about 2 years ago - Mau - Direct link
Originally posted by Paddy (Irish):
Originally posted by Nederbeest: They have nailed the building / designing aspect of the game, so the creative people will get their worth out of it. Being able to scale things is a godsend and gamechanger as you can use less modular items to build something.

Anything else is barebones and basic and there is no management available in the current Beta build (there will be with Early Access, but probably basic). Animal AI is also very basic so don't expect too much of this at launch (although this could have been improved significantly by then, but I doubt that). Guests are just mindless drones wandering around not interacting with anything in your park (personally I think they should not make them individuals with unique needs as this will only add strain to an already demanding game, the focus should always be on the AI of the animals). What I do love is the fact guests and animals can walk on modular items. If they can walk on it, they will, making custom build elevated paths and bridges possible. Animals can even walk in buildings. My Protoceratops Enclosure is a mixed indoor/outdoor habitat with sleeping pen and keeper building. The little ceratopsians can easily find their way through the building to outside and vice versa (which I love watching).

As some people have already made gigantic parks with custom buildings you could see that the game had problems running properly by then with crashes (even on beasts of pc's). So enormous parks that fill the already gigantic map (which is 5 times bigger than the biggest maps in JWE2) will most likely break your game or make it unplayable (so not recommended) and that's in Beta. Your graphics card and computer will also most likely melt by the sheer heat. I have a pretty good graphics card and beast of a pc that can brute force most games (which can run Cyberpunk with a stable framerate with raytracing on without it melting, but this game can make my graphics card sweat bullets).
I'm running the game on the highest settings, and it runs pretty good, but it makes my fans run on maximum. This can be improved in time though.

For now it's fun for the creative type of players. If you are looking for a wildlife simulator with state of the art AI you'll probably be dissapointed. This game is foremost a zoo/park builder at heart. People should keep that in mind.

Disappointing this game is solely for Zoo builders and that management especially guest management will be left out. Having guests be mindless drones with no wants or needs will make this game boring fast and limited to a small audience. I was hoping it was going to be Planet Zoo with dinosaurs
While their assessment is absolutely accurate regarding the current state of the guests, that doesn't mean we're not planning to improve and deepen their behaviours and management implications. If that's what you're looking for when playing the game, I can definitely suggest waiting out until we expand on it!

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