about 2 months
ago -
Blue Meridian
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Welcome, Park Managers!
This patch improves stability and introduces notifications that tell the player about one-time events such as finished research, animal unlocks and excavation changes. The next major release will be Update 13 in December!
Please send your feedback and bug reports to our Discord server's[discord.com] appropriate channel. Thank you!
Steam Autumn Sale (25% off!)
Prehistoric Kingdom's now 25% off until December 4th! It's a great time to jump in and cozy up while building the ultimate prehistoric zoo.
Full Patch Notes
- Added the new Notifications Menu, where the player can receive information about one-time events in the park. Current notifications include:
- New Animal Unlocked
- Research Completed
- Excavation Completed
- New Excavation Event
- New Animal Unlocked
- Added the new Notifications Menu, where the player can receive information about one-time events in the park. Current notifications include:
- Gameplay
- Changed how interactables work behind the scenes, the positions of interact points on various modules may change. This change lays groundwork for future expansion, but in the immediate term will provide fixes for traffic jams at queue lines, binoculars not always connecting to the navmesh correctly, misaligned positioning at some modules, and modules being inaccessible from some directions when the game thinks they are accessible.
- Staff
- When a keeper is cleaning dung, selecting the keeper will show which dung piles they are planning to clean up in this trip
- Audio
- Adjusted large theropod eating sounds
- Critical
- Fixed a critical guest issue that caused them to misbehave after removing an interactable item that they were using previously
- Fixed a rare freeze when trying to exit the game
- Fixed a critical guest issue that caused them to misbehave after removing an interactable item that they were using previously
- Animals
- Fixed a case where animals could get permanently stuck if they’re too far above or below the navmesh
- Fixed Dilophosaurus sleep using the rest animation
- Fixed a case where animals could get permanently stuck if they’re too far above or below the navmesh
- Staff
- Fixed staff being assigned to different shops than the ones they were at previously on loading a save
- Fixed keepers being overly picky about distances and fill levels when finding a compost heap
- Fixed staff members not playing their post-assignment reaction animations
- Fixed staff being assigned to different shops than the ones they were at previously on loading a save
- Buildings & Scenery
- Fixed placement and nav detection bounds for many modular pieces
- Fixed park issue icons displaying as blank in the Park Issues menu
- Fixed a message popup layout issue causing popups to overlap on screen when in instances where they are meant to be hidden
- Fixed main board economy report not properly displaying negative numbers
- Fixed park issues arising when the relevant gameplay settings are disabled
- Fixed park issue icons displaying as blank in the Park Issues menu
- Rendering
- Improved light LODs transitioning behavior
- Misc.
- Many stability improvements behind the scenes
- Fixed a few significant CPU performance regressions
- Improvements to CPU performance (on top of fixed regressions)
- Exiting the game shouldn’t take as long