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over 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Shock - Direct link

Originally posted by JaceQQ

Ranking doesn't seem to take damage done into account? As a primarily duo (sometimes squad) player, this is very frustrating. The amount of times that I have x kills with 200-300+ damage worth of kills will be irrelevant?

Edit: I agree with what /u/howlingananas said below. ADR is a better indicator of skill VS. KDA. This system doesn't reflect that public opinion.

Edit2: After thinking about this more, the best way to rank up would to play as safe as possible, and wait for people to fight to steal their knocks for kills. That is absolutely stupid and should not be an incentive to rank up easily.

Hi JaceQQ! I'm headed to meet with the designer of this right now and I'll make sure your feedback is heard. This is exactly why we built labs and are testing this algorithm to get feedback like this, thanks!!!

over 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Shock - Direct link

Originally posted by JaceQQ

/u/pubg_shock hey sorry to bug you but any follow up?

Hi friend! I cannot say exactly what will change yet but we'll definitely be tweaking the rating algorithm based on community feedback. Your points align with much of that feedback, looking forward to shipping an update in the future.