Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

17 Feb

10 Feb

08 Feb


😂 yeah they spawn behind you off screen when the mission is complete. they are also invincible, so you can't kill them haha.

07 Feb


Originally posted by MarinemainEtG

Hire this person now

A tier dialogue, will really benefit the project in a big way!

05 Feb


Originally posted by Kizilejderha

Gas station robberies were invented by John Robber in 2023, inspired by the gas station level from the hit video game Ready or Not

Its true I met him once

28 Jan

27 Jan

20 Jan

12 Jan


No amen break? No record deal


Originally posted by AppropriateGuide9155

Devs can also code less ass and penis and more story telling

Hard disagree

11 Jan


Originally posted by AmazonSlavPrime

This would make the no death iron man runs so much easier

If any VOID devs are seeing this PLEASE add this

Love it!


These go hard. First pic looks real

06 Jan

05 Jan


Touched on that discussion in this thread

Also while we want players to buy DLC, keep in mind that we’ve kept them pretty open to players — only the host has to own the map to play with friends, for example, and the weapons are free to all. But I can understand that’s how it might appear without context. Seen this a lot recently so I thought I’d address it! :)


Dropped a few comments here but I wanted to touch base on the decision to cut the modes:

Ready or Not released into early access with a lot of experimental content — some of you may remember grey maps with no art at all, some that were partially completed, and some that after significant time with users, were cut completely (I’m looking at you Fast Food). 

The road to releasing Ready or Not into early access was not an easy one, but once we finally had something fun we wanted to make sure there was enough content to keep players coming back while we worked on new things. That’s how this came about, as it was a pretty easy way of giving you guys more stuff to play without the request for entirely new maps. However, like many things back then it was added without a consideration for how it would affect development of future content. While some maps did have a number of modes available, many of the new ones had only one extra (Valley of the Dolls for example only had R...

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Originally posted by ShyGuy-_

Another reason they might have done this imo is that it basically forced the devs to consider the design of the map for all 5 modes, or create different variations of the map that accommodate each mode. I could imagine it being hard to justify developing 5 different variants of the same map instead of 5 distinct and unique maps.

This was a big part of the decision to cut the modes. We would have had to release 5 modes per map, test them, validate, fix bugs etc. and then finally lock it for a release. 


Originally posted by PineCone227

Pre-1.0 generally seems to have had more content. It's weird.

A handful of maps had these options, most did not include any mission variations at all, and the ones that did were largely untested. It was a great idea initially, but I believe that we’d be getting the inverse feedback in a situation where we’d just added all mission types to all of the pre 1.0 maps instead of just creating new map content. 

From my view, 1.0 delivered way more content than what was in the earlier releases though, but this was left on the cutting room floor due to the manpower on the project and a desire to curate specific experiences per missions that made sense. 

We do have some plans though that will address this post (and others like it) soon. 

04 Jan


Snailposting is the new Gratr