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Hi, i recently came back to play the game, i downloaded to play, now thats all done and downloaded, im trying to start the game up, which works and loads up the games main menu, i can look around and change things, but the problem starts when i join a match which puts me in a black screen and after like 2-3mins it just closes the game and this is been happening since i redownloaded the game, i looked online it said that try unticking two boxes in the ubisoft connect which i done but even with that the game just crashes

over 2 years ago - Gomez - Direct link

Could you explain wiath BSOD is?

over 2 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Check your pc configuration if it's able to run the game. If it's check that your gpu drivers and all the needed tools are updated and ready.

For sure this is not an issue related to the game, probably it's because your configuration is not stable.

over 2 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by H@dron: Thanks but it's not specs and it's not drivers. It is in fact the game. I managed to fix it. Not sure which of the fixes did it, but my patience was starting to run thin.

So here's the things I did.
1: Open the config file, Documents\My Games\TAB\Configuration.
My monitor had some jiberish value in it and no resolution set. Manually input a 0 for the monitor, and monitors native resolution. (I also set windowed mode to true, which I changed back in game just fine.)

2: Right click the game exe, properties, compatibility, run as administrator.

3: Right click the TAB root folder in the steamapps folder. Uncheck read only, say yes to all.

Probably the BSOD was caused because the permission to be written of the files, and this could be caused by your antirivurs or firewall or whatever software you had that didn't allow the game to write essential files. Game by itself cannot cause BSOD, Anyway It's super cool you can now play the game properly.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @LeMeDebuff I am sorry to hear of your black screen of death!

In order to try and resolve this issue or narrow down a few possible things that may be causing it, could you please follow each step you have yet to try in our tech troubleshooting guide? This guide contains the most common fixes for this issue and will also help rule out if it was caused by hardware, software, corrupted file, Windows settings and out-of-date drivers > https://www.ubisoft.com/help?article=000061047

Should none of the steps resolve your issue, please let us know as there are other steps we can advise as well.

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