about 1 year ago - /u/SteveTheHappyWhale - Direct link


  • Due to player feedback, the release of Dragunov 7.62 DMR has been suspended
  • Devs acknowledge that its probabilistic damage system could deviate from the intended gameplay experience
  • Devs have also shared and announced a feedback survey in order to gather community sentiment on Dragunov & Aug
  • Outcome from this survey will be publicly shared and have an impact on changes for these two guns

Feedback survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FQJM5BK?lang=en

News article: https://pubg.com/en-eu/news/6572

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/SteveTheHappyWhale - Direct link


  • Due to player feedback, the release of Dragunov 7.62 DMR has been suspended
  • Devs acknowledge that its probabilistic damage system could deviate from the intended gameplay experience
  • Devs have also shared and announced a feedback survey in order to gather community sentiment on Dragunov & Aug
  • Outcome from this survey will be publicly shared and have an impact on changes for these two guns

Feedback survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FQJM5BK?lang=en

News article: https://pubg.com/en-eu/news/6572

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/SteveTheHappyWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by Psychological-Sir224

rare pubg W

Pure, CLEAN W.

This is hopefully a start of something much greater. Better, more open communication.

Asking your players for targeted feedback via surveys then publishing results alongside your further plans will break echo chambers / little community bubbles where speculation and lack of information is a major cause for negativity.

Bringing topics like these to light so everyone can see will clear all that up and make the players understand why something is changing - or not!