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Long time lurker, first time poster.

Some background - I have been playing this game since 2018. I bought a gaming PC just to be able to play since my computer at the time couldn't handle it. In my opinion, it's the ultimate FPS gaming experience. There is nothing like winning a chicken dinner in PUBG. The first one I ever won, my heart was pounding and I was sweating. The high I felt is probably why I am still playing all these years later. (I'm still chasing that high). ((I know I'll never reach it again 😞🙃)).

But I digress. I love this game because of all of it. I love it because the gun mechanics are unbelievable. I love it because of all the strategy and tactics (even camping!). I love it because I get to meet and interact with all sorts of people. (Some good and some bad). I love it because it's so much fun to play with friends. I love solos too but sometimes it can be too lonely and too stressful. In my opinion I think duos is the ultimate game play experience.

I understand a lot of players left the game because they were so frustrated with the game. I've had the pleasure of playing of playing with Chocotaco and Kickstart. I'm a 60 month subscriber of Choco and he finally stopped playing (to my knowledge) because his game kept crashing. And I totally get it. I get frustrated when my game crashes. I get frustrated when I die due to desync. I get frustrated when I die to hackers and cheaters. I get frustrated when my entire clip goes into a window or railing even though I have high ground advantage. But in the end it only makes me want to better.

Do I think the developers are cash grabbing cows? Probably yes. Do I think they could do better? Probably yes. Do I think they should focus on fixing current issues versus adding new things to the game that most of us don't want anyways? Definitely yes. But can I blame them? No. And am I going to stop playing? Probably not. Why? Because to reiterate I love this game! PUBG for life!!!

Lastly, to all the new players out there (however few there may be) who complain about getting laser beamed by level 500s I'm sorry. But guess what? I have close to 4k hours and I still get destroyed on the daily. There are days where nothing goes my way and I am getting constantly destroyed. But again it only makes me want to get better. And it only makes the times where I excel that much more enjoyable. So to summarize, I love PUBG and I hope people continue to love it flaws and all (especially with Super People coming out). Hope to keep seeing all of you out there on the battlefield thanks! Good luck and more importantly have fun!!

TLDR: I love PUBG flaws and all and I hope you all do too.

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over 1 year ago - /u/SteveTheHappyWhale - Direct link

Joining in to share my experience and passion as well! I was given a closed beta test key at the start of 2017 and fell in love with the game there and then.

I got it day 1 on early access release in March and have since then not experienced the same thrill / excitement / fun in any other shooter.

Thousands of hours later, I am still as in love with the game as I ever was. The slower, more tactical, yet not too slow of a pace paired with great gunplay does it for me. I love duos the most, but a good squad is a ton of fun if everyone is aligned on what the goals are (whether it be just goofing around or playing tactically, or what have you). I did not enjoy solos for the longest time as it was just too brutal. I probably started playing solos more after I've matured as a player. But even now, when I play solos I get into situations where I stop breathing throughout an entire encounter and get my heart racing and go, "whoa" at the end.