Original Post — Direct link

Hey ark survivors, mutants, and goons! We're setting up this thread to compile any questions and answers you have about which edition of the game has what bonuses, whether preloading is available for preorders from specific stores, and any other specific questions people want answered that will help them decide on when to buy the game.

Please keep an eye out for official responses from official Bethesda Softworks with the Community Manager flair beside their username. /u/Jitsu202 will definitely be around to help answer!


As always, if you have any questions or comments about the /r/RAGEgame community please send a message to the moderators. Thanks!

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almost 6 years ago - /u/Jitsu202 - Direct link

Originally posted by Racist7

Hello! Does GameStop’s preorder a Steam code or a Bethesda Launcher code? Doesn’t really matter, just curious if I should download the Beth client.

Hey there,

The code you get from GameStop will be for the Bethesda.net Launcher.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jitsu202 - Direct link

Originally posted by Pyrolex

If I preorder from Amazon, do I get the controller skin before the game or at the same time as the game?

Hey Pyrolex!

I'd ask the retailer (Amazon) about this one, since the Anarchy skin is exclusive to them.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jitsu202 - Direct link

Originally posted by PooButtNigga

Is the pre-order bonus mission exclusive to pre-order only or will it be released later for others?

As of now, the Cult of the Death God is exclusive to the pre-order edition of the game.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jitsu202 - Direct link

Originally posted by Toyfan1

Before you guys had announced for steam, I had preordered the deluxe edition for the BL. I repreordered it and was told my new preorder is for steam, was that gamestop mispeaking or is there a steam preorder?

When you pre-ordered the second time from GameStop was it a physical pre-order, or digital?