over 2 years
ago -
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Hello! Thanks so much for your feedback!
If you haven't already seen it, our Public Roadmap on Trello highlights some of the new content updates that we have planned for Early Access: https://trello.com/b/JAp8HMuy/prehistoric-kingdom-public-roadmap
Your feedback would also be very valuable in our pk-feedback channel on Discord https://discord.com/channels/173172667623407616/822484806494322708
- Rosie (PK Community Manager)
If you haven't already seen it, our Public Roadmap on Trello highlights some of the new content updates that we have planned for Early Access: https://trello.com/b/JAp8HMuy/prehistoric-kingdom-public-roadmap
Your feedback would also be very valuable in our pk-feedback channel on Discord https://discord.com/channels/173172667623407616/822484806494322708
- Rosie (PK Community Manager)