Welcome to our Alpha Information Update!
This is a quick post providing an update on key distribution and pre-orders. Please read this carefully as we want to ensure you receive your key in time for alpha on March 19th!
Key Distribution
Crytivo Alpha Buyers
For those of you who purchased Ranger Alpha or the previous alpha tiers (Ranger, Tycoon) via the Crytivo store, you will be receiving new Steam keys in the coming days. Any existing keys you may have used will be revoked as new ones are going to be automatically assigned to your account.
To find your key, you’ll need to log into the Crytivo website using your account and proceed to the dashboard. In the games library you will be able to locate your new key for Prehistoric Kingdom.
Kickstarter Alpha Backers
Backers who bought through Kickstarter, please visit the Crytivo website. From here you will need to sign in and select Forgot Password, then enter the email address you used with Kickstarter. If you have already migrated your account in the past, this step isn’t necessary.
Once your account has been migrated, you can proceed to the dashboard. In the games library you will be able to locate your new key for Prehistoric Kingdom.
Pre-Purchase Availability
After March 19th, all tiers on the Crytivo store will no longer be available to pre-purchase. If you would like to be part of alpha and beta testing (or to simply grab a copy in advance), this is the final call until Early Access launches later this year.
If you have any further questions, please be sure to contact Crytivo’s support or get in touch with us through Twitter, Facebook or Discord.
Until next time,
- The PK Team