For context, here is my summary of the changes and additions that are coming with the Update #25.1

🏆 Overall a HUGE W of an update!

🏎️ Vehicle skin application system reversal is great news.

- Never take away existing, automated QoL and introduce extra steps to the same system.

🕹️ Arcade changes are amazing!

- Thanks for removing the Erangel map. Your core community is the one who will play this the most. There was no need for this change to take this long.

- IBR change to FPP is awesome! I cannot wait to finally enjoy this gamemode!

- Happy to see TDM exclusive maps being created. Eager to try out the Boardwalk map!

🏜️Absolutely in LOVE with the Miramar update!

- Terrain changes, new POIs, POI changes, addition of new roads, changing the color palette are all great! The map was getting dull in my eyes and this is bringing it back to my top favorite maps.

- Sandstorm is officially my favorite of the hazards.

-- The fact that it's fast and it goes by you within seconds is great. It is not annoyingly long as the snowstorm and has no rng instant kill mechanics like the redzone. I like the fact that it moves over the entire map!

- Loving the new weather + changes to existing ones!

- Ziplines are a nice addition that speeds up the player movement / rotations / gameplay without speeding up the actual player movement - good feature!

🔫 New 7.62 DMR: Dragunov 🫤

- This is where it gets negative. An otherwise awesome sounding, looking, feeling new powerful DMR, should not have rng / "lucky hit chance" that increases its damage.

- It should 100% stay at 58 damage per shot and have the rng damage chance increase completely removed.

- A dmr has no business being on par with an SR damage wise. This hurts the gameplay / weapon balance. SRs should remain top dogs when it comes to damage per shot.

- DMRs should never be able to one shot lvl 2 helmets.

📉Crafter Pass price increase feels unjustified

- This pass offers nothing more than the other 990 G-Coin crafter passes did.

- Players have to grind all of the pass missions and levels in order to get all the tokens and be able to afford the basic roadster skin.

- Appart from tokens, the pass offers very little in terms of rewards (my subjective opinion)

- As there is no clear reason why there is a sudden price increase, I hope to see the price reduced back to 990 G-Coin in the next pass.

All in all, thank you for this fun update. 🙇‍♂️

I can not wait to have fun trying everything out next week!

External link →

For context, here is my summary of the changes and additions that are coming with the Update #25.1

🏆 Overall a HUGE W of an update!

🏎️ Vehicle skin application system reversal is great news.

- Never take away existing, automated QoL and introduce extra steps to the same system.

🕹️ Arcade changes are amazing!

- Thanks for removing the Erangel map. Your core community is the one who will play this the most. There was no need for this change to take this long.

- IBR change to FPP is awesome! I cannot wait to finally enjoy this gamemode!

- Happy to see TDM exclusive maps being created. Eager to try out the Boardwalk map!

🏜️Absolutely in LOVE with the Miramar update!

- Terrain changes, new POIs, POI changes, addition of new roads, changing the color palette are all great! The map was getting dull in my eyes and this is bringing it back to my top favorite maps.

- Sandstorm is officially my favorite of the hazards.

-- The fact that it's fast and it goes by you within seconds is great. It is not annoyingly long as the snowstorm and has no rng instant kill mechanics like the redzone. I like the fact that it moves over the entire map!

- Loving the new weather + changes to existing ones!

- Ziplines are a nice addition that speeds up the player movement / rotations / gameplay without speeding up the actual player movement - good feature!

🔫 New 7.62 DMR: Dragunov 🫤

- This is where it gets negative. An otherwise awesome sounding, looking, feeling new powerful DMR, should not have rng / "lucky hit chance" that increases its damage.

- It should 100% stay at 58 damage per shot and have the rng damage chance increase completely removed.

- A dmr has no business being on par with an SR damage wise. This hurts the gameplay / weapon balance. SRs should remain top dogs when it comes to damage per shot.

- DMRs should never be able to one shot lvl 2 helmets.

📉Crafter Pass price increase feels unjustified

- This pass offers nothing more than the other 990 G-Coin crafter passes did.

- Players have to grind all of the pass missions and levels in order to get all the tokens and be able to afford the basic roadster skin.

- Appart from tokens, the pass offers very little in terms of rewards (my subjective opinion)

- As there is no clear reason why there is a sudden price increase, I hope to see the price reduced back to 990 G-Coin in the next pass.

All in all, thank you for this fun update. 🙇‍♂️

I can not wait to have fun trying everything out next week!

External link →

Originally posted by re-patch

Fully agree, I really hope they come to their senses and don’t ruin what otherwise would be an awesome patch!

Still hoping they’ll remove the thermal (or make it not see through smokes) anytime soon. And maybe buff some of the nice 5.56 ARs we have (at the moment it’s really only m4 and aug sadly)

Yep, would love to see thermal stop seeing through smokes.

Originally posted by AccomplishedTutor980

My impression is the same as my impression for months now…cheaters are every f**king were…I haven’t been killed in months by someone that didn’t have a radar hack an auto aim,,,I report em,,,I record em…play another game an get killed yet again by a guy who literally with the same shit….report it…record it…over an over an over …fix the f**king cheating!!!’n

Do you play ranked? What region do you play in?

Originally posted by S8what

A nerf to the drone would be welcome too, it's very tiring to run into guys who won't peak out of buildings cos they got drones 24/7, next lvl TPP ...

Can't say that I've noticed that too much. Maybe I need to look up more.

Originally posted by Tendo80

They don't need to remove the ability to see heat through the smoke, but they could blur/distort the player model so you would see that they were there but not be able to headshot constantly it would be more of a qualified guess.

That and seeing through foliage is great enough imo.