about 2 years
ago -
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Hey, thanks for your feedback, we're glad to hear you're having a better experience with the game now than at launch!
On the topic of UI bugs, I am always fixing as many as possible, especially on the excavations unlocking front, although those are especially hard to track down. We're hoping to make things more stable with each passing release.
You'll also be happy to know that we've recently been giving our costs and general economy a bit of a balancing pass, as things are not forgiving enough, especially in the early game at the moment. Continued player feedback is really important in this regard, since you guys are best at letting us know what works and what doesn't.
Thank you for the support and patience!
On the topic of UI bugs, I am always fixing as many as possible, especially on the excavations unlocking front, although those are especially hard to track down. We're hoping to make things more stable with each passing release.
You'll also be happy to know that we've recently been giving our costs and general economy a bit of a balancing pass, as things are not forgiving enough, especially in the early game at the moment. Continued player feedback is really important in this regard, since you guys are best at letting us know what works and what doesn't.
Thank you for the support and patience!