Shoutout to RareKiwi for this map - they made a really cool ambience blending system when moving from area to area. Huge push for us to piggyback off of it and develop our own. Big ups!!!
Shoutout to RareKiwi for this map - they made a really cool ambience blending system when moving from area to area. Huge push for us to piggyback off of it and develop our own. Big ups!!!
What does ambience blending mean?
Previously the way we had the environmental background bed playing (background ambience, like outside air, or inside room tone, etc) was triggered in a very static way. So you'd walk in a doorway, boom, it would transition.
With inspiration from this map, we made a new tool that allows us to transition between those zones smoothly. Not just that - we can have it change any sound that's playing (think club music going from muffled to clear) or blend between reverbs.
Always gotta shout out the OGs though.