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No, this isn't one of those "OMG x ITEM IS SO BROKEN BECAUSE IT'S REALLY GOOD IN 1 SCENERIO" doomsday posts that happens way to often in this community, this item is actually broken.

It is nothing but a flatout benefit in every single way. It's tradeoff is supposed to be that you lose a primary weapon, but when you can stick 4 primary weapons in it that's not a tradeoff. Oh wow, now I need to open my inventory and drag a picture to my weapon slot instead of pressing 2, that really offsets the fact I am carrying 5 primary weapons.

Not only this, but it takes the previous added EMS kit which is a serious risk reward item and just makes it a reward item. No longer do you need to choose a weapon that's good at all ranges because now you have it + a main weapon + 3 weapons of your choice shoved up your arse. The only way I can see it being somewhat balanced is I'd imagine swapping weapons in the console inventory tab would take a fair bit of time to do, on PC however it is flatout overpowered.

Here's a few situations where it completely breaks prior balance:

  • "Oh look, I've found an AWM in a crate. This weapons tradeoff is power for ammo where you need to pick your shots. f*ck it, I'll shove it up my arse alongside a kar98, I don't care".
  • Shotguns are extremely situational and you are choosing to take something amazing in 5% of situations to be meh in 95% of situations. "Oh nvm I can just whip a shotgun, AR and bolty out at any time".
  • Bolt actions 1 shot level 2 and 1 helmet users, but if I need to shoot someone moving I'm going to have some trouble. "Oh I can just shove a DMR and bolty up my arse so if there is a standing target with a lvl 2/1 helmet I can 1shot them, if I miss and they start moving I'll just whip out my SLR".
  • "Oh look an EMS kit, lemmie just shove that up the backside so if I ever need healing, I can instantly full heal with a first aid kit in 2s. This also means I don't need boosts or bandages further freeing up slots for more grenades or ammo for the 4 other guns I'm carrying".
  • "There's a carepackage out in the ocean, who should we send. If it's a gun I don't like but my squadmate likes, I'll risk throwing down the gun I'm carrying and like to grab the crate gun to give to my teammate. f*ck it, send the bag guy out he can carry it".
  • Oh look, I have a sniper rifle, drone, spotter scope, EMS kit and a main weapon all on me at the same time. Despite the fact 3 of these items are meant to be restricted to a primary weapon slot, now I have insane amounts of utility without loosing out on 2 primary weapons.

These are just off the top of my head. This single piece of equipment fundamentally destroys the balance of this game. Remember when people were worried about that thermal scope? Yea that is nothing compared to this piece of equipment.

Here's a number of ways it could've been implemented in an infinitely more balanced state:

  • Weapons stored in it can't have attachments on them. This way, you can't just keep whipping out fully kitted weapons instantly and would need to move the attachments from your inventory onto them when you pull out a new one.
  • Weapons stored need to be reloaded when pulled out. This one should be a given and the fact you could store 4 m249s with 160 round mags and just keep pulling them out tells me they didn't think for more than 30 seconds when coming up with this equipment.
  • It forces you to have a lvl 1 backpack. This way you are really limited on ammo and requires you to use up sections of the equipment for ammo. It also means you will be limited on nades.
  • You need to put the thing into your hands before you can switch weapons. This way it's a 2 step process, not just instantly whipping out new guns (even one man army from MW2 forced this AND had a waiting period to swap classes).
  • Limit what can go in it more effectively. EMS bag under no circumstances should be allowed in this thing. Drone maybe because then atleast it would have a purpose, same with the spotter scope. Maybe limit the type of weapon (if you want 4 panzers up there for a meme fine, but you can't have more than 1 main weapon as to not fundamentally break the weapon class balance).

The latest buff to the M4 which was one of the 2 most used weapons while ignoring literally every other AR in the game had me question what the balance team was doing. This makes me question if you have ever even played your game since 5 second of thought could tell you this equipment was utterly broken.

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over 2 years ago - /u/SteveTheHappyWhale - Direct link

Thanks for all the feedback. Feeding this back to the devs!