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Just downloaded the supporter ADAM update and tried the new Sullivan's Slope and Datacenter missions. Here is my initial feedback of playing both maps one time.

Players who have been looking for smaller, shorter missions will like SS a lot. It is very claustrophobic and gives off similar creepy vibes to Fairfax Residence from SWAT 4. The suspects can flank and maneuver around you by climbing through some of the walls, so you are constantly scanning around even though the space is small. The world building is as good as its ever been, and there is interesting sh*t to look at splayed over pretty much every surface of this map. You really never know when you're about to run into the suspects on this level, and even their footsteps and talking will trip you up a bit, which makes the level very tense. The biggest downside i ran into is that the AI teammates can get tripped up on the cluttered environment.

Datacenter is a large map that took me 23 minutes to clear. The new AI flanking behavior REALLY f*cked me up on this map. The building itself is laid out in a way that makes it difficult to clear safely, as well as requiring you to clear the immediate outdoor area and roof. Once you move into the interior of the data center with the rows of data storage, good f*cking luck. The AI killed one of my teammates and shot the rest of us each at least once on this map. The interior data storage area is a paradise for the flanking AI, definitely one of the more difficult maps IMO.

The new incapacitation is system is very welcome, as running with a lethal rifle means you wont simply be killing everyone you shoot. The AI behavior is definitely improved across the board, and i have felt that my firefights were fair, while still requiring quick decision making. The AI shoots at you about how fast i would expect someone familiar with a weapon to fire IRL, still quick but not aimbotty. The new AI navigation and behavior makes them more dynamic and difficult to deal with, and civilians seem to flee a bit more realistically too. Honestly the AI teammates are starting to show their age now that everyone else has gotten AI updates, as they now feel more glitchy and rigid than the suspects.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Thanks for the praise!! Oh be sure to look out for electronic recording devices on Ridgeline. There are 5 or 6 of them that Gerard has left around.

AI teammates will definitely be getting an overhaul, I agree. The more other things improve especially.