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I played about an hour of the update and have noticed 2 immersion breaking things:

  1. Suspects go incapacitated over half the time, whether I use FMJ or Hollow Point. This leads to repetitive and rigid / poor death animations and positions that they sit on the floor. They are like statues.
  2. Connected to point 1, Im seeing the same death animations over and over again. Maybe due to frequency of incapacitation. I feel like the balance between ragdoll and animations is too heavily on the animation side. Either add more animations, or increase the prevalence of ragdolling by making it initiate earlier kind of like in red dead/gta.

Other than this, game is amazing so far. Way more intense and more fair. Amazing new graphics/lighting too. Finally flashlights all look the same.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

You gotta video? Would be good to see what you’re seeing. Or if anyone else does too. Thanks!