I have no dog in this race but yes it is!
I have no dog in this race but yes it is!
That’s damn good!
The real superman teaser no one is talking about 😭
Completely honestly
Why did you release 1.0 when you have so much planned / not yet implemented?
Is Ready or Not a 'Live service' game?
We had completed all of the base game levels and implemented all of the content we wanted to implement.
However the plan has never been to step away from Ready or Not after 1.0, I want to keep feeding it new stuff and improving what we can for as long as we can (within reason). Not all of that will be paid DLCs either. :)
Eventually yes, the plan is to have intros. We’ve mocapped them all!
Lumen looks so cool. I wish it was just plug-and-play. I experimented with it on our UE dev branch and got some unexpectedly cool results too. Especially when you drop a chemlight and it actually behaves like a real chemlight does.
Has to be tested first. It's a mistake I have seen way too many times. Devs make a new system, add it to the whole game, the entire game breaks, it takes weeks to months to fix the game. That's especially the case with AI behavior changes.
Definitely the case with us in the past as well. We wanna get as many of the new features into existing maps as possible but that implementation takes time and a lot of testing — it’s planned though.
Based gripe. We will add some more variations next year for slick carriers.
Need more shotgun options!
It will display all player names, not just your AI friends. We also have lights on the player helmets and carriers that represent different elements.
USGS is United States Government (Stuff) idk
This is canon
Yeah after watching that, i aint arresting them.
Patricians choice
Weapons will always be free. Only cosmetics and the maps are paid. You can still play on the maps as long as the lobby host owns the DLC.
nothing like a cheeseburger from a diner
Hell yeah got the little Haagen-Dazs out and everything.