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almost 4 years ago - /u/robodanjal - Direct link

Originally posted by nox-_

Just shy of 3k hours i discovered today that the addition of bots meant that I could revisit what started my love for PUBG, solo que.

Solo and duo (even squads for a while there) have been completely dead on OCE servers for a long time and outside of peak hours, PUGs or using a VPN is the only way we can play, so i was enjoying some morning solo PUBG, it was almost nostalgic except this time i got to slay bots like no tomorrow.

However after a few games of 95+ bot lobbies my k/d was sitting pretty at 28 with an average damage of ~1000 and before long I was banned for "Unusual gameplay patterns".

I understand this is just an auto ban for the insane amount of kills and maaaaaybe the few other human players reported to help it along, needless to say I'm a bit miffed but ultimately not surprised after being with this game since beta, I really should have seen it coming. I knew that unusually high adr/kd could get you auto banned and of course it still counts when those kills are against literal bots but hey, maybe it's a sign to take a break.

Tl;DR: Due to poor oversight from Bluehole, slaying on some bots got me auto banned for unusually high KD


Edit: Some more pictures and just to say I might be mistaken on how bans are issued as some have pointed out, sorry to those I've sweat on, may you relish in my banishment.

Edit2: Look out, Bots. I'm back

(Wonder if this post had anything to do with it)

Hey Nox, sorry that this has happened to you, but glad to see our team reviewed it quickly.

I don't have all the details on your ban just yet but a quick chat with the anti-cheat team has revealed that stats based bans shouldn't be taking place when those stats are gained against bots.

We'll have a deeper look and find out what happened.