about 1 month
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Hey, obviously with the game still in development, it can't possibly feel like a full game yet. We're working to get there though!
In the last few months we've added more management features such as a logistic import/production system, and a staff/employee system. As we keep balancing these features, we'll keep integrating them more deeply into the core loop so that so they feel even more meaningful.
This year we have plans to improve the animal AI, as well as add some of the first rides in the game. By next year the game should feel much more complete!
In the last few months we've added more management features such as a logistic import/production system, and a staff/employee system. As we keep balancing these features, we'll keep integrating them more deeply into the core loop so that so they feel even more meaningful.
This year we have plans to improve the animal AI, as well as add some of the first rides in the game. By next year the game should feel much more complete!