over 2 years ago - Prehistoric Kingdom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
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365s [Applause]
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523s [Music]
579s [Applause]
585s [Music]
607s hi everybody welcome back to the
609s prehistoric kingdom live stream i'm
611s rosie today i'm here with cindy and
614s we're actually going to be playing some
615s prehistoric kingdom today
617s so is my oh you said your webcam might
619s be blurry cindy but it's mine that's
621s kind of blurry
622s oh we do want to apologize in advance
624s because we don't have any cats on stream
626s today
628s they're just they're not having it today
629s they're like no we're not camera ready
631s um as usual i think cindy's audio should
634s be turned up this stream and i think
636s i've lowered mine
638s so guys let us know how everything
640s sounds
641s um i also i want some there should be
644s some background music as well so i hope
646s you guys can hear that so let's say hi
648s to a few people on the chat
651s so hi mrs t-rex um
655s delta fossils that's a cool name
660s stormcaller witch
665s i'm also very bad at pronouncing names
668s there's a username called pee pee dog
670s nice
671s uh so pee pee
673s dog guys later on today um so a little
676s bit maybe we're going to play the game
677s for about an hour and then we're
678s actually going to be doing a key
679s giveaway so that will just be someone
681s that will be
682s randomly picked from the chat so i'll be
684s using moobot to do that
687s so how is everybody doing today have you
689s all been playing prehistoric kingdom
690s what has everybody been building
693s no music thank you let me turn that up a
695s bit
701s well we've got a hello from spain hello
705s fancy so i think i can hop into the
708s street or
709s hop
711s into steam
712s here we are we have our new beautiful
714s webcam frames
717s so i'm starting off with a new part
719s today
721s and i decided to go with the temperate
723s map because i'm just in the uk
726s i'm just gonna pull up so i can see the
728s chat
729s awesome fun
731s fun facts fun trivia facts uh the
734s temperate map
735s when you work in the engine and also in
739s the game itself has the most uh
743s neutral ambient color
746s so i tend to use it a lot when i'm
748s testing stuff out
752s yeah it's definitely giving
754s the kind of same weather vibes as i have
756s today because i'm just outside of london
758s and it's just kind of
761s i mean it's not sunny but it's not too
763s gloomy either it's definitely
765s that september transition if you live in
767s the uk or ireland you'll know it's like
769s that back-to-school weather
772s and then coming up to christmas it's
774s like completely dark in the afternoon
776s and it's flashing rain
782s like in the summer like doesn't it get
784s dark at 10 pm
786s yeah then in the summer so it'll start
787s to get dark in the winter at like 4 p.m
790s um
791s and then in the summer like around it
794s could be sunny up until 9 or 10 and
796s you're like oh my god the sun is still
798s out so it's really nice that's why those
799s people go out and like bars and terraces
801s and they go out drinking
804s and it's pretty nice weather especially
805s if you're in kind of like london or
807s south london because you're closer to
809s friends
810s so what i'm doing with the bat map now
812s which i like to do is
814s i just like to flatten the terrain
816s because if you kind of forget about it
819s then you'll be building and you're like
821s why is that fence wonky like why is
824s something not sitting right
827s oh yeah so just using the terrain tools
829s i'm just going to flatten a big area
831s that we're going to work on
832s so today we're going to start building
834s the ultimate park
836s i mean i'm kind of bigging us up and
838s picking us up but
841s hopefully after a few weeks it will all
843s come together
844s and so over the next few weeks the next
846s couple of months in streams if we're not
848s showing anything off or
850s maybe checking out some behind the
851s scenes things that the devs are going to
853s be prepping for us so hopefully we'll
854s get one of those behind the scenes
856s stream soon
858s um but
860s you guys we're gonna be building a park
862s and eventually when it's kind of
863s finished i hope to have every
865s prehistoric animal in the game they're a
867s little enclosure in the
870s uh does that include every single skin
872s because some of the uh skins are
874s different we should try we'll try
876s so today i'm going to build i have a few
880s prefabs from the steam
883s workshop i can find them up yes
887s so i've got some nice enrichment items
889s we can build an avery in a little while
891s i want to do
892s um
894s just a small entrance to the park
897s and then build just a little enclosure
899s and i think i'm going to go with
900s satokosaurus and i know i've done a
902s let's build i actually think if you walk
905s into like a prehistoric park and you get
907s really excited like oh my god there's
908s the tickets information what can we do
910s in the park let's book some things and
912s then you already see like a sworn
914s closure like maybe there's a little
915s crowd of people you're like oh my god
916s what are they looking at and then it's
917s the cutest tiny dinosaurs it's like oh
920s my god like it'll just get you so
921s excited so
923s i think
925s to have all the species of the
926s satakosaurus they all they all could
929s have coastal
930s and then the other species like
931s different ones so maybe the entrance can
933s have kind of it can be kind of like a
934s small enclosure playpen where you see
937s all the species together with the
939s coastal
940s biomes
942s and all that foliage and then later we
944s can maybe build a different enclosure
946s where they're separate and then we can
947s kind of change up the enclosures for the
949s different species
951s um so i want to show off some of the
952s cool workshop items
955s someone said i want to see the baby
958s the avery looks good yes it does so i
960s just picked up a few items that we can
962s place in the park
964s so oh this is very big so i picked up a
966s few scenery items that can be kind of
969s plunked down in a few areas when we want
971s to kind of split up and break up the
972s enclosures i also shout out i wish the
975s prefabs had like the usernames someone
978s really made my bridge but better
981s shout out
982s so also when i was building the bridge
984s for the camera source so what people
986s don't know is i wanted them to walk over
988s the bridge and they didn't so that is
990s why
992s we don't have any footage of them
994s walking across the bridge so i'll try
996s eventually
998s um i also downloaded a really cute
1000s little kind of tropical hut that the
1002s animals
1003s can sleep in
1006s um and then i know war passed me these
1009s really good enrichment items so they'll
1011s look really really cute
1013s in the enclosure for the little tacos to
1015s play with
1018s maybe they'll be too small for this one
1020s but we'll always we can always scale it
1021s down
1023s i love all the enrichment items they're
1024s very i know they're so cute we
1026s definitely need more in the game
1029s oh yeah i can't wait for more little
1030s toys one thing i haven't downloaded that
1032s i saw today in the workshop as well was
1034s enrichment items that someone made but
1036s they were like it was like made out of a
1038s box but it looked like one of the
1039s dinosaurs it would have been like a
1040s triceratops but like
1043s if you were to make it using like shoe
1044s boxes and it actually looks so cute so
1048s uh when we start making the bigger
1049s animal enclosures i'm gonna add a few of
1051s those was it called tricerabox
1054s yeah something like that
1058s i mean just the marketing alone
1062s so first of all so you may have noticed
1065s when i did my kind of terraforming in
1067s the terraform suite when i was leveling
1068s everything
1069s um it sort of
1072s raised the
1073s kind of raised the land here so i need
1076s to just quickly edit and move this back
1078s up so people can kind of walk on the
1080s path again
1083s and hopefully there's not too much lag
1086s in the game or on the stream
1088s so next week i'm actually getting new
1090s internet because my partner is streaming
1092s at the moment don't go to his stream
1094s he's playing crusader kings but
1096s he's playing crusader kings i love that
1098s game i might go to his stream
1101s i love that game so much
1103s they did just release a new update so
1105s shout out to them
1107s they did yeah we are still working on
1109s our new update so you don't get excited
1111s for another games update you can check
1113s it out later no one leaves sorry
1116s i love that game so much
1119s it is pretty good they do good updates
1121s they do um actually people do some good
1123s mom okay i'm oh my god i was actually
1124s going to start talking about center
1125s kings we talked about it for a sec but
1127s they had a new update and it had it was
1129s like the courtroom you could see
1131s oh my god you can
1133s yeah i need to download that update
1135s no people this is like the previous big
1137s one but it didn't look very realistic
1139s but there's a good mod you can add that
1141s just
1142s the lighting is much better and anyway
1145s look into it look into it that's all
1146s that's their game news i'm absolutely
1149s gonna look into that mod absolutely i
1152s love that game
1154s too much
1155s so
1156s another great game that you can also
1158s check out is prehistoric
1160s which will play some now so crusader
1163s kingdom 3
1168s maybe maybe we could do like a collab
1170s oh my god no
1173s we could just
1174s someone could just mod dinosaurs into
1176s their game
1178s so i'm going to start by
1179s so everyone knows when you start at pk
1181s you get the really nice entrance
1182s building
1184s and you can design your own do whatever
1185s you like so maybe later we'll have like
1187s a stream where we kind of do up this a
1189s little bit more but i'm always quite
1191s happy with it unless i want to change
1192s the colors um which used to take for
1194s ages but now with box selection
1197s so i quickly edit
1199s i can quickly
1202s select like loads oh it's not working at
1204s the moment oh there we go so i can
1206s quickly select
1207s as much or as little as i want any of
1210s the
1211s separate pieces in the group
1213s and we can edit then we can change the
1214s colors so i mean real quickly
1219s yeah the box select is game changer for
1221s sure
1226s so that's gonna be really good so
1228s what is chat saying
1231s oh when this game releases would you
1232s support mods um yeah i know we do plan
1235s to support mods i know that's kind of um
1238s mods is always something that
1240s companies they kind of like you don't
1242s officially come out and say like yeah we
1244s support mods you kind of just don't say
1246s anything but you kind of like you let
1247s people make the mods
1249s um
1251s so yeah i think like it'll be fine if
1252s you make mods um
1255s with other kind of like ips like they
1257s want to make drastic
1258s mods if they want to do like game of
1260s thrones or like house of dragon we were
1262s just talking about that earlier we were
1263s thinking like we watch house of dragon
1265s we don't know so that would be really
1267s cool people make like the dinosaurs fly
1270s make like dragons at a prehistoric
1271s kingdom that'd be fine
1274s super into seeing mods for pk i'm not
1277s the heck out of all of my games so
1282s yeah so that i'm actually excited to see
1284s what people make and people will
1285s probably make new skins so obviously you
1288s know we'll probably allow mods on the
1289s steam workshop i assume
1292s um
1294s likely it's it's hard to say how that's
1296s going to look
1297s we haven't
1299s been looking too hard into that right
1301s now because we have other priorities
1302s yeah i want to make the game instead of
1304s being like let's let other people make
1306s the game
1308s yes we need to make this game first
1311s um
1312s uh considering the fact that people
1315s uh modded our original
1317s uh
1319s our original uh kickstarter build i'm
1322s surprised i haven't seen more mods come
1324s out i guess with the uh workshop support
1328s or um the actual pieces that's sort of
1331s taking up people's times
1336s so i know i have slight like ocd when
1338s i'm building does anyone else get like
1340s that with colors
1342s so i'm just trying to make it
1343s centered and i won't go too crazy so
1346s we basically
1348s when you're building you spend a long
1350s time building it could take like 20
1352s minutes to like get everything lined up
1353s and straightened up so i won't spend too
1355s much time
1356s on that maybe we'll have like a little
1358s ocd stream where we just like fix
1360s everything or maybe in between streams i
1362s can do that
1363s um but just to keep kind of things
1366s building or just so we can see things
1368s like moving along a bit quicker as we
1370s build
1371s so also
1373s um people when they're playing the game
1375s you might notice like the grass sticks
1377s up into like buildings so i just turn
1380s the i just pick a terrain oh you can
1382s pick almost pretty much anyone and just
1384s turn the intensity down to almost the
1386s lowest and if you just lightly tap it'll
1388s kind of get rid of that for you
1390s um oh also i meant to say at the start
1393s if anyone didn't know
1395s if you go into your settings menu
1398s and you go into the interface you can
1400s change the color of like the in-game ui
1403s menu
1404s so i'm keeping it to black
1407s just to match means cindy's beautiful
1409s frames for our webcams
1413s and i think the entrance of the stream
1416s or of the park i'm gonna get one of the
1420s workshop items
1422s and it's this really cool sign that just
1424s says prehistoric kingdom
1427s because even though you know
1428s i don't want people to forget for a
1430s second it says it here prehistoric
1432s kingdom but i went i wanted to hit them
1434s again when they walk in
1437s you guys know where you are shameless
1439s self-promotion
1442s so i'll try it kind of even
1449s so i think this is actually one of the
1451s first items that you see
1453s i think made by dino men's
1459s oh my god i just know i'm going to be
1461s like really ocd throughout
1463s all of these live streams
1465s what you might want to do is turn on the
1467s angle snap
1469s oh angle yeah that's pretty good
1471s actually sometimes it's good but then
1473s sometimes i think because as i was
1474s playing so
1476s i'm kind of adding things to the part
1478s that i've been using for the let's plays
1479s and for some reason i'm placing fencing
1482s down along a path one by one
1484s which sometimes is really nice and
1486s relaxing to do and other other times
1488s it's
1489s i think it's similar to your hexagons
1491s where it's like all i see is fences
1493s blue fence
1496s i'm also gonna just to really be like in
1498s your face i'm going to change the color
1501s of the letters
1504s to like a super white
1506s again just in case you didn't know you
1508s were in prehistoric kingdom should we
1510s have a name for our park i mean i might
1512s just keep it at prehistoric kingdom for
1514s now
1515s but if anyone would like to share any
1517s suggestions
1519s for us in the uk right
1521s it's in the uk
1523s play on crystal palace maybe
1526s ye olde prehistoric kingdom
1530s oh i'm also gonna
1533s yeah i'm gonna stick with the temperate
1535s and i'm just gonna color
1537s this in so it looks like there's kind of
1539s a little bedding
1541s looks like there's supposed to be a
1543s little bit of a pool down i know that's
1544s what i thought as well so we can
1546s actually add a small bit of water
1549s we just get the smallest one maybe
1556s oh i should download i remember someone
1558s ages ago i don't know if it's on the
1559s steam workshop but they um
1562s they made like little fish
1565s so maybe we need to download that as
1567s well
1568s so i'm just gonna
1571s expand the rocks and now we have our
1573s little pool
1575s there is water there guys
1577s that's gorgeous so thank you so much for
1579s uploading that to the steam workshop
1582s and then also oh yes i remember what i
1584s wanted to do
1585s so i might be changing up the pathway in
1588s a little while after we figure out kind
1590s of what's our theme
1592s going to be or maybe just kind of
1594s different
1594s sections of the part can have a
1596s different theme
1597s i also wanna if you can read out the
1599s chat cindy if you see any questions
1602s uh
1606s i
1607s i'm not seeing a whole lot of questions
1608s in the twitch chat here we go big update
1611s would come out the update with all the
1613s new species yes so the next update
1615s coming out hopefully it'll come out in a
1617s few weeks
1618s uh the deaths are still working on it
1620s we're gonna be um you'll get three new
1622s species along with a new map a new biome
1624s to play around with and loads of new
1626s items it's also going to have an animal
1627s locomotion update
1629s so the new animal animations are looking
1631s amazing guys we're really excited to
1633s show them all um i think we're waiting a
1635s while um especially the ones with the
1637s new species
1639s um but just keep an eye on our socials
1641s and on our dev diaries that we release
1643s once a month at the end of each month
1645s um because that will is probably when
1647s you'll get kind of first looks at the
1649s animations
1651s so when you have parks or paths near
1654s parkway you can actually change the
1655s width
1656s so we can have like a teeny trail
1660s that leads nowhere where people maybe
1662s end up in a dinosaur enclosure and get
1664s eaten
1665s oh my god that is a teeny trail to be
1667s added
1669s i won't keep that trail oh let me fix
1672s this more
1674s i'm sorry i was leaning to the side
1676s i'm a leaner as well i need to i always
1678s um
1679s because i'm like blind
1681s i end up like here on the stream trying
1683s to like read my screen i have to keep
1685s thinking like no no just go back go back
1688s don't be like weird right in front of
1689s your webcam
1691s uh we got a question here will there be
1694s more sauropods or feather dinosaurs like
1696s chitta patty or gallimimus i think i
1698s pronounced that right
1700s um
1701s hopefully
1702s no
1703s hope we hope
1707s um yeah but no there will be lots of um
1710s species different dinosaurs and
1711s prehistoric animals added throughout
1713s early access i remember a couple of
1715s months ago i did have a sneak peek
1717s at what animals were going to be
1719s introduced and they do look very very
1721s cool
1725s so this is another example of when we go
1728s to like adhd
1731s and i'm trying to get things like even
1735s so i think because i usually like having
1737s the pathways the same
1744s oh my god it's going to be the bane of
1745s my existence
1747s i was almost going to say what you could
1749s do is do those little corner pieces that
1751s we have and just round it out that way
1755s you get it to like that leading edge of
1757s the prehistoric kingdom sign
1759s so you have an even cut
1761s that way you don't have to be
1763s working too much with the pathing
1770s so wait what did you say to do
1772s uh so you know those floor pieces
1775s that
1776s are sort of corner bits
1778s oh yeah
1779s yeah go around try and do that so that
1782s and like i don't think it's going to fit
1784s exactly it's a it's in the modular
1786s pieces
1790s see those little
1791s no the floors elements these things no
1794s the floors
1798s it's in floors
1801s that's at the far left
1804s it's non-structural elements oh it's
1806s non-structural elements or floors walls
1809s walls
1811s all the way at the top you see those the
1813s first three ones
1815s yeah
1816s yeah yeah
1821s um obviously you might need to do some
1824s resizing and some fixing of it
1829s just because
1830s it may not fit exactly
1835s i mean i could add them kind of here
1838s yeah you could do that
1842s that'll work i think
1847s and then we could just add more plants
1848s here
1850s yeah
1852s yeah yeah that'll work
1856s i wish we had um the same so devs if
1859s you're listening
1860s if the kind of floor items could be the
1863s same pattern as the past
1865s that would be good okay cause that would
1867s that would be we can match up the pads
1873s enter the t-rex down if you dare
1876s uh will the giveaway be in twitch chat
1878s or youtube chat so
1879s i'm streaming on through restream
1883s so it should be available
1885s on both
1887s but just in case i mean you could watch
1889s on both you could have both tabs open
1893s um yeah and then the only two accounts
1895s you'd have two chances of entering
1898s um see i had to play around earlier to
1900s see what i might do so i think
1904s because i do want the path to match
1912s and again i'm not gonna because we could
1914s spend the next hour trying to get it
1915s really even
1916s yeah
1919s so i will try my best
1922s invalid placement
1925s it might be the water
1927s the water oh yeah you're right it might
1929s either be that or there's a wonky slope
1937s disconnecting it
1947s oh yeah i kind of think it is the water
1950s actually
1954s that's okay we'll shoot around
1956s yeah
1960s so anyone else if you're struggling
1961s building with pads if you press c
1965s you'll be able to make a curved path if
1966s you press c again on your keyboard
1969s it'll be straight
1980s okay we'll have to fix up our
1983s our intro in a little while our little
1985s entrance
1986s but basically i want to just have a kind
1988s of like
1989s big
1991s sign here
1996s and then behind i saw a really cool
1998s prefab
2002s oh the observation deck oh no but this
2004s is actually really cool i might have
2005s this
2006s let's take a look inside actually
2008s oh
2010s people are going to be like queuing look
2011s at all the angles you can stare from
2013s this actually should be like a
2014s watchtower for security
2016s there's a lot of uh yeah there are a lot
2019s of binoculars very close together but i
2022s guess it's for a very popular park where
2024s there's people probably queuing lining
2026s up to use each one
2028s um
2029s oh yeah this is another cute information
2033s prefab that i saw
2035s oh we're going international
2038s information
2042s um
2043s where is it
2047s oh yes so this is an observation what do
2050s they call it observation center
2053s which i thought was really really cool
2055s and i think it will make a really cool
2056s extension
2058s pretty just at the entrance
2061s pretty
2063s i like it oh my gosh i love it yeah it's
2066s awesome so i thought oh
2068s that's really cool
2070s that's awesome so shout out if you're in
2072s stream
2073s if you're watching on youtube
2076s um oh i think i have to turn angle
2077s snapped off for this one
2095s just looking through stuff on twitch
2099s uh
2100s would love to see baryonyx or tsukamimus
2103s uh agreed not gonna confirm anything but
2107s i ducamimus is pretty cool even though
2110s it's kind of just a big baryonyx but
2113s super cool animals
2115s i want utah raptors so badly see i feel
2119s weird talking about animals i'd like to
2121s see in prehistoric kingdom because i'm
2122s one of the devs
2124s um anything i say
2126s nothing i say
2127s confirms anything unless i specifically
2130s say that i am confirming things
2132s just want to make that clear we have
2134s like a little disco
2136s oh no
2137s we've got some z fighting it looks like
2139s there's more than one of those little
2141s pieces yeah sometimes if you put a lot
2144s of modular pieces together they like
2146s fight for which one is like
2147s going to be shown oh yeah look at that
2150s yeah there we go
2153s oh yeah there's a double in there
2157s all right
2160s looks like you've got another one i
2161s wonder if
2163s yeah i wonder if it's all or most of
2165s those were doubles on accident
2167s yeah i always do that and sometimes to
2170s make sure i haven't placed the double i
2171s just delete anyway
2173s just to make sure
2176s um i made everything the same color so
2179s also guys if you're not used to the
2180s building
2182s so i've clicked
2183s so we're already editing the group so
2185s i've clicked on this wood piece and then
2187s i can change the color
2190s let's say we change it to blue and then
2192s if i
2193s hold down shift i can select items
2196s so i've selected three more items now
2198s then i can change this color
2200s change it to blue as well if you hold
2202s ctrl c on your keyboard you can copy and
2205s paste this um
2207s the kind of like actual numbered color
2209s up here just in case you're like oh i
2211s really like the color of the wood on
2213s this prefab i want to make my other ones
2215s the exact same like shade so that's how
2217s you can kind of copy and paste the color
2218s in just in case you didn't know
2220s and i'm going to hold down ctrl and z
2222s just to
2224s put it back to its nice natural brown
2229s mammal dude 27 animated we are looking
2231s at prefabs
2236s sorry if i keep interrupting i'm bad at
2238s that
2241s i'm also gonna see if i can replace this
2244s just so we have the path to continue on
2246s just so it looks like it's all like one
2248s piece
2250s so some of it i can use box selection
2252s and others because i'm gonna have to go
2254s quite close
2257s um i'll just select a new shift
2260s uh elazar of 23 i don't know if i
2263s pronounce that correctly nor do i know
2265s if that's supposed to be pronounced at
2266s all uh
2268s we
2269s are in the process of working on
2272s localization and getting the game in
2273s other languages
2275s um
2277s not entirely sure when that will be
2279s finalized but it is something that is
2280s being actively worked on
2283s absolutely yes we want everyone to be
2286s able to play this game
2287s since we launched in early access like
2288s that was one of the first things that um
2291s we started working towards
2293s um
2296s but yeah so probably eventually we'll
2298s definitely have like a few announcements
2300s on social media and it'll probably come
2302s i don't know if it'll come in one of the
2303s updates or if we will just announce it
2305s as soon as it's ready
2307s because it will be cool just to
2310s just have that out there so everyone can
2312s play
2314s it's definitely going to be a big deal
2316s for us it'll increase our
2318s audience for sure and we've had a lot of
2320s people asking for it for good reason
2323s yeah
2326s there's a paleontologist streamer on
2328s this that loves your game oh who
2334s wait
2334s a paleontologist streamer i think i know
2336s what you're talking about
2339s oh see i don't i live under a rock
2344s who are you um
2346s wait where was that oh there hi okay
2348s yes yes so i actually when we launched
2352s into early access or right before we
2354s were going to
2355s um we were chatting with danny in dms
2358s and we said that we'd come on the show
2360s so message saying like his chat or
2363s message
2364s paleontologizing
2366s uh message the host danny and say oh
2367s prehistoric kingdom wants to come on
2369s your stream
2370s um
2371s because we saw his review when um early
2374s access came out yeah we um
2376s he got a key
2378s player came on stream
2380s i was lurking so let's let danny know
2383s that we want to do because i said uh mao
2385s is gonna um do like an interview with
2387s debbie
2389s so if you guys want to see that happen
2392s um let him know we're gonna make mao go
2394s on danny's show
2400s so now we have like a little entrance
2401s set up which i think looks really cute i
2404s love how so these are made by separate
2406s people but i just think the dark wood
2407s just matches really nice and it also
2409s looks nice with our entrance building
2412s and then the path looks nice and it
2415s doesn't look like oh well ignore
2418s to be continued
2419s this little i'm sorry if anyone has ocd
2422s so we'll work on that later so i think
2425s next is i want to set up a little
2427s enclosure so just to the left of here
2430s um
2433s yeah i think i'll start building a
2434s little citakusaurus enclosure kind of
2437s like a pat play pen i want to use the
2439s fencing
2440s because they're very small they only
2442s need a small fence
2444s so i'm going to use the glass fencing
2446s just so all the kids can run up to like
2448s this enclosure like that's why i imagine
2450s when i play it's all about imagination
2454s um
2457s kind of like the groundhogs or the
2459s prairie dogs of the zoo
2461s they're so cute they're one of my
2462s favorites in the game
2464s uh
2471s um
2472s yeah so i want the idea of people come
2474s in and they see oh my god what's going
2475s on over there and they see just the
2477s tiniest little
2479s pirate lizard things crawlings obviously
2481s people
2482s they won't know about dinosaurs they
2484s just heard hey there's dinosaurs back
2487s now dinosaurs are the new thing you know
2489s and like we have to go to that park
2492s but of course
2494s yeah when animal info signs come out
2497s they'll be able to learn
2499s so i think
2500s hopefully the next few weeks um it won't
2503s be the big update with the species but
2504s we will have a small update or patch
2506s with the animal info signs and the new
2508s main menu update
2512s um so first i think i want to start
2515s usually what i do when i build
2516s enclosures is i just start off with a
2518s shape
2520s so i'm going to get the fencing
2526s and i actually want the path to come out
2528s a little bit
2532s i think it might actually curve
2537s oh sorry oh sorry i thought you were
2539s going to read something in the chat
2540s i was oh yeah please continue
2543s but like i said before i'm really bad at
2545s interrupting people don't worry
2547s interrupt me because i'm just blabbing
2548s on trying to think of what to say
2550s because i find out i will get better
2552s at streaming but like building and then
2554s paying attention to chat and like
2556s speaking is difficult so if you could
2559s just chat if you just please interrupt
2561s me cindy and just all right
2563s we'll get that we will eventually get
2565s that conversational cadence maybe i
2567s don't know i i might not um chef the
2570s gamer says do we know how soon we will
2572s see other prehistoric mammals or even
2574s synapsids
2576s um
2577s unsure um a lot of
2580s a lot of the questions and i'm just
2582s going to put this out there about
2582s ariel's other animals aquatics
2586s um it's hard to say
2589s if if and or when
2591s that will happen because we're very
2593s focused on
2596s establishing
2597s what we have now
2599s um
2599s it's certainly a lot of things we really
2602s want to do and we would really like to
2604s have
2605s um
2607s but
2609s as for right now i can't really conform
2611s or deny any timing
2614s on that
2620s oh the head mount for danny has been
2622s contacted fantastic thank you mr fossil
2624s zero one
2626s yes a prehistoric kingdom wants to come
2628s on your stream
2631s uh well at least the invisible friends
2633s get a rework i'd love more clear fences
2635s than having invisible but clearly their
2638s enclosures would be great for an open
2640s world style park
2643s um like glass
2645s are you talking about
2647s having the invisible fencing but like
2650s having markers for it
2655s i guess i'm confused by the question
2659s oh yeah because
2662s we have like the invisible fencing
2664s right if i
2667s get this habitat marker so the untagged
2668s bit of the star if i connect
2672s did that connect
2673s yeah so there that's the habitat
2676s but you do need to block it off with
2678s things um so the animals can't get
2680s through so i think a few people said
2682s that the animals were still um
2685s walking through some things
2687s um
2688s so yeah there probably will still be a
2690s few bugs as we get used
2692s and kind of test habitat markers
2695s about early access
2696s but just you know just pop them back
2698s down in their enclosure just a little
2700s escape
2702s that's a very large enclosure for the
2704s cytokos
2706s i'm conscious that it's not too big
2709s i can make it like a little smaller
2711s actually
2713s you could divide it in two between uh
2716s tacos and protos just depending on how
2719s you want to lay your uh park out because
2721s i'm not sure if you're going to organize
2722s it by like formation
2725s or environment or time period
2728s not too much i think i'm going to
2730s well we heard if the if you
2733s have the chat helps me cause i'm like
2735s what's next okay yeah we can do that
2738s i'll pretend to know exactly
2740s what year we're working on here
2743s okay i'll make it a little bit smaller
2746s but i do want
2748s we want like a little curved one
2752s yeah i do like the curve
2756s i do like when things curve a little bit
2758s oh yeah for sure
2772s okay
2773s i need to brb real quick okay i
2776s apologize
2778s but i will be right back okay
2784s i'm sure the tacos wouldn't mind as much
2786s space as possible i know
2789s because i'm planning on putting like
2790s quite a few
2796s i want to extend this a little bit
2801s so it's a slightly different shape and i
2803s might redo the shapes eventually because
2806s i'm not sure what i want to put behind
2807s here i don't know if i want to like wall
2809s this off
2811s so you can't see like too much of the
2813s park yet so i might kind of
2816s maybe will raise the terrain level
2818s behind and we have like a cool waterfall
2820s or another cool sign that says welcome
2822s to prehistoric kingdom just in case you
2825s didn't realize after the first two
2826s entrance signs
2828s so we'll work on that
2830s now one thing that i often make the
2832s mistake of doing is i get really excited
2834s to build the enclosure
2836s and then
2837s you don't realize how big or small the
2839s animals are if you're scaling things
2842s and then things end up being too big or
2843s too small and then you have to go in and
2845s like re-edit things
2847s so oh
2848s first before we get our animals because
2850s i want to judge the size of things based
2852s on um how big the chocolates are
2855s so a few people have said like oh i
2857s can't access any of the
2859s like the animal nursery so we can't
2861s access that here now because we don't
2863s actually have a nursery in the park yet
2866s so if we go to park infrastructure so
2868s there's some already
2869s there's some prefabs here so there's a
2871s large prefab there's a smaller one
2874s or we can just have these modular pieces
2877s these little modules
2879s we have a small medium and large and
2881s because we're only going to have the
2883s citasaurus now we actually can just get
2885s away with having the small one for now
2887s but if we want to breed any of the
2888s bigger dinosaurs we need either the
2890s medium or the large for the biggest ones
2893s so for now i'm going to put this little
2895s crate here
2899s so i can either click on the crate
2902s and open the nursery from here
2905s so the ones with the little warning
2906s signs the
2908s nursery isn't big enough
2910s to breed these animals but the smaller
2912s ones we can so another way to access the
2915s nursery
2917s if i go into my little nursery status so
2919s the little kind of cracked egg up here
2921s and then we can access the genetic slabs
2924s that's another way
2925s so here's our little
2927s tacos and it also shows the size of them
2930s kind of have like a scary human
2933s lurking
2934s in the background that's mal by the way
2939s he was the model for that
2941s um so i think we'll have like all of
2944s them in this playpen so they can all use
2946s the coastal
2949s um
2950s terrains and biomes
2954s so i'm just gonna do one of each for now
2958s we'll get the boys in first to make sure
2960s it's safe for the ladies
2964s uh
2966s see
2967s ship the gamer is also asking i've also
2970s been dying to know what are your
2971s favorite prehistoric animals in or out
2973s of the game
2974s um
2975s that's a hard question to ask because i
2977s like i i like many yeah
2980s um yeah i love i always love dryasaurus
2983s i was so excited
2985s when we had dry out in early access
2987s because i just think they're just
2988s they're so cute like the go-to like if
2989s you just like were to imagine like
2991s imagine a dinosaur but like he's a
2992s little baby and it's like it's
2993s dryosaurus i like the tacosaurus and
2996s then coelophysis i think i said in the
2998s last stream some of the animations have
3000s made me fall in love
3001s with the see though so i'm actually so
3004s excited he's going to be my new fave i
3006s think so i'm really excited actually i
3008s think i want to build like a tunnel
3010s oh
3011s secret tunnels that like the ceilings
3013s have built to like sneak around to get
3016s into like other enclosures and maybe to
3018s get like snacks from like the
3019s restaurants and stuff
3021s so i want to have them always sneak out
3023s in this park
3024s the skins are insane thank you yes let's
3026s take another look actually because
3028s they're really cool
3031s hi
3033s i
3035s in
3036s i can't really say any one particular
3038s animal but i can certainly say groups of
3040s animals
3041s i will never not love ceratopsians
3044s specifically
3046s um centrosaurians i really like
3048s centrosaurians gasmusorians are cool too
3050s but
3051s i like centrosaurians a little bit more
3054s um
3055s nerd alert over here
3058s uh
3060s but i also really like some of the
3062s synopsids
3064s i'm not as nerdy about synapses as i am
3067s about some dinosaurs but i like este
3070s minosucus
3071s um as the minosukas is very cute and
3073s it's fun to say
3076s i also like some of the early not almost
3079s whale whales like
3081s pacquiacitus and ambu ambulacitus
3084s the weird-looking
3087s seal
3088s weasel
3089s creatures
3090s uh andrew sarkis and the group of
3093s mammals it belongs to are really
3095s interesting because they're carnivores
3096s but they have hooves
3100s really weird they're cute i almost don't
3101s want to say anything in case i give
3103s anything away but i did oh i read a fact
3106s it was an animal that went extinct just
3108s like 100 years ago and he was kind of
3109s like a fox almost made like stripes oh
3112s does anyone know what i'm talking about
3113s i saw that
3115s maybe he kind of looked like a coyote
3117s fox and at the end towards his tail he
3119s had kind of like it was almost like
3121s stripes
3122s and it sounds like stylistic i think so
3124s yeah like a wolf coyote
3127s tasmanian wolf yeah yes that was it yeah
3129s yep by the side it looked really cute
3132s it did it's very upsetting that it died
3134s um there's a lot of
3136s there's a lot of recent extinctions that
3138s make me very upset um i don't know
3141s if they would have been really annoying
3143s but i am upset about the passenger
3144s pigeons
3145s not being around anymore
3147s because apparently they used to just
3150s cover the east coast in clouds of
3153s uh migrating creatures and that would
3155s have been really interesting
3158s thanks victorians and edwardians and
3160s your love of feather hats that was
3162s wonderful
3163s um
3164s and the carolina parakeet
3166s i'm really upset about both of those
3169s yeah i'm really worried there's um like
3171s loads of
3172s rhinos probably going to be extinct yeah
3174s probably i mean i'm pretty sure the
3176s black rhino is already functionally
3178s extinct in the wild if not fully extinct
3181s in the wild
3182s and
3183s one of the
3184s populations of white rhino is getting
3186s real close to it which is
3188s really upsetting because i love rhinos
3194s yeah i also love um
3197s hippos when you see like little baby
3198s hippos swimming
3200s for the first time
3202s i would like hippos
3204s if they weren't
3207s didn't have horrific personalities i was
3209s thinking like are they like
3211s though yes
3213s [Music]
3216s um so
3218s quickly what i'm doing is i'm just
3220s raising some of the terrain just to get
3222s a little bit more
3223s kind of depth within
3226s the enclosure
3228s i might change a few things so i'm
3230s thinking i want to have
3232s maybe a little water area here maybe
3234s there could be oh there's also another
3237s really cool um item it was like an
3239s enrichment food item that i want to
3240s place in the enclosure
3242s and yeah just going to be a cute little
3244s area a little playpen where people can
3246s take a look at their first dinosaur
3255s uh ship the gamer says again i heard
3257s there's a company working on bringing
3259s them back from extinction uh from
3261s context i think that means the thylacine
3264s interesting
3266s i wonder how they're going to go about
3267s doing that
3269s i know with the attempts to de-extinct
3271s the mammoth
3273s they want to use asian elephants as
3275s surrogates
3276s so i wonder how they're actually gonna
3278s do
3278s deal with that with this thylacine
3280s because that was a marsupial and not a
3281s placental mammal
3293s the northern white rhino
3296s i think if it's
3298s think in the wild
3300s yeah that's just one of the chats um
3304s that sounds right
3318s so i'm gonna start to place the water so
3320s i know
3321s stop the source they don't need that
3323s much water but because i built quite a
3325s big enclosure because there's probably
3326s gonna be like at least six of them in
3328s there
3330s um oh i don't know can anyone hear nigel
3332s in the game
3333s let me just close them off there oh one
3336s thing guys that i am going to bring to
3337s the streams is i'm going to have nigel
3339s soundbites
3340s so
3342s i'm going to have a nice fun one or two
3344s days just listening to loads of nigel
3346s audio
3347s from everywhere and i'm gonna
3350s have a few good ones just with him
3351s saying just like oh that looks great or
3354s look at that dinosaur and i'm like
3356s thanks nigel so nigel one way or another
3359s will be part of the streams and then one
3361s day
3361s because i know nano or byron um speaks
3364s to nigel and he sends him all like the
3367s script that we need for recording so i'm
3369s gonna slip in like a few lines
3372s we need to get nigel sing like gg
3375s and just like
3377s just like oh my gosh
3379s maybe in a couple of months we'll get
3381s them saying like a few gamer terms we'll
3383s see oh my gosh
3385s we'll see that would be so wholesome
3388s so that's that's my dream for these
3389s streams guys
3391s um
3393s oh yeah so
3395s we need some water so if we click on the
3398s animal and we can click on what they
3399s want in their habitat so we'll just
3403s so yeah so okay luckily they can use a
3405s lot of forest which is good i like using
3407s a lot of like trees just because i think
3408s it fills out the enclosure and just
3410s looks really pretty and they can
3411s actually have a good bit of water so we
3413s can
3414s make kind of like a big lake
3416s most of the time i just go with the calm
3418s water just because it looks like very
3420s pretty
3429s jacob
3431s how big is your team on the game i
3434s want to say it's around 15 people
3437s um
3438s but that's overall
3440s um
3442s i would say we have
3444s anywhere between five and six very
3446s active dips
3459s i remember i don't know if it was like a
3461s slight bug or because i did the first um
3464s on youtube there is a satakosaurus let's
3466s build
3467s and i had the enclosure real small
3469s because i was trying to get like a
3470s perfect circle and it just ended up
3473s being very very small
3475s um
3476s and then what happened was because it
3478s was real small i was putting in the
3480s water and they they needed like i would
3483s just do the tiniest dot and it was like
3485s too much they're like no no we're not
3487s happy we can't do this so i think i just
3489s couldn't show
3490s um the animals like habitat needs
3492s because i was like they're not gonna
3494s look happy
3495s um
3497s yeah luckily this one is much bigger so
3499s they can have like kind of a big
3500s swimming pool i kind of almost think
3501s they could drown in this though
3504s so maybe they need some little taco life
3507s jackets
3508s and then we'll have kind of a smaller
3509s area i also want a little kind of
3511s housing for them i'm going to show you
3513s the cool housing oh no i did show you in
3515s the prefabs
3518s so where is that oh this is really
3519s really cool
3521s zero one says any needs on a coffee
3523s delivery person fly me over from
3525s pennsylvania well mr fossil zero one uh
3528s you're gonna have some difficulty uh
3530s getting all of our orders we are
3533s everywhere yeah on the planet
3535s we've got it everywhere
3537s uh
3539s kind of everywhere in every in every
3540s single time zone
3542s so you may have to pull some santa claus
3544s magic and do that
3546s yeah i'm in the uk cindy's in virginia
3549s but now in romania um nathan's actually
3552s in england as well
3554s not who's in australia everyone is
3556s spread out everywhere
3559s um oh yeah so check out this guys this
3561s is like a really cute
3563s kind of enrichment feeder
3565s that i had a look at earlier
3567s and i feel so cute and i that's very
3570s cute yeah
3572s they actually i've seen them climb up
3574s oh my goodness cute so i'm really
3577s excited to have this in the enclosure
3579s and then we have some cute little
3581s kind of huts for them to sleep in
3583s closure floating a little bit
3600s oh one there we go
3601s you'll you guys will see oh look look at
3603s this greedy little piggy coming over to
3605s the food straight away
3608s look at him
3610s they always look so sneaky they do like
3611s a cute little pose to the side
3614s also the taco poop is like huge
3618s that cabbage is huge i'm just looking
3621s now looking at the cabbage and then at
3623s the taco that cabbage is huge
3626s i think he's gonna come oh yeah this is
3628s the little funny pose that they do where
3630s they look to the side oh no he's not
3632s doing it anymore i just think it's so
3634s funny it's like they see the camera and
3635s they're like hey it's like you know the
3637s way nowadays babies when you put a phone
3639s like in front of their face they smile
3641s and laugh because parents put phones in
3643s for the baby's face like smile smile
3645s smell so now apparently if you have a
3647s kid or a baby now
3649s they know when they see a phone in their
3650s face to like smile
3652s so i like to think the little tacos know
3654s when people
3656s are there all like oohing and owling at
3658s them they like to do a little cute
3661s like big hands and poses yeah
3664s i don't know if anyone else um so a good
3666s few years ago i went to like i was 18 19
3669s i went to a petting zoo
3671s um well kind of it was like a little
3672s farm and we were hoping that there'd be
3674s like kittens there but i don't think the
3675s kittens were there but what they did
3676s have was
3677s a lot of goats so they had adult goats
3680s in the field but also they had the
3682s cutest baby goats and baby goats are so
3685s so cute these are cute
3689s they're the cute they really are cute
3690s the adults whoever they got those demon
3692s eyes going on
3694s they've lost some cuteness
3697s maybe you still like goats i had a girl
3698s in school if i'd like goats
3700s i i like goats i think they're really
3702s cute
3704s i can get over the demon eyes because
3706s horses have those eyes too kind of like
3709s i
3710s i can get over that i think sheep have
3712s those as a lot of grazing animals have
3714s the big rectangle pupils yeah so what
3717s happened was um i'm gonna try and talk
3720s until the same time oh look see you guys
3723s look at this poop like i feel like yeah
3726s we need to scale that like we either
3728s need to scale that or there's something
3730s up with this diet because that ain't
3731s right that is not right
3734s maybe he actually ate a taco and had to
3736s go to the bathroom
3738s oh no
3740s anyway so i was we were playing with the
3742s baby goats and i think
3744s what happens is the older goats don't
3747s get as much attention
3749s and so when you're playing with the baby
3751s goats and you always have like a kind of
3752s fence like a metal chain link kind of
3755s fence in between you
3757s and
3758s the we were playing with the baby goats
3760s and the big goats would come along and
3762s they would like bash into like the chain
3764s link because they wanted to be pet they
3766s were like craving attention it's
3767s actually kind of sad because like i
3769s don't know some people find them ugly
3771s and they're a little dirtier and they
3772s got strange eyes they're not cool baby
3775s goats i'd give them attention they start
3777s to get actually like aggressive though
3779s with you because they want like
3781s attention they start like hitting the
3782s baby goat so it's very very sad
3784s um so yeah so don't forget like don't
3787s just play with the babies guys don't
3789s just adopt me babies
3791s play with your thoughts oh this is one
3793s attention too
3797s a friend of mine
3799s had a small farm with chickens and goats
3802s and
3804s um
3805s i don't know if saying that i used to
3807s raise chickens with her is accurate
3809s um i had some chickens and i helped
3812s take care of them and take care of her
3814s chickens occasionally too
3816s but i was out there a lot
3818s anyway um she had a goat
3821s his name was hercules and he was a very
3823s sweet goat he had these little horns and
3826s he knew exactly what he was doing
3828s he would lower his head
3830s and like angle and you could see his
3832s eyes looking at it he was calculating he
3834s would angle his horn and put it through
3835s your belt loop and then try to toss you
3838s that is sneaky
3841s very sneaky very cheeky
3845s did he know he like wasn't supposed to
3847s do that though absolutely
3849s yeah of course he did he's a goat
3853s one thing our cat nyx does is because
3855s for ages we're like she's such a good
3857s cat like she doesn't misbehave
3859s but then we saw she knows she's not
3861s supposed to go up on the counter top she
3862s can jump up anywhere else but just the
3864s countertops or like the table she can't
3866s go on and we notice so i play i get um
3870s it's actually just like a like a little
3872s pipe cleaner and it's like a meta
3874s twistal thing it has like a little hoop
3876s at the end so i actually get like very
3878s washing up liquid a bit of water and i
3880s use that to like blow bubbles and she
3881s chases them
3882s and i often leave the little spoolie
3885s pipe cleaner in the mug and i'll leave
3887s it like on the counter cause i'm like oh
3888s i might play with her later and what she
3890s does is when we're not there she jumps
3892s up on the counter
3893s to get the little straw and we just find
3896s it on the floor and we almost never
3897s catch her but she knows she's not
3900s supposed to go up there and she only
3901s does it when we're not in the room
3903s oh absolutely because she knows she's
3904s not supposed to be up there like the
3906s first time where we saw her misbehaving
3912s so right now i'm just gonna play around
3914s with so yeah i'm sticking with the
3916s coastal terrains and biomes
3921s and i'm just kind of spreading blending
3923s a few things in i'll go back in with the
3925s grass to blend
3927s just so where we place rocks around the
3928s water
3931s it'll look a bit better
3934s we do a bit more so there's like almost
3936s like a little walkway between like the
3939s little pawns
3943s i had a question here how long do you
3945s tend to spend when decorating or setting
3947s up an enclosure for me personally it's
3949s however long my attention
3950s can be held
3952s like i've done quick ones where they
3954s actually turned out really nice within
3956s like 10 minutes and then sometimes i try
3958s ages to build something really nice and
3960s it's just like not working
3964s i usually end up spending a lot more
3966s time
3967s designing the environments
3969s and building a really nice environment
3972s and forest and place to be
3975s and then i forget like it's park
3977s and i have to put stuff in there and i
3979s kind of just throw throws stuff together
3984s pretty much
3998s so where did all of our
4000s why is there just one
4003s where did the other tacos go
4006s are they
4006s are they in their little hut
4008s they might maybe
4011s oh i thought there was cameras in the
4012s hut i was like we'll get some some
4014s privacy
4016s oh they're not on the hub
4018s here oh maybe he's just oh they're here
4020s oh look guys one of them is on the
4022s little thing oh goodness
4025s oh my goodness very cute
4028s he's like a little stuck but that's okay
4031s he'll he'll work his way out
4034s hopefully
4037s cute
4038s i love when a pet like uses
4040s something that you buy them
4042s yes
4044s my roommate's cat has actually started
4046s using the cat bed that they bought her
4049s and now she never leaves it she loves
4051s that cat bed that's so cute
4054s [Music]
4063s i need to extend this a little bit just
4065s so it reaches around
4069s but these like curved ones
4075s maybe if i like angle it
4078s yeah rosie sorry if i'm moving around a
4080s little bit too much i am slouching and
4082s that's hurting my back
4085s i must left her too i have to keep
4086s remembering not to slouch
4089s right and he's doubly important to me
4092s all the time
4093s oh yeah
4095s i'm actually considering like getting
4098s like a corset made for back support so
4101s that it forces me to like sit upright
4105s um i've got one of those little
4107s harnesses that works on your shoulders
4110s but i think i also need
4112s like something to work on the my core
4114s and my neck
4115s up getting one of the harness things
4116s just to help me like straighten up a bit
4119s yeah i've got one and it works really
4122s well for my shoulders because it forces
4123s me to pull my shoulders back
4127s and it's especially important that i
4129s learn how to
4131s continually sit up straight because i'm
4133s riding horses now
4135s and you have to be straight all of the
4137s time when you're on them
4139s or you will fall
4141s you do not want to fall on a horse
4145s have you gone pretty fast on the horse
4147s yet do you think uh
4149s um well last lesson
4153s uh i
4154s may have
4156s asked
4157s the horse to trot a little bit too
4159s energetically and i didn't my reins were
4162s short enough
4163s so he just bolted
4166s um i don't think he got into a canter
4168s but he got into a really fast rot and i
4171s was able to slow him down but
4175s it was a little
4176s it would have been fun had i had control
4178s of the horse but it was not fun because
4180s i did not have control of the horse
4187s eventually i would like to go a bit
4188s faster it is
4190s fun
4192s very fun i always think um like when
4194s you're learning something like that like
4195s for instance
4197s um i was doing snowboarding for the
4198s first time and i thought i was going
4200s really fast and then i watched a video
4202s of myself snowboarding and i was going
4204s so snow i was like the terminator
4207s emerging from water slow like going down
4210s like a hill
4212s and i was like i thought it was going
4213s really fast
4215s i'm like i oh my god the little kids
4219s on their school trip were going way
4220s faster than me
4222s i don't think i'll ever go into a gallop
4224s on a horse because that's just a little
4226s bit too much and uh
4229s getting a little old to injure myself
4232s but i'd probably do a canter
4244s so um if i want as most people know who
4247s play pk is so i was placing the trees
4249s down just one at a time just because i
4251s like to space them out and mix them up a
4253s bit but if i just change the size and
4255s density i can select a few trees
4259s and if you want to just quickly fill an
4261s enclosure
4263s you can just paint loads of trees down
4270s it's really hard for me to like
4273s work
4274s and stay in the frame and not look gross
4277s and disgusting in the webcam frame at
4279s the same time
4281s are you working on something top secret
4284s yes
4285s sure i am
4292s okay we'll tell you i'm just kidding
4294s no we're we're not telling you
4296s one day this is not happening i'm hoping
4298s to do we'll do a couple of reveal
4300s streams
4302s soon that'll be fun um but guys new
4304s species will be announced
4307s when the upcoming species are released
4309s into the game
4313s everyone's like okay well i'm just gonna
4314s go there
4317s uh will there be map expansions that you
4319s can research and buy in campaign story
4321s mode i don't know if we have that in
4323s particular planned out i'd have to
4325s double check
4327s um i'm not sure
4330s dldr
4342s so oh my god
4344s these guys are just gonna drown
4347s oh no
4350s yeah i noticed you had the um you had
4352s the depth set at like the default it it
4355s was like pretty deep because i was like
4356s okay they want more water let me just
4358s make it deeper for them
4360s but you know
4361s animal swimming locomotion is coming out
4364s in the next next update look at me spine
4367s maybe we gave them a few extra jeans to
4369s help them breathe underwater
4371s we gave them fish jeans yeah we just
4373s gave them some gills
4375s yeah that's fine look at that you can go
4377s back for more food
4380s um to quickly clean up your enclosure
4383s guys you can either
4385s let's see in animal care
4388s in enrichment we can
4390s pop down this dung beetle nest
4393s so they'll clean up the poop or
4396s to quickly get rid of it
4397s if you just
4398s click on the habitat perimeter and just
4401s right here just clean exhibit dunk it
4402s does cost money
4404s but i'm more of a person like i'd rather
4406s just spend the money
4409s obviously if you're playing challenge
4410s mode because right now we're just doing
4411s sandbox you might want to save your
4413s pennies
4415s um so now i'm just going to place down a
4417s few oh we've been going for over an hour
4418s okay so we'll just play for like another
4420s 10 minutes and then we'll do our
4421s giveaway so stay tuned guys we're gonna
4423s be doing a giveaway very soon
4426s um as far as i know it should show up on
4428s both twitch on youtube but definitely
4430s twitch
4432s so hop into the twitch chat or at least
4434s open a tab if you're not on twitch
4436s already
4437s um yes i want to place a few rocks down
4440s in the enclosure and then we'll probably
4441s have to do some finishing touches next
4443s week
4449s so i want to make it a lighter color
4451s actually we can probably choose the
4452s color afterwards
4459s and i don't want the rocks to be too big
4462s because these dinos are small
4467s so one of the best things in pk building
4470s is our scaling
4473s oh yeah the scaling is great
4475s it's very very handy
4482s can't they swim or only above a certain
4484s depth no they can't swim yet so um
4487s they can kind of walk you can place them
4489s in like very very shallow water
4491s um and they'll just sometimes they'll
4493s walk through or underwater
4495s they're always supposed to do that um
4498s but yeah until we add swimming into the
4500s game
4501s they might just go for a little
4503s underwater scuba dive for a little while
4507s oh there's a pink rug
4517s mr fossil one says oh shoot i forgot i
4520s had leftovers in my microwave i feel
4522s that you left it in your microwave
4529s strange what i'm actually starving what
4531s is everyone having for dinner later
4536s i am currently slow cooking
4539s some seasoned
4541s and browned chicken in
4545s with
4546s uh
4547s obviously seasonings and some vegetables
4550s very nice
4551s i think i might be having a
4554s vegan burger
4557s a vegan burger nando sauce avocado
4561s it is good oh look guys he's coming to
4563s check out the rocks
4565s oh my god you look so happy
4570s step the gamer i'm working in a kitchen
4572s at the moment i don't want to think
4573s about food or power to you if you have
4575s the gamer
4576s uh
4578s hope you can get some good sleep there
4585s so some of our rocks keep turning pink
4587s but that's okay
4589s so we'll edit them all shortly
4594s okay
4596s so all these rocks so in case anyone
4598s doesn't know
4600s so
4601s i've clicked and these three rocks
4603s highlighted so they are grouped
4605s i wanna add this one so i'm gonna hold
4608s down shift and click on it and then say
4610s merge groups so now that's all a group
4613s so now we can edit the group and we can
4615s change the color
4619s maybe a little darker a little warmer
4624s something like that for now
4630s i love when the rocks go in the
4631s enclosure as well because that just
4634s makes it look a bit prettier like who
4635s would think rock is pretty
4638s me
4639s i was about to say there's a lot of very
4641s pretty rocks
4642s in fact there are entire industries
4644s based off of pretty rocks
4649s i actually what i use the kind of small
4651s cluster for is if you scale it and then
4654s like sink it in
4656s it can actually sometimes look really
4658s really good
4659s yeah they look really good as like
4662s floor especially if you flatten them
4665s yeah they can look really good for
4667s like
4668s floors for paths or for um although i
4671s don't think that works anymore because
4672s we disabled padding on rocks i think
4675s um or like
4677s under the water
4686s but yeah scaling with the rocks
4688s is really
4690s scaling and rotating with rocks is
4692s really key to making um cliffsides and
4694s other things in your environment look
4696s natural because it is varied and chaotic
4699s instead of the same thing over and over
4701s again
4709s okay i'll add a few rocks and then we'll
4711s quickly add in a few of the enrichment
4714s items
4715s love the way your game looks good luck
4716s and have an amazing day thank you so
4718s much
4719s doctor oh my god a doctor said that
4727s 2 a.m over here oh my god thank you for
4729s watching our stream oh yeah
4736s yeah we can always um adjust the times a
4738s little bit i think because
4740s it's like
4741s 20 past five and evening where i am it's
4743s probably after
4745s 12 noon where cindy is at the moment
4749s even though i'm yawning like i've never
4752s slept before in my life
4763s hard though because i i'd like nano to
4765s be
4766s on more of these but
4769s he's in australia so
4770s yeah he has a hard it's like the most
4773s complicated time is nanos because it's
4775s so
4778s it's opposite of whatever one person
4780s will have to be up at like a weird time
4785s between like europe and north america
4787s it's like it's not opposite it's
4789s slightly shifted at most by six hours
4793s but typically
4795s i have found when i'm awake people in
4797s europe are awake and when people are
4799s here for a week i tend to be awake
4801s but
4803s thanos got the difficulty of being on
4805s the other side of the planet more or
4807s less
4808s and he's got a 12 hour difference
4811s ish
4817s actually on my phone i have um for the
4820s time i just have a ton of clocks that
4823s just
4824s are
4825s roughly the same time zones as most of
4827s the devs
4829s that way i can
4831s have a good idea
4833s of when everyone's awake
4835s ish pretty good
4836s keeping tabs on everyone
4838s yes
4839s i am
4848s okay so now i just want to make all
4850s these rocks the same color
4855s and our little enclosure is slowly
4857s coming together so i'll quickly just
4859s place a few of the enrichment items down
4861s so obviously at the moment it's just for
4862s decoration because the animals aren't
4864s going to interact with it but oh my god
4866s this guy is walking on this again
4868s oh this is so good guys get this from
4870s the steam workshop because this is like
4872s really cute
4875s he's trying to get the food oh
4878s sleeping
4880s i think all the all the animals look
4882s really really cute when they're sleeping
4884s but
4885s the mammoths look like they're dead
4889s they look so cute sometimes but a lot of
4890s people post screenshots and it just
4892s looks like an unfortunate photo of a
4894s mammoth that's like no right oh don't
4896s post it
4897s [Music]
4899s it looks so sad i need to post as a
4901s screenshot saturday and i'm always
4902s tempted to but i'm just like is it too
4904s dark but i know so if you guys see it on
4907s saturday
4908s uh it's just a little joke just some
4910s just some fun photos
4912s um okay i cannot
4914s i cannot stop yawning
4916s i guess i need to need to have drank
4919s more tea this morning you're gonna make
4921s everyone yawn
4923s so these are some real cool items
4926s i wonder i'll just change
4939s there's a box of balls
4953s i think so
4956s um there's also a mini one
4960s there's a really cute little kind of
4961s like string or
4964s a little kind of ball like they can play
4965s kind of what do you call it volleyball
4967s or what's the
4969s what's that
4970s yeah tetherball we don't have that
4972s that's an american thing
4974s oh it's a lot of fun
4977s i still don't know what the rules are oh
4979s also i found this enrichment item as
4981s well which is really nice
4984s so i think it'll kind of go with our
4985s little kind of wood
4987s foresty theme so we can kind of place
4988s that next week as well
4990s there's another enrichment item if you
4992s want to play tetherball but with a box
4996s because we should actually put this in
4997s the
4999s in this smiley and habitat because cats
5001s love boxes and they'll probably do yes i
5004s love trying to get the box oh he's
5005s coming over already
5007s like new toys for me
5010s and then when we actually have our
5011s little kind of maybe information center
5013s set up i also have a little pc that
5015s someone has made little monitor
5017s we have the card machine that needs to
5019s be scaled down
5021s or you can leave it big
5024s but this is actually really cool as well
5025s i've also seen
5027s people making just like little shoe
5028s boxes and toys that are extremely
5030s detailed and it just looks so cool
5033s oh my god i just realized what i need to
5035s make
5037s um when i was a very small baby cindy
5040s like three years old one of the malls
5043s that we used to frequent
5045s had a play place and it was all
5047s oversized breakfast foods
5050s and i loved going to that mall because i
5051s loved to play on the oversized breakfast
5054s foods the banana was lovely uh the
5057s pancakes were fun
5058s i also really liked the bowl of cereal
5061s but the waffle
5063s hated the waffle it kept tripping me
5065s every time every time i went to play on
5067s the waffle it would trip me i hate that
5069s waffle
5071s find it and burn it
5074s they've gotten rid of it i think because
5076s enough children injured themselves
5078s horrifically on it there were a lot of
5080s concussions
5081s um
5082s the 90s were a time
5089s so just quickly so we might change it up
5091s oh there's a big log
5093s i don't know it's fine you can stay
5094s there
5095s so just to get an idea we'll have
5096s something kind of nice in the background
5098s that also kind of closes off let me give
5100s you this
5101s that closes off the park a little bit so
5103s you don't see two ahead so just straight
5105s away we've said earlier you kind of just
5107s see the cute little dinosaurs to give
5109s you a taste of what's to come in the
5110s prehistoric park and then you have the
5112s really cool kind of information center
5114s where you can book tickets for shows i
5116s wonder what kind of shows would there be
5117s a prehistoric
5119s like zoos
5124s good
5125s question
5127s i mean there could be just they'll just
5128s come out and walk around like do you
5129s think dinosaurs would actually learn
5131s tricks definitely some of the probably
5133s the mammals the prehistoric mammals
5135s could probably
5136s i'm sure some of the uh more clever ones
5139s could be trainable i mean
5141s hell crocodiles are trainable
5145s feeding show would be cute archaeopteryx
5147s hawk show yeah for sure like they do
5149s with the penguins with the zoo that do
5151s feeding shows
5154s microraptor
5155s oh that would be very cute
5157s oh yeah you know i
5159s did something like that with the owls
5161s and you
5162s you wear the gloves and then they'll
5163s come and they'll fly to you that's so
5165s cool
5166s that would be good yeah i think maybe
5168s next week we'll finish up the enclosure
5170s here maybe do a bit of a background and
5172s then because i really want to use
5174s one of the prefabs if anybody wants to
5177s make um
5180s kind of like a dark wood like this avery
5183s um you could upload it to the steam
5184s workshop we might use that or i might
5186s stick with this little dome
5188s that people can go into
5190s and then the avery's are already in
5191s there and then we can decorate in here
5194s that's what we can do next week so i'm
5196s going to switch back
5199s to
5200s full screen
5204s and we're going to do our giveaway so
5206s hopefully
5208s there's one with a spinosaurus skeleton
5211s hello clem you just came to the chat
5214s i saw a feeding show with train
5215s crocodiles oh that's scary
5220s uh okay guys so i'm gonna switch over to
5223s mobot
5225s and i'm gonna host a giveaway so yes the
5227s it is gonna be a game key
5233s my joke was to say a game that wasn't
5234s prehistoric kingdom at first
5238s we're giving away a key to crusader
5240s kings three we're going to do a crusader
5242s king's three today
5244s um yeah no it's going to be the
5246s prehistoric kingdom of of course
5249s so it's just going to be randomly
5250s generated from the chat you will have to
5252s say a word so let me just set that up
5255s but how is every it's tuesday how is
5257s everybody's week been going
5263s we've been having
5264s an okay week so far
5268s um just setting up some rules
5278s mr fossil001 says decent cool decent
5282s someone's saying join planet zookey no
5285s it's gonna be pkk
5288s next week maybe we'll get a crusader
5290s king
5293s uh
5294s who's gonna be the dinosaur pope
5299s i bet you it's dynacares he looks popey
5302s yeah maybe actually
5304s he actually scares me too i think i i
5306s can have a fear of birds because my my
5309s mother did and i was like well what
5311s happened to you did you get like chased
5312s by a chicken when you were younger and
5314s she was like yes i was like
5315s sorry
5316s oh yeah absolutely roosters could be
5319s very sweet or gigantic
5323s the spurs will draw blood
5326s okay so guys to enter
5329s um you have to say pk scam
5332s so that's the uh
5334s the keyword
5337s so does that come up for everybody
5341s oh yeah entries are coming in so i'll
5343s let that play for a minute
5349s i love this funny i know we were
5351s thinking we were like what's the word
5353s going to be for the giveaway and at
5355s first cindy was like do they have to
5356s guess the word like what if nobody
5358s guesses it's like no no no we'll tell
5359s them the word to say first
5362s uh
5362s let the
5364s giveaway keep running guys so you can
5365s keep entering
5367s um but yeah it was going to be like
5369s dinosaur or i can't think of anything
5370s else like
5372s pk scam it has to be pk scam so
5376s excited if people are watching is it
5379s working on youtube did it also show up
5380s on youtube oh somebody said they also
5382s got chased by a chicken yeah there used
5384s to be a lot of no there still is
5385s seagulls on my street because it's not
5387s too far away from the beach
5389s where the ocean is
5390s so they live up on the rooftops and
5393s people like our next-door neighbors
5394s started feeding the seagulls but then
5396s they got so vicious like we had to feed
5398s our cats inside because they would come
5399s down and try and like
5402s attack people
5404s seagulls are scary they can like break
5405s your neck you know
5407s i don't like geese or swans
5410s they choose violence every day
5417s okay finish finishing up the draw soon
5420s guys so um
5422s the winner will be announced in chat i
5424s think
5425s and then um
5427s what i'll do is i'll send you a message
5429s and then after the stream
5431s um i'll send you a key and it'll be a
5433s steam key
5436s okay the winner is
5442s fungal sarah tops
5445s congratulations
5448s okay so you are on are you on twitch
5452s let me just see if i can find you and
5454s i'll just
5454s send you like a quick whisper
5466s uh shep the gamer says don't laugh i'm
5468s afraid of bunnies rabbits i owned i
5471s owned rabbits and their bites are real
5475s uh they can be sweet but they can bite
5478s like real hard yeah it it does hurt
5481s quite a bit
5484s um
5485s i use soda
5486s uh on an iguana and you have to be
5488s really careful with their bites you will
5490s get stitches
5494s um so anyone that anyway thanks everyone
5496s for watching today's stream i'm just
5498s gonna
5500s open up the chat because i'm on the
5502s restream chat so i'll just go to fungal
5506s and i'll whisper you from the pk oh
5509s there we go
5513s okay so after the stream i'm going to
5514s send you your game key
5517s if we go back oh our little trailer's
5519s gone little fancy trailer let me replay
5521s that but anyway guys thanks so much for
5523s joining our first kind of let's build
5526s let's play stream where we're pretty
5527s much just gonna be building a park for
5529s the next couple of weeks thanks so much
5531s to cindy for joining me i thought i was
5532s going to be by myself today um so we'll
5535s be back next tuesday we're going to be
5536s streaming from tuesdays from now on just
5538s because the way the kind of calendar
5540s worked it was kind of either going to be
5541s a monday or tuesday so i just settled on
5543s tuesdays
5544s and we'll be back at 4pm gmt so
5547s basically this time an hour and a half
5550s ago we'll be streaming
5552s so thanks everyone again for watching
5554s we'll be playing again next week and
5555s there'll be another giveaway next week
5556s so if you're sad that you didn't win or
5558s you couldn't give away the game to your
5559s friend maybe because maybe obviously
5561s you're you keep talking about
5562s prehistoric kingdom it's the best game
5563s ever and you just want everyone to play
5565s um right so we'll be doing another
5567s giveaway next week
5569s so again thank you all for watching
5571s we'll be back next week bye
5577s [Music]
5633s [Applause]
5639s [Music]
5660s you