taking a Giants
2218s mhm not yet at
2221s least
2222s so AOK is suggesting do you think a map
2227s type consisting of solidly flooded tiles
2229s would be fun uh ground and navy truly
2233s working a hand in glove maybe call it a
2235s swamp plants what's your opinion about
2238s this one um well that's map type already
2242s exists it's called a Dryland in an
2244s Aquarian
2246s mirror I I don't think it's the best is
2250s a good map to play Naval on um because
2253s as we said before um on flooded land
2255s like this Navy can only move one space
2258s at a time which is enough for some units
2260s like for example a bomber can be quite
2262s happy on that land uh yes let's build
2265s this one and get a bit more
2267s Vision so OB bomber can be quite happy
2269s on that sort of a train
2272s but that doesn't um uh sorry quickly
2276s think about my movement
2282s um let's move this one yeah let's really
2285s try to grab some
2290s space so I'll get back to the question
2292s after this MH
2294s yeah huh all right much going on here
2299s I'm going to build one more shark to
2301s pressure a bit more and then a few more
2303s amphibians but I think I'm actually
2305s going to try to save up towards Tri
2307s engins
2308s tensions oh boy Trident
2312s span yeah and there's a new interesting
2316s feature about Trident but we'll talk
2318s about it once you get them
2321s so um actually now I think of it's I do
2324s have two monuments
2325s right um can
2329s I I have one Monument no I have one if I
2332s build anle here and now have two
2336s monuments
2338s let's open a second front
2341s yes
2344s so let's build a grab here and start
2347s attacking justini from the other
2348s direction as
2350s well we don't see any any of his
2353s activity in this uh Southeastern Corner
2357s which is surprising
2359s mhm and think by because he has a lot of
2362s range units here on the water which as
2364s you can see are slowly taking my crab
2367s down but over here on the land he
2369s doesn't actually have range units so I
2371s might be able to force
2374s him uh to spend a lot of different units
2377s to take down mcreb
2383s mhm sorry uh we were talking about the
2386s swamp LS yeah the swamp LS yeah um so I
2390s I don't think it would be too
2391s interesting because Naval units can uh
2394s work on um flood land but naal units
2397s will mainly work on the edges of the
2398s flood lands as you can see here as well
2401s justini is not moving his ships across
2403s of this area although he could move it
2405s on top of this he could move it on top
2406s of this so it is good to move from the
2409s water to the edge of the flooded land or
2411s to like use the edge of the flooded land
2413s as a base from where you attack that's
2415s sort of your back but you don't want to
2417s actually be fighting across the flooded
2419s land because at that point you are very
2422s very slow and in Naval system all the
2425s units have a lot of movements like
2426s Scouts rammers they have three free
2428s movement um the only slow Naval unit is
2430s a
2432s bomber uh so the bomber might be useful
2434s in such a swamp PL all the other Naval
2437s units not really
2444s mhm I'm think looking he does have
2447s rather low score so I'm thinking that he
2451s might have just spent everything he has
2453s to build um build all these uh Scouts it
2457s hasn't invested much in economy yeah my
2460s crab is about to die mhm too bad but hey
2464s yeah so there is a question about sharks
2468s um and creep so they used to have creep
2470s but now they have surprise so they don't
2473s get retaliation
2475s right yeah indeed they used to have
2477s creep to be able to cross it and now
2479s they're um more solidly um put down as a
2482s naval unit so a shark now is not meant
2485s to cross the land anymore the shark can
2489s move onto the edges of the land the
2491s shark's not going to go through the land
2493s so now it's really basically twet like
2496s any other
2498s ship all
2500s right let's this have a Siege first
2504s Siege of the game not going to stick but
2508s mhm yeah well there has to be some kind
2512s oh no okay so this Farm is from from
2515s your second crab City mhm
2519s yeah yeah so my crap here just moved
2520s onto this land and it's now
2524s a and what I'm doing here is I'm putting
2526s up trying to put a lot of pressure he
2528s will definitely un Siege the shark but I
2531s hope that I can keep the city in the
2533s back here he might move in uh to um stop
2537s me from getting it but at least I will
2539s have a lot of unit around to counter mhm
2542s yeah and then how far are you from
2546s trien uh um so for tradtions I will need
2549s 38 stars for Tech and then eight more
2552s stars for Tren so the first trienal will
2554s be at 42
2557s Stars if I make one amphibian now I
2561s might have M renion next
2564s turn um but that does mean I can't make
2566s any other
2568s units yeah actually let's do
2572s that because with all these uh Warriors
2575s cards renion will be absolutely
2581s devastating so a random um commented the
2585s people say jellies aren't powerful
2590s anymore but you uh one is uh
2594s restructuring uh your whole attack
2597s around around the
2600s Yi yeah but the do you see how quickly
2602s it dies like this is an eight cost unit
2605s mhm and he didn't need lot to to get it
2607s down so even though the the jelly does
2610s have certain threats it is so squishy
2613s that it's not really worth the
2616s investment often times I did make a few
2618s here because again justini has a lot of
2621s riders and jellies are good at dealing
2624s with um squishy unit like that M but all
2627s of these um all these cards they don't
2629s care about Yi the main thing the Yi was
2631s doing now was making sure that this guys
2632s couldn't move in too far to kill my
2635s amphibian but if I had had Defender that
2638s would have done the same for three stars
2641s mhm um so personally I I have had good
2646s usages of my yell bellies but they
2650s are rather rare it's it's not every day
2653s that you see a good usage of yell belly
2656s and but this was the case because you
2659s you eventually you will eventually get
2661s this city that was yeah justtin denied
2665s you in the early stage of the game so
2667s that's a win that's true here it
2669s actually um it did actually
2671s work but what I'm more excited about is
2675s this one oh boy I miscounted wait did I
2678s miscount 16 plus
2680s 22 oh boy you you'll get another first
2683s one you know later oh well one more turn
2690s yeah um let's see what can I do
2695s here I can
2700s so with the way he SPAC his units I
2702s can't actually reach any of the ships in
2705s the back which is um a bit annoying
2708s unless I Siege this thing then I could
2711s also take down a ship and actually I
2712s might do that because remember my units
2714s are worth two stars and three stars the
2717s ship is worth seven stars and seing the
2719s city it's worth two stars for the units
2722s but also let's quickly
2724s check four stars for the city production
2727s stop so killing this unit is worth six
2731s stars to me so let's do
2733s that um a hit here hit here and this one
2740s sieges this one will attack
2743s here and that just reminds me that I can
2746s in
2747s fact get myself a tension if I do this
2750s ah yeah yeah with a gate of
2753s power
2755s um and let's
2758s this one
2760s here this one
2763s here all right this one moves back a bit
2767s this one it's going to die right yeah uh
2770s let's move here just to um keep him busy
2774s and
2775s finally yeah Workshop or Explorer
2778s thinking yeah Explorer might might be
2780s good here M you'll see what he's
2783s doing oh first Giant
2788s that's interesting let's send the unit
2798s there and so yeah now um now for me the
2802s game has changed to trying to make as
2804s many tradtions as I possibly
2806s can while at the same time keeping a few
2809s units in the front line because tradtion
2811s as it is now it's an extremely powerful
2813s unit um but it does needs units to set
2816s up for it
2817s so I like combining the current renion
2820s with um few aians few Warriors even some
2823s Defenders I might
2825s CBS like in the game that we
2829s played so trien with crabs they are
2832s amazing I've played a lot of games
2834s against you um I don't remember which
2836s one was with the crabs what was it AI
2841s yeah about you you had like a wall of
2844s crabs and I couldn't
2848s yeah that's
2850s actually um because was a Pia game I
2854s wouldn't recommend anyone to play
2856s Aquarian Pia because Aquarian is not
2859s meant to be played on land Maps but if
2862s you have the right setup it is possible
2864s to um to get some interesting
2870s results okay so justini definitely knows
2873s that I have umentions because he is
2875s pulling back his entire Army
2878s mhm um which does go to show how um how
2882s threatening this one unit here
2884s is
2886s yep he's even giving me a free Siege so
2890s I mean why not let's make
2892s ITR City for
2896s stars all
2898s right um with my giant
2903s crap so I'm thinking of just moving it
2906s forward because there's a lot of other
2908s things that are threatening him he can
2910s only if I moved here he can only shoot
2912s it with a few um few ships and if he
2915s send his normal units against it I mean
2918s that's quite all right those normal
2920s units yeah you get more access to the
2922s City by flooding the the
2926s tile remember about getting some unit in
2930s this city next to the
2932s ruin all right all right
2935s thanks that's an amphibian
2938s um and now let's see where can I put my
2941s if I put it here one two then it starts
2944s threatening the city that's good but if
2945s I put it here I will put it here it
2949s might die yeah it might die but that's
2952s an interesting thing um I don't care
2956s because it will be a good tradeoff
2958s because it's at least 14 against eight
2960s so and I'm making a tradtion here if he
2963s kills this
2964s tridion with any Scouts the scouts are
2967s now in range of this new Tren yeah so
2970s and because trition now has
2973s persists um that actually means that one
2976s tension can devastate this entire Navy
2979s so I'm really um putting a lot of
2982s pressure on him here yeah all
2984s right yeah so it's a it's like a knight
2987s but ranged so very
2990s powerful so anything in a in a distance
2994s of two
2995s tiles Di
2999s almost
3008s anything and the crab is just chilling
3011s here eating Warriors and Riders left
3014s right and Center so even though the crab
3016s is sitting close by here it's actually
3020s applying an immense amount of pressure
3021s because the crap here makes sure that
3023s his giants can't just go to the water
3025s the crap makes sure that his War here is
3028s Riders they're not going to the water
3030s they're not becoming ships they're
3031s sticking around where the crab is MHM so
3034s even though the crab looks like it's not
3037s doing too much it's just getting hit but
3039s the crab is making sure that there will
3041s be fewer ships around okay so he's going
3046s for he killed it but now that means my
3049s AO can just go in and kill them so that
3053s for me is quite a fair trade if you
3055s hadn't killed this one this would have
3057s been able to kill all the ships in this
3059s line so I think it was a good thing for
3062s him to kill it um but I am afraid for
3066s him that that renss will just take over
3069s the world and there will not be too much
3072s left for him to do about it mhm yeah
3074s he's just buying some time but you will
3079s soon overwhelm him overwhelm him
3083s definitely your Eco is good enough to
3086s get three trid per turn so yeah and I
3091s mean I'm also just quite ahead score
3092s wise I do believe that this because I am
3095s because I got so many tchs this is way
3099s more Ts than I would have on normal uh
3102s almost normal ond
3104s ones but also justini had to spend a lot
3106s of stars getting his ships ready because
3109s each of the again Seven Stars against my
3112s three star units so my Navy is cheaper
3114s than his than his which means that I in
3116s turn
3117s get to invest more in um taking in
3120s economy in just in general becoming big
3124s so let's go in I'm quite surprised that
3126s he did not switch to uh to to rammers
3130s actually because in this in this
3133s situation that would give him more value
3137s because the all your amphibians and and
3140s even trient are one shot for for Ram
3144s right mhm without aquatis
3149s aquatis and I kind of refuse to get
3151s aquatis because
3153s um as I said I think it's a rather lame
3157s deck um so now I'm just
3161s basically yeah there is there is an
3163s interesting suggestion so uh John clippy
3167s is saying imagine if alion could enchant
3169s trees into some sort of tree
3172s poor you are an Alyan fan what's your
3177s opinion about
3179s ants um my opinion about ants
3182s so um first of all I really like the
3186s Wayan currently works so for me I'm not
3190s too keen on getting an Alyan rework
3192s simply because fact if a ling gets
3195s reworked that means that the Ling that I
3196s currently
3197s love might not exist anymore in the same
3200s sh in the same form and I said it's my
3203s favorite life
3204s so they don't immediately need any huge
3208s changes in my opinion if they would get
3211s a trient um I would be interested in
3214s what it would be but at the same time
3216s I'd also wonder what's role with a three
3218s end fill personally I think a three
3222s would be a bit like um a bit like I
3225s imagine jell belly would be M um so like
3229s 20 hp units um rather defensive slow
3233s moving slow moving forward like almost
3234s the pseudo Giants mhm really controls
3237s the terrain then question is yeah does
3239s Alan really need it because Alyan
3242s currently has a few only only has a few
3245s special things the special things work
3247s together in a really interesting way
3249s oh oh a bomber okay there's a bomber
3253s yeah that's interesting mhm
3258s so that was actually a really
3260s interesting move by
3262s him he's yeah he's going to kill this
3265s team too bad
3269s but I can still kill this bomber so even
3271s though he got this bomber which is
3273s really really strong
3274s units um he killed a lot of my units he
3278s really damaged my
3279s tension but he just spent 15 stars on
3283s upgrading this Ro into a
3286s bummer with this redention here who is
3288s on two out of three kills mhm I will be
3291s able to capitalize veteran yeah
3295s mhm um my crab is going to
3299s die oh well but like I said this crab
3302s has really really proven his words with
3305s um all the things that he been
3308s doing which was basically just walking
3312s along and distracting just
3315s Ste so we have that here I mooved stion
3319s here I can't kill it yet but that's not
3322s a problem because I'm going to attack it
3323s with an
3324s amphibian now I can kill the renion
3328s I can veteran which means I can out kill
3330s this one I can kill this
3332s one
3334s um I move this one side can go this one
3337s as well this one can move into the
3344s village all right right um sadly I can't
3349s cross
3350s that so I will need a few more defensive
3353s units at the moment oh Stars nice
3360s good because right now well again I'm
3363s just denying him stuff mming him a
3366s little
3367s bit this one doesn't really accomplish
3370s too
3375s much yeah let's just put him
3379s here um so let's see maybe not a yell
3384s belly um and then a few sharks in the
3388s back just because sharks can get to the
3391s battlefield
3394s quickly yeah you probably get another
3396s bomber to un Siege this that's what I
3399s was
3401s thinking although if he gets a bomber
3404s here does it really matter oh right he
3407s can do that oh
3409s yeah that's the play
3412s mhm not bad not bad
3417s oh no it says 5 HP so sorry I did not
3421s see
3422s that do
3424s now just going to kill this one
3432s okay kill
3438s that so I can do a lot of things
3442s here and the moment I kill this
3445s Warrior this renion can
3448s move all the way here and can really
3450s start killing a lot of
3453s things so I think I want to murder that
3456s Warrior I can the Warrior by sending in
3459s yell belly here and then sending this
3461s one to hit
3463s him
3466s um I won't be able to renew the siege
3469s here I believe if I do that that's well
3472s I I don't want to go forward to
3474s really ntini everything over there
3482s mhm yeah I definitely won't be able to
3486s reege there's giant
3492s coming so this one moves
3496s here then this one moves
3499s here this one
3501s moves here hit that hit that
3508s um and yes hit
3512s that this one moves here H that and H
3517s that forwards
3521s forwards move
3526s forwards hit this giant
3528s SW yeah so those was giant will last by
3531s one more turn maybe
3533s yeah that's one of the things that um I
3535s think is Cur too strong with the
3537s tensions even though they lost their
3539s escape they still dealing three damage a
3541s turn m is a lot of damage
3546s like that's um basically sortman damage
3549s that they're dealing from range so
3552s whereas Knight is normally
3554s um the Knight the Knight other pist
3556s units if it attacks it's going to die
3559s the Knight can't do anything um to
3562s survive first STS they can attack from
3564s range so even if they kill kill a lot of
3567s people they will often still be in a
3569s decent enough position to keep
3570s themselves alive
3572s mhm yeah and also with uh with knights
3575s you can uh space out your units and uh
3579s one more thing that's uh where Knights
3583s are weaker is the uh that
3588s uh because of the terrain some units
3590s would get a um like a defense bonus on
3594s on mountains or in the forest right
3596s right and then you you even though they
3599s are set up in a in a perfect uh for a
3603s perfect chain you you can't get it uh
3606s because it's you know the defense bonus
3610s yeah so I'd say the the the knights uh
3614s uh that the regular tribes have are
3618s uh are weaker than than the
3622s trien I uh yeah I do agree with that
3627s let move this one
3628s here finish that finish
3631s that then move this one here finish that
3635s H
3638s that
3642s um see you'll probably put another Giant
3645s in the water here or here so if I move
3647s an En from across here they will get get
3652s splashed um that's I don't think I
3654s really care about it too much
3657s because it will mean I
3664s can kill that one hit this
3667s one hit that
3670s one good one two three he might get a
3673s bomber mhm not get too aggressive
3684s there and now we need think about um
3687s finishing the game right so how we going
3690s to do this um let's maybe get another
3692s crap
3693s mhm because getting another crap will
3696s mean that um I now have something to
3698s push with again because that's one thing
3699s that Aquarian is kind of liking is um as
3703s I said before defensive units MH all
3706s their Naval units are quite squishy so
3709s they have a lot of things to kill an
3712s opponent but they don't really have many
3714s things that can stick a Siege
3717s which also they have they have Defenders
3719s so they do have Defenders um but their
3721s Defenders are a lot slower than enemy
3723s Defenders because Aquarian Defenders
3725s they can't use ropes and they can't go
3729s into a raft or into a ship if your
3731s opponent has a Defender rammer the
3733s defender ramor can move three spaces and
3734s move into your um your city where my
3738s Defenders and they move one step at a
3740s time so I might get them um but I don't
3744s think Defenders are um
3747s very good defensive a very good unit for
3750s capturing capturing cities only if
3752s you're really doing slow push which a
3754s Aquarian can do a slow
3756s push um but I don't think
3758s that's going to completely solve
3763s it
3765s um one two three it can hit over here so
3770s am I going to put I think I am I think
3773s I'm just going to put one in range again
3776s and going to damage this one sieges can
3779s Siege yeah going to hit him a bit just
3784s in general be annoying and him
3794s down yeah so justini is a really good
3797s player which is also why this game is
3799s taken so long because justini does know
3801s how to play defense has played against
3804s aarion before
3806s quite a few times even
3809s so he um knows what he's doing and let's
3814s upgrades this one moves here this one
3817s moves here and his
3819s him this
3822s one what am I going to do with this one
3825s he not really doing much right let's
3827s just move him back and and heal up a bit
3830s mhm this one can hit this one can move
3833s here this one can move here this one can
3836s come
3837s in um I could also try to go for buffers
3842s because buffers are another new unit the
3844s thing is buffers are quite deep into the
3846s hunting tree um so I would need to
3850s invest a lot just to get the first
3851s buffers
3852s up and I don't think that's the best
3855s idea at the moment yeah you have to keep
3858s the keep keep the pressure yeah exactly
3861s because otherwise it will slip
3863s away this game
3868s this one this one just oh The Siege why
3873s not so the reason I'm not siing this
3875s this one here is um because I want to
3878s deny him a good bomber shots might still
3882s been worth it to SI it but I was
3883s thinking that ah the rammers are coming
3885s rammers
3891s mhm he's moving the bomber back actually
3894s I don't think that's the best idea
3896s because that means now the bomber no
3897s longer covers this city mhm so whatever
3901s I want to do against that City now
3904s becomes a lot
3906s easier I think he's betting that he he
3909s still has scouts so he'll be able to
3912s sieg yeah but he doesn't have too many
3914s and he will need multiple SCS to stop a
3917s Siege right
3919s mhm um so I don't know I think that
3922s might have been a mistake actually to
3923s move the bomber back
3928s um I'm going to move the jelly back in
3930s to harass these two and also make sure
3932s that I can then onot them with single
3935s tration
3938s M
3940s um I'm probably going to
3943s use
3947s two let's start at the
3953s beginning much these two guys
3958s and
3959s then I think three Traditions actually
3962s kill
3965s Juggernaut yes three definitely kill
3968s jugs
3970s mhm
3972s so let's kill a jugernaut yeah why
3979s not
3982s tradtion another
3984s jelly and
3990s aention so yeah um I do think that rions
3994s are a little bit too strong at the
3996s moment
3998s um
4000s with this de line I mean they have they
4003s have the same stat line the same
4006s attack as a shark the same threatening
4009s range as a shark but the moment you have
4011s tensions you really don't need sharks
4013s anymore mhm because they they're
4016s offensively they're almost identical the
4019s tensions just have so much more tensions
4021s don't don't put themselves into too much
4023s danger while they attack
4025s tensions don't um they have persist
4028s trenti can attack the lands a lot
4030s better and really not sure when I would
4034s ever yeah they cost cost the same so
4037s yeah that's the that's the
4042s problem so maybe maybe sharks you know
4045s should go like
4047s for I don't know six or five five stars
4051s typ
4052s swordsman yeah but then because if you
4054s um compare shark to a
4058s rammer h that's a bit annoying I wanted
4060s to use this one for other things okay
4062s he's moving the bomber back good
4067s choice um yeah I can't kill that bomber
4073s sadly um but I can still yeah so he
4076s switched to to Defenders to get more hit
4079s points
4081s right which is a good choice
4085s mhm let's see can
4088s I but I will go in and damage the the
4091s bomber
4093s yeah because I mean I still have a crap
4098s yeah let's move the jelly over here just
4102s to annoy annoy him a little bit more mm
4105s this jelly over here here let just
4107s attack it if he wants
4111s to and you guess it's
4115s mors oh all
4118s right I think he also saw it coming with
4120s a crab there I could now
4123s go there was no way completely
4127s isolateed so maybe let's have a quick
4129s look at this game what could have
4132s justtin did
4134s differently what he could have done
4136s differently well there one yeah because
4138s we we we usually do those you know short
4142s analysis uh
4144s after so playing the game one one thing
4148s I did notice um while playing Aquarian
4151s um they have an interesting and before I
4153s forget could you send me uh
4156s this this game in our I know Discord
4160s chat or or we have this uh private chat
4165s I'll send it after
4167s so one thing never did and I think might
4170s have been a
4171s mistake um because that's one way to
4175s counter Aquarian justtin never buil
4178s Bridges so on this stretch of land here
4181s justtin could have made a few Bridges to
4183s have his Riders cross onto my terrain
4185s and Aquarian on the water um your
4188s amphibians are better than most other
4191s Naval units because aians cost three
4192s stars other Naval units cost at least at
4194s least seven stars so even if um you lose
4198s two amphibians in trade for one Naval
4200s unit you are still coming out ahead M
4204s however um a way to deny your opponent
4207s that Advantage is to turn it into a land
4209s battle the moment he has Bridges here he
4212s can start sending Riders against M
4215s amphibians and the Riders well they have
4218s the same word as aian they can fate one
4221s to one but the Riders are able to use
4223s roads and my aians are not able to use
4225s roads so he would actually be able to
4227s harass me quite a lot if he went for
4228s Bridges here now these three TOS with
4231s the fishion he wouldn't be able to build
4232s a bridge there because that's is where I
4234s had um well that's my terrain but over
4238s here yeah but just just outside your
4240s your city there was a there was a bridge
4242s play yeah so he could have maybe tried
4245s to do something like that now
4250s I might even see justini well I I could
4253s see a world where justini didn't do that
4255s because justini wanted to make it an
4257s interesting game to show magarian Power
4260s and if he did that he would
4262s have made it
4264s um yeah he might have destroyed me if he
4267s went for early riding uh riding um
4271s Bridge here at the same time if he did
4274s that um he might have also lost the
4276s control over the water because at the
4278s moment he got two
4281s cities um this this city this city he
4283s wouldn't have been able to get those
4284s cities if he went for the writing so it
4288s was a gamble that he did did it did give
4290s him better
4293s economy I'm not sure which one would
4295s have been better in the
4296s end but that that's the way these games
4299s play out right but I think also rammer
4302s uh like more uh early would be a better
4307s play once he had all div vision of you
4312s because they they they essentially cost
4314s the same as
4316s uh as Scouts right so they are more
4320s tanky and much harder to to
4324s kill yeah although it might have because
4327s um with my with my jellies
4331s um the the ramas are not great against
4334s jellies because they have to move in and
4336s get hit by jelly first so he might have
4339s keps some SC R for the
4341s jellies um he might
4343s also have thought that because some
4346s combinations so for example you know a
4348s mix of of Scouts and rammers to soften a
4352s a Yi and then uh you know kill it with a
4355s with a rammer without any that might
4357s have definitely worked yeah without with
4359s like a really small small
4363s damage he was really really old in here
4366s at the moment he's making 70 Stars per
4368s turn I was making 20 okay so we were
4371s quite comparable economically and he had
4374s a lot stronger um lot stronger military
4377s with all the more expens military
4379s actually at this point at this point I
4381s think we're quite equal military in
4383s military wise one two three four five
4386s six cities against six cities so we were
4389s quite
4390s equal but I think I used um the jellies
4394s and sharks here to Zone Zone him
4397s out he's going for that he might have
4401s also had to get um Strat strategy a bit
4404s earlier because without strategy um I
4407s could onot his ships with both my sharks
4410s or with my um with my tensions or I
4413s could to shot them with my amphibians
4416s turn that to Defender ships would have
4417s been as Defender cards Al made big
4422s difference but again I do think that the
4424s pressure I put on with my CBS walking on
4427s both on both sides added a lot of um
4431s pressure for him actually just is
4432s probably in the chats right now
4436s no I don't see oh yeah now he's he's
4439s there
4442s yeah yeah so he says I definitely should
4445s have gotten a giant at turn 15 uh Sly
4449s misplay on my end
4451s yeah so maybe maybe uh some Giants
4455s earlier could have um made a difference
4459s but um still juggernauts are like very
4462s very weak against uh against
4466s units yeah I I did find it interesting
4469s that justini used um used bombers on me
4472s I haven't had anyone used bombers on me
4474s before with Aquarian and I think it
4477s worked decently well the bombers were
4479s quite far back I had trouble reach
4481s reaching
4482s them and they did really uh they did do
4485s a lot of damage to my units but too
4488s little too late his front line was
4489s already crumbling by then mhm
4497s so uh what's what what tech or what unit
4501s would you say was the like a turning
4504s factor in this game oh definitely the
4508s tridion I mean the tradion is um is a
4511s thing that allowed me to actually push
4512s in even though I think my crafts deserve
4515s H honorable mention for the push on the
4518s sides I think the amphibians were
4522s important for the early
4524s game and even my jellies did did a
4528s decent job of being annoying but yeah
4532s yeah so every unit except except puffer
4536s fish had their moments in this game I
4539s would say yeah actually I think a buffer
4542s fish could be could be quite good um the
4545s only problem is just the teory like four
4548s deep is three deep is so much investment
4551s that you have to do yeah and you had
4554s just one city where where you could
4555s utilize the the tech uh you know other
4559s than buying buffer fish so there was
4562s there was there was no reason to get to
4565s get them I did also invest a lot in
4567s getting my tensions up um but yeah see
4571s how much damage that built so I I did
4573s spend a lot of effort getting my
4575s tensions up but my tensions they
4577s single-handedly swung the game they came
4580s in they killed multiple units whereas a
4582s puffer a puffer is a really strong unit
4584s because if you think about it um a
4585s bomber cost 15 Stars bomber deals three
4589s damage and do some Splash a perer fish
4593s only cost eight stars and Deals the same
4595s amount of damage sorry deals more damage
4598s buffer deals four damage they have the
4601s same movement range I don't think that
4602s they have Splash so it's they don't have
4604s Splash they don't have Splash but it's
4607s like the difference four damage or three
4608s D damage and splash and I think those
4611s are actually on a quite similar level
4613s because four damage is very very strong
4616s it one shots a lot of different
4618s things so I think buffer the um buffer
4622s is actually an extremely strong unit um
4625s that's even we haven't even discussed
4627s their special ability which is that they
4628s can float terrain to allow you to
4631s inwards um into their opponent's terrain
4635s yeah just purely the fact that they're
4638s four move four damage three range to
4640s move units for aquarium on
4643s water it's a strong unit
4646s mhm okay GG uh both of you um so let's
4652s uh let's go to to the next game and
4654s before that we will
4656s do
4659s our draw so second
4663s code let's see who wins so so I remove
4669s number six I remove number six and then
4673s so let's see
4676s who's
4681s the Okay we have number
4687s seven okay so let's remove that
4693s and number seven
4697s is yeah so very complicated in game name
4702s so it's th
4704s HDH
4705s FK
4707s fnc
4709s fnc yeah so that's our our second winner
4713s hopefully one will be back in a
4720s moment yeah if you so there's a now
4723s there's a second chance to to actually
4727s uh play with one uh if anyone is is
4731s interested um you can
4742s our champion is back
4745s helloo so um yeah so after six we had
4748s seven so yeah
4751s very very strange draw but it is what it
4757s is yeah so uh now maybe let's let's play
4762s you know drylands or uh or like takes a
4766s different different kind of
4769s terrain um I got a lot of invit from
4773s who's this guy
4775s I yeah so the I think who invited you
4779s but we are not playing
4781s 9900 style map so only small Maps if you
4785s if you want to play with one one today
4788s it's it has to be a small map so we can
4791s uh I can't even decline oh wait oh yeah
4796s I can't them for some reason okay M oh
4798s well so yeah I uh why not I'll invite
4802s that guy yeah mhm for a small lakes yeah
4808s let's tryes let's do
4811s Lakes Lakes uh Lakes is a is a difficult
4814s one um to play as aan because there's a
4819s lot of lot of openings to which someone
4822s like umaji can send in the Riders and um
4827s Aquarian struggles against that although
4829s I might need to get a few more Shields
4831s up Defenders as Aquarian can be pretty
4834s good I've also recently learned that
4837s Aquarian really struggles if someone
4839s decides to throw archers against
4842s them
4844s um there we
4846s go so I think yeah these General cheap
4849s units are uh mhm oo three Turtles I
4854s might actually be going uh
4858s yeah so this this time maybe maybe we'll
4860s see
4865s buffers on second thought I don't think
4867s it's necessary because looking at the
4869s score my opponent also took
4872s Aquarian so there won't be much terrain
4874s that needs
4876s flooding but we'll see yeah uh so there
4879s is there is a suggestion from onel uh it
4882s would be cool to see some Polaris versus
4884s Aquarian Maybe
4885s um yeah we could maybe try that uh but
4890s um actually we we are in the middle of a
4893s game uh me and Wy um I'm playing Polaris
4897s against
4899s aquarium and
4901s uh yeah it's interesting but I'm I'm
4904s getting a bit frustrated uh because of
4907s the terrain layout we are playing on
4910s archipelago I can't really reach his his
4913s units and because of the
4916s um this crush ice or Dash
4920s ability um he's able to you know to to
4924s to destroy the ice and and I I struggle
4927s to to reach his his
4930s cities what's what's your opinion about
4933s this game
4934s W um I think it's um it's all
4938s frustrating for me to move in because
4940s you have a lot of control over the ice
4943s um and an interesting thing about
4946s playing against Polaris or interesting
4948s actually think it's buck and I don't
4950s think it's intended but if a Polaris
4952s moves onto a flooded terain and freezes
4954s it the flooded terain stops being
4955s flooded ter rain so especially at start
4958s you really blocked my units just by
4961s moving around and making sure that oh
4963s there's the opponent already just by
4966s moving your moies around and unflooding
4968s all of my um I'm floating off my terrain
4970s so my fiban couldn't reach you anymore
4972s which was really really frustrating to
4975s play against as well
4977s um I'm thinking if I should go riding or
4981s if I get hunting next turn well is a TR
4987s next turn anyway so let's uh leave that
4993s this think I can afford can I afford
4996s boats cost me 11 stars but I get five
4999s stars
5000s back oh it will cost me 12 Stars I get
5003s five star back
5005s so I will have spent Seven Stars I won't
5007s be able to get a
5010s wrer oh boy let's put on some
5018s music let I do actually want to
5022s Art any specific uh themes that you
5027s like
5028s music teams yeah I don't suppose you
5033s have the skin teams
5040s no I have
5042s to only the remixes so too bad yeah yeah
5048s I I do have my politopia playlists okay
5051s and I would really like to add the skin
5053s themes to them but I don't think they've
5055s actually been um I no so so yes sorry I
5059s Ty uh I did not hear right so this is
5062s actually uh semantic Cor
5065s and we did listen
5067s to uh to
5070s the uh
5072s Aquarian
5074s um
5076s remix M and also omagi
5080s La so then after the semantic core I can
5083s play for example yadak if you if you
5087s like them um I I like all them maybe
5089s let's do somean
5091s because I just love everything about it
5094s right
5095s uh yeah the yak one is amazing the um
5098s Gali one is really good I think as well
5101s mhm let me else the Kik one is also
5104s actually really good it's very relaxing
5106s mhm y oh wait I need to end my
5113s turn so um I'm thinking about going
5116s archery here MH just because I just said
5119s that archery is good against Aquarian
5121s the only thing is archery is really good
5123s against Aquarian because Aquarian has
5124s has trouble getting to the archers
5126s because of normal terrain that The
5128s Archers are standing on yeah in this
5130s game I'm playing a mirror match against
5131s another Aquarian so there isn't actually
5133s any nonf flooded terrain so I'm bit
5136s unsure whether or not I should go for um
5140s go for
5142s Archers I'm also
5144s thinking that um Shields might be good
5148s if he's going hard on the
5151s amphibians but if he gets TRS I won't be
5153s able to do anything with my Shields so
5157s again D over there as well so I'm really
5160s getting a cut
5161s off
5163s mhm yeah this setup is not very good for
5167s you no um third City so far away yeah he
5171s already has the city
5173s here I need some
5176s um some pressure and there's not many
5179s things that give more pressure than
5180s archers
5188s scanning that one that's to that's to be
5212s expected so Justin is suggesting
5216s cloaks cloaks are really funny I
5220s actually I did not I did not use uh any
5222s cloaks in
5224s my aquarium
5227s games wait I'm thinking if I could
5235s actually
5238s yes so move this one up the M shoot this
5242s one move this one over here nice give me
5246s Vision this one here and this one here
5248s and I got myself new
5250s city yeah
5258s nice another Archer
5260s and
5271s Warrior yeah he doesn't have any
5274s amphibian
5276s or
5278s archers so this city is yours
5285s M
5288s this so he just moved his Warrior right
5293s into my into my range
5297s M um I need to of course make sure that
5301s he
5302s doesn't so this aian can move up to here
5306s so if I kill that AR
5309s Warrior yeah I'm going to kill this one
5314s mhm yeah because this doesn't uh you
5317s deny him the others me yeah because with
5321s an amphibian he could have sieged you
5324s back yes inde so um I'm going to make an
5329s aian here to move around a bit more I'm
5331s thinking of getting an Explorer um but
5335s let's do that next turn because for the
5337s moment I want to um make sure I keep my
5340s pressure all
5342s right by the way this city come on
5345s single fish yeah and a
5350s mountain what the
5352s hell there's an aian here in in the Mist
5356s I will be able to kill that one with my
5357s own amphibian and an Archer this one
5360s also dies to an archer in aian so I
5363s think I'm actually in a really good spot
5364s here
5366s yeah at the moment you you look
5369s strong one thing to be worried about if
5372s I go too hard into archers and
5374s amphibians the moment he gets tensions I
5377s might um be in for a world of H
5383s mhm so kill this
5386s one
5389s that shoot this
5391s one can snipe his City come here
5395s oh oh with a veteran okay
5399s okay you want to end this game I see
5403s yeah I I actually didn't plan on getting
5405s a veteran I just wanted to bounce to
5407s this city but with a veteran I think I
5409s might go for the capital instead thank
5411s you very
5413s much um ah actually I should have
5416s explored first to see if there was
5418s anything he could have done against me m
5424s he has an amphibian okay so he'll be
5426s able to un Siege so he would have also
5429s been able to un Siege this one so
5431s um that means I'm actually not in the
5434s best
5435s shape no the other the other one would
5437s would hold because you have a veteran so
5440s you would have oh no there is a third
5442s one yeah third one on the city yeah I
5444s see it yeah you're right mhm so yeah
5448s just looking at the map now I think he
5451s has a
5455s could I have double sieged no wait how
5457s could I
5458s have double sieged no because there was
5462s the The Warrior were was uh uh south of
5465s his City so you couldn't slide in
5469s there yeah
5474s Capital yeah so it was real mistake not
5476s to get my Explorer first M um it's not a
5480s bot um I'm playing against
5484s another
5487s player um
5489s called mxk e LJ I
5496s I all right
5500s so let's give myself an amphibian no a
5506s um what's called yeah
5509s amphibian let's move this one over kill
5513s him
5514s and I can move this one back a bit
5516s because I want it to keep him a bit
5520s safer
5523s and it's horrible so I want to go here
5527s but I don't have unit capacity for a
5533s seconds
5534s actually this is so weird but I'm
5537s thinking about going um mining mining
5539s yeah because it's a giant in my cap grab
5541s in my Capital mhm
5545s it means I can send another unit here I
5549s need star so I will need this send one
5552s units back
5555s there this Mo over here you'll get the
5559s lighthouse
5562s mhm yeah so next turn I have have a a
5565s grab mhm
5575s I just hope he doesn't have second Unity
5577s here to hit me
5580s with if he does
5583s um in CL the city if not I can keep
5586s threatening it
5598s mhm so this really is a challenging game
5604s just because I'm such a poor initial
5613s position I could even get
5615s SMY mhm to get my first experience with
5619s sword
5622s mates so I know there's an aiban here so
5626s I'm not going to put anything in
5628s range I'm going to stick right here
5631s where it's safer yeah that's smart
5633s because otherwise you you uh sieged the
5640s village here yeah so swords sword mates
5643s are are another unit that I actually did
5646s not use
5647s ever during my aquarium
5653s games so there's the first prep yeah um
5658s I need my Monument let's say here
5661s because I just want more unit capacity m
5665s all
5668s right yes I can kill that
5674s one just
5676s again keeping
5679s pressure ah right I don't have my deep
5682s water movements yet mhm um yes marine
5687s life
5689s sharks yeah yes that's one of the
5692s changes they made mhm that they removed
5697s the Deep B movement without getting
5698s sharks first so I can't actually put
5701s this amphibian in a good
5703s position um because of that I might just
5706s put him here to get me a bit of
5708s vision this one can move
5711s back and now let's see where do I want
5715s to go from here um I want another FIB
5718s here and maybe another Archer or another
5720s mermaids no I want an Archer here and
5724s mermaid here there we
5729s go all right I add The Monuments okay so
5731s I need to put down my Monument next
5733s turn what can I get with my
5737s Monument I'm thinking if I get fishing I
5740s can upgrade this
5742s city uh and if I get fishing and swords
5745s in Cemetery I can upgrade this city as
5747s well that is a bit of a b
5752s order um what else could I do
5755s here this city doesn't really have too
5757s much to
5768s upgrade might also just go Shields I
5770s think I'm going Shields actually oh he's
5772s also going for mining
5775s interesting o scary
5792s so but yeah I'm thinking the crap craps
5795s are scary but I do have archers and
5797s archers are in general quite good at
5800s killing
5802s crabs
5803s crap all right archers are good at
5806s killing crabs but archers are not great
5807s at killing two craps
5810s yep um just that looks scary
5816s so um still I am thinking of getting
5819s myself a um Scot again getting myself
5823s Shields and then maybe we can actually
5825s go for
5826s the um for the was Scot again for the
5829s cloaks to get something done on that
5833s side let's kill this thing
5836s first
5839s um this one no let's just do it old
5841s fashioned way with archers
5845s let's leave him like that for now he's
5847s fine this one moves here this one moves
5849s here yeah needs a unit to stay
5853s here my crap moves forward this one
5856s moves
5857s forward I'm really annoyed by uh lack of
5860s deep water movement because my Archer
5861s can't move forward at the
5864s moment but like there's so little deep
5867s water here and I don't want sharks
5868s sharks feel horrible in Aquarian versus
5871s aquarium matchup
5874s think I just
5875s need is there anything I can do here
5877s with my gate of power if I put it here I
5880s will get Stars yeah five stars
5883s back but I can't
5886s really I don't really have any prospects
5889s for a crap here I don't have any
5890s Prospect for a crab here
5892s either this one if I do a border grow
5896s border gr might
5898s not be the
5900s best I'm not close to getting a second
5903s uh thing
5905s mhm this this game
5910s now I it feels albums feels the waste to
5913s put down gate of power just for
5922s stars know
5927s what screw it we're going to try
5929s something
5936s yeah okay so M all right let's do it
5942s yeah as long as you you eliminate all
5944s his supporting units the crabs won't be
5946s that scary yeah and sords are really are
5950s quite good against the amphibians so
5953s yeah who
5956s knows it might actually pay off
5969s all right yeah that's not a
5972s problem um I can B fing up to this
5976s mountain here get some
5980s Vision which will be really good for me
5982s he's getting another ruin damn
5985s it so I'm also thinking um one of the
5988s reasons I got sorted is that it means
5989s that I can probably get another crab
5991s here quite soon mm
5994s um yeah nice for spot mhm I am thinking
5998s of well I can't immediately border grow
6001s this thing uh but if I get both roads
6004s and fishing I can border this for
6005s another uh better for spot here although
6009s that's quite at all order order again
6011s for this one I would need forestry to
6013s get a good for
6015s spot um on this
6019s end and this end will be difficult so
6021s yeah
6022s again I don't have too many things uh I
6025s can play
6026s with but I'll just have to try with
6028s whatever I do
6029s have
6031s um move this one
6036s forward I'm moving this one back as
6047s well keeping forward this one shoots
6050s first then this one attacks this moves
6052s on to the mountain oh
6057s yeah he can't contest nice nice That's
6060s not a village for me
6062s okay no I don't think he can contest me
6065s that's really good really really good
6068s yeah because there was this Forest
6069s blocking him from going around
6074s so yeah it was a good
6078s block
6080s um I don't think I need more archers
6082s here to really uh deal with the
6088s grabs
6090s okay and do I go thing I can border on
6093s mine but the thing is to do that I will
6095s need to already use my
6098s monuments now let's end the turn
6104s here sorry I I will need to use my Forge
6106s to border grow this one mhm
6126s thisan
6129s dies oh boy the giant is getting hurt
6133s that's good it's really
6137s good another interesting thing about
6139s craps is they have more defense than
6141s attack so if if I put my crap next to
6144s next to his crap it doesn't actually
6146s make sense for me to attack him because
6147s the defender the attacker will take more
6149s damage than the defender will
6152s mhm yeah and with regular Giants they
6155s they will get
6157s uh
6160s um so the the same the same damage as as
6164s as the
6166s crab
6167s yeah so it's like attacking another
6170s giant with a with a defense bonus
6178s this one here just that this one here
6181s this one can move
6187s here one just see where it
6191s is this one moves here this one moves
6194s here this one moves here okay one two
6197s let's make another
6199s sort um do I want some text is there
6201s anything big I can make right now one
6204s two three four
6206s five
6209s um I might actually I'm just going to
6211s upgrade this
6215s city yeah and uh another thing that's um
6219s is specific for for Aquarian when you
6223s get
6225s uh um the construction Tech uh you get
6229s you get this feature of um fertiliz so
6232s you can actually
6234s uh build farms the way with the
6238s spiritualism you can uh you can grow
6241s forests
6242s right that is quite true yeah wait he
6245s has seven minutes
6250s damn okay so he's H clearly threatening
6253s my new city m means I need to put some
6256s effort into stopping him over
6258s there I'm thinking one I can't even get
6262s the Roose monuments that
6265s sucks so I might actually need to go for
6268s the farming and construction but I don't
6269s think I have the funds to do
6274s that he's he has a lot of units
6277s threatening here another crab
6283s mhm but he won't be able to SI you uh in
6286s in two turns anyway so in this
6290s turn oh damn I thought that kills
6295s um well actually it will be because the
6297s crap can move
6298s too so no but if you kill both both
6301s fibian then he won't be able to let's
6304s this can um okay the these ones sry so
6308s he will be able to move into the city um
6310s there's no way I can stop
6313s that um so I need
6316s to do some efforts to deny him
6325s yeah let's kill this thing kill this
6327s thing kill this
6330s thing let's hit
6333s him make a source matat just to make it
6335s a little bit more difficult for
6340s him all right yeah and when we are
6342s talking about
6345s the agriculture so uh Aqua Farms are
6349s back for um
6351s aquarium because at some so they were
6354s introduced uh after the path of the
6357s ocean um was released but then mijan did
6361s not like it and they were removed and
6364s now they are reintroduced but only for
6372s aquarium so we kill that
6375s one um oh yeah he he can't kill the
6378s swords nice yeah mhm wait he could kill
6382s the swords if you had an if he been
6386s there no no no they are not in Rage
6389s because of this mountain so yeah okay
6391s okay mhm and if you when you put the The
6394s Swordsman on the mountain it will be
6396s really hard to break
6402s through
6405s yeah so I would say your city is kind of
6408s safe at the moment I mean there's still
6411s a still a crap right
6415s mhm maybe I should go for my
6419s um
6421s trid I mean I I I try to not do it
6426s but it's I'm playing Aquarion here I
6429s yeah I I know like I I can confirm that
6432s one is uh during our games was uh was
6436s trying out different strategies and so
6439s it's not just tried and spam in his case
6447s he's getting jellies
6449s really oh okay yeah so here he would
6453s deal 12 damage to me I would deal eight
6455s damage to him that's not the best
6457s strategy um so instead I'm just going to
6460s keep
6463s shooting this one and I'm going to move
6465s closer so I'm actually going to threaten
6466s his
6468s Capital
6471s um I'm going to take this
6475s one it this one here move this one here
6479s shoot it like it nice SE K that thing
6489s good
6491s okay
6493s yeah there we
6498s go s
6502s um yeah I'm not sure I can keep that
6505s city um he has some trat over
6510s there oh damn 21 seconds I need to De
6513s sides I think if you hit the warrior
6516s with your swordsman and get another one
6519s you'll be able to keep the yeah
6522s true too bad but that means not renous
6525s just
6527s yet we'll get there this one back okay
6531s um Warrior okay now
6535s nice man why does he have 9 minutes okay
6538s he doesn't have to talk to has to have
6540s to talk but still N9 minutes yeah I'm
6543s always confused with this with this
6546s time how it's you
6552s know so yeah again the trition move was
6556s it wasn't very smart for me to um go all
6559s in so quick with t as yet didn't make it
6565s ition I hoped I would be able to do more
6568s but um frankly I didn't really feel like
6570s I had time to
6572s calculate okay so this is smart by him
6574s by moving his scraps here he can't he
6577s blocks my Archer otherwise my Archer
6579s would be able to support my crap getting
6581s a Siege here yeah I don't think I have
6584s any um ways I can actually pull the
6585s siege off at the moment no I don't see
6588s any that's good move by him up here I
6591s can attack move away
6594s um I want to make donation down here but
6596s I can't because my city is kept but you
6599s can kill your your your amphibian and
6601s give a give a try can yeah actually I
6604s can uh yeah I can suicide my amphibian I
6607s can make sure my
6608s amphibian guess moved that's
6611s true I can't kill this thing otherwise I
6613s might have a seeg up here no
6616s so the good news is he put a lot of
6619s units in my reach so I'm going to kill
6622s them
6624s this one gets all right I don't move
6626s onto the ocean because um because of the
6629s water because I don't have water
6630s movements which actually is really good
6632s at the moment because it means that the
6634s crap can't hurt
6636s me this one start shooting him this one
6641s moves over here hits the amphibian and
6644s passes away really really nice this one
6647s heals himself this one will make space
6651s for a tri denion over here here and I
6654s want a tension over here and I want
6656s aention over here um I do have all my
6660s archers I am going
6662s to I'm just going to move them back I
6664s believe because they are in range of
6668s uh the swords I'm going to move my crap
6671s over here because actually do I have
6674s yeah I have a lot better chances of
6675s capturing this city than this city with
6678s the CB so I'm going to move my crap over
6681s here to threaten this city
6684s with whatever I have this down here can
6686s shoot him uh he can attack me but he
6689s can't kill me and with that I can my
6692s turn mhm this was a good turn yeah oh we
6695s got a
6697s starfish that's why I moved
6706s there I mean sure if he wants to
6708s sacrifice the units go ahead
6718s again shows the defensive power of the
6720s grab I don't know why he did it but he
6724s just lost pretty much his entire
6727s Army um meanwhile over here this one can
6732s this fion oh he even disbanded it I was
6735s just about to kill the
6738s um also got fions oh yeah oh how dare
6745s you that's that's my
6749s thing uh it will it will be interesting
6752s and
6755s um usually it's it's just one one side
6758s that gets Trident and so yeah and
6761s usually it's me so I'm not really happy
6763s about this
6766s MH so I don't think he can kill me no so
6770s I can actually still Siege this city
6773s um for that I will need to
6777s shoot
6779s shoot then move this one forward attack
6782s him attack him now my crap can attack
6785s this I can bounce into the city here I
6789s can the
6790s crap hit the
6792s crap move up hit the
6795s crap um C some space make more TRS move
6801s up
6805s um yeah but you you ahead of him in
6808s Trant production
6810s so yes I
6813s am and one more Trident because M just
6818s we
6823s do okay that's
6826s interesting so the crab is
6831s gone yeah but the problem with h with
6834s his army is that he doesn't have any
6836s units so he will obviously
6840s attack yeah he doesn't have a way to un
6842s Siege
6846s so oh he got a ruin instead of un siing
6849s here oh that's that's that's interesting
6853s decision yeah I don't think I agree with
6855s that yeah you get two
6859s cities and it will be what six no
6863s against
6864s four
6867s h yes this
6870s one advantage one two so this one needs
6874s to heal otherwise it gets one shot
6877s attention forward and
6880s forwards um
6883s so because he has his own tension so I
6885s need to be careful of the range can move
6888s to here so I don't want to put my
6889s tensions anywhere on this line mhm that
6892s I'm going to move back a little
6894s bit this one
6897s um shoot
6899s here shoot
6902s here shoot
6904s here here all right okay yeah good game
6909s yeah good game
6911s Wow Let's okay let's let's have a look
6916s what
6917s happenss
6920s there you feel exhausted
6923s yeah this this one was a difficult game
6925s let me first quickly share replays with
6927s you so that you have them is it fine if
6929s I post them in the Stream
6931s chat there's
6933s one yeah the previous one please so I
6936s can post them in after we finished the
6940s stream and the description yeah are
6942s different okay thank you so let's open
6945s it
6949s up so at first
6954s yeah I got there so I think that's my
6957s biggest mistake here was the direction
6959s which I
6960s explored um I should have known that
6963s Lake edges are not the best way to
6965s explore and then over here because I
6968s still had the chance to actually get to
6970s this Village first I
6974s believe but I think I got diverted in
6976s the wrong direction uh let's
6979s see yes oh he he did have some really
6982s nice resour here for with some nice
6985s Farms some good
6988s fish let find it first and I moved in
6992s the wrong direction
6995s yeah Miss well this
6999s points he was mering
7003s out I did have some pressure on his
7006s Capital so I forced him to do something
7007s but he got a star ruin
7009s damn got resources got good economy
7013s up yeah at this point this point was
7016s looking very very Bleak because he
7018s essentially it was five cities to
7021s three um and he was cutting off my two
7025s main cities here so this point was very
7029s big um and S on archery which really was
7033s my Saving Grace I don't think he
7035s anticipated that I would move around
7037s otherwise he would have probably gotten
7038s his aians
7040s here um the I think let's actually let's
7043s see um what his vision was did
7046s he did he know what was coming to
7049s him Shar [ __ ] off oh no okay he had no
7054s idea at all that I visioner still um it
7058s was a bit careless of him because if you
7060s if you look here he saw he had only this
7062s one Warrior I could have had enough
7065s amphibians in the fog but
7067s again acceptable mistake yeah I I agree
7070s that that you have to be more careful
7072s especially that uh it's it's quite
7075s common that the Aquarian goes amphibian
7078s so it's you know it's like playing
7079s against Omi and not being careful yeah
7084s but yeah The Archers really surprised
7086s him and again I have you to thank for uh
7089s the fact that I learned how mening can
7093s be
7093s against an Aquarian
7096s player so I got really lucky here in
7099s fact that I managed to get the city and
7102s get back into the game he did not go for
7105s the UN Siege uh for the reege which is
7107s fine because I had enough units around
7109s instead he went for more exploration
7111s that's I think the best choice because
7112s he this point was claiming the entire
7114s map again even though I just claimed the
7117s city it's four against four but he has
7120s two more cities lined up whereas I don't
7122s have any more perspects for the
7124s future um I did he inde get this one one
7128s Siege which um yeah P that didn't stick
7133s mhm but also mean that also means that
7135s we got an interesting game so not that
7138s to best another star ruin damn
7141s Jesus this
7143s man that's so lucky so I got star ruin
7146s back I think I deserve that at this
7149s point I got my
7152s mining this really the most unorthodox
7156s Aquarian game I've ever played I believe
7158s archery into mining before I do anything
7161s else
7165s and so yeah here I knew that if I did
7167s anything wrong in top here he would get
7169s a village so I played it
7170s defensively um but we are now looking at
7173s six against four and thinks it's been it
7175s would be six against four for the
7177s majority of the
7179s game population capap
7182s right got my crap here yeah so I think
7186s going actually going in on his uh side
7189s going sharks would have been a better
7192s play
7193s going going sharks you think yeah
7196s because the thing is with sharks they're
7198s eight cost units right and if you move
7200s if they use them as a l
7202s units yeah but like you know putting
7204s more pressure on this on the CD that you
7206s had in the in the west
7208s because yeah sorry in the East yeah um
7212s because with without the
7215s range uh you know amphibians have two uh
7219s so I you know just just for the range I
7222s I'm not saying that the sharks are are
7224s the best because of their cost obviously
7226s like you
7227s said
7229s um but for for for the range I I I think
7234s uh in the East they could they could
7237s have made a difference because there you
7239s don't have any forests you can't really
7243s uh protect
7244s yourself or maybe you know going going
7248s uh you know getting more um more
7251s amphibians and like you know going on
7253s mass yeah I mean that's thing that's
7256s massing units does actually work does
7258s actually work against
7259s sharks um because the Sharks gu
7263s amphibians you need two amphibians to
7265s kill a
7265s shark you need one shark to kill one
7268s amphibian but the aian player loses
7272s three stars a shark player loses eight
7274s Stars so it's um it's extremely cost
7278s inefficient play shs into amphibians if
7281s you compare to playing Rami anian that
7285s attacks a rammer only has two Health
7286s left so you need threei to kill a rammer
7289s I believe yeah I think you need three to
7292s kill a warrior rammer so you don't
7295s always want to attack into a rammer with
7297s your amphibians but if you see an enemy
7299s shark you always attack it because the
7301s shark is so much more expensive and the
7304s shark has the defensive lineup of a
7307s warrior so really not too difficult to
7309s take down
7312s yeah so there is a question from John
7314s clippy who is the man behind the channel
7317s right now
7319s so it's
7324s me that's a yeah that's an
7331s answer all right so do we uh I think we
7336s can we can go go to to the questions so
7340s let's
7343s uh I ah sorry uh we have to do the last
7346s spin before we go to the into questions
7349s right yes so let's let's do
7352s that so the wheel is
7356s ready let's spin
7366s it okay number
7369s 17 so let's remve
7374s that and see who is
7377s 17 so 10 gorilla is the the last one
7381s to to win a code uh like I said I will
7386s get in touch with you guys via email and
7389s send you I send you the codes in the
7391s coming days so you'll be able to play
7395s the the
7397s beta okay um so should I share some
7402s questions or can you because I knew I
7405s know that you went through some of them
7408s and you picked the um were the most
7411s interesting ones I did look through the
7413s questions quickly um I didn't
7416s uh I didn't get answers for all of them
7418s so I think well let's see one question
7422s here that I had that we had was person
7425s who asked um as to
7428s review um a game to um teach him how to
7431s play in the in the long end game now I
7434s did open the game to check it um it was
7437s an eight player game on Water World
7441s massive I'm Terri sorry I'm not going to
7445s look at an a player game water B massive
7448s even while scrolling through it it took
7449s me several minutes to get to the end um
7451s my main advice for how to avoid boring
7454s end games is
7457s don't don't play Massive water WS with
7459s eight people if you don't like boring in
7461s games
7463s um the second advice I would give you
7465s for these sort of
7466s situations um don't play water world
7469s because water worlds well water is less
7473s Dynamic than land is so a massive um a
7476s massive game on continents on lakes on
7479s archello even has some more Dynamics in
7482s it a massive Game On Water World just
7484s has lines of ships staring at each other
7486s not much happening so I wouldn't suggest
7489s playing massive water water bolts
7492s even then um in general I would just
7495s suggest if you really like to play
7496s Massive play a glory game because Glory
7500s um I know people mostly like to play M
7503s but with Glory you actually have um
7505s something that ends the game before it's
7507s completely over you can say oh we play
7509s up to like 25,000 um G points that's
7513s quite high on the Water World already
7515s and then the game will be over when one
7517s of the two parties controls around half
7519s them I I don't know for sure because I
7521s don't play Massive world even with Glory
7524s but by setting these limits it means you
7527s don't have to go through the entire SL
7529s at the end the game will end at some
7530s point another thing you can do is if you
7533s play with friends you can just say okay
7534s we play until turn 30 and at turn 30 we
7537s decide okay now it completely ends and
7539s person with the most points me something
7540s like that yeah I wouldn't suggest to
7542s play Massive water balls with people you
7545s don't know
7547s MH
7549s yeah okay um
7556s uh we got some other questions uh some
7558s more information questions like one of
7561s the questions here was what are the
7562s little dots that you see um under your
7565s city on the population bar that's your
7568s unit capacity I did mention that a few
7569s times in the game I was playing that I
7571s couldn't make any new units in one of my
7573s cities and it was because the city was
7576s completely full so I uh I just
7578s wouldn't um basically a city with three
7580s bars can hold at most three three units
7583s a city with five bars can hold five
7584s units City with 10 bars you will never
7587s get it filled
7588s up
7590s um then there were yeah so there there
7593s is a simple question uh number two uh
7596s when opposing tribe captures the one of
7599s the aquarium cities does it uh does it
7603s auto def flood nope it doesn't M um if
7608s an opposing tribe captures a city the
7611s terrain just stays flooded same way if
7613s an Aquarian captures a city on the land
7615s the terrain also doesn't autof flood to
7617s Def flood or to flood you actually need
7618s to put in the effort the only thing that
7620s autof floods or Auto def floods is the
7623s city itself so the tile of the city
7625s itself is also flooded for aquarium and
7627s it's not flooded for other tribes and I
7629s do believe if another tribe captures a
7630s city on Aquarian land it automatically
7632s def floods so it becomes a regular I
7635s think
7636s so actually I think we even saw it in in
7638s the game with justini where he captured
7640s City on aquari
7643s Inland
7645s um but I think there was actually a few
7651s um is
7654s there what's good so what is a good
7658s strategy with Aquarian since they have
7660s new units and everything's completely
7662s changed um I think we pretty much saw it
7666s saw it already um you want to get your
7670s expansion going you want to get out as
7672s fast as possible and that's obvious been
7674s the case with Aquarian but Aquarian
7676s still has one of the best expansions in
7677s the game because amphibians can cross
7680s both water and land so you can spread
7682s out you can conquer the oceans a lot
7684s sooner than other people can you want to
7686s start getting cities
7688s quickly once you do have your cities um
7691s then you can start focusing more on
7692s economy and Cur Aquarian actually does
7696s they have decent economy their economy
7698s was a lot better when at all still gave
7699s population but even now um especially if
7703s you have gotten enough cities around you
7705s if you're playing on a big enough map
7706s it's really easy to get your um what's
7709s got again your grand Bazar your rose mon
7712s Aquarian because you only need to place
7713s down two or three atol at most to
7716s connect five cities to your Capital so
7719s generally withan if you can manage to
7721s get a total of six cities I suggest you
7724s go for your um roads as soon as possible
7728s get a few adles down and then use that
7730s to um get two early J Giants two early
7733s grabs you'll get one grab from all the
7735s road connections and then you will get a
7736s second grab from using both your
7738s Monument of
7740s um your Park of Fortune Park Fortune
7744s yeah and your grand bizar so the
7745s monument from upgrading City to level
7747s five and the monument from your roads
7749s use both of those monuments to then get
7751s a second
7752s crab and in doing so you can um get your
7755s crabs up craps are really defensive you
7757s can use them to push forward and often
7760s that is basically um try to fight melee
7764s on the water the the person who controls
7766s the water controls the game in polyopia
7768s and Aquarian is quite good at
7770s controlling the water so don't worry too
7772s much about invading inlands don't worry
7774s too much about oh I need to flood this
7776s sty flood this sty flood this sty no
7778s focus on the oceans first and once you
7780s have the entire ocean controlled at that
7783s point the opponent doesn't really have
7784s much they can do anymore because moment
7786s they put ships in the water you can use
7788s your tradtions you can use your
7789s amphibians to kill the ships uh
7793s they can't get off of their Island and
7794s okay they can stay on their
7795s Island let them stay there doesn't
7798s matter if if they are on the island
7800s because at this point now you can start
7802s building towards invasion you probably
7804s won't need too much Invasion anymore
7805s because by this point you will likely
7807s control three quarters of the cities on
7809s the map but let's say it's still
7811s difficult Invasion now is the point
7813s where you gather a few CBS where you
7815s start taking for puffers because you
7816s already control the waters you don't
7818s need to worry too much about cost
7820s efficiency you just get some puffers
7822s start flooding everything and you can
7823s now move Inland and completely destroy
7827s them that would be my main
7830s um well main advice on how to play
7833s Aquarian at the moment they are a really
7835s good tribe um but you want to make sure
7838s that you keep the water keep the fight
7841s to the water or to the edges of the
7843s water because Aquarian is really at
7844s their best at the edge of the water um
7847s open ocean is fine but like right on the
7849s shorelines that's where they really
7850s really Excel
7856s I'm checking some of the games that were
7859s sent uh see the the map map sizes yeah
7863s so there is there is this one um polium
7867s game uh we can actually I think uh
7871s review um
7874s it's this person that won one of the
7878s codes so DHD
7882s so I'll share my screen so we
7885s can can go through this this
7904s game yeah so it's uh it's it's a polium
7908s game from curent theas
7912s uh
7914s polium um yeah so what um so let's see
7919s what's the
7921s question yeah I'm so worried about how
7924s to counter quick attack in a one V one
7926s tournament Ship Attack and want and want
7929s to overcome uh that thing and how to
7933s capitalize properly in given
7936s time okay so what do you think about the
7939s spawns here even look at those pawns
7945s um there's actually a lot of L because
7948s this looks like an AR aripo game yeah
7950s it's an AR if you look at the middle
7952s they could actually play this one um
7955s with riders as well I think yeah because
7958s they're connected
7959s mhm the person on the left the person in
7962s the west they have better um water
7965s access towards the place where they will
7966s likely be fighting but the person on the
7968s East has better water access towards the
7970s rest of the map where on the west really
7972s needs their other cities for that um I
7975s do think that person on the East has
7977s better Village um capacity in general
7981s they um
7983s yeah oh that that's the wrong direction
7985s that's definitely the
7987s wrong ah actually he's going for um he
7990s immediately going for the Lighthouse for
7992s the lighthouse yeah but it was risky
7995s because you know there could have been
7997s just uh water tiles there so it's all
8001s those Styles right so he would
8003s definitely get get SL out scene um but I
8007s don't think that's was a really good was
8009s a good idea because in doing so um he
8013s delays his um capture of his next next
8016s cities yeah I think would have been I
8018s think it would have been much
8022s better so um give me a moment please mhm
8026s sure
8045s all right sorry I'm
8047s back yeah so let's
8049s continue so oh oh wow person East
8053s actually got the middle City so that's
8056s that's why I think the person in the
8057s west shouldn't have um gone to the ruin
8061s they lost their chance to get the middle
8063s City mhm and they are so much slower now
8067s in getting there because they spend time
8068s not
8071s exploring they do have a decent
8074s economy but I don't think that that's
8076s worth it and yeah right here with the
8078s landbridge it's difficult to contest the
8080s city now because the landbridge is only
8082s one white so I don't actually think
8084s purple will be able to come back from
8086s this from looks of it it's four cities
8088s against two um so it's really just just
8091s the fact that purple didn't put any
8093s emphasis on exploring here early on
8095s purple went for economy rather than
8097s exploration but you need your
8098s exploration you need to claim the
8100s villagers to be able to use them to then
8103s um you you need to use the villagers to
8107s be
8108s able um what was I saying you need the
8112s villagers to be able to build up an
8114s economy so here a mistake that I put
8118s the um yeah so I I understand that they
8121s wanted to uh to make more space for more
8125s Scouts but they they were
8128s attacked so the Scout will die
8133s soon what you mean think
8135s um I can't I can't see the hit points
8138s it's a little bit um Quality for that
8141s yeah you can actually he's he's going
8145s back there but he can uh he can still
8148s counter
8149s that yeah
8152s so yeah now now the giant as
8156s well and now Orange has a huge huge
8160s econom economical
8164s Advantage so yeah we we we did already
8166s say that orange has a better exploration
8168s um prospects actually it's two giants
8170s already so yeah there's not much they
8173s can do now orange also has a lot of a
8175s lot of monuments Orange has a lot of um
8178s a lot of stars from their ports they're
8180s about to get a third Giant in the in the
8182s capital mhm so even though it's purple
8186s was going to be behind um from their
8190s Pawn already I think the fact that they
8192s didn't go for the Central City didn't
8194s get a strong water presence is really
8196s what um really what did I inan yeah and
8199s they have nothing to to fight back
8202s against those giants so
8207s yeah orange did quite well with their
8209s economy MH I I didn't focus on it too
8212s much on how how exactly they got here
8214s but they have a lot of units they have a
8215s lot of exploration they have good Stars
8218s per turn especially for a water map so
8220s orange did quite well in this
8223s game yeah it was like a you know like an
8227s avalanche yeah so and orange finishes
8231s finishes It Up by also getting the
8233s lighthouse yeah
8235s poetic so what would you say well what
8238s kind of advice would you would you give
8241s our
8242s our viewer um to not go for the
8244s Lighthouse at the start that's really
8246s the most important one going for the
8247s lighthouse gave him one extra spt so one
8250s extra star per turn
8253s um because he could get his um City
8255s upgrad a little bit sooner but it lost
8257s him two turns of movement on his first
8259s Warrior it meant he didn't get the
8261s Central City which then lost him some
8263s Stars per turn he could also have gotten
8266s his start to turn with fishing he would
8268s have to go get fishing anyway because he
8271s was on archipelago map so I really think
8274s the um that that's the main takeaway
8276s here don't um focus on things that are
8279s not important at the moment don't make
8281s units when you should be focusing on
8283s economy don't explore don't explore the
8286s wrong directions don't fight at moments
8288s when you can't achieve anything by
8290s fighting um like look at what the game
8293s presents you look at what you can do
8295s with it and don't waste any resources
8298s any time doing things that don't really
8302s contributes to to AR go to to winning
8305s the
8308s game okay let's see one
8312s more how big is this one I don't think
8315s we actually got any aqu any um replays
8319s from the recent Aquarian I see a few no
8323s it's uh so the the submitted games could
8326s could have been any tribe so it would it
8328s wouldn't have to be Aquarian yeah so I'm
8332s I have a I have a
8334s simti
8336s simti um barter game so let's let's
8340s watch this one and the question
8343s is
8345s um yeah so I like to know if there was
8349s anything uh better I could have done all
8352s right let's check it out
8357s yeah so our viewer is
8362s is
8364s simy so let's
8367s let's oh boy they start right next to
8370s each
8371s other um so yeah moving back is
8373s definitely the right
8375s choice he
8377s goes uh I don't think it was a good idea
8382s to um go aggressive there because by
8385s attacking
8386s here if you if you can pause it real
8389s quick yeah
8391s mhm so should I go back or yeah go back
8395s a little bit so um right right here yeah
8400s so he has his Warrior but he moves his
8402s Warrior forward and he attacks with it
8404s and the reason that's not a good idea is
8406s that um his Warrior will go forward will
8410s damage someone else but berter has two
8413s Warriors already so his Warrior will
8416s damage one Warrior and then just get
8417s killed on the counter so he doesn't
8419s really achieve anything by going forward
8420s and attacking here here a much better
8422s option here would have been to go
8424s Southeast and East so to move to the
8426s forest to try to find a new Village
8429s because by attacking here I mean the
8431s spawn is quite unfortunate I have to say
8434s but by the way he moved and the way he
8436s um attacked he basically gave his
8438s Warrior away for free and now he doesn't
8440s and that means he didn't have any more
8441s units left to protect his and stuff like
8445s that so yeah don't just send your units
8446s into die send them somewhere with a
8448s purpose he also didn't really like he
8451s didn't really gain much by doing it
8452s because he already got his stars from
8454s the border from meeting him so moving
8457s forward yeah that's
8464s a yeah so here barer got second village
8468s and he already has three uh three
8471s Warriors yeah and so it didn't really
8473s accomplish anything the the H now he
8476s moves away he moves to the South so I
8479s think here he he's thinking that he
8481s wants to rush the rush capital and
8483s immediately go for a
8486s kill but he makes Cent Beat on his own
8489s cap uh sorry H spot on his own
8491s Capital um not very smart because barter
8495s knows as well that if um two boosted
8498s Warriors would attack his Capital then
8499s he would indeed be in trouble so even if
8502s there was not a hexabot on that City
8504s barter still would have to go to Central
8506s City just to hit whatever was there to
8508s make sure that he couldn't um imately
8511s lose his Capital so yeah the centipede
8514s here the xot here I think that it's very
8517s risky yeah mhm
8520s yeah there you go yeah that that means
8524s he doesn't get any uh any starts right
8526s now um he gets a new Warrior but I mean
8530s doesn't really
8534s matter
8538s right yeah berter I guess control berter
8540s now is exploring the map but while simti
8543s is still trying to uh get fight on and I
8545s mean he is putting on pressure mhm
8548s that's true and he does actually have
8550s veteran
8553s now oh with a
8562s veteran wait wait
8565s wait oh he he actually won the
8568s game h s actually won the game really
8573s that should
8574s not um can we can go a little bit
8578s further yeah yeah wait
8581s um
8583s furtherance
8586s yeah okay so
8590s yeah because at this point if you look
8592s at this
8594s um I do believe that s that um border
8599s should have been able to un Siege withit
8601s no no he wouldn't because the
8604s writers so yeah barter actually uh
8607s really screwed up his b of
8610s dutin that's interesting okay yeah I did
8613s not see that coming I did not expect s
8615s to be able to win this
8616s one yeah I thought our our viewer you
8620s know was the losing side and yeah but
8623s anyways I think I think your your advice
8626s uh is were still valid because with a
8629s with a better player
8631s you know simanti would definitely lose
8633s because it it was very very close like
8636s you know uh his his
8639s uh existence was was hanging on a very
8642s you know very thin uh thread yeah uh if
8646s just more a bit more more skill was
8649s added on barter's side it would have
8651s been a a lost game so if if this game
8654s would if the game would be able to
8657s continue after Capital was captured B
8659s would definitely win it because had
8661s better access to the entire to the
8663s entire yeah because here siman looks
8666s like it's you know cut out of the rest
8669s of the map and you can't win any game
8671s with just one one city even the the
8675s strongest so we did really well getting
8677s that veteran Warrior I didn't see that
8680s that part coming that was a really good
8682s move to build up the one Warrior that
8685s would be difficult to kill
8687s mm yeah well play near the ends
8691s yep so maybe one
8695s last
8697s short we see what's in
8704s here okay so here we have
8707s some yeah but it's a big map I think no
8711s it's
8713s 256 okay so this one will be the last
8717s and the question here is
8724s yeah maybe just optimizations I could
8726s have made uh to my game
8729s play so and
8736s our and the and the person who is asking
8739s is playing I think
8741s uh wait it's King
8745s nectus yeah so they are playing vanar
8748s vanar oh the first a face optimization
8752s advice I can give don't play
8754s finger yeah and then I will see how it
8757s goes for rest yeah let me just turn off
8760s this AO focus on yeah I do find it
8763s interesting that he immediately went for
8765s climbing um and he didn't get a second
8769s Warrior and so that's uh two things I
8772s can immediately tell him you don't
8775s want rushing climbing
8777s immediately didn't really accomplish
8779s much um sorry I'll turn this all to
8782s focus on because it's a big map so I
8784s can't yeah didn't really accomplish too
8786s much and fact that he didn't get a
8788s second unit either Warrior or swordsman
8791s that means that he um he is quite slow
8794s in his exploration now he did go for
8797s Riders um is good um because they will
8801s help that's that's very very unorthodox
8805s did he just get chivalry
8808s yeah huh that is indeed very unor to
8812s decks yeah so for you you're doing
8816s better here Tech wise going for the
8819s um for the water getting ready to go in
8822s there but you're still not um still not
8825s having any economy I
8827s believe
8828s um let's see what C is doing here at the
8831s moment getting some decent fion yeah so
8835s yeah you still don't have any economy
8837s you got your climbing before but you
8839s didn't um pick up with it so even though
8842s you have
8843s climbing it doesn't really accomplish
8845s much for you you you didn't benefit from
8849s it you're getting some uh going all in
8852s on the water I
8854s see some starfish Road why did you get
8858s road for the
8859s connections yeah still I yeah I think
8863s for you the biggest thing here is where
8865s is the economy um your opponent as well
8867s is turn 15 you have 10 Stars per 10
8870s Stars per turn
8873s you have turn 16 with eight Stars per
8875s turn now you're finally getting
8878s mining um so
8880s yeah I said before to focus a bit of an
8883s exploration don't Focus too much on
8885s exploration you do want to have a bit of
8887s a balance and in situations like this um
8891s I think you were quite lucky that your
8894s opponent also had a very bad e economy
8897s because yeah they also got some Tex that
8900s they actually did not use because they
8903s they got chivalry and then they got
8906s navigation which actually did not give
8909s uh them
8911s anything
8913s so yeah yeah but you you know have quite
8916s good water control and I do think you're
8919s um responding it you're now finally
8921s getting your economy up so at this point
8923s okay there was a bomber coming yeah the
8926s bommer com that's he made a bummer and
8927s he just moved it forward
8930s think making bomber on your end here I
8933s think it might have been Overkill I
8934s think you could have done it with some
8935s cheaper
8937s units um but I
8940s mean you're already dominating him quite
8943s a lot so it doesn't matter too much at
8946s this
8948s point because Yeah by now you do have an
8951s economy your opponent does not have an
8953s economy um and without an economy you
8955s can't play the game you can't
8957s afford any units at all
8962s this border growth I would have probably
8964s um got population here yeah it's cheaper
8968s to get a unit and just you know step on
8970s this one tile you know with a with a
8974s warrior because it doesn't give you any
8976s any good for spots uh kind of okay place
8982s for for a soil but with a border B goats
8986s can be the strongest um can be the
8988s strongest City upgrade you can get in
8990s the G in the game I
8991s believe but you always have to wonder
8994s why would I get a border grth what do I
8995s get out of the Border grow and the
8998s Border growth it might be things like
8999s you get a lot of extra resources it
9001s might be might be that you by border
9004s growing you deny your opponent parts of
9006s his village because your border road
9008s you're like you claim some space that
9009s would have belonged to your opponent
9010s once they capture a village um it might
9013s be that you want to water grow um to get
9018s exclusive access to roads because
9021s um all the roads inside of your borders
9023s your opponent can't use them if roads
9025s are in no man's land everyone can use
9028s them so if you border border go you say
9031s okay from now on all these roads in
9033s these Styles they're just mine you can't
9034s use them anymore and makes you a lot
9036s safer so it is often good to have one or
9039s two Frontline cities that are border
9041s grown but to just Border City because
9044s that doesn't make much sense yeah and
9047s here um um and a good advice don't uh
9054s don't move your um your bombers as uh as
9058s close to the Shoreline as as you did
9060s because they're then they are like very
9062s vulnerable to to attacks from the from
9065s the land so it's better to keep the
9067s bombers like in in one
9070s tile um distance from the from the shore
9074s and explore with with
9076s Scouts uh to get the division and then
9080s uh attack from from the distance because
9083s like we saw here a knight attacked your
9086s bomber so they are not good for
9088s exploration definitely and the bombers
9091s also can't really do much there right
9092s because like they there are units in the
9094s fog but they just can't see them so yeah
9097s without Vision you can't do much mombers
9100s or there aren't actually any units in
9101s the fog oh
9104s well so yeah if there were units in the
9107s fog you wouldn't be able to do anything
9108s with them
9115s yeah so we're definitely good job on
9117s winning this game but
9119s uh um I would advise like slower you
9125s know building your economy and
9128s um um you know picking the the best tax
9133s uh you know like gradually because here
9136s your opponent was was much weaker they
9141s made some really really strange uh
9145s economic choices and that's why you were
9148s able to to overwhelm them but um with a
9152s better
9153s player it would be more difficult
9156s because vur is is weak in
9160s general uh so yeah well except if you
9163s spawn rat next to your opponents yeah
9166s then can rush them yeah like in the
9168s previous game where that bter and spawn
9171s the game would be over instantly because
9173s nothing can stand can stand against
9175s early swordsman
9177s MH y so I think we'll be wrapping up
9182s today all
9184s right I hope we answered uh yeah as many
9189s questions as as we could uh maybe next
9192s time I will do some adjustments so so we
9195s could uh answer more uh anyway uh thanks
9199s one for for being our experts and
9203s playing those those nice games uh and
9206s showing us more of the coming Aquarian
9210s rework um yeah it it was a pleasure
9215s thanks for having me um I really enjoyed
9217s being on here and just being able to
9218s play the game while talking I think I
9221s think we've had two really interesting
9223s games as well to play so it was
9227s a good evening yeah yeah I just enjoyed
9230s myself this evening yeah so thanks for
9232s having me goodbye everyone and maybe see
9235s you um see you later um I'm by the way I
9238s still intends to crush you in our game
9240s with aquarium versus
9242s Polaris yeah we'll see about that so uh
9246s everyone all all poens thank you for for
9250s watching thank you for the questions in
9252s the chat and we'll have uh we'll see uh
9258s I I'm not sure quite sure sure yet when
9260s the update will be released so maybe
9263s we'll have one more uh live stream
9266s before um the update um is available
9270s we'll see about that so stay tuned and
9273s uh check our our Discord and the and the
9277s blog uh on
9279s Steam thanks again see you on the next
9283s one bye
9290s okay