This screenshot was shared in today's "making of rondo" video.

It isn't high res and I'm hopeful that there is some missing info / data as well because.. it feels like there are a lot of empty patches of land, especially in the middle of the map, with no compounds around any of the POIs.

The map feels empty to me looking at it in this screenshot.

Originally posted by Saltynole

2 identical places next to each other both named hung shan seems like an early build to me

Oh thats a fail on my part, I removed a black subtitle bar (screenshot from the subbed video) and the terrain got duplicated down there.

Originally posted by saev87

I agree that is seems a bit low on buildings, but I've had an issue with too many buildings on other maps. So maybe this balance suits me better. Looking forward to get my hands on it!


Originally posted by Spyrith

As someone who likes playing on foot and using the terrain instead of buildings, this map looks fantastic. Quite a lot of elevation as well.

Was a bit skeptical before, but now I'm actually curious to try it.

I love that as well, long range battles are my favorite. I dread cqc