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Update 18.1 is now live on PC

Quick rundown of the update:

  • Ranked Season 18
  • Item Spawn Balance Adjustments
  • Paramo Update
  • Paramo Replaces Vikendi in Normal Matches
  • M24 In-Game Model Improvements
  • Training Mode, TDM, Other Improvements
  • Rich Presence Improvements
  • Store Improvements
  • UI/UX Improvements
  • Performance Improvements
  • Bug Fixes

...and more.

For a full rundown, please read the Update 18.1 Patch Notes or watch the Patch Report.

Please use this megathread for discussing the update, posting your experience so far, reporting issues you encounter, asking questions that come up.

How do you feel after playing on Update 18.1? Expand on your opinion in the comments!

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over 2 years ago - /u/SteveTheHappyWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by downtherabbit

Just got a chicken dinner on my first map after update and it was my first ever Paramo as well.

Grats dude! How are you liking the map?

over 2 years ago - /u/SteveTheHappyWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by -Enders

What updates did Paramo get?

It's a minor update that brought some terrain changes / new objects to hide behind in areas that were deemed a bit too open.

over 2 years ago - /u/SteveTheHappyWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by Rabbitical

This is a long shot but I, and I'm sure many vet players would really, REALLY like an option to turn off all the new UI doodads like the grenade cook counter and even the 3D ping markers. I get why you're adding them, but I just don't want that crap on my screen, it's more distracting than anything. So it would be amazing to be able to just have settings to turn them off for anyone who doesn't want them!

Hey Rabbitical, thanks for the feedback. Yup, that's totally fair. Will forward the feedback!

over 2 years ago - /u/SteveTheHappyWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by RUBIK1376

It's OK. The thing is.... it's really questionable that it replaced Vikendi after like 4 weeks of it being in rotation. Meanwhile the vast majority of comments on this subreddit's post about the 18.1 patch notes were complaints about how you are shafting Vikendi constantly and yet none of you community managers showed up in that thread. That was the easy part and you all didn't even do that. Much less actually passing on the reddit community's overwhelming concern over to the live team in order to actually give the players what they want upon 18.1's release.

So yea. The Paramo map changes don't matter. In the slightest. It's the company's shitty unfounded unpopular unjustified map pool decisions.

It's a f**kton easier to cheer on the peepos getting their first win than it is to address the glaring problems the players have with your company's decisions, but isn't the latter supposed to be your job?

it's really questionable that it replaced Vikendi after like 4 weeks of it being in rotation.

There are 4 static maps and 4 rotating maps.

Erangel, Miramar, Taego and Sanhok are static maps - based on the highest popularity across the globe.

Vikendi, Haven, Paramo and Karakin are the rotating maps.

Initially we had the rotating maps stay for the duration of the whole season (2 months) and due to player sentiment saying that this was too long, the change was made to rotate the maps with every monthly update, which is happening now. We are continuing to monitor sentiment on all of this and will be making changes if / where needed.

over 2 years ago - /u/SteveTheHappyWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by RUBIK1376

We are continuing to monitor sentiment on all of this and will be making changes if / where needed.

On the 18.1 Patch Note reddit thread, 13 of the 15 top most upvoted comments were about why Vikendi was being removed after just being reimplemented while Sanhok stays in as permanent. The other two of those comments were literally "meh" and "Sooo..Nothing really?". Combined with no community managers appearing in the thread addressing these NA/EU "invested" players' concerns, saying you're continuing to monitor sentiment and make changes sounds like bull tbh.

Secondly, you say the new plan is to have 4 maps static and have the other 4 current maps rotate out every 4 weeks. Half of the maps are therefore not playable for 3/4 of the time. I'm betting a lot of players, including myself, have their favorite maps sitting in the "rotated map" pool and you guys are just cool with us only getting to play our favorites for max 3 months of the year? What?

Nevermind that the map service plan in February said verbatim "players won’t have to be without their favorite map for a whole Season" which was then immediately followed by 1.5 seasons of no Vikendi. That was embarrassing and directly contradicts this new 4 week rotation logic too?

None of it makes sense. You guys can't claim to be listening to the (reddit) community when it comes to map rotation given the playerbase's opinions on Vikendi and Sanhok specifically.

Shit like this is why I went from playing every day to once a week max. But hey you guys are getting plenty of new peepos from F2P to buy fortnite skins so why should I expect you to care about players like me?

Let me preface by saying that PUBG: Battlegrounds is a global game, played by players in regions across the world and with that in mind, every change, every decision that is made, affects players all around the world.

While the feedback is very much appreciated, requests from one group of players within one community platform in one region do not always represent the global sentiment. Feedback is not always unanimous, or commonly shared among majority of regions or common among majority of players within a region. Ultimately, the game designers are the ones who make decisions on the game's design. Those decisions can and have been influenced by community feedback in the past, and will continue to be influenced in the future. The goal is to provide the best experience to as many players as possible.

There are thousands of communities all around the world, each wanting the game to be changed and evolved the way they like to play it. This is completely natural, especially in our game where you have an incredible amount of ways to play it.

You can play tactically, you can play fast, you can play slow, you can stalk and third party players, you can be aggressive and push fights and breach compounds, you can prone and crawl through bushes or the edge of the zone, you can goof around in all sorts of ways. You can be a stealthy sniper, you can be a tactical player, you can throw pans at people, you can play the CQC game with shotguns and SMGs, you can ride a bike, fly a glider, ride an armored vehicle or a boat. Each map has something that some group of players likes and dislikes. And all this can be played in 2 perspectives, in multiple queue types.

I am barely scratching the surface of the ways that one can play this game and yet, all of these ways to play the game are THE only way to play the game to certain groups of players. No matter what map comes into rotation, there have and will be players who say that that is their favorite map and that that map should be part of the standard map lineup. And this will happen on many community platforms within each region.

I hope the above helps a little bit in understanding that there is no 1 right way to play, no 1 set of maps that everyone prefers, no 1 game mode / type / perspective that all players like to play.

We are here to forward your feedback. CMs across all regions do the same. We cannot always immediately react by saying that what you are asking for is going to be added / done / changed / made. If any feedback is common among multiple regions then it has higher chances of it being considered by the teams in charge of designing the game. These things can often take time to be discussed, internal roadmaps changed to incorporate change of plans, priorities shifted. Regardless of how small a change may seem to someone, it is never the case of "flip of a switch".

As always, I am thankful for all the feedback that everyone is sharing and I always make sure to forward all of it.