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It is time for the Ask Me Anything event!

Ranked Mode received a bunch of improvements with Update 8.1, so we've got some of the Ranked Mode crew in the house!


Feel free to read up on the changes and improvements made to Ranked Mode in Update 8.1 by visiting the Patch Notes.

Let's meet the event participants!

  • Jin Hwang - PUBG_Elcazador

Game Design on Ranked. I question Sword_Saint's choice of drinks.

  • Maynard Price - PUBG_Sword_Saint

Game Design on Ranked. I like my zones blue, and my drinks bluer.

  • Nick Kaloyeros - PUBG_Pundertaker

Visual Design on Ranked. I press buttons and do art stuff.

  • Josh Cookfair - PUBG_Cookfair

Creative Lead on the Ranked feature. Strong, quiet type. Very quiet, in-fact.


For this AMA, we are partnering up with PUBG Corp. to give away some Season 8 goodies for both PC and Console!


  • Leave a question in the AMA thread to be entered into a giveaway
    • Your comment must include your platform (PC or Console)
  • Up to 25 PC players will win a code for Survivor Pass: Payback
    • The code will be sent via Reddit DM
  • Up to 25 Console players will win a code for PUBG – Payback Pack
    • The code will be sent via Reddit DM
    • Please note that Update 8.1 goes live for Console on July 30 and the code will be sent after the live server update

Please post your questions in the comments of this thread.

Questions will start being answered at 11am PT / 1pm CT / 8pm CEST.

We ask you to keep it civil and within our rules.

External link →
almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Pundertaker - Direct link

Originally posted by PlayerIGN

Hi 2 question:
1. Sword Saint, do you main Riven in LoL? What's ur peak rank?
2. Do you guys plan on adding vehicle hard spawns to ranked mode?

I lied that was 3 questions

Yes he does play Riven.

P.S. My Cho'gath is better ;)

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Elcazador - Direct link

Originally posted by SuperSystem23

Firstly,hello all from China,I got 2 questions about squad ranked mode.

First,is there a compensatory plan for those players who are eliminated by cheaters or others abnormal behavior?To be more specific,before ranked mode,when a round exist cheaters,for those normal players,they just got nothing to lose but their gaming experience.But now,they got more to lose,their Ranked Point.So should PUBG compensate them or at least let them lose less?

Second,any punishments for those players deliberately team up with cheaters?For season 8,Ranked Point acquired based on players performance will have to account for team placement rather than individual placement,the result of which is,some players definitely will team up with cheaters to gain higher RP,for this part players,will they be punished or banned like what you did to cheaters?

I appreciated you guys work,also i really look forward to PUBG add solos and duos to the ranked mode someday.


This is on our radar, and we are working on a way to compensate players who had the misfortune of having to deal with a bad experience due to cheaters. We agree 100% that your RP shouldn’t have to suffer in such cases.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Sword_Saint - Direct link

Originally posted by jis7014

what's your best study for building a truly skill-based rating system for a game like PUBG where some people can take risk-free approach(or get lucky) and not really compete with other players?

The way the RP change calculation for Ranked works involves comparing the possible ‘points’ that have been earned from kills, assists, and placement with a players current RP and then making an adjustment based on how far above or below the ‘expected performance’ the player actually ended up. The amount of points that it is possible to earn from each of these metrics is limited, and the expected performance takes that limitation into account.

For example, there will reach a point in the Ranks where even having the max points from kills or the max points from placements will not allow you to advance if you don’t also receive points from other sources. Therefore, players who have tendencies like hot dropping for kills and dying early or hiding all game and never fighting will eventually reach a point where it’s not possible for them to rank up any more - and that point is not particularly high up on the ladder.

For this reason, players who rely on luck or cheesy strategies will not be able to climb particularly high.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Cookfair - Direct link

Originally posted by blinkgecko182

Hello Everyone!

Have you considered adding an option for players to select their favorite weapon/skin for their character to hold in the waiting lobby, rather than the 4 pre-selected weapons? I feel this small customization would add more hype for some players. Also, this is another way to show off those cool skins! :D

Thank you for everything you do. (PC Player)

Hey blinkgecko182! We actually wanted to do this with the launch of the ranked system using the weapon a player favorited in the weapon mastery system, but it proved to be more complex than we thought on the development side. To give you some insight:

- There are 8 different poses (one for pre-ready up, one for post-ready up),

- There are 6-7 different weapon categories we'd need to account for (for example, a new pose was wanted for holding a pistol vs a sniper).

- Many, many skins for your favorite weapons

So that's 56 poses + animations we'd need to test for performance, clipping issues, etc. You can see how this could get a little crazy.

Ultimately we decided this wasn't realistic for the launch of the feature, but I still believe this is a pretty cool quality of life improvement, and love that you had the same thought!

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Sword_Saint - Direct link

Originally posted by FixPubgsoon

Will we be seeing Solo ranked play? Console Xbox

Ha ha, figured this one would come up pretty quickly. Although we’re not able to give you an exact date at the moment, we promise that this is being looked into as a high priority. A lot of us here in the office working on Ranked are solo players - I for one would have loved if we could have started off with a solo Ranked mode! At the end of the day though, we decided to emphasize stability and played it safe by going with squads only, since squads is far and away the most popular team size in all regions. We’re going to keep pushing this rock up the hill and if it’s at all possible to do so in a healthy way you can rest assured that there will be a solo and/or duo mode someday. Thanks for voicing your interest and helping to keep the solo/duo dream alive!

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Elcazador - Direct link

Originally posted by MisterKanisterx

Hey devs :)

I really like the change from individual placement to team placement! Keep it going!

My question is: Are you planning to make season rewards for each tier? Like not only gold and above but every tier. Players who reach higher tiers could get everything below their tier too (like in Rocket League)

Best regards



We understand that giving all rewards at Gold and above can be less incentivizing to players who strive to be much higher in the Ranked ladder. The rewards system will continue to be worked on so that players in different tiers will have separate milestones to aim for.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Cookfair - Direct link

Originally posted by maxt0r

Hey guys, what's your after work beverage of choice?

Warm milkshakes are usually my go-to.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Pundertaker - Direct link

Originally posted by bored_yo

My question goes to Nick Kaloyeros!

This might sound quite random, but how did you choose the lobby background and were there many different options? Same for regular lobby background actually.

Do you just choose a nice looking place or is there some deeper stuff behind it? Imagery can invoke certain feelings for example, is this taken into account or I'm fishing for something that's not there?


Hey Hey!

We had a few concepts that we tried out for the lobby background of ranked. We tried a few locations and subtle interactions, one idea we really liked was having your team inside the plane itself.

In the end, we went with the current version because we wanted the emphasis of the scene to be on you and your squad and we didn't want the scene to be too distracting. The ranked lobby background was a fun mini-project because this was the first time we got to focus on the player rather than tying it together with the season.

I'll also mention that the Environment and UI teams are currently looking at ways we can improve them and let players show off more of their identity. We're still very early on in the process though.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Sword_Saint - Direct link

Originally posted by PUBG_Pundertaker

Yes he does play Riven.

P.S. My Cho'gath is better ;)

We're not having this argument again -.-

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Sword_Saint - Direct link

Originally posted by PlayerIGN

Hi 2 question:
1. Sword Saint, do you main Riven in LoL? What's ur peak rank?
2. Do you guys plan on adding vehicle hard spawns to ranked mode?

I lied that was 3 questions

  1. I do, I've played since Season 2 but my focus has shifted over to TFT since that came out. I peaked in the mid-plat area in LoL when I was playing it seriously. This was kind of an interesting guess on your part though, I wonder where this all came from :o
  2. Season 8 does feature the vehicles spawning in the esports static locations, but they aren't all guarantee to spawn every match. Time and player feedback will tell if we eventually move to a world where they are 100% spawns in a future patch or season.
almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Sword_Saint - Direct link

Originally posted by maxt0r

Hey guys, what's your after work beverage of choice?

Grape soda, and I don't wait until after work. I live on the edge (get it, because swords?).

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Sword_Saint - Direct link

Originally posted by playerknownbutthole

Hi Devs,

What do you suggest a guy should do when he has completed all daily, weekly, and other missions of the new pass? "Asking for a friend"

Tell your friend he should play ranked.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Pundertaker - Direct link

Originally posted by maxt0r

Hey guys, what's your after work beverage of choice?

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Pundertaker - Direct link

Originally posted by crispysleepypanda

I have a very important question.

What are your fave pizza toppings and why?

Anything but Anchovies

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Elcazador - Direct link

Originally posted by GutoDH

Edit: [PC Version]

As the points are now being given for the squad position (while you didn't quit the match), how is it affected in case of a crash if you're still able to go back to the game?

A second question, regarding kills after you die (enemies bleeding out), will this count as a kill to my stats if I die, but the rest of the squad remain alive?

If you kill an enemy after you die, as long as you stay around and spectate you will get credit. This is actually an improvement that we made quite recently and I’m glad you brought this up.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Sword_Saint - Direct link

Originally posted by crispysleepypanda

I have a very important question.

What are your fave pizza toppings and why?

There are other toppings besides pepperoni?

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Elcazador - Direct link

Originally posted by PUBG_Sword_Saint

Grape soda, and I don't wait until after work. I live on the edge (get it, because swords?).


almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Sword_Saint - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

It's great that we have ranked and people enjoy it. But as there is no skill based Matchmaking it's hard to fight a master squad being a gold or lower rank player. What are we doing to make sure players with right skill fight other than saying get better which is what I hear from the community here?


The unfortunate reality is that how well SBMM works is entirely dependent on the number of players who are playing at the time. In some regions like China this skill based matchmaking works really well all of the time, but in most others it’s just not realistic.

Even so, we are taking steps to try and improve this experience. One example of this is the addition of bonus points for taking down players who are higher ranked than you, which has been added for the launch of Season 8. In the future, we will continue to pursue additional ways to make this feel better.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Sword_Saint - Direct link

Originally posted by Sonataah

Will you bring BRDM-2 back again after weaken it? A little like it 0.0

PC platform

We have no plans at this time to bring the BDRM back to Ranked mode.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Elcazador - Direct link

Originally posted by crispysleepypanda

I have a very important question.

What are your fave pizza toppings and why?

Pineapple and ham. Why wouldn't you bake pineapples?

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Pundertaker - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Hey Friend!

I can't get into super specifics just yet, but we are looking at a feature that can help pair you with specific teammates based on a few parameters, one of which includes language.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Cookfair - Direct link

Originally posted by Siannath

Hello, PUBG devs.

  1. Will there be rewards at the end of Season 8? Can you tell us what they are?
  2. Why didn't you implement classified mode 2 years ago?
  3. Would you consider this? Once you buy a pass, you always get the possibility to get your skins. You still have to put the same time to earn the required XP, but there is no date limit. You should be able to unlock all the skins (you paid for them) any time in the future while PUBG is alive. The current Survivor Pass should always get all the attention, but in a second plane you can still complete quests or missions to unlock skins from the previous passes. That way, people that do not want PUBG to become "a second job" in order to unlock all the skins can relax about this and unlock the skins on their own pace. Not everybody has the time required to unlock the skins in Survivor Passes, but that people may be willing to pay for the Survivor Pass if they know that they always can unlock all the skins. Also, people who are very impatient could still buy the level-ups to unlock everything sooner. I don't think is wise to annoy or frustrate your paying customers. Why a customer will buy the Survivor Pass if they will not unlock most skins because they do not have enough time to play?
  4. Are you taking specific measures to end cheating in Ranked Mode?
  5. Usage of mouse macros to use semi-automatic weapons "as automatic" or tu reduce recoil is considered cheating?
  6. Do you have an insight on how to bring more playes to ranked mode? Some users feel intimidated or uninterested.
  7. It is true that you can play against players with more skill gap than the gap between your squad members? If so, do you plan address this?
  8. Would you consider give players the ability to have one outfit for ranked mode besides the outfit they use for normal mode? So, if you play normal mode, you have your dinosaur costume, but when you play ranked, you automatically get your warzone clothes (or whatever the user wants to wear in each mode).
  9. Do you play other shooters, besides PUBG?

New Sanhok can get really dark when is rainy or foggy. I like that quite a lot! I think the map overall looks neat!

Also, thank you for some changes that you are making to ranked mode in season 8, particulary team placement points and points for killing a better player.

My platform is PC. Thank you and best wishes.

Hey Siannath! I can answer your last two questions.

I LOVE the idea of being able to customize clothes based on the mode...or hell even the MOOD you're in. We want your PUBG character to be something that you feel complete ownership in. Pre-set outfits are a great way to do this, and the whole UI team wants to make this happen. There were some related internal UI explorations revolving around season pass reward outfit sets being coupled together rather than being viewed piece-mail, spaced out by levels... so were getting there!

As far as other shooters, I've been getting back into Halo 5 again. I'm a big console player, and Halo 2/3 is my all time favorite!

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Cookfair - Direct link

Originally posted by RodrigoAk47

Hello Devs,

My question goes to Josh Cookfair - PUBG_Cookfair

Good Job on the Sanhok revamp - do you have any plans put the Loot Truck on the map miramar, erangel and vikend?

PC :)

Hey Rodrigo! Sanhok remaster was done by the very talented u/PUBG_curdstuff . You can check out that AMA here

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Elcazador - Direct link

Originally posted by oppi3

Hi Pubg Devs,

1 - is it possible for you to check if a player get disconnected during a rank game ? If so can you prevent him to loose rp ?

Pc platform

Unfortunately when a player disconnects and doesn’t come back they will suffer a RP penalty. This is to prevent leaving in Ranked which creates a negative experience for your team and all the players in the match.

However, on a related note we do realize that it is painful to keep playing when a teammate has left and you’re stuck with a team that is not full. We acknowledge that starting off on an even playing field is important in Ranked, and so we’re actively working on conditions that waive the leaver penalty for certain situations.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Pundertaker - Direct link

Originally posted by SuntetiDegeaba

Hello Devs,

Good Job on the Sanhok revamp - do you have any plans on changing the loot from the Loot Truck?

PC :)


We're not really the best team to ask this to but, if you have loot truck questions, some of our map guys in Madison answered a ton of these last week :)


almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Pundertaker - Direct link

Originally posted by Mikeydrives1

Thanks for taking the time to do an AMA!

Ok, so I don't know if this applies to ranked mode specifically, more of a generalized question.

Are there any plans to add in different Seasons or night/day modes for the existing maps?

For example, a snow covered Erengal? Or perhaps Erengal with fall / autumn foliage.

Also, I do like when Vikendi had night mode, so would there be any plans to add Night time mode to the other existing maps as well?

Thanks again! Love the game and haven't been able to put it down since it was released for Xbox!

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Sword_Saint - Direct link

Originally posted by Siannath

Hello, PUBG devs.

  1. Will there be rewards at the end of Season 8? Can you tell us what they are?
  2. Why didn't you implement classified mode 2 years ago?
  3. Would you consider this? Once you buy a pass, you always get the possibility to get your skins. You still have to put the same time to earn the required XP, but there is no date limit. You should be able to unlock all the skins (you paid for them) any time in the future while PUBG is alive. The current Survivor Pass should always get all the attention, but in a second plane you can still complete quests or missions to unlock skins from the previous passes. That way, people that do not want PUBG to become "a second job" in order to unlock all the skins can relax about this and unlock the skins on their own pace. Not everybody has the time required to unlock the skins in Survivor Passes, but that people may be willing to pay for the Survivor Pass if they know that they always can unlock all the skins. Also, people who are very impatient could still buy the level-ups to unlock everything sooner. I don't think is wise to annoy or frustrate your paying customers. Why a customer will buy the Survivor Pass if they will not unlock most skins because they do not have enough time to play?
  4. Are you taking specific measures to end cheating in Ranked Mode?
  5. Usage of mouse macros to use semi-automatic weapons "as automatic" or tu reduce recoil is considered cheating?
  6. Do you have an insight on how to bring more playes to ranked mode? Some users feel intimidated or uninterested.
  7. It is true that you can play against players with more skill gap than the gap between your squad members? If so, do you plan address this?
  8. Would you consider give players the ability to have one outfit for ranked mode besides the outfit they use for normal mode? So, if you play normal mode, you have your dinosaur costume, but when you play ranked, you automatically get your warzone clothes (or whatever the user wants to wear in each mode).
  9. Do you play other shooters, besides PUBG?

New Sanhok can get really dark when is rainy or foggy. I like that quite a lot! I think the map overall looks neat!

Also, thank you for some changes that you are making to ranked mode in season 8, particulary team placement points and points for killing a better player.

My platform is PC. Thank you and best wishes.

Many of us in the office play Valorant :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Elcazador - Direct link

Originally posted by loveglove_

Hello, PC player here. I love the game and have been playing since March 2017. Thank you for your time today.

Anyways, my question applies to ranked, but to all other modes as well, including competitive. I never understood the logic behind the tally of blue/play zone kills. If I do 99 damage to a player and then they take 1 damage to the blue zone and get knocked, I don't get the kill for that unless I finish the knocked player. In comp, it is a common strategy to 'deny the kill point' by letting the play zone kill you which for me, as a viewer, is boring. I understand the logic behind denying the kill point, but it is kind of a bummer. Has there been any thought or discussion on changing this?

In ranked, I know there is a suicide penalty if you die to the blue zone, but wouldn't it make more sense if the last player who did damage to the player in the blue zone would get the kill? Since that attacker caused the person to die via blue zone. The suicide penalty should stay (and maybe added to comp?), but only if that person takes 100 full blue zone damage.

I could be wrong but I think the community would appreciate such a change.

Additionally, have there been any thoughts to giving better rewards for each tier? Gold and above received the parachute and motorbike skins, so that didn't give me any incentive to try and reach for Diamond after obtaining high Platinum. Have you thought about changing this?

Thank you for your response!

We are always looking to improve the way kills and assists work in Ranked, and indeed we are looking into this specific case that you brought up. We are aware that players will sometimes ‘deny’ the kill by dying by environmental causes and we agree that this experience is not something we want to endorse. We are looking into changing this so that the kill point is given to the player who knocked the enemy player in this case.

As for your second question, this is actually quite related to the first issue. If a player is knocked by an enemy and dies to environmental causes, we felt that a suicide penality is too harsh and so we are no longer giving a penality to the player who died.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Pundertaker - Direct link

Originally posted by Dr_Survivor

Hey Pubg-Devs,

I have severel questions regarding the ranked mode:

  1. Why would you not just apply SUPER-Settings for ranked? Slightly better loot and fix car spawns would be perfect. It's also easier for good squads to go pro as they have the same settings in pro games then.

  2. Why aren't there more ways to reduce the big amount of hackers? Like setting the minimum Survivor Level to 80 or even 100. If there are old accounts, who played the last time two years ago and suddenly start playing ranked with a K/D of 7.0 they should get investigated instantly.

  3. Why do players not get a compensation, when killed by a hacker, who is later banned? It's just super annoying to get killed by a hacker, but on top of that you get punished with minus RP. At least these minus points should be removed.

  4. Why does the damage not get calculated into the RP? Imo the damage dealt is one of the best skill indicators in PUBG. So why shouldn't this be included in a skill-based rating?

  5. What is the highest possible rank gap between two squads that can get queued in together, if you assume each player in the squad has the same rank?

  6. How often do you guys play ranked on your own and what was your ranks this season?

Best wishes and stay safe


Regarding your last question:

We have quiet a few people in the NY office who play ranked quite a bit.

I'm probably one of the worst players in our office and I tend to hover around low gold. (Someone's gotta be the meat shield)

We have a few teams that are really big into playing on console three nights a week and also some solo PC players who are much better than any of us console plebs. Then you have your Hawkinz and Andymh5s of the world who are so good they aren't even fun to play against :D

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Elcazador - Direct link

Originally posted by AmentaTV

Hi Pubg Devs,

First off, ranked is a great (re) addition and brought me back to PUBG after 18 months away from the game! Is there any possibility of adding an "avoid Teammate" option, similar to Overwatch, into ranked? At least in NA with the small population, it can be pretty frustrating to get paired with the same toxic people multiple times!


We totally agree with this suggestion and this is one of the features that is being worked on for a future season. It’s always painful to find yourself on a team with toxic players, and it would certainly take some of the edge off that frustration if you could guarantee that you wouldn’t be teamed with them again.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Elcazador - Direct link

Originally posted by lioCay

Hey team, due to some personal issues I didn't have time to seat and play with my buddies as much as I wanted this season. By the time I could come back and play, most of them where gold or above and I had to play random squads to get my initial ranking. That could not have gone worst for me and has kept me from playing with them bc of the ranking gap. I know the whole ranking purpose is to match you with similarly skilled players but it should be possible for unranked players to play with their squad no matter the rank difference. This whole thing kept us from playing together as we would and it feels unfair. Are you planning or considering changes so people like me are not penalized?

Xbox player here.

If you are unranked you are actually able to team up with people without any limitations to the RP gap :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Sword_Saint - Direct link

Originally posted by Dr_Survivor

Hey Pubg-Devs,

I have severel questions regarding the ranked mode:

  1. Why would you not just apply SUPER-Settings for ranked? Slightly better loot and fix car spawns would be perfect. It's also easier for good squads to go pro as they have the same settings in pro games then.

  2. Why aren't there more ways to reduce the big amount of hackers? Like setting the minimum Survivor Level to 80 or even 100. If there are old accounts, who played the last time two years ago and suddenly start playing ranked with a K/D of 7.0 they should get investigated instantly.

  3. Why do players not get a compensation, when killed by a hacker, who is later banned? It's just super annoying to get killed by a hacker, but on top of that you get punished with minus RP. At least these minus points should be removed.

  4. Why does the damage not get calculated into the RP? Imo the damage dealt is one of the best skill indicators in PUBG. So why shouldn't this be included in a skill-based rating?

  5. What is the highest possible rank gap between two squads that can get queued in together, if you assume each player in the squad has the same rank?

  6. How often do you guys play ranked on your own and what was your ranks this season?

Best wishes and stay safe


It's hard to meaningfully respond to long lists of questions, so I'll tackle just a couple of these that haven't been discussed as much elsewhere.

1) The long term goal is to unify the rulesets between Ranked and SUPER as much as possible. We don't believe that either ruleset is currently perfect, and so we are currently in an extended phase of experimentation. In some patches you can expect that the Ranked ruleset will move closer SUPER, and in others you might see SUPER move closer to Ranked. They should eventually meet at a point in the middle, or maybe even off to the side somewhere, and from then on they will ideally stay as close together as possible. An example of this process is the vehicle spawns in Season 8, which have moved closer to the SUPER standard than they were in Season 7.

2) We are continuously looking into ways to limit the activities of cheaters, especially in ranked. We raised the minimum Survivor Mastery level to enter ranked to 40 and added a hard cap on how quickly SM XP can be earned in Season 8 for exactly that reason. We can't afford to be too aggressive here though, you would be surprised at what a large percent of active players, including ranked players, actually have a fairly low SM level - and these don't just include new or returning accounts.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Elcazador - Direct link

Originally posted by Lukce

Hey devs,

Have you considered adding some kind of team information tab during the 60sec countdown phase before ranked games start? Something that could include e.g. current rank, kda, s7 emblem etc of your teammates. This would be especially useful when pairing up with random players but can also be a nice way to show off your achievements to friends.


This is a great idea and I’m glad you brought this up! In fact we are working on an in-game team modal that allows you view information about your teammates while playing Ranked.

We understand that team information during a ranked match is valuable information and every gamer wants to show off their achievements when they do well in a match! Thanks for the suggestion!

almost 4 years ago - /u/PUBG_Sword_Saint - Direct link

Originally posted by rwhockey29

Hey guys thanks for doing this! 2 questions:

1: Is there any thought of allowing ANY level players party up in ranked squads? As it stands now we have some in our normal group who can't party up with us, but we're still getting thrown into games at silver with basically pro level players.

2: Any chance of a region/ping lock for at least ranked? Based on the ban reports I get(NA) it seems like it would really cut down on cheaters.

Expanding the range of premade team ranks or removing the restriction entirely is a common request and one we've been looking into. It's a touchy subject because just removing it puts the integrity of the rank calculation at risk, but there are compromises we are considering. Things like calculating a players RP change as if they were the same rank as the highest rank member of the team are one example.