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The time for the Ask Me Anything event has come! This time, we've got the Creative Director of PUBG, Dave Curd!


Let's start with a short intro from Dave (u/PUBG_curdstuff):

Hi everyone,
My name is Dave Curd, and I’m Creative Director of PLAYERUNKOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS. I’m a game developer, illustrator, and a lifelong gamer. Today I’m excited to answer anything about our new event map Haven, as well as our goals for 2021. Let’s have some fun!


For this AMA, we are partnering up with PUBG Corp. to give away some Season 10 goodies for both PC and Xbox/PlayStation players!


  • Leave a question in the AMA thread to be entered into a giveaway
    • Your comment must include your platform (PC, Xbox or PlayStation)
  • Up to 25 PC players will win a code for Survivor Pass: Breakthrough
    • The code will be sent via Reddit DM
  • Up to 25 Xbox/PlayStation players will win a code for PUBG – Breakthrough Pack
    • Please note that PlayStation codes are region-locked for North America – you must be located in this region to redeem the code
    • The code will be sent via Reddit DM

Questions will start being answered at 11am PT / 8pm CET.

Please post your questions in the comments of this thread.

External link →
almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by H4-L3

my question is the following, will we see the return of paramo in the future or will 8x8 maps be the focus in 2021 and in which quarter of 2021 will we see the next "big" map, thank you for your hard work <3(PC)

We've all been really excited to see how much love Paramo has received. I think the cool thing about playing a live service game, is how flexible it can be. When we toss stuff in the vault- that doesn't mean it's gone forever!

I love Paramo, but if it comes back, it should have a little something different/extra, don't you think?

In terms of new content, absolutely large location(s) are the focus for 2021. But we will still have some smaller treats pop up throughout the year- I think we're improving at planning the year more cohesively.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by Siannath

Are you willing to remove the paywall limitation for the outfit presets feature?

My platform is PC. Thank you.

Yeah Costume Presets are a point of discussion internally right now. What I can say beyond that is that we’re always looking to improve our quality of life features. Sometimes we get it right and sometimes we don’t. I don’t have anything for you today and I can’t promise anything (which is frustrating I know), but I do want to acknowledge this as I/we DEFINITELY hear the feedback around it. As soon as we have more information to share, we definitely will. We 100 percent have room for improvement here- and thanks for your question!

almost 4 years ago - /u/DanBennett - Direct link

No question. Just, you're awesome <3

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by Siannath

I think that Hawkinz (or maybe other CM) said a few months ago that the mini royale map selection would make a comeback. I really think you should allow players select one or more of this options simultaneiously:

  • mini royale (the smaller maps)
  • battle royale (the bigger maps)
  • season map

In the same way that Rocket League lets you queue for multiple game modes at the same time. I think this have some advantages for playes and also for the health of queues. Let's say:

  • If I only like to play bigger maps, I will select battle royale only and wait for that queue to put me in a game.
  • If I like all the maps, I will select the three queues, and the game will put me in a game, no matter if some of the queues are dead, i will get a game no matter what. You can do some smarts in the logic to place players in the game this way. For exmaple, you may want to try to place players in a less populated queue, but if a certain amount of time happens, you can put the players in another more popular queue and start the game.
  • This way of splitting queues would even allow you to bring back Paramo, by putting it in the mini royale queue.

So, my questions are:

  • Have you considered multiple queue selection before?
  • Are you willing to bring mini royale and battle royale queue selection?

PD: Are you accepting remote work positions?

My platform is PC. Thank you.

I think the biggest thing we are talking about internally, is how to offer more region specific, boutique matchmaking settings. Each region (and platform) have their own desires and needs, and I think we've been using a pretty brute force method. Of course this is crazy complicated because PUBG has become somewhat fragmented- we've got players that prefer TPP, FPP, large maps, small maps. Some that enjoy the variety, and others that just want to do their one favorite thing forever (this is coming from a guy that used to live on 24/7 Office CS servers).

I see big opportunities for improvement here- the main thing, as you would expect, is we want to get it right, and not make it harder on our players than it already is.

For your questions:

  1. Yes, we've considered almost everything under the sun at this point- the goal is to maximize smiles, minimize frowns
  2. I'm open to whatever makes the most fans the most happy (that's why we are looking at more bespoke settings per region- different people want different things)
  3. Remote positions- for sure! =) https://careers.pubg.com/#/en/
almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by WackyJacky101

Hey ive got a question about the tracers on Haven.

I heavily dislike the tracers - its to a point where it demotivates me to play the map. It is extremely bright and I find it very distracting and even blinding when using scoped weapons such as the VSS (because you zoom in on the bright tracers) - combined with the dark surroundings. Also I dislike that enemies can visually see where shots are coming from - even from suppressed weapons.

This definitely ruins the VSS but is also generally super frustrating

Are there any plans to change this and if so when?

Thanks for reaching out Wacky, we always love watching your videos- I remember beaming with pride when you did that Erangel Remaster lore deep-dive, as that was my basement you were investigating! =)

I watched your first night Test Server streaming, and could feel your pain. Something you and I totally agree on, is just because something is realistic, doesn't mean it's fun!

Tracers, even through suppressors, are realistic - but that's not why we've included them. We've included them as a balance feature to make sure players can't totally vanish from view and just rain hell on the rest of the map.

Our goal for Haven was to create a darker, moodier map. A place that gives players the opportunity to hide/hunt each other a little more than in our traditional wide-open maps. But as you would expect, early playtests revealed a map that really shifted the balance to reward the best snipers who could find the best cover. Which feels amazing for the killers, but not the victims.

So tracers give our shooters a small penalty for shooting from cover. As you've observed, tracers aren't on every shot, so 1 shot 1 kill snipers can still take down targets while hidden.

Re: the tracer effect eye-hurt, yeah, ofc we don't want to cause you pain! We're talking internally about how to balance the design intention with in-game visuals. We started from a pretty realistic place, but there is always room for improvement. (here is one of a million videos the team looked at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19sieQfXU4A&ab_channel=midway512 ).

Re: loot adjustments (like- SHOULD the VSS be in this map, for example)- we like to give it a few weeks on the live server and monitor global sentiment. The one thing we are pushing for ASAP is more helms/vests/bags in the map, I think their scarcity has slowed down the pace a little too much.

Thanks for for the feedback Wacky- I appreciate you!

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Just popping in to say it's been an hour and I've only done a few of these- I plan on doing way more- I'm just trying to be thoughtful and intentional so you guys pick up what I'm laying down- I'm gonna do a ton of these, thanks for your patience-

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by WackyJacky101

Hi Dave, congrats on your new exciting role.
How will I as a loyal PUBG fan see the direction of the game change with you as the creative director?

Well, it should be noted that I'm just one guy, the game you've played and dedicated so much time into is the product of a global, passionate group of developers. In some ways it's easy for me to advocate and evangelize a destination, but ultimately they have the very challenging job of translating vision to reality.

But what is that vision? Of course, I can't spill the beans too early, but I'm happy to hit you with the broad strokes:

I want to protect the core gameplay: Land, Loot, Survive- we want to honor what has brought us to the dance, so to speak. This is a survival game, not a very large game of TDM.

I'm passionate about larger worlds: In 2021, you can expect vast new lands to explore, that should remind you why you fell in love in the first place.

I'm interested in fresh experiences: Here's what I love most about PUBG: it's an amazing story generator. So in 2021, we want to give our players more tools to create more diverse stories and experiences.

I'm interested in squad dynamics: how teams work together, play together, and experience the map together, I think we have some cool opportunities there.

So yeah- let's talk again 12 months from now, and see how we've done!

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by PubsandDubs

Hi David,

As a content creator on xbox and someone with a very creative mind id really like to see the ability for God mode added to console. The ability to have an observer spawn items into a live custom game would add a very new feel to the game and keep custom games interesting. For example wacky jacky recently did a panzer faust ferry war on PC. One of the most cinematic things ive ever seen on pubg. If you havent seen it i highly recommend watching it.

Adding this would really add an exciting element to the game and allow community creativity to flourish.

It would allow for: -pubg racing with tracks setup -demolition derbies with insane weapons such as panzers only -boat wars -BDRM squad wars -glider wars

Financially these smaller niche communities that pop up are very loyal to the game and also far more likely to buy car skins and personal outfits. If your a racer you’d want more customization.

Do you think this would be possible?

I totally agree with this sentiment- I think the more stuff we can do to give freedom of play, the better- I've forwarded this to the appropriate team(s).

+1 to death races.

But to be clear- as much as I want it to be, Creative Director is not a god-king role (dang it)- so I can say "this looks like something we should try", but all of the teams on the hook for doing the actual work need to work out where it lands on the priority list versus existing tasks. I'm saying I love the suggestion, but I can't promise anything today.

Thank you for the suggestion-

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by Kyanosz

Are there any plans to rewrite PUBG with a more recent, better optimized Unreal Engine build?

UE 4.26 was recently released and the next gen UE 5 is coming in 2021. AFAIK PUBG is based on 4.16 and lacks a lot of general performance features (DX12, DLSS, VRS...) as well as Battle Royale specific performance work from Fortnite that is included in newer versions.

The CPU/RAM (speed & bandwidth) requirements for this game are pretty high, yet it newer runs consistently smooth. There are all kinds of bottlenecks that cause pretty hefty frame drops and stuttering (blood animations, smoke, big cities...) probably due to high amount of draw calls on a single core and other things.

So remaking a game from scratch is generally a non-starter, but we always want our stuff to run better- so what to do?

Well, we've got 2 general "levers" to manipulate.

The first is engine side- it's an ongoing parade of optimizations, and backporting/remaking cool features we like from newer versions of Unreal. Our version of 4.16 is very, very different than what's available "on the shelf".

The second is content side- we've learned so much about how to make BR maps, so we are constantly pushing ourselves to get more/better art in, with a lighter memory/performance impact than in our previous efforts.

Used together, we get a PUBG that keeps on trucking along, getting better and better from where we started. We aren't perfect, but we're gonna keep on pushing to improve.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by Nazgul19-

Hi mate, good job so far! Is there any chance we will get Panamo back in the game in the future? maybe a mini royale que with Panamo, Karakin and Haven. Maybe add Sanhok to the mini royale too when a bigger map will come out so it will be 4 big and 4 small.

My platform is PC. Thank you.

I think a "tiny maps only" playlist would be rad.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by PlayerIGN

To Dave: in an interview with gameindustry.biz you said “90% of the time is probably just in the wilderness, with 10% being actual gunfights. To me that says that there's 90% of the match that we could enrich.” Could you elaborate on what you mean by “enrich” and what that means for the direction of PUBG? Is it more AI, keys & rooms, and possibly ‘crafting’ if you can debunk that leak?

What's your opinion on a crafting or craft-like system?

Well I don't wanna give too much away- that's cheating.

But to be clear- I do think "survival phase" (I'll call this anything that's not actively shooting a dude) is pretty straightforward. You've got some nuance with how each vehicle handles, and vaulting/traversal opens up some interesting possibilities- but for the most part it's rather straightforward when measured against our deep gunplay. We don't want to needlessly complicate survival phase either, rather, we are interested in opportunities for everyone in your squad to have fun and contribute, even scrubby Peter, who's a bad shot.

Ideally, PUBG becomes a place where even more unique stories of survival can be told. But it's still gotta feel "PUBG".

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by AutoBrecciation

I play on PC: Do you guys have plans to ever make another 8X8? Seems like you are focusing a lot on smaller maps, which I get for the action aspect, but I kind of like the bigger maps because the games feel epic.

Yeah- 2020 had a lot of tiny map drops so we could quickly deliver fresh experiences. For example- Haven is a 1x1, so that's 1 square kilometer. And Miramar is an 8x8, so that's 64 square kilometers- 64 Havens. So the smaller maps allow us to get something fun, polished, and with some new kind of innovation (destruction/blackzone, random royale, loot trucks, AI ecosystmes) in a timely manner. But now that we've had some fun, and tried to find what's really landed with the fans, it's time to go big.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by Break-

Hi Dave, firstly congrats on the new role, secondly I'm going to be flogging a dead horse in my questions, I hope you dont mind.

  1. Are you aware of how bad the cheating situation is right now in the game?
    This is mainly ranked, and mainly people using VPN's from Asia. Time scales on the EU servers these cheaters are active, and their names are the only giveaway to this I guess, I could be wrong. After 7/8pm EU time they dont seem to be too active, but in the day its nearly every single game really.
    The only info I've seen from you guys is a Discord report feature, but thats it. With cheaters buying hacked steam accounts with PUBG on for as little as $4, cheats for $1, and the mobile verification code for $0,01, I dont really think a discord report feature is going to cut it.
    We have Battleye, Easy Anticheat and 3 others running right now? What are they doing exactly? Isn't it best you take a more pro-active route into this than a re-active one? With a re-active anticheat the damage has already been done, & those players that we're killed have potentially uninstalled long before someone is banned. Its feels like its been a very long time since Battleye or any anticheat had the upper hand on cheaters & this is why I personally think PUBG has a bleeding player base.

  2. Please take out Sanhok from ranked queue.

Dude- first of all, thank you. And it's not a dead horse to care about such a big issue!

In short, we acknowledge it as a priority we need to continue combating. It’s a problem that not only plagues the entire video game industry, but more specifically, us…so we’re very hypersensitive about it. For me personally, dying to a cheater the first time is not only frustrating, but it changes your outlook-

It made me question every death I ever had moving forward. Just that little scratching doubt in the back of my mind... "was that legit- or was it BS...".

Obviously, it’s something we’re always looking to improve and we’re always coming up with new measures to counter cheaters (like the PUBG Shield Program you referenced), but there is no easy solve. I’m not sure if we actively talk about this, but we also work with local authorizes to bust up rings and arrest cheaters in certain circumstances, so yeah, we’re serious about this stuff. While I don’t have any answers for you on the above (the anti-cheat stuff is being handled by another one of our amazing HQ teams), I can promise you that if there was an “easy button,” we would have pounded that thing with a hammer a long time ago.

The grim reality is the more popular the game, the more incentive cheaters have to attack it- so we are in an arms race to try and stay one step ahead.

I've asked anti-cheat to design some kind of screen flash to blind detected cheaters, but I'm told that's "unethical".

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by xfactor1981

Next gen consoles are here. When can we get 1440 /60 or 120 and 4k and 60 on the xbox sx and ps5? I love having the frames but i play on both a 4k 60 55" tv and a 1080/144hrz monitor 32" and it just sucks that the game plays so different. If i want frames i got to sacrifice the look of the game. Let my beast free.

Xfactor I98l xbox

I want Next Gen to be better too- we're looking at ways to improve internally. Where did you even get one? I'm still refreshing online for restocks like a buster.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by mbcowner

1- For new gen consoles - can we please get the replay system added ?

2- Will PUBG Corp on new gen consoles making use of the haptic triggers on ps5?

3- How about adding ability to start match making for next match in the end match screen after a win or loss instead of having to load back to main menu?

4- Can you please look into adding Paramo and Haven to customs? Even it it means removing the heli, armored car and ai bots on Haven, this map would be so awesome if we could use it in customs !!

Thanks for doing this AMA ! Looking forward to where you take us after reading your recent interviews !

My platform is PS5

Was just talking about those triggers the other day- they feel so good! Also, a big thing we are looking at is the whole "end of game" experience- everything from the fanfare/data/presentation, to allowing you to jump back into matchmaking, is on the table. The Chicken Dinner is one of the rarest, hardest won prizes in gaming- I think we need to celebrate it more!

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by Siannath

Have you ever considered the idea of releasing a mega-map that contains all other maps and features at once?

My platform is PC. Thank you.

For the record, all of us devs are all extremely online, so ofc we see the crazy Pangea style supermaps that pop up on Twitter/Reddit every now and then. What I like about the idea, is having SUPER DIVERSE biomes in one map- starting on a cold snow capped mountain, and having a final circle in a lush valley, or arid sandy desert, is just a great player story.

Assuming we could overcome performance considerations (maximum terrain materials), I think the big obstacle is game pace. If the map is merely "big", like an 8x8- the change in biomes would seem too sudden- imagine clearly seeing the jungle from on top of the snowy mountain. So then okay- let's try to make a super map, something like 10x10. Now the map is large enough to really sell the variety of biomes, but is it fun? Do we want like, a 2 hour BR map? I'm not sure.

But it's interesting to think about.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by WithjusTapistol

  • Will the parachute item on Haven make it’s way to the other maps? It would be cool to parachute from a glider.

  • Any plans to bring Arena Mode back? It was pretty fun. Only change I would make is have it like tdm where we have load outs instead of purchasing gear.

  • Is there a chance we will see vehicles similar to the ones in Haven on other maps in the future? I’m not sure I’m a fan of AI in this game but it would be cool to drive a BRDM with some kind of mounted gun on top.

Good luck Dave. Looking forward to where you can take PUBG!

Xbox player. Gamertag: WithjusTapistol

Thanks for reaching out! I think the big thing with the tiny maps, is they are kind of an idea test bed for things we'd love to see in old maps, or even new maps. I still think the utility parachute has some room for improvement, but I'm with you- I can totally see using it to bail out of a glider, or jump off a building before it's destroyed by the Black Zone.

I dug Arena mode too- I thought the team did a really great job of making something that was fresh, but still felt PUBG. My expectation is the team has been looking at feedback, and thinking about what the next incarnation would look like. Remember, we can only make so many maps- so it's safe to expect old and new modes to pop up in 2021.

Good God- a BRDM with firebomb capability? That sounds like something that would work in some kind of death race mode...

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by FreddyUnknown

Hello Dave!, i’ve got 2 questions:

  1. Will we ever get more snow on Vikendi?

  2. Is there a possibility that we get a remastered version of Miramar soon?

I usually play PC, but i would like rewards for my console account (PS4).

  1. So we melted the snow because we got some serious "oh man this is really fatiguing to look at over sustained play" type feedback. The "phase one" fix was to reduce the overall snow to get a little more visual balance into the map. With that said- we like Vikendi being "the snow map", and I'm confident we can return to this flavor in the future through improved lighting/material work. Don't hold me to a date just yet- but we are looking at it.
  2. Maybe. ;)
almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by Macsterr

Hi, you said in an older interview that Karakin was planned as an "event map", why did it end up in the normal map rotation? Platform: Xbox

Yeah- we planned on it being an event map, but it's pick rate was super high/fan attachment was high, so the team decided we should hold onto it for a while longer. With that said- with a live service game, maps can always go into the vault/come back later.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by Hogging_Moment

Pineapple on pizza.

Yes or No?

(This one is important! PC Gamer.)

When I was a boy, no- but now that I am a man- kinda.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by motoshadow4

You've mentioned your love of the bigger maps but what are your thoughts on introducing new guns?

If you introduce new guns will these likely be map specific or globally available? What types of guns do you think should be added (if any)?

Thanks, and welcome onboard!

Big time yes to new guns and vehicles. I understand the idea of map specific experiences- like, the Tukshai would just feel weird in Miramar, right? But I do think there's value in spreading new weapons around, to allow players to really find a groove.

As for weapons- I'm a huge shotgun fan, and as we are looking at larger maps- Snipers and DMRs are on the menu as well.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by Siannath

Are you aware that the game uses a damaging audio dynamic range?

A very compressed dynamic range make it sound overall flat, thats the reason why a ample dynamic range is desired, but a very ample dynamic range is damaging, meaning that the volume required for hearing the softer sounds implies a too big volume when sudden loud sounds appear. This is the problem. We need a more compressed dynamic range to solve this.


My platform is PC. Thank you.

I've forwarded to the sound team. I know they are working to always make stuff better- I remember my first day at work (3.5 years ago) I was killed during playtest and it was so loud I almost broke my keyboard in surprise.

Thank you for sharing this!

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by -Revy-

Hello Dave. Can you talk about or have someone who works in the audio dept for PUBG to give us more details or what’s being done about the atrocious audio levels in PUBG. Like so many have likely already mentioned, PUBG has caused them hearing damage from playing this game at levels after prolonged duration can cause hearing loss or tinnitus. As you know those are non-reversible. Several very popular streamers have mentioned this. I myself have mentioned this to several community managers and PUBG support numerous times with no reply (Twitter, discord, Reddit, email). The guns, environment, red zone, almost everything are too loud compared to footsteps. You can see where this is leading. Almost all other games have much better audio implementation and do not need external apps like soundlock, voicemeter, etc active to play their game.

I’m also reaching out for players with hearing disabilities. You’ve added options for visual impairments, why is audio been neglected?

Serious attention needs to be devoted to this area.

I am on PC platform.

Thank you.

I'm all about more accessibility features for gamers. It's a hard nut to crack, as a major component to PUBG is spatial awareness- but that doesn't mean it's not a worthy endeavor. I'm sharing this sentiment with the audio team. TBH, they always have a few things rolling- this may already be on their radar.

I appreciate the question.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by Siannath

Will you consider adding the option to choose a random helmet from all your owned helmet skins? The same with every other gear that you may have multiple skins of (backpacks, weapons, parachutes, etc.)

My platform is PC. Thank you.

EDIT: I will be more clear: my idea is not for the outfits, but for the gear: skins for weapons, helmets, backpacks…

Are you thinking "with this costume set- no two games are the same, I'll never know what I'll get until I'm dropping", or like a "random" button in the character customization menu to just barf out a random outfit?

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by lawdbarefoot

I’m a day one player who can never stay away from this game for very long, nothing else comes close to satisfaction of getting a great kill, and especially a chicken dinner.

However, I do worry about the longterm viability of keeping a healthy player base. It’s a tough game to just play casually or pick up and learn. What are you plans to both ensure player retention and pick up new players?

Thanks, I play on Xbox

This is such a great question- as you say, this is a killer game with a narrow funnel. The overall skill ceiling is so much higher today than it was just 12 months ago- it's a positively sadistic experience for brand new players to land among all of you sharks.

We have a few options.

The first- we owe new players an awesome onboarding experience. This could perhaps be a robust tutorial- something that isn't as freeform as the training range?

The second, is to widen the funnel- offer more ways for players to have fun than "be amazing at guns day one", with the hope that our experience is sticky enough to graduate them from noob to veteran.

Can new players find ways to contribute to their squad? Can they find satisfaction in the exploration and survival phase?

I think through old levers (player count, circle settings, loot settings) and new levers (new gameplay expressions) we can give our most vulnerable users more reasons to stick around and get good.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by whattarush

Since we have seen such an evolution of PUBG this year; my question is can we expect any new weapons or weapon attachments that might evolve the game further (ie. Grenade launcher, flamethrower attachments)?


-PS Player

For sure- we are looking at new weapons, and more importantly, new categories of weapons, for 2021!

Flamethrowers never seem to "do it" for me- they always seem a little underpowered, especially in games like PUBG that feature a very short time-to-kill (TTK). Do you have a favorite flamethrower from other games?

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by polomarkopolo

Hi Dave... if there was one thing/concept/notion you could get PUBG's playerbase to understand... what would it be?


I think it would be empathy. Not for us devs, no, never for the devs lol.

But for your fellow players. This is truly a world wide game with an enormous global audience, and with such a diverse playerbase, I promise you it's really quite rare for there to be unanimous sentiment on pretty much anything. Sure- all players can recognize a bug- but for anything subjective- preferences on perspective, map size, playstyle- let's just say there is an audience for everything.

Also keep in mind, you may be playing with a hardened 3000+ hour monster, or some curious new player that picked it up based on a recommendation, and our job is to provide a challenging environment for everyone to have fun.

We want to build a game with longevity (so far so good, we're almost at our 4 year anniversary), and that means making something that is fun for noobs and veterans alike.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by Lkoza1

How is your work environment? I know that us gamers screaming at you guys all the time for things like "fix this" and "I can't believe" would get very tiresome. So thankyou everyone working on this game for what you have accomplished and still listening to us while doing your best to adjust so many factors to keep us playing

That's a very kind question. So to be frank, all feedback comes from a place of love- the only thing worse than being hated is being ignored. When our players are frustrated, it means they enjoy PUBG and they want it to do well- and so do we.

I'm thankful to all of our players, even the cranky ones, because we are all in this together. It's true- you can't please everyone, and it's dangerous to try- all we can do is push to make the best game possible, and hope the majority of folks follow us for the ride!

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by SniperAsh6

  1. Which area (or areas) do you think need the most attention?
  2. Do you intend to make public a high-level roadmap like we saw a couple of years ago?
  3. You've met with streamers to get their perspective, will you also be doing the same with the competitive community as well?

PC - Thanks

I don't think there is one magic bullet, sadly. It's big mix of quality of life improvements, gameplay innovation, polish/performance optimization, and making a game that is interesting for the veterans, and brand new alike.

I'm pushing hard for us to release a roadmap- we've got big dreams, would love to get some dates in front of yall.

I'll meet anyone they put in front of me- I love hearing from every level of PUBG player!

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by D4Cr0K

Hi Dave ,

First of all , thank you for this amazing game, i am playing since 2017 and it's, for me, the best action shooter BR on the market.

The "haven" map is a killer and i want to know if you've considered leaving it playable after the end of season 10 ?
Because it's very unique and i waited so long for that kind of gameplay in your game. The chopper and pillar car add so much tension to the games. I absolutely love the ideas.

My platform is PC , thank you.

I'm glad you are digging it!

The reality is this really comes down to player sentiment- Karakin, for example, started off as an event map, but had such a positive sentiment we had to keep it around for a little while longer.

If a lot of people really love Haven we will need to reevaluate our plans- but for now, consider it a limited time engagement.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by PajamaDad

What systems might we see implemented or changed to allow more meaningful differentiation in weapons?

-Xbox player primarily

I can't say today (so sorry!) but we literally had a meeting about that today. But yes, even with a game with such a short Time-To-Kill, we have room to give our weapons even clearer, distinct identities.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by breon

Karakin has "anti-camping" features that help motivate players to keep moving (black zone, destructible walls). In contrast, Haven has features that encourage people to stay indoors (murder truck, spotlight helicopter). Will future updates/maps/modes lean more towards one way or the other? (PC/Steam)

No, we aren't biased one way or the other- rather, it's about offering a spectrum of experiences. As you say, chasing players inside, or outside, are two very different things. There is no "correct way" moving forward- just exploring ways that feel different from previous maps.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by EldiaForLife

Flamethrowers are traditionally a 'liquid' weapon but most games apart from Rising Storm treat them as hot air guns.

What makes the flamethrower in RS so amazing at area denial and pure power, is that the actual flame acts like a flaming liquid. So it splashes of surfaces, enemies etc. Allowing you to coat an interior from outside by simply spraying and letting the flame settle on the floor

Akin to how the pubg molotov works

Great context- TY- check how the Kill Truck's firebombs work in Haven- maybe something similar?

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by YDDEEE


I like the last updates with handgun support for driving and the parachute on Haven !

Do you think we are going to see ladders, zip lines or even rappel (R6 style) added to the game ?

Also I would love to see handgun support while swimming or while climbing on ladders or sliding on a zip line (like Far Cry).

(PC player)

We are 100 percent looking at traversal options- our big focus is making sure it's a feature people will actually use. Being on a ladder, or a zipline, for example, leaves you exposed- so it's important to have designs that really demand the feature, rather than just making the feature and then just kinda jamming it in the map.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by winterymint

What ideas will be made to break the downtime after the initial drop and the final circles? (PC)

It's only downtime if you don't have much to do...

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by BryanElite9

Not sure if this is still going but I wanted to ask, how much of the game focus is on lore? I'm a huge fan of PUBG lore and have read way too much into it so I've been wondering if lore is a big focus of the game or not considering the lore is so ridiculously deep for a BR game. Story guys doing amazing work

I know a very special creative department that is smiling ear-to-ear on this comment- be sure to check out http://lore.pubg.com/ to go deeper. What's up with those spooky Haven servers?

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by 1RnSghT

why weren't major streamers like chocotaco, halifax etc in the call about future of the game? wouldn't you want the top streamers comments?

My understanding is all of our partners got an invite- I love those guys. But we don't just want top content creators- we wanna hear from everyone! Pros, streamers big and small, PC players, Console players. I think Reddit is a great place to get feedback out there, Twitter as well- don't wait for us to call you, get involved and reach out!

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by T0N372

Can we expect bots to be removed when queue are healthy? What’s the point of having 20 bots if a game can be quickly filled by real players? PC player here.

My feeling: I would love bots to serve 2 functions:

  1. A great tool to help new users
  2. A "break in case of emergency" feature to pad out a game

My preference is the Chicken Dinner to be won against humans.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by SafakAvdan

Do you consider to add action queue, afaik it has been a highly anticipated feature over the years( Like when i press right click to ADS, just because i was in the end animation of something that ADS doesn't work) and also do you have in mind something about the way movement feels clunky. Yeah i am in control but like i am in a dream and movement feels like buffered(idk if it's the right word)

I'm with you- we're looking at this.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by mellingsworth

Hi Dave,

Something has been in my mind for awhile regarding weapons. More specifically, is there any plans or thoughts on adding bayonets to some of the guns? Many of the guns in this game were war guns that would have a bayonet lug to take a blade. I worry a one shot kill my be a little over powered but a lunge doing 70% damage seems reasonable. The S1897, Mosin Negant, and K98 would have a bayonet lug.

Xbox one

I too have wondered about bayonets, or even just pistol whipping suckers. Gotta think about best key binding...

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by socal92154

  1. Will you update the Pillar Guards and Commander movement, placements, and make them a bit harder to kill?

Edit: Will you add more players in Haven? The map feels like it needs at least 50 players.

  1. Will you rework the whole movement system?

Platform: PC

I wanna see how the Pillar meta develops over the next few weeks- (note- everyone knows how to kill them, but we aren't seeing as much "pillar building camping" in game versus during development) most test server players are rather hard core, let's see how they play out in the wild.

Originally, the Pillar were on patrols, and doing stuff inside of the buildings, but in playtest it resulted in LOTS of catching them with their back's turned, and this added some complexity in balancing them properly.

Re: Player count- we've played with the min/max on those numbers through playtest- again, we want to see how the games pan out in the wild for a few weeks, and then reevaluate.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by Kba116

Hi, Are you by any chance planning on a Game of thrones based map, you know just imagine those horse carriages or you can have it walk only. And a Wall

My platform is PC

sh*t maybe for Fantasy BR ;)

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by bherman13

No he doesn't. If your monitor is bright enough to blind you IRL then you have one hell of a powerful monitor.

He means metaphorically blind so the cheater can't see the game since the screen's flashing.

Edit: I'm an idiot. Nevermind.

no, I meant robbing them of the sweet gift of sight- bad joke, sorry.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by andoman66

Thanks for the AMA Dave! I’m on PS4 NA and can’t get enough of this game. I made the switch from mobile back when the game came to console and will never go back.

One thing I’ve seen asked by a lot of newer users who need help with console aiming/settings. Will we ever see an option for bot only rounds or training modes to help newer folks get used to gameplay before dropping in with the best and brightest of the game?

It’s probably a tired question, but a training mode even with a “bot corral” for close combat and/or long range firing would really help people learn settings, bullet drop, and leading on players running at a distance. The playerbase currently is very skilled and I’m personally happy about that, I’m moreso asking for people who are newer to the game so we can keep the playerbase growing and increase their skill level faster.

I'm with you...

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_curdstuff - Direct link

Originally posted by Bearrryl

How do you feel about the bots at the current moment? I'm not too happy with them since they can spawn around you at any given time, and give up your position or make you lose your gunfight with another player. I was playing a match with a friend, we were in a gunfight with another team relatively early in the game and my teammate was low health. A bot spawns behind us and knocks my teammate, the other team read that and pinched me. That's just one example of frustrating gameplay caused from bots. Is there any possibility to reduce or eliminate bots in normal lobbies and keep them in the new players lobbies?

Yeah- having them just pop in feels really yucky- they have big room to improve!